Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational TherapyLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: STTS2013
5 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Liisa Mattila
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
10.03.2025 - 18.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- kp 502 Toimintaterapia 1 Virtuaaliopettaja
- Jaana Ritsilä
Teacher in charge
Liisa Mattila
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Capacity: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Capacity: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
STT24KMToimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Small groups
- Scheduling group 1
- Scheduling group 2
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Fisher, A.G & Marterella, A. 2019. Powerful Practice. A Model for Authentic Occupational Therapy. Kappaleet 2 ja 3 (s15-56), kappale 6 (s131-215) sekä Appendix A B,C ja D (s327-377)
Hyvät arviointikäytänteet suomalaisessa toimintaterapiassa. Aralinna, V, Heiskanen, T, Juntunen, K., Kantanen, M. Kanto-Ronkanen, A., Karhula, M., Lautamo, T. 2021. Suomen Toimintaterapeuttiliitto.
Law, M. (2017) Measuring Occupational Performance. Supporting best practice in occupational therapy. SLACK Incorporated
Teaching methods
Opintojaksolla osallistut webinaareihin ja kontaktiopetukseen.
Opetukseen kuuluu opettajan pitämiä alustuksia, toiminnallisia oppimismenetelmiä, oppimisen ohjausta ja opiskeltavien arviointimenetelmien käytön harjoittelua.
Opiskelet arvioinnin toteuttamista harjoitustehtävän avulla ryhmätyönä.
Valmistaudut itsenäisesti oppimistilanteisiin Moodle oppimisympäristössä määriteltyjen materiaalien ja tehtävien avulla.
Perehdyt tenttikirjallisuuteen itsenäisesti sekä opettajan laatiman ja esittelemän oppimateriaalin tuella.
Oppimisen ohjaamisessa hyödynnetään oppimisanalytiikkaa sekä opettajalta saatavaa palautetta.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Suoritat tentin itsenäisesti Moodle oppimisympäristössä opintojakson loppupuolella.
Tarkemmat tentin aukioloajat ja uusintamahdollisuudet ilmoitetaan Moodle -oppimisympäristössä.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus 5 op tarkoittaa 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä, jonka ajatellaan jakaantuvan seuraavasti:
Osallistut kontaktiopetukseen 16 tunnin ajan.
Osallistut webinaareihin 16 tunnin ajan.
Tutustut videomateriaaliin 6 tunnin ajan.
Teet valmistautumistehtäviä ja kirjallisia tehtäviä yhteensä 20 tuntia.
Perehdyt suomenkieliseen kirjallisuuteen 10 tunnin ajan.
Perehdyt englanninkieliseen kirjallisuuteen noin 40 tunnin ajan
Arvioit omaa oppimistasi ja osaamistasi 5 tunnin ajan.
Suoritat osaamistestin ja tentin, joihin käytät aikaa yhteensä enintään 5 tuntia.
Toteutat ryhmätyönä tehtävää harjoitustehtävää noin 20 tunnin ajan.
Content scheduling
Osallistut aikataulun mukaisiin webinaareihin ja kontaktitunneille.
Teet webinaareihin ja kontaktipäiviin liittyvät valmistautumistehtävät viimeistään ennen niiden alkua, mutta näitä
valmistautumistehtäviä voit tehdä jo aiemminkin. Havainnointitehtävän voit ajoittaa ryhmällesi sopivaan ajankohtaan opintojaksoa. Tenttiin valmistautuminen kannattaa aloittaa vasta opintojakson puolivälin jälkeen. Kaikki tehtävät tulee palauttaa opintojakson päättymiseen mennessä.
Further information for students
Opintojakson suoritus arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty.
Arviointipäätös perustuu seuraaviin suorituksiin:
Suoritat tentin opintojakson kirjallisuudesta
Suoritat osaamista mittaavan testin
Teet havainnointiin liittyvän oppimistehtävän.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
28.10.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Jaana Ritsilä
- Liisa Mattila
Teacher in charge
Liisa Mattila
STT23S1Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Fisher, A.G & Marterella, A. 2019. Powerful Practice. A Model for Authentic Occupational Therapy. Kappaleet 2 ja 3 (s15-56), kappale 6 (s131-215) sekä Appendix A B,C ja D (s327-377)
Hyvät arviointikäytänteet suomalaisessa toimintaterapiassa. Aralinna, V, Heiskanen, T, Juntunen, K., Kantanen, M. Kanto-Ronkanen, A., Karhula, M., Lautamo, T. 2021. Suomen Toimintaterapeuttiliitto.
Law, M. (2017) Measuring Occupational Performance. Supporting best practice in occupational therapy. SLACK Incorporated
Teaching methods
Opetus toteutetaan luokkaopetuksena. Opetukseen kuuluu opettajan pitämiä alustuksia, toiminnallisia oppimismenetelmiä, oppimisen ohjausta ja opiskeltavien arviointimenetelmien käytön harjoittelua.
Valmistaudut itsenäisesti oppimistilanteisiin erikseen annettujen materiaalien ja tehtävien avulla.
Peredyt tenttikirjallisuuteen sekä itsenäisesti että opettajan esittelemän ja jakaman materiaalin tuella.
Opiskelet havainnointiin perustuvaa arviointia harjoitustehtävän avulla ryhmätyönä.
Oppimisen ohjaamisessa hyödynnetään Moodle oppimisympäristön oppimisanalytiikkaa sekä opettajalta saatavaa palautetta.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Suoritat tentin itsenäisesti Moodle oppimisympäristössä opintojakson loppupuolella.
Tarkemmat tentin aukioloajat ja uusintamahdollisuudet ilmoitetaan Moodle -oppimisympäristössä.
Alternative completion methods
Opintojakson osittainen hyväksiluku on mahdollista ESI tai AMPS menetelmäkoulutuksen perusteella.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus 5 op tarkoittaa 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä. Tämän työmaäärän ajatellaan jakautuvan seuraavasti:
Osallistut luokkaopetukseen 32 tunnin ajan
Tutustut videomateriaaliin 6 tunnin ajan.
Teet valmistautumistehtäviä ja kirjallisia tehtäviä yhteensä 20 tuntia.
Perehdyt suomenkieliseen kirjallisuuteen 10 tunnin ajan.
Perehdyt englanninkieliseen kirjallisuuteen noin 40 tunnin ajan
Arvioit omaa oppimistasi ja osaamistasi 5 tunnin ajan.
Suoritat osaamistestin ja tentin, joihin käytät aikaa yhteensä enintään 5 tuntia.
Toteutat ryhmätyönä tehtävää harjoitustehtävää noin 20 tunnin ajan.
Content scheduling
Osallistu kontaktitunneille aikataulun mukaisesti.
Tee webinaareihin ja kontaktipäiviin liittyvät valmistautumistehtävät viimeistään ennen niiden alkua, mutta näitä
valmistautumistehtäviä voit tehdä jo aiemminkin. Havainnointitehtävän voit ajoittaa ryhmällesi sopivaan ajankohtaan opintojaksoa. Tenttiin valmistautuminen kannattaa aloittaa vasta opintojakson puolivälin jälkeen. Kaikki tehtävät tulee palauttaa opintojakson päättymiseen mennessä.
Further information for students
Opintojakson suoritus arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty.
Arviointipäätös perustuu seuraaviin suorituksiin:
Suoritat tentin opintojakson kirjallisuudesta.
Suoritat osaamista mittaavan testin.
Teet havainnointiin liittyvän oppimistehtävän.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
28.10.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Jaana Ritsilä
- Liisa Mattila
Teacher in charge
Liisa Mattila
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä 1 (Capacity: 23. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä 2 (Capacity: 23. Open UAS: 0.)
STT23SMToimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Small groups
- Scheduling group 1
- Scheduling group 2
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Fisher, A.G & Marterella, A. 2019. Powerful Practice. A Model for Authentic Occupational Therapy. Kappaleet 2 ja 3 (s15-56), kappale 6 (s131-215) sekä Appendix A B,C ja D (s327-377)
Hyvät arviointikäytänteet suomalaisessa toimintaterapiassa. Aralinna, V, Heiskanen, T, Juntunen, K., Kantanen, M. Kanto-Ronkanen, A., Karhula, M., Lautamo, T. 2021. Suomen Toimintaterapeuttiliitto.
Law, M. (2017) Measuring Occupational Performance. Supporting best practice in occupational therapy. SLACK Incorporated
Teaching methods
Opintojaksolla osallistut webinaareihin ja kontaktiopetukseen.
Opetukseen kuuluu opettajan pitämiä alustuksia, toiminnallisia oppimismenetelmiä, oppimisen ohjausta ja opiskeltavien arviointimenetelmien käytön harjoittelua.
Opiskelet arvioinnin toteuttamista harjoitustehtävän avulla ryhmätyönä.
Valmistaudut itsenäisesti oppimistilanteisiin Moodle oppimisympäristössä määriteltyjen materiaalien ja tehtävien avulla.
Perehdyt tenttikirjallisuuteen itsenäisesti sekä opettajan laatiman ja esittelemän oppimateriaalin tuella.
Oppimisen ohjaamisessa hyödynnetään oppimisanalytiikkaa sekä opettajalta saatavaa palautetta.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Suoritat tentin itsenäisesti Moodle oppimisympäristössä opintojakson loppupuolella.
Tarkemmat tentin aukioloajat ja uusintamahdollisuudet ilmoitetaan Moodle -oppimisympäristössä.
Student workload
Opintojakson laajuus 5 op tarkoittaa 135 tuntia opiskelijan työtä, jonka ajatellaan jakaantuvan seuraavasti:
Osallistut kontaktiopetukseen 16 tunnin ajan.
Osallistut webinaareihin 16 tunnin ajan.
Tutustut videomateriaaliin 6 tunnin ajan.
Teet valmistautumistehtäviä ja kirjallisia tehtäviä yhteensä 20 tuntia.
Perehdyt suomenkieliseen kirjallisuuteen 10 tunnin ajan.
Perehdyt englanninkieliseen kirjallisuuteen noin 40 tunnin ajan
Arvioit omaa oppimistasi ja osaamistasi 5 tunnin ajan.
Suoritat osaamistestin ja tentin, joihin käytät aikaa yhteensä enintään 5 tuntia.
Toteutat ryhmätyönä tehtävää harjoitustehtävää noin 20 tunnin ajan.
Content scheduling
Osallistut aikataulun mukaisiin webinaareihin ja kontaktitunneille.
Teet webinaareihin ja kontaktipäiviin liittyvät valmistautumistehtävät viimeistään ennen niiden alkua, mutta näitä
valmistautumistehtäviä voit tehdä jo aiemminkin. Havainnointitehtävän voit ajoittaa ryhmällesi sopivaan ajankohtaan opintojaksoa. Tenttiin valmistautuminen kannattaa aloittaa vasta opintojakson puolivälin jälkeen. Kaikki tehtävät tulee palauttaa opintojakson päättymiseen mennessä.
Further information for students
Opintojakson suoritus arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty.
Arviointipäätös perustuu seuraaviin suorituksiin:
Suoritat tentin opintojakson kirjallisuudesta
Suoritat osaamista mittaavan testin
Teet havainnointiin liittyvän oppimistehtävän.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Anu Halonen
- kp 502 Toimintaterapia 1 Virtuaaliopettaja
- Jaana Ritsilä
- Liisa Mattila
Teacher in charge
Liisa Mattila
Scheduling groups
- Pienryhmä A kontaktit 1 (Capacity: 23. Open UAS: 0.)
- Pienryhmä B kontaktit (Capacity: 23. Open UAS: 0.)
STT22SMToimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Small groups
- Scheduling group 1
- Scheduling group 2
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Fisher, A.G & Marterella, A. 2019. Powerful Practice. A Model for Authentic Occupational Therapy. Kappaleet 2 ja 3 (s15-56), kappale 6 (s131-215) sekä Appendix A B,C ja D (s327-377)
Hyvät arviointikäytänteet suomalaisessa toimintaterapiassa. Aralinna, V, Heiskanen, T, Juntunen, K., Kantanen, M. Kanto-Ronkanen, A., Karhula, M., Lautamo, T. 2021. Suomen Toimintaterapeuttiliitto.
Law, M. (2017) Measuring Occupational Performance. Supporting best practice in occupational therapy. SLACK Incorporated
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen opiskelu
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti toteutetaan itsenäisesti Moodle oppimisympäristössä opintojakson loppupuolella.
Tarkemmat tentin aukioloajat, ml uusintamahdollisuudet ilmoitetaan Moodle -oppimisympäristössä.
Alternative completion methods
Osittainen hyväksiluku ESI tai AMPS menetelmäkoulutuksen perusteella.
Student workload
Itsenäinen opiskelu, oppimispiirityöskentely ja oppimistehtävät 4op
Webinaarit ja valmistautumistehtävät 1op
Further information for students
Opintojakson suoritus arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty.
Tentti opintojakson kirjallisuudesta (Fisher & Marterella -kirjan osioita)
Osaamista mittaava testi
Havainnointiin liittyvä oppimistehtävä
Opintojakson kontaktipäivät toteutuvat kahdessa ryhmässä (A ja B), niin että kukin opiskelija osallistuu kahteen kontaktipäivään, joissa molemmissa on eri sisällöt.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Anu Halonen
- kp 502 Toimintaterapia 1 Virtuaaliopettaja
- Jaana Ritsilä
- Liisa Mattila
Teacher in charge
Liisa Mattila
STT22S1Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Fisher, A.G & Marterella, A. 2019. Powerful Practice. A Model for Authentic Occupational Therapy. Kappaleet 2 ja 3 (s15-56), kappale 6 (s131-215) sekä Appendix A B,C ja D (s327-377)
Hyvät arviointikäytänteet suomalaisessa toimintaterapiassa. Aralinna, V, Heiskanen, T, Juntunen, K., Kantanen, M. Kanto-Ronkanen, A., Karhula, M., Lautamo, T. 2021. Suomen Toimintaterapeuttiliitto.
Law, M. (2017) Measuring Occupational Performance. Supporting best practice in occupational therapy. SLACK Incorporated
Teaching methods
Luokkaopetus ja käytännön harjoittelu
Valmistautumistehtävät & itsenäinen opiskelu
Oppimistehtävät, testit ja tentit
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti toteutetaan itsenäisesti Moodle oppimisympäristlssä opintojakson loppupuolella. Tarkemmat tentin aukioloajat, ml uusintamahdollisuudet ilmoitetaan Moodle -oppimisympäristössä.
Alternative completion methods
Osittainen hyväksiluku ESI tai AMPS menetelmäkoulutuksen perusteella.
Student workload
Itsenäinen opiskelu, oppimistehtävät ja tentit 4op
Oppimistilanteet ja valmistautumistehtävät 1op
Further information for students
Opintojakson suoritus arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty.
Tentti opintojakson kirjallisuudesta (Fisher & Marterella -kirjan osioita)
Osaamista mittaava testi
Havainnointiin liittyvä oppimistehtävä
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.
01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022
31.10.2022 - 21.12.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Jaana Ritsilä
- Kristiina Juntunen
- Johanna Juola
Teacher in charge
Jaana Ritsilä
STT21SMToimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Fisher, A.G & Marterella, A. 2019. Powerful Practice. A Model for Authentic Occupational Therapy. Kappaleet 2 ja 3 (s15-56), kappale 6 (s131-215) sekä Appendix A B,C ja D (s327-377)
Hyvät arviointikäytänteet suomalaisessa toimintaterapiassa. Aralinna, V, Heiskanen, T, Juntunen, K., Kantanen, M. Kanto-Ronkanen, A., Karhula, M., Lautamo, T. 2021. Suomen Toimintaterapeuttiliitto.
Law, M. (2017) Measuring Occupational Performance. Supporting best practice in occupational therapy. SLACK Incorporated
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen opiskelu
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti toteutetaan itsenäisesti Moodle oppimisympäristlssä opintojakson loppupuolella. Tarkemmat tentin aukioloajat, ml uusintamahdollisuudet ilmoitetaan Moodle -oppimisympäristössä.
Alternative completion methods
Osittainen hyväksiluku ESI tai AMPS menetelmäkoulutuksen perusteella.
Student workload
Itsenäinen opiskelu, oppimispiirityöskentely ja oppimistehtävät 4op
Webinaarit ja valmistautumistehtävät 1op
Further information for students
Opintojakson suoritus arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty.
Tentti opintojakson kirjallisuudesta (Fisher & Marterella -kirjan osioita)
Osaamista mittaava testi
Havainnointiin liittyvä oppimistehtävä
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.
23.05.2022 - 12.09.2022
01.09.2022 - 31.10.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 25
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Jaana Ritsilä
- Mari Kantanen
- Tuula Hämäläinen
STT22KMTEToimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso on suunnattu vain LAB ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa yhteistyössä toteutettavan työvoimakoulutuksen opiskelijoille.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.
01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022
29.08.2022 - 28.10.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
60 % Face-to-face, 40 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Jaana Ritsilä
- Kristiina Juntunen
- Johanna Juola
Teacher in charge
Jaana Ritsilä
STT21S1Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Fisher, A.G & Marterella, A. 2019. Powerful Practice. A Model for Authentic Occupational Therapy. Kappaleet 2 ja 3 (s15-56), kappale 6 (s131-215) sekä Appendix A B,C ja D (s327-377)
Hyvät arviointikäytänteet suomalaisessa toimintaterapiassa. Aralinna, V, Heiskanen, T, Juntunen, K., Kantanen, M. Kanto-Ronkanen, A., Karhula, M., Lautamo, T. 2021. Suomen Toimintaterapeuttiliitto.
Law, M. (2017) Measuring Occupational Performance. Supporting best practice in occupational therapy. SLACK Incorporated
Teaching methods
Luokkaopetus ja käytännön harjoittelu
Valmistautumistehtävät & itsenäinen opiskelu
Oppimistehtävät, testit ja tentit
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti toteutetaan itsenäisesti Moodle oppimisympäristlssä opintojakson loppupuolella. Tarkemmat tentin aukioloajat, ml uusintamahdollisuudet ilmoitetaan Moodle -oppimisympäristössä.
Alternative completion methods
Osittainen hyväksiluku ESI tai AMPS menetelmäkoulutuksen perusteella.
Student workload
Itsenäinen opiskelu, oppimistehtävät ja tentit 4op
Oppimistilanteet ja valmistautumistehtävät 1op
Further information for students
Opintojakson suoritus arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty.
Tentti opintojakson kirjallisuudesta (Fisher & Marterella -kirjan osioita)
Osaamista mittaava testi
Havainnointiin liittyvä oppimistehtävä
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.
01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022
03.01.2022 - 11.03.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Face-to-face, 80 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
18 - 25
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Jaana Ritsilä
- Kristiina Juntunen
- Johanna Juola
Teacher in charge
Jaana Ritsilä
STT20SMLToimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn occupation based reliable use of assessment methods focusing on occupations and participation. Supporting human occupation and participation should always be based on careful baseline assessment and goal setting. Occupation and participation can be assessed by observing, interviewing, self-evaluating and measuring.
Professional relationships and partnerships
Knowledge in occupational therapy
Learning outcomes
After the course you can choose and use client centered and occupation based and focused assessment methods in a reliable way in order to assess occupation, experience and participation of a client. You will be able to observe and describe the quality of occupation by documentation. You will understand the aspects affecting occupation. You will know the differences between non standardized and standardized assessment methods. You will be able to choose purposeful assessment methods to be used taking into consideration the reliability, usability and ethical viewpoints.
In this course you will study occupation based and occupation focused assessment methods in order to assess client´s occupation, experience and participation. You will learn to use the methods in reliable and ethical ways. You will learn to observe occupation. You will learn how to interpret the assessment results and how to document them. You will learn to differentiate non standardized and standardized assessment methods and understand validity, reliability and repeatability of an assessment method. You scrutinize occupational therapy assessment with ICF framework.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Fisher, A.G & Marterella, A. 2019. Powerful Practice. A Model for Authentic Occupational Therapy. Kappaleet 2 ja 3 (s15-56), kappale 6 (s131-215) sekä Appendix A B,C ja D (s327-377)
Hyvät arviointikäytänteet suomalaisessa toimintaterapiassa. Aralinna, V, Heiskanen, T, Juntunen, K., Kantanen, M. Kanto-Ronkanen, A., Karhula, M., Lautamo, T. 2021. Suomen Toimintaterapeuttiliitto.
Law, M. (2017) Measuring Occupational Performance. Supporting best practice in occupational therapy. SLACK Incorporated
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen opiskelu
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Tentti toteutetaan itsenäisesti Moodle oppimisympäristlssä opintojakson loppupuolella. Tarkemmat tentin aukioloajat, ml uusintamahdollisuudet ilmoitetaan Moodle -oppimisympäristössä.
Alternative completion methods
Osittainen hyväksiluku ESI tai AMPS menetelmäkoulutuksen perusteella.
Student workload
Itsenäinen opiskelu, oppimispiirityöskentely ja oppimistehtävät 4op
Webinaarit ja valmistautumistehtävät 1op
Further information for students
Opintojakson suoritus arvioidaan asteikolla hyväksytty- hylätty.
Tentti opintojakson kirjallisuudesta (Fisher & Marterella -kirjan osioita)
Osaamista mittaava testi
Havainnointiin liittyvä oppimistehtävä
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You can choose a client centered and occupation based assessment method suitable for a client´s needs. You can reason the choice by taking into consideration the client´s needs, method´s repeatability and usability. You can analyze client´s occupation by using a chosen method. You are able to describe the quality of occupation by recognizing the main aspects affecting occupation, experience and participation. You recognize client factors and environmental factors affecting occupation. You are able to consider when client factors need to be assessed more precisely. You can explain the differences between non standardized and standardized methods. You consider ethical viewpoints of your assessment process.
You need to understand the phases of occupation centered assessment process in occupational therapy. You need to know how to set client centered and occupation focused goals. You need to have experience using interview and self evaluation methods.