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Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy: Full-time studies

Code: STT2023SS

Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2023

Teaching language:

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 1. / 2023 2. / 2024 3. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2025 3. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 1. / 2026

(Choose all )

ZZPC0220 English for Working Life 4 4 4 4
ZZPC0320 Swedish for Working Life 4 4 4 4
ZZPC0420 Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes) 3 3 3 3
ZZPP0420 ICT Skills 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

ZZPP0740 JAMK InnoFlash 2 2 2 2
ZZPP0750 Entrepreneurship 3 3 3 3
ZZPP0920 Future Factory Project 10 10 10 10

(Choose all )

ZZPP0520 Development as an Expert 5 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1
SZZZ2000 Clienthood and Service Systems in Social and Health Care 5 5 5 5
SZXX2010 Functioning, Participation and Counselling 5 5 5 5
SZXX2011 Medicine and pharmacological treatment 5 5 5 5
ST00BA13 Occupational Anatomy and Physiology 5 5 5 2.5 2.5

(Choose all )

STTS2010 Introduction to Enabling Occupation 5 5 5 5
STTS2011 Evidence Based Occupational Therapy 5 5 5 5
STTSW201 Professional Practice I 6 6 6 6

(Choose all )

STTS2013 Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational Therapy 5 5 5 5
STTSW202 Professional Practice II 15 15 15 15
ST00BO76 Occupation Centered Assessment Process in Occupational Therapy 5 5 5 2.5 2.5

(Choose all )

STTS2014 Enabling Occupation I 10 10 10 10
SWTT2010 Enabling Occupation II 10 10 10 10
STTSW203 Professional Practice III 15 15 15 15
STTSW204 Professional Practice IV 15 15 15 15

(Choose 25)

STTS2015 Environmental Assessment and Adaptation 5 5 5 5
SWTT2011 Community Based Interventions 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
SZXX2015 Activity Based Group Work 5 5 5 5
STTS2016 Occupation Centered Lifestyle Interventions 5 5 5 5
ST00BO75 Activity Based Group Work 5
SZXX2012 Human-Centered Design in Social and Health Care 5 5 5 5

(Choose all )

ZZPP0620 Research and Development 5 5 5 5
ZZ00BL91 Bachelor's Thesis, Planning 3 3 3 3
ZZ00BL97 Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing 2 2 2 2
ZZ00BL92 Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation 6 6 6 6
ZZ00BL93 Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment 4 4 4 4
ZZOA0220 Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree 0

(Choose 10)


(Choose 20)

0 - 20
SZXX2020 Robotics in rehabilitation and social welfare 5
SZXX2021 Opportunities for utilising health technology 5
SZXX2022 Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social services 5
SZXX2024 Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young People 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZZZ1851 Basics of Green Care 5
SZZZ1852 Clients and Environments in Green Care 5
SZZZ1853 Green Care methods and practices 5

(Choose 10)

0 - 10
SZ00BM09 The New Services of Employment and Working Ability 5
SZ00BM10 The Widespread View in Employment and Working Ability 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZXX2025 Working Ability and Working Life in the Future 5
SZXX2026 Services in vocational rehabiliation 5
SZ00BT64 Työhön paluun ja työssäjatkamisen suunnittelu 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZXX2016 Rehabilitation with Elderly People and People with Special Needs 5
SZXX2017 Rehabilitation to Work 5
SZXX2018 Community Work and Community-Based Rehabilitation 5

(Choose 10)

ST00CJ00 Children & Play & Interaction 3
Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)

(Choose 23)

0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5
Student wellbeing in studies and at work (For Bachelor's Student)

(Choose 57)

0 - 57
SZZZ1910 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5
BI00BB51 Writing for studies 2
BI00BB52 Study techniques 2
BI00BB50 Refreshing language skills 1
ZZ00CM49 Mentoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM06 Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM07 Multiform tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM05 Degree Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM04 Exchange Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZAJ0100 Active in Student Associations 5 - 15
ZZ00BP80 Boost your career! Career planning and working life skills 2

(Choose 0)


(Choose 20)

0 - 20

(Choose 20)

0 - 20
SZ00BB80 Perspectives on well-being and well-being coaching 5
SZ00BB81 Hyvinvointivalmennus elintapamuutoksen tukemisessa 2
SZ00BB82 Hyvinvointia ja palautumista tukeva harjoittelu 3
SZ00BB83 Nutrition as a Component of Wellbeing 3
SZ00BB84 The Evaluation of Functioning 4
SZ00BB85 Terveys- ja kuntoliikunnan ohjaaminen 3

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZ00BB86 Play and Physical Exercise Supporting Development and Learning 5
SZ00BB87 Soveltavan liikunnan perusteet 5
SZ00BB88 Liikunnan ohjaus ja opetus tukea tarvitsevalle henkilölle 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZ00BB95 Knowledge, Skills and Methods 2
SZ00BB97 Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus 5
SZ00BB96 Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus 3
SZ00BB98 Tutkiva kehittäminen 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZ00BC70 Kuntoutuksen monitieteinen tietoperusta ja lähtökohdat 5
SZ00BC69 Kuntoutuspalveluiden suunnittelu 5
SZ00BC71 Kuntoutuspalveluiden kehittäminen 2
SZ00BC72 Kuntoutuksen tutkimus ja kehittäminen 3
Total 210 58 56 61 15 28 30 26 30 31 30 15 28 25 5 26 27.5 2.5 31 26 4 15

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Structure of the studies (Bachelor's degree)

Professional Studies
Future Factory Project
Clienthood and Service Systems in Social and Health Care
Functioning, Participation and Counselling
Medicine and pharmacological treatment
Occupational Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Enabling Occupation
Evidence Based Occupational Therapy
Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational Therapy
Occupation Centered Assessment Process in Occupational Therapy
Enabling Occupation I
Enabling Occupation II
Environmental Assessment and Adaptation
Community Based Interventions
Activity Based Group Work
Occupation Centered Lifestyle Interventions
Activity Based Group Work
Human-Centered Design in Social and Health Care
Robotics in rehabilitation and social welfare
Opportunities for utilising health technology
Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social services
Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young People
Basics of Green Care
Clients and Environments in Green Care
Green Care methods and practices
The New Services of Employment and Working Ability
The Widespread View in Employment and Working Ability
Working Ability and Working Life in the Future
Services in vocational rehabiliation
Työhön paluun ja työssäjatkamisen suunnittelu
Rehabilitation with Elderly People and People with Special Needs
Rehabilitation to Work
Community Work and Community-Based Rehabilitation
Practical Training
Professional Practice I
Professional Practice II
Professional Practice III
Professional Practice IV
Bachelor's Thesis
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Core Studies
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
ICT Skills
JAMK InnoFlash
Development as an Expert
Research and Development
Elective Studies
Perspectives on well-being and well-being coaching
Hyvinvointivalmennus elintapamuutoksen tukemisessa
Hyvinvointia ja palautumista tukeva harjoittelu
Nutrition as a Component of Wellbeing
The Evaluation of Functioning
Terveys- ja kuntoliikunnan ohjaaminen
Play and Physical Exercise Supporting Development and Learning
Soveltavan liikunnan perusteet
Liikunnan ohjaus ja opetus tukea tarvitsevalle henkilölle
Knowledge, Skills and Methods
Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus
Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus
Tutkiva kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen monitieteinen tietoperusta ja lähtökohdat
Kuntoutuspalveluiden suunnittelu
Kuntoutuspalveluiden kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen tutkimus ja kehittäminen
Not grouped
Children & Play & Interaction

Bachelor's degree: Occupational Therapy 2020-2024

Competence in establishing a therapeutic, interactive relationship

The students
- know how to comply with client-centred principles in their work
- are able to create an interactive, therapeutic relationship/partnership as the basis for the occupational therapy process
- can establish a collaborative relationship and consult and counsel clients, guardians, team members and other interested parties to promote functionality and participation
- know how to work together with the clients, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account and defending their rights to implement their functional needs - are able to value and respect individual differences, cultural beliefs, customs and their impact on actions and participation
- work smoothly in working life situations involving interaction and communication, drawing on different forms, channels and environments of communication.

Professional Practice I
Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice II
Enabling Occupation II
Professional Practice III
Competence in the theoretical basis of occupational therapy

The students
- can obtain, process, evaluate and apply in a critical and appropriate manner information, principles, theories and methods related to their field
- are able to explain the basic theoretical concepts of occupational therapy, especially the functional nature and functionality of humans
- are able to explain the relationships between agency, health and well-being
- are able to combine and apply appropriate knowledge of biology, medicine, behavioural sciences, psychology, sociology, technology and occupational science to the theories of activity and participation
- can analyse and apply theories and research results to the activity theories and the challenges of a changing society
- know how to convince others of the significance of occupational therapy and human activities by means of reasonable and justifiable argumentation.

Occupational Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Enabling Occupation
Professional Practice I
Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice II
Enabling Occupation I
Enabling Occupation II
Professional Practice III
Competence in the management and promotion of occupational therapy services

The students
- can define and prioritise occupational therapy services
- can develop the operating methods of occupational therapy by understanding and applying the administrative principles of occupational therapy services, with consideration for cost efficiency and administrative resources and means
- participate in the continuous assessment and development of the quality of occupational therapy services, involve clients in the process when necessary, and inform other interested parties/decision-makers of the results
- adopt a proactive and innovative role in the development and promotion of occupational therapy, while considering the changes in the operating environment
- consider issues that affect occupational therapy services, such as developments related to social welfare and health care services, society or legislation at the international, national and local level.

Evidence Based Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice IV
Community Based Interventions
Competence in the occupational therapy process and clinical reasoning

The students
- are able to select, modify and apply appropriate theories, methods and models that guide their practical work to meet the health and activity-related needs of individuals/communities
- know how to use clinical and ethical reasoning effectively in the occupational therapy process
- know how to use activities and occupational analysis and synthesis appropriately and effectively
- are able to adapt and apply the occupational therapy process in cooperation with individuals/communities
- are able to work to create an accessible and modifiable environment and to promote occupational justice
- are able to critically assess the practices of occupational therapy to ensure that the key values are activity and functional ability.

Introduction to Enabling Occupation
Professional Practice II
Environmental Assessment and Adaptation
Activity Based Group Work
Occupation Centered Lifestyle Interventions
Competence in responsible occupational therapy work

The students
- know how to draw up, update and utilise documents related to the occupational therapy process - comply with local / regional / national / European laws, procedures and professional standards and with client regulations
- implement lifelong learning to develop occupational therapy
- know how to act ethically, appreciate their clients and follow the ethical guidelines of occupational therapists
- are able to work as occupational therapists in a reliable and self-controlled manner, knowing their own abilities and limitations
- assume responsibility for the development of their own competence and that of their community and for sharing their knowledge. Consider in their work the impacts of and opportunities arising from internationalisation developments in their field. Are capable of working independently in expert tasks in their field or as entrepreneurs creating networks and partnerships. Are capable of making decisions in unpredictable situations and in different operating environments. Possess the abilities and operating methods to assume responsibility for their own well-being and that of their community. Promote global responsibility.

Evidence Based Occupational Therapy
Enabling Occupation I
Professional Practice IV
Environmental Assessment and Adaptation
Community Based Interventions
Not grouped
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
ICT Skills
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Development as an Expert
Clienthood and Service Systems in Social and Health Care
Functioning, Participation and Counselling
Medicine and pharmacological treatment
Occupation Centered Assessment Process in Occupational Therapy
Activity Based Group Work
Human-Centered Design in Social and Health Care
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Robotics in rehabilitation and social welfare
Opportunities for utilising health technology
Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social services
Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young People
Basics of Green Care
Clients and Environments in Green Care
Green Care methods and practices
The New Services of Employment and Working Ability
The Widespread View in Employment and Working Ability
Working Ability and Working Life in the Future
Services in vocational rehabiliation
Työhön paluun ja työssäjatkamisen suunnittelu
Rehabilitation with Elderly People and People with Special Needs
Rehabilitation to Work
Community Work and Community-Based Rehabilitation
Children & Play & Interaction
Perspectives on well-being and well-being coaching
Hyvinvointivalmennus elintapamuutoksen tukemisessa
Hyvinvointia ja palautumista tukeva harjoittelu
Nutrition as a Component of Wellbeing
The Evaluation of Functioning
Terveys- ja kuntoliikunnan ohjaaminen
Play and Physical Exercise Supporting Development and Learning
Soveltavan liikunnan perusteet
Liikunnan ohjaus ja opetus tukea tarvitsevalle henkilölle
Knowledge, Skills and Methods
Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus
Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus
Tutkiva kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen monitieteinen tietoperusta ja lähtökohdat
Kuntoutuspalveluiden suunnittelu
Kuntoutuspalveluiden kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen tutkimus ja kehittäminen

Bachelor's Degree: Shared competence in the field of Social Services and Health Care 2020-2024

Client competence in health and social care

* values the client / patient and meets them individually as an expert and active participant in their life and culture
* can promote client / patient participation and involvement
* is able to create a professional interaction and collaboration relationship that promotes client engagement and resources
* understands the ways in which social and health care services are delivered and the way they are directed and supervised in Finland and the EU and EEA.

Clienthood and Service Systems in Social and Health Care
Functioning, Participation and Counselling
Medicine and pharmacological treatment
Occupation Centered Lifestyle Interventions
Robotics in rehabilitation and social welfare
Opportunities for utilising health technology
Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social services
Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young People
Basics of Green Care
Clients and Environments in Green Care
Green Care methods and practices
Työhön paluun ja työssäjatkamisen suunnittelu
Nutrition as a Component of Wellbeing
Not grouped
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
ICT Skills
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Development as an Expert
Occupational Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Enabling Occupation
Evidence Based Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice I
Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice II
Occupation Centered Assessment Process in Occupational Therapy
Enabling Occupation I
Enabling Occupation II
Professional Practice III
Professional Practice IV
Environmental Assessment and Adaptation
Community Based Interventions
Activity Based Group Work
Activity Based Group Work
Human-Centered Design in Social and Health Care
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
The New Services of Employment and Working Ability
The Widespread View in Employment and Working Ability
Working Ability and Working Life in the Future
Services in vocational rehabiliation
Rehabilitation with Elderly People and People with Special Needs
Rehabilitation to Work
Community Work and Community-Based Rehabilitation
Children & Play & Interaction
Perspectives on well-being and well-being coaching
Hyvinvointivalmennus elintapamuutoksen tukemisessa
Hyvinvointia ja palautumista tukeva harjoittelu
The Evaluation of Functioning
Terveys- ja kuntoliikunnan ohjaaminen
Play and Physical Exercise Supporting Development and Learning
Soveltavan liikunnan perusteet
Liikunnan ohjaus ja opetus tukea tarvitsevalle henkilölle
Knowledge, Skills and Methods
Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus
Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus
Tutkiva kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen monitieteinen tietoperusta ja lähtökohdat
Kuntoutuspalveluiden suunnittelu
Kuntoutuspalveluiden kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen tutkimus ja kehittäminen

Bachelor's degree: Common competences in the field of Rehabilitation and Social Services 2020-2024

Promoting well-being and agency

The students
- are familiar with and understand the strategies and theories of promoting well-being and health, as well as the related key concepts and priorities, from the perspective of public health and reducing health inequalities
- understand the concepts of agency, participation and counselling, as well as the ICF framework as an indicator of functional capacity and participation
- understand the stages of client and service processes and the principles of documentation in the rehabilitation, social welfare and health care sector, and know the starting points and principles of counselling
- are familiar with the basics of assessing the client’s functional capacity, participation and rehabilitation and service needs, and can search for evidence-based assessment methods.

Functioning, Participation and Counselling
Medicine and pharmacological treatment
Community Based Interventions
Activity Based Group Work
Occupation Centered Lifestyle Interventions
Robotics in rehabilitation and social welfare
Opportunities for utilising health technology
Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social services
Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young People
Basics of Green Care
Clients and Environments in Green Care
Green Care methods and practices
Työhön paluun ja työssäjatkamisen suunnittelu
Technological competence

The students
- are familiar with digital and technological services and operating environments in supporting the clients' agency, participation, functional capacity and accessibility
- are familiar with the starting points and principles of both remote and face-to-face rehabilitation, and can apply digital and technological solutions in remote and face-to-face rehabilitation
- are able to use digital software and tools as well as technological solutions in client work and counselling
- are able to assess the feasibility of digital services and technological solutions and participate in their development.

Robotics in rehabilitation and social welfare
Opportunities for utilising health technology
Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social services
Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young People
Research and development competence

The students
- are familiar with the knowledge base and key phenomena of the social welfare, health care and rehabilitation sector, and are able to apply theoretical knowledge produced by different disciplines in their own field
- know the key starting points and principles of conducting scientific research and generating data
- are familiar with and can analyse different operating environments in the social welfare, health care and rehabilitation sector
- can, based on research and evidence, assess and develop the promotion of agency, participation and functional capacity in varying operating environments
- understand the basics of effectiveness and evidence-based work
- are capable of creative problem-solving and the development of working methods with their community
- are able to produce high-quality services that are meaningful and effective for the client in a cost-effective manner
- can act in multicultural environments and work globally in their own field.

No attached course units

Not grouped
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
ICT Skills
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Development as an Expert
Clienthood and Service Systems in Social and Health Care
Occupational Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Enabling Occupation
Evidence Based Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice I
Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice II
Occupation Centered Assessment Process in Occupational Therapy
Enabling Occupation I
Enabling Occupation II
Professional Practice III
Professional Practice IV
Environmental Assessment and Adaptation
Activity Based Group Work
Human-Centered Design in Social and Health Care
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
The New Services of Employment and Working Ability
The Widespread View in Employment and Working Ability
Working Ability and Working Life in the Future
Services in vocational rehabiliation
Rehabilitation with Elderly People and People with Special Needs
Rehabilitation to Work
Community Work and Community-Based Rehabilitation
Children & Play & Interaction
Perspectives on well-being and well-being coaching
Hyvinvointivalmennus elintapamuutoksen tukemisessa
Hyvinvointia ja palautumista tukeva harjoittelu
Nutrition as a Component of Wellbeing
The Evaluation of Functioning
Terveys- ja kuntoliikunnan ohjaaminen
Play and Physical Exercise Supporting Development and Learning
Soveltavan liikunnan perusteet
Liikunnan ohjaus ja opetus tukea tarvitsevalle henkilölle
Knowledge, Skills and Methods
Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus
Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus
Tutkiva kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen monitieteinen tietoperusta ja lähtökohdat
Kuntoutuspalveluiden suunnittelu
Kuntoutuspalveluiden kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen tutkimus ja kehittäminen

Compulsory studies (Bachelor's degree)

Compulsory course
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
ICT Skills
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Development as an Expert
Clienthood and Service Systems in Social and Health Care
Functioning, Participation and Counselling
Medicine and pharmacological treatment
Occupational Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Enabling Occupation
Evidence Based Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice I
Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice II
Occupation Centered Assessment Process in Occupational Therapy
Enabling Occupation I
Enabling Occupation II
Professional Practice III
Professional Practice IV
Environmental Assessment and Adaptation
Community Based Interventions
Occupation Centered Lifestyle Interventions
Human-Centered Design in Social and Health Care
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Alternative course
Activity Based Group Work
Activity Based Group Work
Robotics in rehabilitation and social welfare
Opportunities for utilising health technology
Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social services
Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young People
Basics of Green Care
Clients and Environments in Green Care
Green Care methods and practices
The New Services of Employment and Working Ability
The Widespread View in Employment and Working Ability
Working Ability and Working Life in the Future
Services in vocational rehabiliation
Työhön paluun ja työssäjatkamisen suunnittelu
Rehabilitation with Elderly People and People with Special Needs
Rehabilitation to Work
Community Work and Community-Based Rehabilitation
Elective course
Perspectives on well-being and well-being coaching
Hyvinvointivalmennus elintapamuutoksen tukemisessa
Hyvinvointia ja palautumista tukeva harjoittelu
Nutrition as a Component of Wellbeing
The Evaluation of Functioning
Terveys- ja kuntoliikunnan ohjaaminen
Play and Physical Exercise Supporting Development and Learning
Soveltavan liikunnan perusteet
Liikunnan ohjaus ja opetus tukea tarvitsevalle henkilölle
Knowledge, Skills and Methods
Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus
Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus
Tutkiva kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen monitieteinen tietoperusta ja lähtökohdat
Kuntoutuspalveluiden suunnittelu
Kuntoutuspalveluiden kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen tutkimus ja kehittäminen
Not grouped
Children & Play & Interaction

Bachelor’s degree: The shared competences 2023-2028


The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination.
- Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions.
- Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them.
- Is able to influence society based on ethical values.

English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
ICT Skills
Development as an Expert
Clienthood and Service Systems in Social and Health Care
Human-Centered Design in Social and Health Care
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.
− Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others.
− Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields.
− Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods.
− Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field.

English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work.
- Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
ICT Skills
Development as an Expert
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Sustainable development

The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society.
- Is able to use information related to their field in finding, implementing and establishing sustainable solutions and operating models.
- Understands sustainability challenges, their interdependencies and the various aspects of issues and problems.

Future Factory Project
Community Based Interventions
Occupation Centered Lifestyle Interventions
Learning to learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.
- Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base andpractices of their field.
- Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been learned.

English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
ICT Skills
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Development as an Expert
Clienthood and Service Systems in Social and Health Care
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field.
- Is able to work constructively in a work community and promotes their own and their work community’s well-being.
- Is able to act professionally in communication and interaction situations at a workplace.
- Utilises the opportunities offered by technology and digitalisation in their work.
- Understands the complexity of changing working life and their own resilience in changing working life situations.
- Has capabilities for an entrepreneurial approach.

English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)
ICT Skills
JAMK InnoFlash
Future Factory Project
Development as an Expert
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Not grouped
Functioning, Participation and Counselling
Medicine and pharmacological treatment
Occupational Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Enabling Occupation
Evidence Based Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice I
Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational Therapy
Professional Practice II
Occupation Centered Assessment Process in Occupational Therapy
Enabling Occupation I
Enabling Occupation II
Professional Practice III
Professional Practice IV
Environmental Assessment and Adaptation
Activity Based Group Work
Activity Based Group Work
Robotics in rehabilitation and social welfare
Opportunities for utilising health technology
Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social services
Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young People
Basics of Green Care
Clients and Environments in Green Care
Green Care methods and practices
The New Services of Employment and Working Ability
The Widespread View in Employment and Working Ability
Working Ability and Working Life in the Future
Services in vocational rehabiliation
Työhön paluun ja työssäjatkamisen suunnittelu
Rehabilitation with Elderly People and People with Special Needs
Rehabilitation to Work
Community Work and Community-Based Rehabilitation
Children & Play & Interaction
Perspectives on well-being and well-being coaching
Hyvinvointivalmennus elintapamuutoksen tukemisessa
Hyvinvointia ja palautumista tukeva harjoittelu
Nutrition as a Component of Wellbeing
The Evaluation of Functioning
Terveys- ja kuntoliikunnan ohjaaminen
Play and Physical Exercise Supporting Development and Learning
Soveltavan liikunnan perusteet
Liikunnan ohjaus ja opetus tukea tarvitsevalle henkilölle
Knowledge, Skills and Methods
Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus
Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus
Tutkiva kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen monitieteinen tietoperusta ja lähtökohdat
Kuntoutuspalveluiden suunnittelu
Kuntoutuspalveluiden kehittäminen
Kuntoutuksen tutkimus ja kehittäminen

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

ZZPC0220 English for Working Life 4
ZZPC0320 Swedish for Working Life 4
ZZPC0420 Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes) 3
ZZPP0420 ICT Skills 3

(Choose all)

ZZPP0740 JAMK InnoFlash 2
ZZPP0750 Entrepreneurship 3
ZZPP0920 Future Factory Project 10

(Choose all)

ZZPP0520 Development as an Expert 5
SZZZ2000 Clienthood and Service Systems in Social and Health Care 5
SZXX2010 Functioning, Participation and Counselling 5
SZXX2011 Medicine and pharmacological treatment 5
ST00BA13 Occupational Anatomy and Physiology 5

(Choose all)

STTS2010 Introduction to Enabling Occupation 5
STTS2011 Evidence Based Occupational Therapy 5
STTSW201 Professional Practice I 6

(Choose all)

STTS2013 Assessment of Occupation and Participation in Occupational Therapy 5
STTSW202 Professional Practice II 15
ST00BO76 Occupation Centered Assessment Process in Occupational Therapy 5

(Choose all)

STTS2014 Enabling Occupation I 10
SWTT2010 Enabling Occupation II 10
STTSW203 Professional Practice III 15
STTSW204 Professional Practice IV 15

(Choose 25)

STTS2015 Environmental Assessment and Adaptation 5
SWTT2011 Community Based Interventions 5
SZXX2015 Activity Based Group Work 5
STTS2016 Occupation Centered Lifestyle Interventions 5
ST00BO75 Activity Based Group Work 5
SZXX2012 Human-Centered Design in Social and Health Care 5

(Choose all)

ZZPP0620 Research and Development 5
ZZ00BL91 Bachelor's Thesis, Planning 3
ZZ00BL97 Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing 2
ZZ00BL92 Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation 6
ZZ00BL93 Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment 4
ZZOA0220 Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree 0

(Choose 10)


(Choose 20)

0 - 20
SZXX2020 Robotics in rehabilitation and social welfare 5
SZXX2021 Opportunities for utilising health technology 5
SZXX2022 Digital counselling in rehabilitation and social services 5
SZXX2024 Media Education as a Means of Supporting the Development of Children and Young People 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZZZ1851 Basics of Green Care 5
SZZZ1852 Clients and Environments in Green Care 5
SZZZ1853 Green Care methods and practices 5

(Choose 10)

0 - 10
SZ00BM09 The New Services of Employment and Working Ability 5
SZ00BM10 The Widespread View in Employment and Working Ability 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZXX2025 Working Ability and Working Life in the Future 5
SZXX2026 Services in vocational rehabiliation 5
SZ00BT64 Työhön paluun ja työssäjatkamisen suunnittelu 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZXX2016 Rehabilitation with Elderly People and People with Special Needs 5
SZXX2017 Rehabilitation to Work 5
SZXX2018 Community Work and Community-Based Rehabilitation 5

(Choose 10)

ST00CJ00 Children & Play & Interaction 3
Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)
0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5
Student wellbeing in studies and at work (For Bachelor's Student)
0 - 57
SZZZ1910 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5
BI00BB51 Writing for studies 2
BI00BB52 Study techniques 2
BI00BB50 Refreshing language skills 1
ZZ00CM49 Mentoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM06 Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM07 Multiform tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM05 Degree Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM04 Exchange Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZAJ0100 Active in Student Associations 5 - 15
ZZ00BP80 Boost your career! Career planning and working life skills 2

(Choose 0)


(Choose 20)

0 - 20

(Choose 20)

0 - 20
SZ00BB80 Perspectives on well-being and well-being coaching 5
SZ00BB81 Hyvinvointivalmennus elintapamuutoksen tukemisessa 2
SZ00BB82 Hyvinvointia ja palautumista tukeva harjoittelu 3
SZ00BB83 Nutrition as a Component of Wellbeing 3
SZ00BB84 The Evaluation of Functioning 4
SZ00BB85 Terveys- ja kuntoliikunnan ohjaaminen 3

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZ00BB86 Play and Physical Exercise Supporting Development and Learning 5
SZ00BB87 Soveltavan liikunnan perusteet 5
SZ00BB88 Liikunnan ohjaus ja opetus tukea tarvitsevalle henkilölle 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZ00BB95 Knowledge, Skills and Methods 2
SZ00BB97 Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus 5
SZ00BB96 Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus 3
SZ00BB98 Tutkiva kehittäminen 5

(Choose 15)

0 - 15
SZ00BC70 Kuntoutuksen monitieteinen tietoperusta ja lähtökohdat 5
SZ00BC69 Kuntoutuspalveluiden suunnittelu 5
SZ00BC71 Kuntoutuspalveluiden kehittäminen 2
SZ00BC72 Kuntoutuksen tutkimus ja kehittäminen 3