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Food CultureLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: MMPG1110


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


Learning outcome expresses the level of competence Sufficient 1.
- understands the meaning of food identity for an individual and a group
- understands the centrality of place and terroir in food culture
- appreciates food traditions
- can list the characteristics of Finnish food culture as part of Nordic food culture
- is aware of the New Nordic Food and diet
- is aware of the concepts 'food history' and 'globalisation of food'


Food and identity (individual vs. group)
Place and terroir
History and globalisation of food
Finnish food culture and traditions as part of Nordic food culture
New Nordic Food and Diet



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment methods are based on learning objectives.

2 (Satisfactory)
In addition to the core competence required for grade 1 the student understands the factors affecting Food Culture and is capable of making use of the knowledge learnt.
3 (Good)
In addition to the core competence, for grade 3 the student has a command of the skills listed below: the student is able to analyse topical phenomena associated with food culture and is able to apply the knowledge for a chosen case.
4 (Very good)
In addition to the core competence, for grade 4 student is able to develop the case applied based on argumentation and is also capable of making use of the skills learnt in a critical and innovative way.
5 (Excellent)
In addition to the core competence, for grade 5 student is able to present excellent theoretical and practical contribution. He shows creative and critical skills and uses international research information in his work.

If the student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course, the grade is 0 (Fail).