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Technical Drawing and CADLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TEEN2550


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Juha Paananen


Primary target is to learn how to produce technical drawings of designs and plans both manually and with a CAD software.

Technical drawing (TLEEN):
The students know basics of engineering drawing and learn to draw needed projections and sections by hand. The students learn to read technical and assembly drawings and related BOMs (bill of material). Students know the meaning of drawing scales, sections, dimensions, simplified methods, symbology and tolerancing.
The students can identify typical machine elements (standard components) and their illustrations.
The students gain understanding of design methodologies, and an ability to use them. (EA-ED)

CAD (Computer Aided Design):
The students learn to produce two dimensional (2D) drawings with the necessary settings and views. Students master the basics of three dimensional (3D) modeling with solids.

The students gain ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to develop and realise designs to meet defined and specified requirements. (EA-ED)


Technical drawing:
The necessary projections according to fisrt angle projection method with their dimensions, sections, threads, welding symbols, tolerances and fits, surface roughness symbols, standard parts marking and assembly pictures with their part lists.

Drawing and editing 2-dimensional objects with variety of different tools, layers and nline types, dimensioning and annotation and crating a manufacturing drawing with frames and legend information.
3D modeling with solids. Utilizing 2D drawings to produce 3D-elements. Crating blocks.


Students must have basic ICT skills.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient (1): Student has gained knowledge of course objectives but face challenges to utilize them in practice.

Satisfactory (2): Student has gained knowledge of course objectives and can utilize them partly in practice.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): Student has gained understanding of course objectives and can utilize them in practice.

Very good (4): Student has attained very good level of course objectives and can apply them into practice.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): Student has attained an excellent level of course objectives and can apply them into practice in innovative manner.