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Main Instrument 2Laajuus (15 cr)

Code: KMOM0201


15 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The students express themselves playing/singing/conducting in a natural manner. They are aware of the significance of ergonomics and begin to make use thereof. The students play/sing/conduct repertoire endeavouring to achieve correctness of style and are able to function in ensembles of diverse kind. The students evaluate their skills realistically. The students are aware of the meaning of constant upkeeping and development involved and possess the readiness to incease the learning of their instrument by playing. They set relevant goals concerning their instrumental skills and are also responsible for their learning in a group. From the standpoint of their development the students choose goal practice methods and repertoire consistent with their goals.


Practicing and performing own instrument's solo and ensemble repertoire. Instrumental repertoire comprising the various style periods.
Participation in group lessons.



Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students evaluate their skills realistically and possess the means for continued development in playing their own instrument. They set relevant goals concerning their abilities and also assume responsibility in group learning. The students choose goal-oriented practice methods.
The students express themselves in playing and singing in a natural way even though they might not have a developed technique. They are aware of the meaning of ergonomics and begin to make use thereof. The students learn, under the direction of their teacher, to choose suitable repertoire corresponding to their technical level, and which is of optimal quality from the standpoint of their development. The students play/sing the practiced repertoire endeavouring to achieve stylistic correctness and are able to function in diverse ensembles.

Further information

Opiskelijan oikeus instrumenttiopintoihin:

Opiskelijan instrumenttiopetus voidaan evätä, jos muut opinnot eivät etene opettajatutorin/opintojen ohjaajan ja päällikön kanssa sovitulla tavalla. Lukuvuoden aikana suoritettujen opintojen vähimmäisopintopistemäärän tulee olla 40 op. Muussa tapauksessa seuraavan lukuvuoden instrumenttiopetus joutuu tarkasteluun.

Jos opiskelijalla on opinnot aloittaessaan suoritettuna aiempia korkeakoulutasoisia instrumenttiopintoja, niin annettavan instrumenttiopetuksen määrä arvioidaan opiskelijakohtaisesti. Tutkinnon osaamistavoitteen saavuttamiseen tarvittavaa instrumenttiopetuksen määrää arvioitaessa otetaan huomioon opiskelijan ennen opintojen alkua saavuttama instrumentin osaamistaso. Tutkinto-ohjelman päällikkö päättää annettavan opetuksen määrän opintojen alussa.