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HR ProcessesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HL00BD77


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Kaisa Partanen


The object of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide capabilities for working in HR expert duties and in managerial positions by getting familiar with the processes of personnel management and the legislation and theories that govern them.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You will study the whole of human resource management, the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions. You are capable of engaging in cooperation with your peers.


Human resource management
HR expert’s role and duties
Personnel strategy
Legislation governing HR processes and the principal theories
Collective agreement system
Utilization of personnel data in human resource management and process development
Personnel plans
Personnel recruitment


Knowledge of the central concepts and theories of leadership

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You are familiar with the whole of human resource management and the tasks of a human resources expert. You are familiar with the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for your own actions and participate in the group’s activities in workshops.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of applying the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You understand the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, as well as their impact on personnel management. You are capable of planning and implementing HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions and take responsibility for the actions of your peers and interact with the group in workshops.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You understand the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You have comprehensive understanding of the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning and implementation of personnel management processes in expert or managerial positions in collaboration with your team.

Very good 4
You master comprehensively the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes. You are capable of taking responsibility for developing the organisation’s HR processes based on research knowledge.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You master the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management. You are capable of applying the legislation and assessing the theories critically and analytically to attain the targets set in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for the development of the organisation’s HR processes, taking into account the sector’s requirements and needs.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Kaisa Partanen
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration
  • HTL23S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide capabilities for working in HR expert duties and in managerial positions by getting familiar with the processes of personnel management and the legislation and theories that govern them.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You will study the whole of human resource management, the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions. You are capable of engaging in cooperation with your peers.


Human resource management
HR expert’s role and duties
Personnel strategy
Legislation governing HR processes and the principal theories
Collective agreement system
Utilization of personnel data in human resource management and process development
Personnel plans
Personnel recruitment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Viitala, Riitta. Henkilöstöjohtaminen: Keskeiset Käsitteet, Teoriat Ja Trendit. 1. painos. Helsinki: Edita, 2021.
Joki, M. (2021). Henkilöstöasiantuntijan käsikirja (7., uudistettu painos.). [Helsinki]: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirja)
Kaijala, M. (2016). Rekrytointi: Tehtävään vai yhtiöön? Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirja)
Eklund, A. (2018). Tervetuloa meille!: Uuden työntekijän perehdytys. (1. painos) Helsinki: Impact.
Laws and regulations related to the topic and collective agreements.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Peer learning
Working life case group work
Personal final assignment

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative webinars and group discussions will alternate.

During the course, you will receive guidance as follows:
At the beginning of each theme, an introduction to the theme.
Group work guidance with contacts and in the discussion area.
Peer feedback from group work.
Feedback on the group assignment.
Guidance for doing a personal task both with contacts and through the control column.
Feedback on personal tasks in writing.

Practical training and working life connections

Expert lectures and group assingments related to the themes

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Schedules for assignments are announced at the beginning of the course.
Retakes are announced at the start of the study period.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Literature 60 h
Interactive lectures 12,5 h
Group Working in contact 9 h
Completion of independent assignments 54 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent study of literature, interactive lectures and group assignments as well as individual learning assignments.

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the group assignments.
Peer assessment of the case assignment.
The teacher’s feedback on competence in the subject area of the group assignments.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the competence assessments, group assignment and the independent assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You are familiar with the whole of human resource management and the tasks of a human resources expert. You are familiar with the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for your own actions and participate in the group’s activities in workshops.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of applying the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You understand the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, as well as their impact on personnel management. You are capable of planning and implementing HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions and take responsibility for the actions of your peers and interact with the group in workshops.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You understand the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You have comprehensive understanding of the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning and implementation of personnel management processes in expert or managerial positions in collaboration with your team.

Very good 4
You master comprehensively the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes. You are capable of taking responsibility for developing the organisation’s HR processes based on research knowledge.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You master the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management. You are capable of applying the legislation and assessing the theories critically and analytically to attain the targets set in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for the development of the organisation’s HR processes, taking into account the sector’s requirements and needs.


Knowledge of the central concepts and theories of leadership


03.01.2024 - 21.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Jaana Saarisilta
  • Kaisa Partanen
  • ZJA24KH
    Avoin AMK, lita
  • ZJA23SH3
    Avoin AMK, lita, HR, erillisryhmä


The object of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide capabilities for working in HR expert duties and in managerial positions by getting familiar with the processes of personnel management and the legislation and theories that govern them.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You will study the whole of human resource management, the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions. You are capable of engaging in cooperation with your peers.


Human resource management
HR expert’s role and duties
Personnel strategy
Legislation governing HR processes and the principal theories
Collective agreement system
Utilization of personnel data in human resource management and process development
Personnel plans
Personnel recruitment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Course literature
Viitala, Riitta. Henkilöstöjohtaminen: Keskeiset Käsitteet, Teoriat Ja Trendit. 1. painos. Helsinki: Edita, 2021.
Joki, M. (2021). Henkilöstöasiantuntijan käsikirja (7., uudistettu painos.). [Helsinki]: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirja)
Kaijala, M. (2016). Rekrytointi: Tehtävään vai yhtiöön? Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirja)
Eklund, A. (2018). Tervetuloa meille!: Uuden työntekijän perehdytys. (1. painos) Helsinki: Impact.
Aihealueeseen liittyvät lait ja asetukset sekä työehtosopimukset

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
The course proceeds according to themes. The themes include the following steps that support the learning process:

1. Independent study of the laws and theories of the subject area prior to the workshops.
2. Expert lecture related to the subject area
3. Workshop - case exercises as group work during the webinar or at a time agreed by the group.
4. A personal learning assignment that is completed throughout the duration of the course. The assignment serves as demonstration of your competence with regard to the course contents. The last learning assignment includes an assessment of the competencies related to the self-assessment.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
1. Each theme begins with an introduction to the theme.
2. Guidance for the group assignment in workshops.
3. Peer feedback on the group assignment.
4. Feedback on group assignments.
5. Guidance on the completion of the personal assignment both in workshops and via the online guidance forum.
6. Written feedback on personal assignments.
7. The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the independent assignments.

Practical training and working life connections

Expert lectures and group assingments related to the themes

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment returns and retakes are announced at the start of the study period.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Literature 60 h
Interactive lectures 8*1.5 h = 12,5 h
Workshops 5*2 h = 9 h
Completion of independent assignments 54 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent study of literature, interactive lectures and group assignments in workshops. Additionally, an independent learning assignments will be completed related to each theme

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the group assignments.
Peer assessment of the case assignment.
The teacher’s feedback on competence in the subject area of the workshop assignments.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the competence assessments, group assignment and the independent assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You are familiar with the whole of human resource management and the tasks of a human resources expert. You are familiar with the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for your own actions and participate in the group’s activities in workshops.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of applying the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You understand the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, as well as their impact on personnel management. You are capable of planning and implementing HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions and take responsibility for the actions of your peers and interact with the group in workshops.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You understand the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You have comprehensive understanding of the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning and implementation of personnel management processes in expert or managerial positions in collaboration with your team.

Very good 4
You master comprehensively the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes. You are capable of taking responsibility for developing the organisation’s HR processes based on research knowledge.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You master the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management. You are capable of applying the legislation and assessing the theories critically and analytically to attain the targets set in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for the development of the organisation’s HR processes, taking into account the sector’s requirements and needs.


Knowledge of the central concepts and theories of leadership


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 17.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Kaisa Partanen
  • HTL22S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration
  • HTL22SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide capabilities for working in HR expert duties and in managerial positions by getting familiar with the processes of personnel management and the legislation and theories that govern them.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You will study the whole of human resource management, the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions. You are capable of engaging in cooperation with your peers.


Human resource management
HR expert’s role and duties
Personnel strategy
Legislation governing HR processes and the principal theories
Collective agreement system
Utilization of personnel data in human resource management and process development
Personnel plans
Personnel recruitment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Viitala, Riitta. Henkilöstöjohtaminen: Keskeiset Käsitteet, Teoriat Ja Trendit. 1. painos. Helsinki: Edita, 2021.
Joki, M. (2021). Henkilöstöasiantuntijan käsikirja (7., uudistettu painos.). [Helsinki]: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirja)
Kaijala, M. (2016). Rekrytointi: Tehtävään vai yhtiöön? Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirja)
Eklund, A. (2018). Tervetuloa meille!: Uuden työntekijän perehdytys. (1. painos) Helsinki: Impact.
Aihealueeseen liittyvät lait ja asetukset sekä työehtosopimukset

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
The course proceeds according to themes. The themes include the following steps that support the learning process:

1. Independent study of the laws and theories of the subject area prior to the workshops.
2. Expert lecture related to the subject area
3. Workshop - case exercises as group work during contact hours (HTL22S1) or webinar or at a time agreed by the group (HTL22SIY).
4. A personal learning assignment that is completed throughout the duration of the course. The assignment serves as demonstration of your competence with regard to the course contents. The last learning assignment includes an assessment of the competencies related to the self-assessment.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
1. Each theme begins with an introduction to the theme.
2. Guidance for the group assignment in workshops.
3. Peer feedback on the group assignment.
4. Feedback on group assignments.
5. Guidance on the completion of the personal assignment both in workshops and via the online guidance forum.
6. Written feedback on personal assignments.
7. The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the independent assignments.

Practical training and working life connections

Expert lectures and group assingments related to the themes

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The personal assignments must be returned in weeks 37, 45 and 52
Retakes are announced at the start of the study period.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Literature 60 h
Interactive lectures 8*1.5 h = 12,5 h
Workshops 5*2 h = 9 h
Completion of independent assignments 54 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent study of literature, interactive lectures and group assignments in workshops. Additionally, an independent learning assignments will be completed related to each theme

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the group assignments.
Peer assessment of the case assignment.
The teacher’s feedback on competence in the subject area of the workshop assignments.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the competence assessments, group assignment and the independent assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You are familiar with the whole of human resource management and the tasks of a human resources expert. You are familiar with the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for your own actions and participate in the group’s activities in workshops.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of applying the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You understand the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, as well as their impact on personnel management. You are capable of planning and implementing HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions and take responsibility for the actions of your peers and interact with the group in workshops.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You understand the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You have comprehensive understanding of the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning and implementation of personnel management processes in expert or managerial positions in collaboration with your team.

Very good 4
You master comprehensively the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes. You are capable of taking responsibility for developing the organisation’s HR processes based on research knowledge.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You master the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management. You are capable of applying the legislation and assessing the theories critically and analytically to attain the targets set in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for the development of the organisation’s HR processes, taking into account the sector’s requirements and needs.


Knowledge of the central concepts and theories of leadership


09.01.2023 - 19.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Kaisa Partanen
  • ZJA22SH3
    Avoin AMK, lita, HR, erillisryhmä


The object of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide capabilities for working in HR expert duties and in managerial positions by getting familiar with the processes of personnel management and the legislation and theories that govern them.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You will study the whole of human resource management, the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions. You are capable of engaging in cooperation with your peers.


Human resource management
HR expert’s role and duties
Personnel strategy
Legislation governing HR processes and the principal theories
Collective agreement system
Utilization of personnel data in human resource management and process development
Personnel plans
Personnel recruitment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Viitala, Riitta. Henkilöstöjohtaminen: Keskeiset Käsitteet, Teoriat Ja Trendit. 1. painos. Helsinki: Edita, 2021. (also e-book)
Joki, M. (2021). Henkilöstöasiantuntijan käsikirja (7., uudistettu painos.). [Helsinki]: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirja)(also e-book)
Kaijala, M. (2016). Rekrytointi: Tehtävään vai yhtiöön? Helsinki: Alma Talent. (also e-book)
Eklund, A. (2018). Tervetuloa meille!: Uuden työntekijän perehdytys. (1. painos) Helsinki: Impact.
Aihealueeseen liittyvät lait ja asetukset sekä työehtosopimukset

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
The course proceeds according to themes. The themes include the following steps that support the learning process:

1. Independent study of the laws and theories of the subject area prior to the workshops
2. Expert lecture related to the teacher or subject area
3. Workshop - case exercises as group work during webinars and/or on own time.
4. A personal learning assignment that is completed throughout the duration of the course. The assignment serves as demonstration of your competence with regard to the course contents. The last learning assignment includes an assessment of the competencies related to the self-assessment.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
1. Each theme begins with an introduction to the theme.
2. Guidance for the individual or group assignment in workshops.
3. Peer feedback on the group assignment.
4. Feedback on group assignments.
5. Guidance on the completion of the personal assignment both in workshops and via the online guidance forum.
6. Written feedback on personal assignments.
7. The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the independent assignments.

Practical training and working life connections

Expert lectures and assingments related to the themes

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The last personal assignment must be returned by 19 Mars 2023.
The retake of the personal assignment is possible on 2 April 2023 and 4 April 2023.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Literature 3*20 h = 60 h
Webinars 9*1.5 h = 13,5 h, which workshops 3*2 h = 6 h (compulsory participation)
Completion of independent assignments 61,5 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent study of literature, interactive lectures and workshops and individual or group assingments will alternate. Additionally, an independent learning assignments will be completed related to each theme

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the group assignments.
Peer assessment of the group assignment.
The teacher’s written feedback on competence in the subject area of the individual assignments.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the competence assessments, group assignment and the independent assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You are familiar with the whole of human resource management and the tasks of a human resources expert. You are familiar with the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for your own actions and participate in the group’s activities in workshops.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of applying the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You understand the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, as well as their impact on personnel management. You are capable of planning and implementing HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions and take responsibility for the actions of your peers and interact with the group in workshops.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You understand the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You have comprehensive understanding of the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning and implementation of personnel management processes in expert or managerial positions in collaboration with your team.

Very good 4
You master comprehensively the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes. You are capable of taking responsibility for developing the organisation’s HR processes based on research knowledge.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You master the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management. You are capable of applying the legislation and assessing the theories critically and analytically to attain the targets set in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for the development of the organisation’s HR processes, taking into account the sector’s requirements and needs.


Knowledge of the central concepts and theories of leadership


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Kaisa Partanen
  • HTL21S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration


The object of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide capabilities for working in HR expert duties and in managerial positions by getting familiar with the processes of personnel management and the legislation and theories that govern them.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You will study the whole of human resource management, the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions. You are capable of engaging in cooperation with your peers.


Human resource management
HR expert’s role and duties
Personnel strategy
Legislation governing HR processes and the principal theories
Collective agreement system
Utilization of personnel data in human resource management and process development
Personnel plans
Personnel recruitment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Course literature
Viitala, Riitta. Henkilöstöjohtaminen: Keskeiset Käsitteet, Teoriat Ja Trendit. 1. painos. Helsinki: Edita, 2021.
Joki, M. (2021). Henkilöstöasiantuntijan käsikirja (7., uudistettu painos.). [Helsinki]: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirja)
Österberg, M. (2015). Henkilöstöasiantuntijan käsikirja (5., uud. p.). Helsinki: Kauppakamari.
Kaijala, M. (2016). Rekrytointi: Tehtävään vai yhtiöön? Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirja)
Eklund, A. (2018). Tervetuloa meille!: Uuden työntekijän perehdytys. (1. painos) Helsinki: Impact.
Aihealueeseen liittyvät lait ja asetukset sekä työehtosopimukset

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
The course proceeds according to themes. The themes include the following steps that support the learning process:

1. Independent study of the laws and theories of the subject area prior to the workshops
2. Expert lecture related to the subject area
3. Workshop - case exercises as group work during contact hours
4. A personal learning assignment that is completed throughout the duration of the course. The assignment serves as demonstration of your competence with regard to the course contents. The last learning assignment includes an assessment of the competencies related to the self-assessment.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
1. Each theme begins with an introduction to the theme.
2. Guidance for the group assignment in workshops.
3. Peer feedback on the group assignment.
4. Feedback on group assignments.
5. Guidance on the completion of the personal assignment both in workshops and via the online guidance forum.
6. Written feedback on personal assignments.
7. The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the independent assignments.

Practical training and working life connections

Expert lectures and group assingments related to the themes

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The last personal assignment must be returned by 16 December 2022.
The retake of the personal assignment is possible on 3 February 2023 and 11 February 2023.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Literature 3*20 h = 60 h
Interactive lectures 9*1.5 h = 13,5 h
Workshops 6*2 h = 12 h (compulsory participation)
Completion of independent assignments 49,5 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent study of literature, interactive lectures and workshops and group assingments will alternate. Additionally, an independent learning assignments will be completed related to each theme

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the group assignments.
Peer assessment of the group assignment.
The teacher’s written feedback on competence in the subject area of the workshop assignments.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the competence assessments, group assignment and the independent assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You are familiar with the whole of human resource management and the tasks of a human resources expert. You are familiar with the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for your own actions and participate in the group’s activities in workshops.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of applying the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You understand the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, as well as their impact on personnel management. You are capable of planning and implementing HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions and take responsibility for the actions of your peers and interact with the group in workshops.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You understand the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You have comprehensive understanding of the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning and implementation of personnel management processes in expert or managerial positions in collaboration with your team.

Very good 4
You master comprehensively the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes. You are capable of taking responsibility for developing the organisation’s HR processes based on research knowledge.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You master the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management. You are capable of applying the legislation and assessing the theories critically and analytically to attain the targets set in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for the development of the organisation’s HR processes, taking into account the sector’s requirements and needs.


Knowledge of the central concepts and theories of leadership


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Kaisa Partanen
  • HTL21SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration


The object of the course
The purpose of the course is to provide capabilities for working in HR expert duties and in managerial positions by getting familiar with the processes of personnel management and the legislation and theories that govern them.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You will study the whole of human resource management, the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions. You are capable of engaging in cooperation with your peers.


Human resource management
HR expert’s role and duties
Personnel strategy
Legislation governing HR processes and the principal theories
Collective agreement system
Utilization of personnel data in human resource management and process development
Personnel plans
Personnel recruitment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Course literature
Viitala, Riitta. Henkilöstöjohtaminen: Keskeiset Käsitteet, Teoriat Ja Trendit. 1. painos. Helsinki: Edita, 2021. (also e-book)
Joki, M. (2021). Henkilöstöasiantuntijan käsikirja (7., uudistettu painos.). [Helsinki]: Kauppakamari. ((also e-book)
Österberg, M. (2015). Henkilöstöasiantuntijan käsikirja (5., uud. p.). Helsinki: Kauppakamari.
Kaijala, M. (2016). Rekrytointi: Tehtävään vai yhtiöön? Helsinki: Alma Talent.(also e-book)
Eklund, A. (2018). Tervetuloa meille!: Uuden työntekijän perehdytys. (1. painos) Helsinki: Impact.
Aihealueeseen liittyvät lait ja asetukset sekä työehtosopimukset

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
The course proceeds according to themes. The themes include the following steps that support the learning process:

1. Independent study of the laws and theories of the subject area prior to the workshops
2. Expert lecture related to the subject area
3. Workshop - case exercises as group work during webinars
4. A personal learning assignment that is completed throughout the duration of the course. The assignment serves as demonstration of your competence with regard to the course contents. The last learning assignment includes an assessment of the competencies related to the self-assessment.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
1. Each theme begins with an introduction to the theme.
2. Guidance for the group assignment in workshops.
3. Peer feedback on the group assignment.
4. Feedback on group assignments.
5. Guidance on the completion of the personal assignment both in workshops and via the online guidance forum.
6. Written feedback on personal assignments.
7. The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the independent assignments.

Practical training and working life connections

Expert lectures and group assingments related to the themes

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The last personal assignment must be returned by 16 December 2022.
The retake of the personal assignment is possible on 3 February 2023 and 10 February 2023.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Literature 3*20 h = 60 h
Interactive lectures 9*1.5 h = 13,5 h
Workshops 6*2 h = 12 h (compulsory participation)
Completion of independent assignments 49,5 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent study of literature, interactive lectures and workshops and group assingments will alternate. Additionally, an independent learning assignments will be completed related to each theme

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the group assignments.
Peer assessment of the group assignment.
The teacher’s written feedback on competence in the subject area of the workshop assignments.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the competence assessments, group assignment and the independent assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You are familiar with the whole of human resource management and the tasks of a human resources expert. You are familiar with the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, and identify HR processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for your own actions and participate in the group’s activities in workshops.

Satisfactory 2
You are capable of applying the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You understand the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and induction, as well as their impact on personnel management. You are capable of planning and implementing HR processes in practice in expert or managerial positions and take responsibility for the actions of your peers and interact with the group in workshops.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You understand the main principles of the legislation governing HR processes. You have comprehensive understanding of the collective agreement system and the theories related to human resources planning, recruitment and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning and implementation of personnel management processes in expert or managerial positions in collaboration with your team.

Very good 4
You master comprehensively the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management and are capable of applying them in practice in a target-oriented manner in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes. You are capable of taking responsibility for developing the organisation’s HR processes based on research knowledge.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You master the principles of the legislation governing HR processes, the collective agreement system and the theories of personnel management. You are capable of applying the legislation and assessing the theories critically and analytically to attain the targets set in the planning, implementation and development of personnel management processes in practice. You are capable of taking responsibility for the development of the organisation’s HR processes, taking into account the sector’s requirements and needs.


Knowledge of the central concepts and theories of leadership