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Regenerative LeadershipLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HA00CJ78


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Anu Manner
  • Tapu Holttinen


Purpose of the Course Module

The "Renewable Leadership" course module teaches you about what makes an organization resilient to change. You gain insights into building a positive and sustainable organizational culture through bold experiments and team learning. This module trains you to act responsibly and sustainably as a leader of people in projects and within a team company.

Skills Acquired in the Course Module

Learning to Learn: You learn to analyze the current state of leading others and the team sustainably and successfully. You learn to set goals, means, and metrics for innovative leadership. You can track your progress as a leader and learn from both successes and failures.

Learning in the Workplace: You learn to build leading thoughts for the company and understand the components of corporate culture. You gain the ability to act as a team leader and a supervisor for experts.

Ethics: You recognize the role of ethics in your leadership and management culture. As a leader, you can build ethically sustainable principles for your leadership work. You understand what ethical sustainability in leadership means.

Sustainable Development: You can use knowledge related to your field to find, implement, and establish sustainable leadership practices and operational models.

Proactive Development: As a leader, you learn to follow the cycles of different phenomena and trends. You identify risks and opportunities in business. As a leader, you can utilize future studies and tools. You lead the company's business strategically and with resilience.

Objective of the Course Module

You learn to identify various effective ways to lead a team in an inspiring, sustainable, and result-oriented manner. You gain skills to assess your way of leading people. You learn to understand how to build leading thoughts for the company and what a resilient corporate culture means. You comprehend the company's management structure through governance or executive team work. You can share your expertise within the team. You learn to reflect on your leadership skills through writing and dialogue with the team. You are capable of taking responsibility for your own learning and actions.


Inspiring leadership of people in a team
Leading skills and learning
Resilient organization
Sustainable management structure of a company (e.g., board and executive team work)
Sustainable corporate culture


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Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Satisfactory 1
You have a limited understanding of the theory related to the competency area, and your ability to apply theory to practical situations is minimal. You do not understand the significance of different roles in the development of a team business and do not play an active role in its development. Your plans are vague, and learning objectives are unclear. Your project implementations are basic, showing no clear application of theory or customer-oriented thinking. Your reflections and self-assessments are superficial, not clearly identifying strengths or areas for improvement. There are clear errors in your written communication, and presentation of results is inconsistent. You do not recognize the importance of networking in professional growth nor actively seek to expand it. You show no understanding or interest in developing a positive and sustainable corporate culture.
Satisfactory 2
You have a basic understanding of the theory related to the competency area and can apply it to practice in a limited manner. You have some understanding of the importance of different roles in the development of a team business, but your participation is passive. Your plans are simple, and your learning objectives are unrealistic. Your project implementations are basic, showing limited application of theory to practice and customer-oriented thinking. Your reflections and self-assessments exist but are not in-depth. Your written communication has errors, and presentation of results is somewhat inconsistent. You are passive in expanding your network, and your understanding of its importance in professional growth is limited. In developing corporate culture, you show a basic understanding but minimal active participation in building a positive and sustainable corporate culture.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You have sufficient evidence of understanding the theory related to the competency area and can apply theory in practice in team business projects and operations. You understand the importance of different roles in the development of a team business and contribute to its development in collaboration with others. You can create clear plans and set realistic objectives both operationally and in terms of skill development. You have set concrete objectives for developing your competency area and have shown the ability to direct your actions accordingly. Projects demonstrate your ability to apply what you have learned and bring theoretical knowledge into practical operations as part of a team. Additionally, you can evaluate the achievement of your objectives and your learning process through reflections and self-assessments, identifying both your strengths and areas for improvement. Your written communication and presentation of results are clear and consistent. You understand the importance of networking and strive to expand it, but actions may still be irregular. In developing corporate culture, you contribute to a positive atmosphere and participate in shaping the culture, but leadership and initiative may be limited.
Excellent 4
You have a deep understanding of the theory related to the competency area and can apply theory effectively and consistently in practical situations. You play an active role in the development of a team business, understanding deeply the importance and impact of different roles in the growth and success of a team business. You create detailed plans and set concrete objectives both operationally and in terms of skill development collaboratively with the team. You demonstrate the ability to lead your actions according to these objectives. You have set concrete and challenging objectives for developing your competency area. You take responsibility for your own and the team's development. You implement customer projects that showcase your excellent ability to apply theory to practice, leading and acting as part of a team. Your practical experiments and theoretical knowledge lay the foundation for creating new knowledge. Your reflections and self-assessments are in-depth, clearly identifying your strengths and areas for improvement. Your written communication and presentation of results are consistent and error-free. You actively expand your network, demonstrating an understanding of its importance and effective utilization. In developing corporate culture, you show strong understanding and active role, promoting a positive and inclusive work environment.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Outstanding 5
You have an exceptionally strong understanding of the theory related to the competency area and apply it creatively and innovatively in practical situations. You are at the forefront of team business development, deeply understanding the importance and impact of different roles on the growth and success of the team business. You create innovative and comprehensive development plans and set ambitious learning objectives. You lead yourself effectively towards achieving these objectives. Your objectives for developing your competency area are significant and impactful on individual and team learning. You possess excellent teamwork skills and take responsibility for the team and your learning. You implement customer projects that are exemplary in applying theory to practice. You create new knowledge by leveraging your theoretical knowledge and practical experiences. Your reflections and self-assessments are outstanding, continually advancing your professional development. Your written communication and presentation of results are logical, critical, and error-free. You demonstrate an exceptional ability to expand your network and strategically use it as part of your professional growth, significantly also enhancing the team and team business's learning. In developing corporate culture, you exhibit exceptional leadership and initiative, creating sustainable and impactful cultural changes that promote the organization's overall well-being and success.