Professional Practice IILaajuus (10 cr)
Code: SFTSW202
10 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
During this practical training period, you will practice musculoskeletal physiotherapy and you will get the experience of interaction with real clients / patients.
Learning goals
You work in compliance with the operating principles and professional ethics of working life. You are capable of working in expert duties in different organizations in a reliable and self-directed manner. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning of the client’s musculoskeletal system; interview, observe and test. You can also identify risk factors.
You are capable of setting goals and planning therapy based on clinical reasoning. You are capable of guiding and implementing therapy in a client-oriented and progressive way. You are capable of applying evidence-based knowledge when planning and implementing physiotherapy for clients of different ages who suffer from function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system. You are capable of utilising ergonomics and technology to support the clients’ physical activity and functioning.
You can clearly document essential observations on the client’s functioning, functions restrictions and environment. You are capable of assessing and monitoring the success and cost-effectiveness of physiotherapy.
Functioning assessment competence
Therapy competence
Guidance and counselling competence
Technology and accessibility competence
Ethical competence
Voima-, kestävyys ja elastisuuden harjoittamisen osaaminen
Hyvinvointiteknologiaan liittyvä osaaminen
Fysioterapia tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön toimintarajoitteissa sisällön osaaminen
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organizations. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning and function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system in a client-centred manner. You can make a physiotherapy plan and document client based data in an appropriate manner. You are capable of utilising evidence-based knowledge when implementing physiotherapy. You are capable of utilising technology in the client’s therapy. You are able to reflect your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
17.03.2025 - 18.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Lari Lautamäki
- Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
SFT23S1Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
During this practical training period, you will practice musculoskeletal physiotherapy and you will get the experience of interaction with real clients / patients.
Learning goals
You work in compliance with the operating principles and professional ethics of working life. You are capable of working in expert duties in different organizations in a reliable and self-directed manner. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning of the client’s musculoskeletal system; interview, observe and test. You can also identify risk factors.
You are capable of setting goals and planning therapy based on clinical reasoning. You are capable of guiding and implementing therapy in a client-oriented and progressive way. You are capable of applying evidence-based knowledge when planning and implementing physiotherapy for clients of different ages who suffer from function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system. You are capable of utilising ergonomics and technology to support the clients’ physical activity and functioning.
You can clearly document essential observations on the client’s functioning, functions restrictions and environment. You are capable of assessing and monitoring the success and cost-effectiveness of physiotherapy.
Functioning assessment competence
Therapy competence
Guidance and counselling competence
Technology and accessibility competence
Ethical competence
Time and location
17.3.-19.6.2025 väliselle ajalle.
Practical training and working life connections
Harjoittelu II suoritetaan kokonaisuudessaan työelämässä. Opiskelija itse hankkii ja varaa paikan, mikä soveltuu tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön fysioterapian harjoitteluun.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Harjoitteluun sisältyy raportti, joka tulee palauttaa viikko harjoittelun päättymisestä harjoittelutyötilaan, WorkSeediin. Ohjeet raporttiin löytyvät WorkSeed-alustalta.
Student workload
Harjoittelun kokonaiskesto on 270 tuntia, minkä opiskelija suorittaa kokonaisuudessaan työelämässä.
Further information for students
Opintojaksolla hyödynetään itsearviointia, jatkuvaa arviointia sekä kokoavaa arviointia. Arviointiin osallistuvat opiskelijan lisäksi harjoittelua ohjaava fysioterapeutti tai fysioterapeutit sekä ohjaava opettaja.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organizations. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning and function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system in a client-centred manner. You can make a physiotherapy plan and document client based data in an appropriate manner. You are capable of utilising evidence-based knowledge when implementing physiotherapy. You are capable of utilising technology in the client’s therapy. You are able to reflect your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Voima-, kestävyys ja elastisuuden harjoittamisen osaaminen
Hyvinvointiteknologiaan liittyvä osaaminen
Fysioterapia tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön toimintarajoitteissa sisällön osaaminen
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Lari Lautamäki
- Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
- Sini Jokinen
- Kari Vehmaskoski
Teacher in charge
Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
SFT22SMFysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
During this practical training period, you will practice musculoskeletal physiotherapy and you will get the experience of interaction with real clients / patients.
Learning goals
You work in compliance with the operating principles and professional ethics of working life. You are capable of working in expert duties in different organizations in a reliable and self-directed manner. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning of the client’s musculoskeletal system; interview, observe and test. You can also identify risk factors.
You are capable of setting goals and planning therapy based on clinical reasoning. You are capable of guiding and implementing therapy in a client-oriented and progressive way. You are capable of applying evidence-based knowledge when planning and implementing physiotherapy for clients of different ages who suffer from function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system. You are capable of utilising ergonomics and technology to support the clients’ physical activity and functioning.
You can clearly document essential observations on the client’s functioning, functions restrictions and environment. You are capable of assessing and monitoring the success and cost-effectiveness of physiotherapy.
Functioning assessment competence
Therapy competence
Guidance and counselling competence
Technology and accessibility competence
Ethical competence
Practical training and working life connections
Harjoittelu II suoritetaan täysin työelämässä. Opiskelija itse hankkii ja varaa paikan.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Harjoitteluun sisältyy raportti, joka tulee palauttaa viikko harjoittelun päättymisestä Moodleen. Ohjeet raporttiin löytyvät Moodlesta, Harjoittelut-työtilasta.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organizations. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning and function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system in a client-centred manner. You can make a physiotherapy plan and document client based data in an appropriate manner. You are capable of utilising evidence-based knowledge when implementing physiotherapy. You are capable of utilising technology in the client’s therapy. You are able to reflect your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Voima-, kestävyys ja elastisuuden harjoittamisen osaaminen
Hyvinvointiteknologiaan liittyvä osaaminen
Fysioterapia tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön toimintarajoitteissa sisällön osaaminen
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
11.03.2024 - 14.06.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Lari Lautamäki
- Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
- Kari Vehmaskoski
Teacher in charge
Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
SFT22S1Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
During this practical training period, you will practice musculoskeletal physiotherapy and you will get the experience of interaction with real clients / patients.
Learning goals
You work in compliance with the operating principles and professional ethics of working life. You are capable of working in expert duties in different organizations in a reliable and self-directed manner. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning of the client’s musculoskeletal system; interview, observe and test. You can also identify risk factors.
You are capable of setting goals and planning therapy based on clinical reasoning. You are capable of guiding and implementing therapy in a client-oriented and progressive way. You are capable of applying evidence-based knowledge when planning and implementing physiotherapy for clients of different ages who suffer from function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system. You are capable of utilising ergonomics and technology to support the clients’ physical activity and functioning.
You can clearly document essential observations on the client’s functioning, functions restrictions and environment. You are capable of assessing and monitoring the success and cost-effectiveness of physiotherapy.
Functioning assessment competence
Therapy competence
Guidance and counselling competence
Technology and accessibility competence
Ethical competence
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organizations. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning and function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system in a client-centred manner. You can make a physiotherapy plan and document client based data in an appropriate manner. You are capable of utilising evidence-based knowledge when implementing physiotherapy. You are capable of utilising technology in the client’s therapy. You are able to reflect your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Voima-, kestävyys ja elastisuuden harjoittamisen osaaminen
Hyvinvointiteknologiaan liittyvä osaaminen
Fysioterapia tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön toimintarajoitteissa sisällön osaaminen
13.03.2023 - 22.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Minna Haapakoski
- Lari Lautamäki
- Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
- Kari Vehmaskoski
Teacher in charge
Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
SFT21S1Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
SFT21SMFysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
During this practical training period, you will practice musculoskeletal physiotherapy and you will get the experience of interaction with real clients / patients.
Learning goals
You work in compliance with the operating principles and professional ethics of working life. You are capable of working in expert duties in different organizations in a reliable and self-directed manner. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning of the client’s musculoskeletal system; interview, observe and test. You can also identify risk factors.
You are capable of setting goals and planning therapy based on clinical reasoning. You are capable of guiding and implementing therapy in a client-oriented and progressive way. You are capable of applying evidence-based knowledge when planning and implementing physiotherapy for clients of different ages who suffer from function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system. You are capable of utilising ergonomics and technology to support the clients’ physical activity and functioning.
You can clearly document essential observations on the client’s functioning, functions restrictions and environment. You are capable of assessing and monitoring the success and cost-effectiveness of physiotherapy.
Functioning assessment competence
Therapy competence
Guidance and counselling competence
Technology and accessibility competence
Ethical competence
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organizations. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning and function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system in a client-centred manner. You can make a physiotherapy plan and document client based data in an appropriate manner. You are capable of utilising evidence-based knowledge when implementing physiotherapy. You are capable of utilising technology in the client’s therapy. You are able to reflect your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Voima-, kestävyys ja elastisuuden harjoittamisen osaaminen
Hyvinvointiteknologiaan liittyvä osaaminen
Fysioterapia tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön toimintarajoitteissa sisällön osaaminen
01.11.2021 - 05.01.2023
14.03.2022 - 12.03.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 25
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Lari Lautamäki
- Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
- Kari Vehmaskoski
Teacher in charge
Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
During this practical training period, you will practice musculoskeletal physiotherapy and you will get the experience of interaction with real clients / patients.
Learning goals
You work in compliance with the operating principles and professional ethics of working life. You are capable of working in expert duties in different organizations in a reliable and self-directed manner. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning of the client’s musculoskeletal system; interview, observe and test. You can also identify risk factors.
You are capable of setting goals and planning therapy based on clinical reasoning. You are capable of guiding and implementing therapy in a client-oriented and progressive way. You are capable of applying evidence-based knowledge when planning and implementing physiotherapy for clients of different ages who suffer from function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system. You are capable of utilising ergonomics and technology to support the clients’ physical activity and functioning.
You can clearly document essential observations on the client’s functioning, functions restrictions and environment. You are capable of assessing and monitoring the success and cost-effectiveness of physiotherapy.
Functioning assessment competence
Therapy competence
Guidance and counselling competence
Technology and accessibility competence
Ethical competence
Time and location
In Spring 2022.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Study material used in course Physiotherapy on Musculoskeletal disorders and Sports. Evidence- based litterature and research.
Teaching methods
Guided practice (Musculoskeletal Impairments and Sports) in different operating environments which promotes professional skills.
Practical training and working life connections
Guided practice in different operating environments which promotes professional skills.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
A student completes the supervised practical training with a passing mark, if he or she completes the agreed upon learning tasks.
Student workload
297 hours.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organizations. You are capable of examining and analyzing the functioning and function restrictions of the musculoskeletal system in a client-centred manner. You can make a physiotherapy plan and document client based data in an appropriate manner. You are capable of utilising evidence-based knowledge when implementing physiotherapy. You are capable of utilising technology in the client’s therapy. You are able to reflect your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Voima-, kestävyys ja elastisuuden harjoittamisen osaaminen
Hyvinvointiteknologiaan liittyvä osaaminen
Fysioterapia tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön toimintarajoitteissa sisällön osaaminen