Professional Practice IIILaajuus (10 cr)
Code: SFTSW203
10 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
- Lari Lautamäki
Purpose of the course
During this practice you will receive skills of physiotherapy of different age of neurological clients and multidisciplinary rehabilitation.
Learning Outcomes
You are able to work in expert duties in different organisations in a reliable and self-directed manner.
You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients of different ages, in particular the client’s mobility.
You can document essential observations on the client’s functioning, resources, limitations and operating environment systematically.
You can utilise assessment and clinical decision to prepare a physiotherapy plan as part of a broader rehabilitation plan and service system together with the client and with consideration to the client’s needs and those of their family.
You can apply evidence-based information on an individual basis in the planning and implementing of physiotherapy for neurological clients of different ages.
You are able to utilise technology in the assessment of the client’s mobility and functioning in rehabilitation, guidance and counselling, and in physical therapy.
You can work together with the client to assess the functionality of the environment in relation to the client’s resources and functional goals, as well as plan accessible environments and promote equality among people through multi-professional cooperation.
Course competences: Functioning assessment competence, Therapy competence, Guidance and counselling competence, Technology and accessibility competence, Ethical competence
Contents depends of practical placements.
Competence of Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments, Therapeutic exercise (part lll content) and Adapted physical education
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
Assessment criteria: Pass, fail
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organisations. You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients. You know how to draw up a physiotherapy plan together with the client. You can apply evidence-based information in implementing physiotherapy. You can utilise technology diversely in client rehabilitation. You are able to assess the functionality of the client’s environment together with the client and in multi-professional cooperation. You are able to assess your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
- Lari Lautamäki
SFT22S1Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
SFT22SMFysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
Purpose of the course
During this practice you will receive skills of physiotherapy of different age of neurological clients and multidisciplinary rehabilitation.
Learning Outcomes
You are able to work in expert duties in different organisations in a reliable and self-directed manner.
You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients of different ages, in particular the client’s mobility.
You can document essential observations on the client’s functioning, resources, limitations and operating environment systematically.
You can utilise assessment and clinical decision to prepare a physiotherapy plan as part of a broader rehabilitation plan and service system together with the client and with consideration to the client’s needs and those of their family.
You can apply evidence-based information on an individual basis in the planning and implementing of physiotherapy for neurological clients of different ages.
You are able to utilise technology in the assessment of the client’s mobility and functioning in rehabilitation, guidance and counselling, and in physical therapy.
You can work together with the client to assess the functionality of the environment in relation to the client’s resources and functional goals, as well as plan accessible environments and promote equality among people through multi-professional cooperation.
Course competences: Functioning assessment competence, Therapy competence, Guidance and counselling competence, Technology and accessibility competence, Ethical competence
Contents depends of practical placements.
Time and location
Harjoittelu suoritetaan opetussuunnitelman tai henkilökohtaisen opiskelusuunnitelman mukaan.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy raportti ja oppimispäiväkirjan kirjoittaminen
Practical training and working life connections
Harjoittelu suoritetaan työelämässä.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttejä vaan käytännön harjoittelua työelämässä.
Student workload
Harjoittelu on 10 op eli 270 tuntia, joka sisältää harjoittelun lisäksi raportin - ja oppimispäiväkirjan kirjoittamisen.
Further information for students
Opintojakso on hyväksytysti suoritettu, kun opiskelija on saavuttanut osaamistavoitteet , tehnyt vaadittavat tehtävät ajallaan ja harjoittelutunnit ovat täyttyneet.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Assessment criteria: Pass, fail
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organisations. You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients. You know how to draw up a physiotherapy plan together with the client. You can apply evidence-based information in implementing physiotherapy. You can utilise technology diversely in client rehabilitation. You are able to assess the functionality of the client’s environment together with the client and in multi-professional cooperation. You are able to assess your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Competence of Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments, Therapeutic exercise (part lll content) and Adapted physical education
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
- Lari Lautamäki
- Sini Jokinen
- Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge
Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
SFT21SMFysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
Purpose of the course
During this practice you will receive skills of physiotherapy of different age of neurological clients and multidisciplinary rehabilitation.
Learning Outcomes
You are able to work in expert duties in different organisations in a reliable and self-directed manner.
You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients of different ages, in particular the client’s mobility.
You can document essential observations on the client’s functioning, resources, limitations and operating environment systematically.
You can utilise assessment and clinical decision to prepare a physiotherapy plan as part of a broader rehabilitation plan and service system together with the client and with consideration to the client’s needs and those of their family.
You can apply evidence-based information on an individual basis in the planning and implementing of physiotherapy for neurological clients of different ages.
You are able to utilise technology in the assessment of the client’s mobility and functioning in rehabilitation, guidance and counselling, and in physical therapy.
You can work together with the client to assess the functionality of the environment in relation to the client’s resources and functional goals, as well as plan accessible environments and promote equality among people through multi-professional cooperation.
Course competences: Functioning assessment competence, Therapy competence, Guidance and counselling competence, Technology and accessibility competence, Ethical competence
Contents depends of practical placements.
Time and location
Harjoittelu suoritetaan opetussuunnitelman tai henkilökohtaisen opiskelusuunnitelman mukaan.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy raportti ja oppimispäiväkirjan kirjoittaminen
Practical training and working life connections
Harjoittelu suoritetaan työelämässä.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttejä vaan käytännön harjoittelua työelämässä.
Student workload
Harjoittelu on 10 op eli 270 tuntia, joka sisältää harjoittelun lisäksi raportin - ja oppimispäiväkirjan kirjoittamisen.
Further information for students
Opintojakso on hyväksytysti suoritettu, kun opiskelija on saavuttanut osaamistavoitteet , tehnyt vaadittavat tehtävät ajallaan ja harjoittelutunnit ovat täyttyneet.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Assessment criteria: Pass, fail
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organisations. You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients. You know how to draw up a physiotherapy plan together with the client. You can apply evidence-based information in implementing physiotherapy. You can utilise technology diversely in client rehabilitation. You are able to assess the functionality of the client’s environment together with the client and in multi-professional cooperation. You are able to assess your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Competence of Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments, Therapeutic exercise (part lll content) and Adapted physical education
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
03.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
- Lari Lautamäki
- Sanna Paasu-Hynynen
Teacher in charge
Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
SFT21S1Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
Purpose of the course
During this practice you will receive skills of physiotherapy of different age of neurological clients and multidisciplinary rehabilitation.
Learning Outcomes
You are able to work in expert duties in different organisations in a reliable and self-directed manner.
You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients of different ages, in particular the client’s mobility.
You can document essential observations on the client’s functioning, resources, limitations and operating environment systematically.
You can utilise assessment and clinical decision to prepare a physiotherapy plan as part of a broader rehabilitation plan and service system together with the client and with consideration to the client’s needs and those of their family.
You can apply evidence-based information on an individual basis in the planning and implementing of physiotherapy for neurological clients of different ages.
You are able to utilise technology in the assessment of the client’s mobility and functioning in rehabilitation, guidance and counselling, and in physical therapy.
You can work together with the client to assess the functionality of the environment in relation to the client’s resources and functional goals, as well as plan accessible environments and promote equality among people through multi-professional cooperation.
Course competences: Functioning assessment competence, Therapy competence, Guidance and counselling competence, Technology and accessibility competence, Ethical competence
Contents depends of practical placements.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Assessment criteria: Pass, fail
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organisations. You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients. You know how to draw up a physiotherapy plan together with the client. You can apply evidence-based information in implementing physiotherapy. You can utilise technology diversely in client rehabilitation. You are able to assess the functionality of the client’s environment together with the client and in multi-professional cooperation. You are able to assess your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Competence of Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments, Therapeutic exercise (part lll content) and Adapted physical education
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
28.08.2023 - 22.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Teemu Elomaa
- Lari Lautamäki
- Sanna Paasu-Hynynen
Teacher in charge
Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
SFT21S1Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
Purpose of the course
During this practice you will receive skills of physiotherapy of different age of neurological clients and multidisciplinary rehabilitation.
Learning Outcomes
You are able to work in expert duties in different organisations in a reliable and self-directed manner.
You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients of different ages, in particular the client’s mobility.
You can document essential observations on the client’s functioning, resources, limitations and operating environment systematically.
You can utilise assessment and clinical decision to prepare a physiotherapy plan as part of a broader rehabilitation plan and service system together with the client and with consideration to the client’s needs and those of their family.
You can apply evidence-based information on an individual basis in the planning and implementing of physiotherapy for neurological clients of different ages.
You are able to utilise technology in the assessment of the client’s mobility and functioning in rehabilitation, guidance and counselling, and in physical therapy.
You can work together with the client to assess the functionality of the environment in relation to the client’s resources and functional goals, as well as plan accessible environments and promote equality among people through multi-professional cooperation.
Course competences: Functioning assessment competence, Therapy competence, Guidance and counselling competence, Technology and accessibility competence, Ethical competence
Contents depends of practical placements.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Assessment criteria: Pass, fail
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organisations. You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients. You know how to draw up a physiotherapy plan together with the client. You can apply evidence-based information in implementing physiotherapy. You can utilise technology diversely in client rehabilitation. You are able to assess the functionality of the client’s environment together with the client and in multi-professional cooperation. You are able to assess your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Competence of Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments, Therapeutic exercise (part lll content) and Adapted physical education
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
02.01.2023 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
10 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
Teacher in charge
Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
SFT21S1Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
SFT21SMFysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
Purpose of the course
During this practice you will receive skills of physiotherapy of different age of neurological clients and multidisciplinary rehabilitation.
Learning Outcomes
You are able to work in expert duties in different organisations in a reliable and self-directed manner.
You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients of different ages, in particular the client’s mobility.
You can document essential observations on the client’s functioning, resources, limitations and operating environment systematically.
You can utilise assessment and clinical decision to prepare a physiotherapy plan as part of a broader rehabilitation plan and service system together with the client and with consideration to the client’s needs and those of their family.
You can apply evidence-based information on an individual basis in the planning and implementing of physiotherapy for neurological clients of different ages.
You are able to utilise technology in the assessment of the client’s mobility and functioning in rehabilitation, guidance and counselling, and in physical therapy.
You can work together with the client to assess the functionality of the environment in relation to the client’s resources and functional goals, as well as plan accessible environments and promote equality among people through multi-professional cooperation.
Course competences: Functioning assessment competence, Therapy competence, Guidance and counselling competence, Technology and accessibility competence, Ethical competence
Contents depends of practical placements.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
Assessment criteria: Pass, fail
Your practical training is passed when you are able to work in a self-directed and reliable manner in different organisations. You can study and analyse the preconditions and limitations of functional capacity in neurological clients. You know how to draw up a physiotherapy plan together with the client. You can apply evidence-based information in implementing physiotherapy. You can utilise technology diversely in client rehabilitation. You are able to assess the functionality of the client’s environment together with the client and in multi-professional cooperation. You are able to assess your activities and the effectiveness of the physiotherapy.
Competence of Physiotherapy in Neurological Impairments, Therapeutic exercise (part lll content) and Adapted physical education