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Marketing Management (academic track)Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: HBISM102


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Salman Saleem


KU1 The student is able to employ theoretical and conceptual knowledge to identify and analyze marketing problems in green and digital marketing disciplines.

IS1 The student is able to gather, analyse and evaluate marketing data and information and transform empirical data into useful and actionable information.

IS2 The student is able to interpret and analyse complex marketing issues from multiple perspectives and critically review the academic literature and other relevant information sources

TS1 The student is able to communicate effectively in English in oral, written and electronic formats using information technology and is able to prepare and present reports


During marketing track studies the student will be introduced with several themes in the marketing domain.
Specifically, students will be introduced to the state and art of marketing research in below areas.

Advertising Research
Branding Research
Consumer Behavior research
Digital Marketing research
Green Marketing research
International and Global Marketing


A student should awareness of basic marketing concepts such as marketing mix, capturing marketing and consumer insights, connecting with the consumer, communicating and delivering the value to the consumer

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Literature review assignment (40%); group assignments (40%); attendance and activities participation (20%)

Grade 0 = 0-44 pt = Fail: Grade 1 = 45-54 pt; Grade 2 = 55-64 pt: Grade 3 = 65-74 pt; Grade 4 = 75-84 pt Grade 5 = 85-100 points