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Transportation ModesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TEGL3550


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Ilkka Suur-Uski


Students recognize different technologies in different transportation modes: road, rail, air, seaborne and combined transportation. Students understand the role of logistics in company operations and the role of transportation in company logistics.

EUR-ACE Knowledge and Understanding:
To gain understanding of theory and key aspects of different transportation modes.

EUR-ACE Engineering Practice:
To be able to apply theory into practice and to choose correct methods of the transportation modes available.

TELTR Logistics professional skills / Transportation skills:
To understand principles and specifications of different transportation modes and to be able to use theory in the transportation mode selection process.

TELMA Logistics management skills:
To understand the international aspect of transportation and to be able to find and apply legislation in order to manage and lead everyday operations and and plan operations from the strategical point of view.

YHTTY Working life skills:
Is able to work in groups and to participate into decision making processes.


Road, rail, air, combined and sea transportation:
-handling-related transportation
-intermodal transportation.


Introduction to Logistics course.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient (1): Student has gained knowledge of course objectives but faces challenges to utilize them in practice.
Satisfactory (2): Student has gained knowledge of course objectives and can utilize them partly in practice.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): Student has gained understanding of course objectives and can utilize them in practice.

Very good (4): Student has attained very good level of course objectives and can apply them into practice.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): Student has attained an excellent level of course objectives and can apply them into practice in innovative manner.