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Research and DevelopmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: ZZPP0600


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


Student learns the relevant research methods and processes, research approaches and


Tutkimusprosessi (tutkimusasetelma: tutkimusongelma, tutkimuskysymys, tutkimusote, aineistonkeruu- ja analyysimenetelmät, luotettavuustarkastelu), opinnäytetyön rakenne.

Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus: kvalitatiiviset tutkimusmenetelmät, aineistonkeruumenetelmät (havainnointi, haastattelu, dokumentit), aineistojen analyysimenetelmät, luotettavuustarkastelu, harjoitukset.

Kvantitatiivinen tutkimus: aineistonkeruu (tutkimuslomake), mitta-asteikot, otanta, aineiston analysointimenetelmät (tunnusluvut, suora jakauma, ristiintaulukointi, tilastolliset testit), tulosten luotettavuus ja aukirjoitus.

Sähköiset tiedonkeruumenetelmät ja aineistojen tilastolliset ohjelmat. Harjoitukset ja sovellukset.

Kehittämis- ja toimintatutkimus: menetelmien lähtökohdat ja käyttökohteet.

Opinnäytetyön geneerinen rakenne, arviointikriteerit ja valmiiden töiden arviointiharjoitukset


Adequate knowledge of student's own professional area.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

5 (excellent)
The student is capable of retrieving extensive information pertaining to the research and development area, and is capable of critical assessment of the sources of information. The student can analyse differences between research and development methods and apply the methods to his or her work in an argumented manner. The student can analyse and assess the results and to critically review the strength and weaknesses of his/her own work.

4 (very good)
The student can select the research and development technique and method appropriate for his or her research and development work, and apply them. The student can review the strength and weaknesses of his or her own work.
The student is capable of acting in line with the principles of research ethics. The student can communicate the research and development plan in an analytical and objective way, both in writing and orally.

3 (good)
The student can independently find information pertaining to his or her field of research and development, and assess it in a critical manner. The student can select and use in his/her work the appropriate research and development methods. The student is familiar with the principles of research ethics.

2 (satisfactory)
The student is capable of retrieving information pertaining to his or her field of research and development. The student recognises possibilities of application research and development methods.

1 (adequate)
The student is familiar with the stages of the research and development process. He/she knows how to retrieve research information pertaining to the field of research and development. The student is familiar with the key research and development methods and can describe their differences.

0 (fail)
The student can't recognise or give label to research methods. The student fails to implement a practice research on an aequate level of his/hers own research area.