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CalculusLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TEXM2580


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Pasi Lehtola


The students identify basic mathematical concepts and methods and can apply them to solve work-oriented problems using a computer.
EUR-ACE Knowledge and Understanding: Students must know and understand the mathematical principles, concepts and methods underlying logistics.
EUR-ACE Engineering Analysis: Students must have the ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using mathematical methods.
TELNA: Students are able to use mathematics in a technical environment.


Functions of one and many variables, limit, derivative, integral, differential equations. Applications to engineering and business. The use of a mathematical computer program.


Algebra and Geometry

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent (5): Student has attained an excellent level of course objectives and can apply them into practice in innovative manner.
Very good (4): Student has attained very good level of course objectives and can apply them into practice.
Good (3): Student has gained understanding of course objectives and can utilize them in practice.
Satisfactory (2): Student has gained knowledge of course objectives and can utilize them partly in practice.
Sufficient (1): Student has gained knowledge of course objectives but face challenges to utilize them in practice.