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Business MathematicsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: HBL10500


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The student is able to utilise mathematical methods used in business and can apply them to decision-making.


Percentage calculations, value added tax calculations, interest calculatioins, final value, current value, discounting, indexes, investment calculations.



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assignments and examination.
5 (Excellent): Student knows very well all mathematical methods, which are studied on the course, and can utilise the methods in the decision making.
4 (Very Good): Student knows very well all mathematical methods, which are studied on the course.
3 (Good): Student knows almost all of the mathematical methods, which are studied on the course.
2 (Satisfactory): Student knows most of the mathematical methods, which are studied on the course.
1 (Fair): Student knows the most important mathematical methods, which are studied on the course.
0 (Fail): Student does not know the mathematical methods, which are studied on the course.