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Motor Development and LearningLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: SFTS1804


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Tiina Kuukkanen
  • Pirjo Hynynen


The student understands the psychomotor development from infancy to old age and the factors affecting it. The student is able to search evidence based information independently. The student is able to summarize the principles of motor learning and different control systems as well as their applications to physiotherapy.


Psychomotor development of infants, toddlers and school-age children.
Physical development of adolescents.
Aging and functioning.
Concepts of motor learning, motor behavior and motor control.
Theories, levels and phases of motor learning.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent (5)
The student participates actively in class activities. In her learning assignment, she is able to connect and analyse the learned issues critically. Discusses the subjects introduced during the course (motor development and learning), rationalizing carefully and using sources which are evidence based to the subject and possibly utilizing video analysing etc. The use of concepts is structured. The presentation of the learning assignment is illustrative and well structured.

Very good (4)
The student participates actively in class activities. In her learning assignment, she is able to connect the learned issues and discusses the subjects introduced during the course (motor development and learning), rationalizing carefully and using sources which are evidence based to the subject and possibly utilizing video analysing etc. The use of concepts is structured. The presentation of the learning assignment is illustrative and well structured.

Good (3)
The student participates actively in class activities. In the learning assignment she discusses central issues connected to the course contents from the point of view of both the motoric development and learning. In the learning assignment, the student has aimed at rationalizing the chosen issues, using evidence based sources and recognising the concepts. The use of sources and video analysing etc is narrower. The presentation is illustrative and clear.

Satisfactory (2)
The student participates actively in class activities. In learning assignment, the student introduces relevant but separate issues. She has used either only a few or secondary sources and the entity is not consistent. Video monitoring etc is not used in written report. The presentation is fragmented.

Sufficient (1)
The student participates in class activities. In learning assignment, the student introduces separate issues. She has used either only a few or secondary sources and the entity is not consistent. Video monitoring etc is not used in written report or in presentation. The presentation is fragmented and misses the point.

Fail (0)
Student does not participate actively in class activities.
Learning assignment lacks sources, the issues are introduces inaccurately, discussion of motoric development or learning is missing. The assignment is late and the presentation is incomplete.
After getting “fail” from the learning assignment, the student has a possibility to complete the course by taking a book-based exam.

Distance Learning:Excellent (5)
-in the exam he masters the themes of the books excellently
Very good (4)
-in the exam the mastering of themes of the books is at very good level
Good (3)
-in the exam the mastering of themes of the books is at good level
Satisfactory (2)
-in the exam he masters the themes of the books satisfactorily
Sufficient (1)
-in the exam he masters the themes of the books sufficiently
Fail (0)
-does not take part in the exam or he does not master the themes of the books.

Grading scale for the book-based exam is 0-5