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Human Resource ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YZ00CL59


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Kari Jaatinen
  • Marianne Ekonen, Liiketalous
  • Pia Kreus, IBM/SBM


Personnel, i.e. people, are the most important asset and the most critical success factor in terms of the organization's success. Personnel management requires versatile and up-to-date skills, especially in an ever-changing working life, where e.g. the diversity of employees, multi-location work and well-being at work have become very important issues. Personnel management is an integral part of the organization's strategic management and the building of the organizational culture. When implemented correctly, personnel management creates significant value for the organization and its employees.

Course competencies:
Ethics; promote diversity and accessibility
Functioning in working life; knows how to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of the work community, knows how to develop and lead multidisciplinary teams and work communities
Internationality and multiculturalism; knows how to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in his work community
Sustainable development; is able to lead the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in his work community

Objectives of the course:
After completing the course, you will understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management. You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment. After the course, you will be able to examine personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy. You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability and evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.


Key concepts, theories, processes and main tasks of personnel management.

The key challenges for personnel management in your own operating environment.

Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility.

Factors affecting well-being at work and models of managing well-being at work and work ability.

Dialogue in personnel management.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed


You understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management.

You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment.

You know how to review personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy.

You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability.

You know how to evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.

The student does not achieve the competence goals of the course


18.11.2024 - 12.01.2025


27.01.2025 - 25.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysala
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Asta Suomi
  • Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge

Kari Jaatinen

  • YJK24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, musiikkipedagogi
  • YHP24S1
    Projektijohtaminen ylempi AMK, tradenomi
  • YJL24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, agrologi
  • YSB24S1
    Projektijohtaminen ylempi AMK, sosiaali- ja terveysala
  • YSB23S1
    Projektijohtaminen YAMK
  • YSH23S1
    Sosiaali- ja terveysalan johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma (YAMK)
  • YMB24S1
    Projektijohtaminen ylempi AMK, marata
  • YJS24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, sosiaali-ja terveysala
  • YLP24S1
    Projektijohtaminen ylempi AMK, agrologi


Personnel, i.e. people, are the most important asset and the most critical success factor in terms of the organization's success. Personnel management requires versatile and up-to-date skills, especially in an ever-changing working life, where e.g. the diversity of employees, multi-location work and well-being at work have become very important issues. Personnel management is an integral part of the organization's strategic management and the building of the organizational culture. When implemented correctly, personnel management creates significant value for the organization and its employees.

Course competencies:
Ethics; promote diversity and accessibility
Functioning in working life; knows how to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of the work community, knows how to develop and lead multidisciplinary teams and work communities
Internationality and multiculturalism; knows how to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in his work community
Sustainable development; is able to lead the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in his work community

Objectives of the course:
After completing the course, you will understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management. You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment. After the course, you will be able to examine personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy. You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability and evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.


Key concepts, theories, processes and main tasks of personnel management.

The key challenges for personnel management in your own operating environment.

Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility.

Factors affecting well-being at work and models of managing well-being at work and work ability.

Dialogue in personnel management.

Time and location

Webinars via Zoom and/or Teams.

Work organised independently by students in small groups and reading groups.

Learning materials and recommended literature

978-951-37-7838-5 Viitala, R. 2021. Henkilöstöjohtaminen. Keskeiset käsitteet, teoriat ja trendit. Helsinki: Edita. (also eBook)

Teaching methods

Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary online course. You will study in the Moodle learning environment, where you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. You will also participate in webinars, where you reflect and share what you have learned using methods of collaborative learning and dialogue.
You will conduct independent information gathering and apply what you have learned in individual and group assignments as well as in various dialogical discussions.

Guidance takes place in webinars and Moodle learning environment.

Practical training and working life connections

Your student group forms a working life-oriented peer learning network.

You will also work in a multidisciplinary small group of 3-5 students during the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam for the course.

International connections

During the course, you will utilise international research literature and consider the multicultural dimensions of leadership, among other things.

Alternative completion methods

You can familiarise yourself with Section 17 of Jamk's Degree Regulations when considering the recognition and recognition (accreditation) of a course's competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course.

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during a five-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Online lectures and webinars 15 hours
Familiarization with study material 67 hours
Individual assignments 25 hours
Collaborative learning 25 hours
Peer and self-assessment 3 hours

Content scheduling

1,5 ECTS credits Key concepts, theories and main tasks of human resource management; Factors affecting well-being at work

1,5 ECTS credits Key challenges of the organization's operating environment for human resource management; Human resource management practices and processes based on the organization's strategy

2 ECTS credits Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility; models for managing well-being at work and work ability.

The course participants will be checked in connection with the submission of the first individual assignment. Small groups of 3-5 students are formed from students who have submitted an individual assignment according to the schedule. Some of the later learning assignments and work of the course are organised through these small groups.

Further information for students

During the course, what you have learned will be assessed qualitatively based on learning outcomes using many different methods: feedback from the teacher, the student's own self-assessment and feedback from peers in webinars, small groups and the Moodle learning environment.

You will receive formative and summative assessment (teacher/peer review) according to the sequencing of content and assignments.

In the study course, updated Arene recommendations and Jamk rules are followed in the utilization of artificial intelligence, instructions and possible ethical questions

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed


You understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management.

You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment.

You know how to review personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy.

You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability.

You know how to evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.

The student does not achieve the competence goals of the course


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 18.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

  • Pia Kreus
Teacher in charge

Pia Kreus

  • ZJAYHS24S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-väylät, Sport Business Management
  • YHS24S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management
  • ZJAYBB24S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-väylät, International Business Management
  • YBB24S1
    Master of Business Administration, DP in International Business Management
  • ZJA25KH
    Avoin amk, lita
  • YBB23S1
    Master of Business Administration, DP in International Business Management
  • YHS23S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management
  • YHS22S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management
  • YHS21S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management
  • YBB22S1
    Master's Degree Programme in International Business
  • YBB21S1
    Master's Degree Programme in International Business


Personnel, i.e. people, are the most important asset and the most critical success factor in terms of the organization's success. Personnel management requires versatile and up-to-date skills, especially in an ever-changing working life, where e.g. the diversity of employees, multi-location work and well-being at work have become very important issues. Personnel management is an integral part of the organization's strategic management and the building of the organizational culture. When implemented correctly, personnel management creates significant value for the organization and its employees.

Course competencies:
Ethics; promote diversity and accessibility
Functioning in working life; knows how to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of the work community, knows how to develop and lead multidisciplinary teams and work communities
Internationality and multiculturalism; knows how to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in his work community
Sustainable development; is able to lead the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in his work community

Objectives of the course:
After completing the course, you will understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management. You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment. After the course, you will be able to examine personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy. You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability and evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.


Key concepts, theories, processes and main tasks of personnel management.

The key challenges for personnel management in your own operating environment.

Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility.

Factors affecting well-being at work and models of managing well-being at work and work ability.

Dialogue in personnel management.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Coursebook: Gary Dessler: Human Resource Management (e-book), 2017

Teaching methods

The teaching method of this course leans on flipped classroom method. Prior the course the student should familiarise with the thematic materials in the forms of readings and short videos via Moodle workspace. 2 week prior the contact days a compulsory online pre-webinar During the active contact teaching days on 23.1.-25.1.2025 the time is used with case works, discussions and some lectures to deepen the understanding of students and testing their capability of application.

The course assessment is based on two separate individual written assignments. The student has an opportunity to have individual guidance for the assignments and in the end written feedback is given for each learner from each of assignments.

Alternative completion methods

You have the right to apply for recognition of your studies if you have prior learning (e.g. university studies completed elsewhere) that can be accredited towards the degree you are currently completing.

The recognition of prior learning is possible in three primary ways: accreditation (replacement or inclusion), recognition of informal learning and studification. More precise info: JAMK Degree Regulations, section 17.

Student workload

One credit corresponds to an average of 27 hours of work, which means that the load of five credits is approximately 135 hours.
The contact hours make to 17 hours, independent studying of course materials 48 hours and course assignments 70 hours.
Divided the amount for 8 weeks it means approximately 8 hours/week workload.

Further information for students

Avoin AMK (5)
Exchange students: 5

The assessment is based on learning objectives, quality and criteria, and self-evaluation by the student plays an important role in the process.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed


You understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management.

You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment.

You know how to review personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy.

You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability.

You know how to evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.

The student does not achieve the competence goals of the course


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


11.11.2024 - 23.02.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysala
  • Asta Suomi
  • Kari Jaatinen
Teacher in charge

Kari Jaatinen

  • ZJAYJS24S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, YAMK-väylät Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma
  • YJK24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, musiikkipedagogi
  • ZJAYSB24S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, YAMK-väylät, Projektijohtaminen
  • YSB24S1
    Projektijohtaminen ylempi AMK, sosiaali- ja terveysala
  • YJS24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, sosiaali-ja terveysala


Personnel, i.e. people, are the most important asset and the most critical success factor in terms of the organization's success. Personnel management requires versatile and up-to-date skills, especially in an ever-changing working life, where e.g. the diversity of employees, multi-location work and well-being at work have become very important issues. Personnel management is an integral part of the organization's strategic management and the building of the organizational culture. When implemented correctly, personnel management creates significant value for the organization and its employees.

Course competencies:
Ethics; promote diversity and accessibility
Functioning in working life; knows how to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of the work community, knows how to develop and lead multidisciplinary teams and work communities
Internationality and multiculturalism; knows how to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in his work community
Sustainable development; is able to lead the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in his work community

Objectives of the course:
After completing the course, you will understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management. You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment. After the course, you will be able to examine personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy. You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability and evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.


Key concepts, theories, processes and main tasks of personnel management.

The key challenges for personnel management in your own operating environment.

Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility.

Factors affecting well-being at work and models of managing well-being at work and work ability.

Dialogue in personnel management.

Time and location

Webinars via Zoom and/or Teams.

Work organised independently by students in small groups and reading groups.

Learning materials and recommended literature

978-951-37-7838-5 Viitala, R. 2021. Henkilöstöjohtaminen. Keskeiset käsitteet, teoriat ja trendit. Helsinki: Edita. (myös eKirjana)

Teaching methods

Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary online course. You will study in the Moodle learning environment, where you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. You will also participate in webinars, where you reflect and share what you have learned using methods of collaborative learning and dialogue.
You will conduct independent information gathering and apply what you have learned in individual and group assignments as well as in various dialogical discussions.

Guidance takes place in webinars and Moodle learning environment.

Practical training and working life connections

Your student group forms a working life-oriented peer learning network.

You will also work in a multidisciplinary small group of 3-5 students during the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam for the course.

International connections

During the course, you will utilise international research literature and consider the multicultural dimensions of leadership, among other things.

Alternative completion methods

You can familiarise yourself with Section 17 of Jamk's Degree Regulations when considering the recognition and recognition (accreditation) of a course's competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course.

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during a five-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Online lectures and webinars 15 hours
Familiarization with study material 67 hours
Individual assignments 25 hours
Collaborative learning 25 hours
Peer and self-assessment 3 hours

Content scheduling

1,5 ECTS credits Key concepts, theories and main tasks of human resource management; Factors affecting well-being at work

1,5 ECTS credits Key challenges of the organization's operating environment for human resource management; Human resource management practices and processes based on the organization's strategy

2 ECTS credits Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility; models for managing well-being at work and work ability.

The course participants will be checked in connection with the submission of the first individual assignment. Small groups of 3-5 students are formed from students who have submitted an individual assignment according to the schedule. Some of the later learning assignments and work of the course are organised through these small groups.

Further information for students

During the course, what you have learned will be assessed qualitatively based on learning outcomes using many different methods: feedback from the teacher, the student's own self-assessment and feedback from peers in webinars, small groups and the Moodle learning environment.

You will receive formative and summative assessment (teacher/peer review) according to the sequencing of content and assignments.

In the study course, updated Arene recommendations and Jamki rules are followed in the utilization of artificial intelligence, instructions and possible ethical questions

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed


You understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management.

You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment.

You know how to review personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy.

You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability.

You know how to evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.

The student does not achieve the competence goals of the course


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


30.09.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Restonomi
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Tradenomi
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • ZJAYJH24S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-väylät, Johtaminen, ylempi amk, Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
  • ZJAYJM24S1
    Avoin AMK, marata, YAMK-väylät, Johtaminen, ylempi amk, Vastuullisuuden ja palveluiden johtaminen
  • YJH24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, tradenomi
  • YJM24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, restonomi


Personnel, i.e. people, are the most important asset and the most critical success factor in terms of the organization's success. Personnel management requires versatile and up-to-date skills, especially in an ever-changing working life, where e.g. the diversity of employees, multi-location work and well-being at work have become very important issues. Personnel management is an integral part of the organization's strategic management and the building of the organizational culture. When implemented correctly, personnel management creates significant value for the organization and its employees.

Course competencies:
Ethics; promote diversity and accessibility
Functioning in working life; knows how to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of the work community, knows how to develop and lead multidisciplinary teams and work communities
Internationality and multiculturalism; knows how to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in his work community
Sustainable development; is able to lead the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in his work community

Objectives of the course:
After completing the course, you will understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management. You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment. After the course, you will be able to examine personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy. You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability and evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.


Key concepts, theories, processes and main tasks of personnel management.

The key challenges for personnel management in your own operating environment.

Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility.

Factors affecting well-being at work and models of managing well-being at work and work ability.

Dialogue in personnel management.

Time and location

Webinars via Zoom and/or Teams.

Work organised independently by students in small groups and reading groups.

Learning materials and recommended literature

978-951-37-7838-5 Viitala, R. 2021. Henkilöstöjohtaminen. Keskeiset käsitteet, teoriat ja trendit. Helsinki: Edita. (myös eKirjana)

Teaching methods

Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary online course. You will study in the Moodle learning environment, where you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. You will also participate in webinars, where you reflect and share what you have learned using methods of collaborative learning and dialogue.
You will conduct independent information gathering and apply what you have learned in individual and group assignments as well as in various dialogical discussions.

Guidance takes place in webinars and Moodle learning environment.

Practical training and working life connections

Your student group forms a working life-oriented peer learning network.

You will also work in a multidisciplinary small group of 3-5 students during the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam for the course.

International connections

During the course, you will utilise international research literature and consider the multicultural dimensions of leadership, among other things.

Alternative completion methods

You can familiarise yourself with Section 17 of Jamk's Degree Regulations when considering the recognition and recognition (accreditation) of a course's competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course.

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during a five-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Online lectures and webinars 15 hours
Familiarization with study material 67 hours
Individual assignments 25 hours
Collaborative learning 25 hours
Peer and self-assessment 3 hours

Content scheduling

1,5 ECTS credits Key concepts, theories and main tasks of human resource management; Factors affecting well-being at work

1,5 ECTS credits Key challenges of the organization's operating environment for human resource management; Human resource management practices and processes based on the organization's strategy

2 ECTS credits Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility; models for managing well-being at work and work ability.

The course participants will be checked in connection with the submission of the first individual assignment. Small groups of 3-5 students are formed from students who have submitted an individual assignment according to the schedule. Some of the later learning assignments and work of the course are organised through these small groups.

Further information for students

During the course, what you have learned will be assessed qualitatively based on learning outcomes using many different methods: feedback from the teacher, the student's own self-assessment and feedback from peers in webinars, small groups and the Moodle learning environment.

You will receive formative and summative assessment (teacher/peer review) according to the sequencing of content and assignments.

In the study course, updated Arene recommendations and Jamki rules are followed in the utilization of artificial intelligence, instructions and possible ethical questions

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed


You understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management.

You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment.

You know how to review personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy.

You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability.

You know how to evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.

The student does not achieve the competence goals of the course


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


30.09.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysala
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Tradenomi
  • Sami Kalliomaa
  • Marianne Ekonen
  • ZJAYJH24S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, YAMK-väylät, Johtaminen, ylempi amk, Organisaation ja talouden johtaminen
  • YJH24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, tradenomi


Personnel, i.e. people, are the most important asset and the most critical success factor in terms of the organization's success. Personnel management requires versatile and up-to-date skills, especially in an ever-changing working life, where e.g. the diversity of employees, multi-location work and well-being at work have become very important issues. Personnel management is an integral part of the organization's strategic management and the building of the organizational culture. When implemented correctly, personnel management creates significant value for the organization and its employees.

Course competencies:
Ethics; promote diversity and accessibility
Functioning in working life; knows how to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of the work community, knows how to develop and lead multidisciplinary teams and work communities
Internationality and multiculturalism; knows how to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in his work community
Sustainable development; is able to lead the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in his work community

Objectives of the course:
After completing the course, you will understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management. You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment. After the course, you will be able to examine personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy. You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability and evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.


Key concepts, theories, processes and main tasks of personnel management.

The key challenges for personnel management in your own operating environment.

Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility.

Factors affecting well-being at work and models of managing well-being at work and work ability.

Dialogue in personnel management.

Time and location

Webinars via Zoom and/or Teams.

Work organised independently by students in small groups and reading groups.

Learning materials and recommended literature

978-951-37-7838-5 Viitala, R. 2021. Henkilöstöjohtaminen. Keskeiset käsitteet, teoriat ja trendit. Helsinki: Edita. (myös eKirjana)

Teaching methods

Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary online course. You will study in the Moodle learning environment, where you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. You will also participate in webinars, where you reflect and share what you have learned using methods of collaborative learning and dialogue.
You will conduct independent information gathering and apply what you have learned in individual and group assignments as well as in various dialogical discussions.

Guidance takes place in webinars and Moodle learning environment.

Practical training and working life connections

Your student group forms a working life-oriented peer learning network.

You will also work in a multidisciplinary small group of 3-5 students during the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam for the course.

International connections

During the course, you will utilise international research literature and consider the multicultural dimensions of leadership, among other things.

Alternative completion methods

You can familiarise yourself with Section 17 of Jamk's Degree Regulations when considering the recognition and recognition (accreditation) of a course's competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course.

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during a five-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Online lectures and webinars 15 hours
Familiarization with study material 67 hours
Individual assignments 25 hours
Collaborative learning 25 hours
Peer and self-assessment 3 hours

Content scheduling

1,5 ECTS credits Key concepts, theories and main tasks of human resource management; Factors affecting well-being at work

1,5 ECTS credits Key challenges of the organization's operating environment for human resource management; Human resource management practices and processes based on the organization's strategy

2 ECTS credits Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility; models for managing well-being at work and work ability.

The course participants will be checked in connection with the submission of the first individual assignment. Small groups of 3-5 students are formed from students who have submitted an individual assignment according to the schedule. Some of the later learning assignments and work of the course are organised through these small groups.

Further information for students

During the course, what you have learned will be assessed qualitatively based on learning outcomes using many different methods: feedback from the teacher, the student's own self-assessment and feedback from peers in webinars, small groups and the Moodle learning environment.

You will receive formative and summative assessment (teacher/peer review) according to the sequencing of content and assignments.

In the study course, updated Arene recommendations and Jamki rules are followed in the utilization of artificial intelligence, instructions and possible ethical questions

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed


You understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management.

You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment.

You know how to review personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy.

You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability.

You know how to evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.

The student does not achieve the competence goals of the course


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


30.09.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Master's Degree Programme in Project Management
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Sosiaali- ja terveysala
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Restonomi
  • Marianne Ekonen
  • ZJAYJM24S1
    Avoin AMK, marata, YAMK-väylät, Johtaminen, ylempi amk, Vastuullisuuden ja palveluiden johtaminen
  • YJM24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, restonomi


Personnel, i.e. people, are the most important asset and the most critical success factor in terms of the organization's success. Personnel management requires versatile and up-to-date skills, especially in an ever-changing working life, where e.g. the diversity of employees, multi-location work and well-being at work have become very important issues. Personnel management is an integral part of the organization's strategic management and the building of the organizational culture. When implemented correctly, personnel management creates significant value for the organization and its employees.

Course competencies:
Ethics; promote diversity and accessibility
Functioning in working life; knows how to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of the work community, knows how to develop and lead multidisciplinary teams and work communities
Internationality and multiculturalism; knows how to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in his work community
Sustainable development; is able to lead the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in his work community

Objectives of the course:
After completing the course, you will understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management. You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment. After the course, you will be able to examine personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy. You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability and evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.


Key concepts, theories, processes and main tasks of personnel management.

The key challenges for personnel management in your own operating environment.

Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility.

Factors affecting well-being at work and models of managing well-being at work and work ability.

Dialogue in personnel management.

Time and location

Webinars via Zoom and/or Teams.

Work organised independently by students in small groups and reading groups.

Learning materials and recommended literature

978-951-37-7838-5 Viitala, R. 2021. Henkilöstöjohtaminen. Keskeiset käsitteet, teoriat ja trendit. Helsinki: Edita. (myös eKirjana)

Teaching methods

Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary online course. You will study in the Moodle learning environment, where you will find course instructions, schedules, assignments and study materials. You will also participate in webinars, where you reflect and share what you have learned using methods of collaborative learning and dialogue.
You will conduct independent information gathering and apply what you have learned in individual and group assignments as well as in various dialogical discussions.

Guidance takes place in webinars and Moodle learning environment.

Practical training and working life connections

Your student group forms a working life-oriented peer learning network.

You will also work in a multidisciplinary small group of 3-5 students during the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam for the course.

International connections

During the course, you will utilise international research literature and consider the multicultural dimensions of leadership, among other things.

Alternative completion methods

You can familiarise yourself with Section 17 of Jamk's Degree Regulations when considering the recognition and recognition (accreditation) of a course's competence based on your previously acquired competence and the objectives of the course.

Student workload

Your indicative use of time during a five-credit course is 135 working hours, which is divided as follows:

Online lectures and webinars 15 hours
Familiarization with study material 67 hours
Individual assignments 25 hours
Collaborative learning 25 hours
Peer and self-assessment 3 hours

Content scheduling

1,5 ECTS credits Key concepts, theories and main tasks of human resource management; Factors affecting well-being at work

1,5 ECTS credits Key challenges of the organization's operating environment for human resource management; Human resource management practices and processes based on the organization's strategy

2 ECTS credits Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility; models for managing well-being at work and work ability.

The course participants will be checked in connection with the submission of the first individual assignment. Small groups of 3-5 students are formed from students who have submitted an individual assignment according to the schedule. Some of the later learning assignments and work of the course are organised through these small groups.

Further information for students

During the course, what you have learned will be assessed qualitatively based on learning outcomes using many different methods: feedback from the teacher, the student's own self-assessment and feedback from peers in webinars, small groups and the Moodle learning environment.

You will receive formative and summative assessment (teacher/peer review) according to the sequencing of content and assignments.

In the study course, updated Arene recommendations and Jamki rules are followed in the utilization of artificial intelligence, instructions and possible ethical questions

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed


You understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management.

You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment.

You know how to review personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy.

You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability.

You know how to evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.

The student does not achieve the competence goals of the course