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Operational EnvironmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: LMSB2300


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Kaisa Kinnunen


Bioeconomy in Finland is significant both in national and international level. In the future, more and more clean food, water and energy is needed. In this course, you will get an overall picture of how bioeconomy is connected to different sectors and what are the meaning and possibilities of bioeconomy.

After finishing this course, you will recognize the concepts of bioeconomy and circular economy and their present states and development trends. You will understand the importance of agriculture, forestry and rural entrepreneurship as a part of a national economy. You will understand the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You will understand the principles of national economy and political decision making. You will know the principles of the EU farm subsidy system.


- Operating principles of a national economy
- Political decision making
- Organizations involved in the businesses of rural areas
- The main objectives and means of agricultural, forest and rural policy
- Terms and application of EU farm subsidies
- National and international aims and means of bioeconomy and circular economy
- The past, present and trends of agriculture and forestry



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You can recognize the principles of national economy and political decision making. You know the principles of the terms and application of EU farm subsidies.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to apply you knowledge of the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making in your own operating environment.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment. You are able to make suggestions on developing and influencing the aims and means of bioeconomy, circular economy, national economy and political decision making.


01.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 31.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Kaisa Kinnunen
  • LMS24KM
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)


Bioeconomy in Finland is significant both in national and international level. In the future, more and more clean food, water and energy is needed. In this course, you will get an overall picture of how bioeconomy is connected to different sectors and what are the meaning and possibilities of bioeconomy.

After finishing this course, you will recognize the concepts of bioeconomy and circular economy and their present states and development trends. You will understand the importance of agriculture, forestry and rural entrepreneurship as a part of a national economy. You will understand the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You will understand the principles of national economy and political decision making. You will know the principles of the EU farm subsidy system.


- Operating principles of a national economy
- Political decision making
- Organizations involved in the businesses of rural areas
- The main objectives and means of agricultural, forest and rural policy
- Terms and application of EU farm subsidies
- National and international aims and means of bioeconomy and circular economy
- The past, present and trends of agriculture and forestry

Time and location

Opintojakso toteutetaan kevätlukukaudella 2025 tammi-huhtikuun aikana. Kontaktiopetus toteutetaan Biotalousinstituutissa Saarijärvellä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Pohjola, Matti. 2019. Taloustieteen oppikirja. e-kirja. Jamk verkkoaineistot
Markkola, Pirjo. 2004. Suomen maatalouden historia, 3. Suurten muutosten aika: Jälleenrakennuskaudesta EU-Suomeen.
Verkko-oppimisympäristön materiaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla opiskellaan tavoitteiden mukaisia aihepiirejä kontaktiopetuksessa ja itsenäisesti tehtäviä suorittaen. Opintojaksoon sisältyy myös opintoretkelle tai webinaariin osallistuminen.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojakson suoritukset muodostuvat kontaktitunneilla tehtävistä osatenteistä (pistareista) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavista tehtävistä. Näiden yhteenlasketusta pistemäärästä muodostuu arvosana, jota aktiivinen osallistuminen voi korottaa.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit 15 tuntia
Tapahtumaosallistuminen 16 tuntia
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja tehtävät 104 tuntia
Yhteensä 135 tuntia

Further information for students

Opintojakson arvioinnin perusteena on osatentit (pistarit); itsenäisesti ja ryhmissä suoritettavat tehtävät sekä tapahtumaosallistuminen

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You can recognize the principles of national economy and political decision making. You know the principles of the terms and application of EU farm subsidies.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to apply you knowledge of the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making in your own operating environment.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment. You are able to make suggestions on developing and influencing the aims and means of bioeconomy, circular economy, national economy and political decision making.




20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


11.01.2024 - 19.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Face-to-face, 40 % Online learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Kaisa Kinnunen
  • LMS23S1
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)


Bioeconomy in Finland is significant both in national and international level. In the future, more and more clean food, water and energy is needed. In this course, you will get an overall picture of how bioeconomy is connected to different sectors and what are the meaning and possibilities of bioeconomy.

After finishing this course, you will recognize the concepts of bioeconomy and circular economy and their present states and development trends. You will understand the importance of agriculture, forestry and rural entrepreneurship as a part of a national economy. You will understand the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You will understand the principles of national economy and political decision making. You will know the principles of the EU farm subsidy system.


- Operating principles of a national economy
- Political decision making
- Organizations involved in the businesses of rural areas
- The main objectives and means of agricultural, forest and rural policy
- Terms and application of EU farm subsidies
- National and international aims and means of bioeconomy and circular economy
- The past, present and trends of agriculture and forestry

Time and location

Opintojakso toteutetaan kevätlukukaudella 2024 tammi-maaliskuun aikana. Kontaktiopetus toteutetaan Biotalousinstituutissa Saarijärvellä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Pohjola, Matti. 2019. Taloustieteen oppikirja. e-kirja. Jamk verkkoaineistot
Markkola, Pirjo. 2004. Suomen maatalouden historia, 3. Suurten muutosten aika: Jälleenrakennuskaudesta EU-Suomeen.
Verkko-oppimisympäristön materiaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla opiskellaan tavoitteiden mukaisia aihepiirejä kontaktiopetuksessa ja itsenäisesti tehtäviä suorittaen. Opintojaksoon sisältyy myös opintoretkelle tai webinaariin osallistuminen.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojakson suoritukset muodostuvat kontaktitunneilla tehtävistä osatenteistä (pistareista) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavista tehtävistä. Näiden yhteenlasketusta pistemäärästä muodostuu arvosana, jota aktiivinen osallistuminen voi korottaa.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit 32 tuntia
Opintoretki tai itsenäinen tehtävä 16 tuntia
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja tehtävät 87 tuntia
Yhteensä 135 tuntia

Further information for students

Opintojakson arvioinnin perusteena on kontaktitunnilla tehtävät osatentit (pistarit) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavat tehtävät.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You can recognize the principles of national economy and political decision making. You know the principles of the terms and application of EU farm subsidies.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to apply you knowledge of the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making in your own operating environment.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment. You are able to make suggestions on developing and influencing the aims and means of bioeconomy, circular economy, national economy and political decision making.




20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


01.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Arto Riihinen
  • Kaisa Kinnunen
  • LMS23KM
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)


Bioeconomy in Finland is significant both in national and international level. In the future, more and more clean food, water and energy is needed. In this course, you will get an overall picture of how bioeconomy is connected to different sectors and what are the meaning and possibilities of bioeconomy.

After finishing this course, you will recognize the concepts of bioeconomy and circular economy and their present states and development trends. You will understand the importance of agriculture, forestry and rural entrepreneurship as a part of a national economy. You will understand the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You will understand the principles of national economy and political decision making. You will know the principles of the EU farm subsidy system.


- Operating principles of a national economy
- Political decision making
- Organizations involved in the businesses of rural areas
- The main objectives and means of agricultural, forest and rural policy
- Terms and application of EU farm subsidies
- National and international aims and means of bioeconomy and circular economy
- The past, present and trends of agriculture and forestry

Time and location

Opintojakso toteutetaan kevätlukukaudella 2024 helmi-huhtikuun aikana. Kontaktiopetus toteutetaan Biotalousinstituutissa Saarijärvellä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Pohjola, Matti. 2019. Taloustieteen oppikirja. e-kirja. Jamk verkkoaineistot
Markkola, Pirjo. 2004. Suomen maatalouden historia, 3. Suurten muutosten aika: Jälleenrakennuskaudesta EU-Suomeen.
Verkko-oppimisympäristön materiaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla opiskellaan tavoitteiden mukaisia aihepiirejä kontaktiopetuksessa ja itsenäisesti tehtäviä suorittaen. Opintojaksoon sisältyy myös opintoretkelle tai webinaariin osallistuminen.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojakson suoritukset muodostuvat kontaktitunneilla tehtävistä osatenteistä (pistareista) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavista tehtävistä. Näiden yhteenlasketusta pistemäärästä muodostuu arvosana, jota aktiivinen osallistuminen voi korottaa.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit 16 tuntia
Opintoretki tai itsenäinen tehtävä 16 tuntia
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja tehtävät 103 tuntia
Yhteensä 135 tuntia

Further information for students

Opintojakson arvioinnin perusteena on kontaktitunnilla tehtävät osatentit (pistarit) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavat tehtävät.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You can recognize the principles of national economy and political decision making. You know the principles of the terms and application of EU farm subsidies.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to apply you knowledge of the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making in your own operating environment.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment. You are able to make suggestions on developing and influencing the aims and means of bioeconomy, circular economy, national economy and political decision making.




01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 21.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Face-to-face, 40 % Online learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Kaisa Kinnunen
  • Aapeli Piesala
  • LMS22KM
    Agrologi (AMK), maaseutuelinkeinot, monimuotototeutus


Bioeconomy in Finland is significant both in national and international level. In the future, more and more clean food, water and energy is needed. In this course, you will get an overall picture of how bioeconomy is connected to different sectors and what are the meaning and possibilities of bioeconomy.

After finishing this course, you will recognize the concepts of bioeconomy and circular economy and their present states and development trends. You will understand the importance of agriculture, forestry and rural entrepreneurship as a part of a national economy. You will understand the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You will understand the principles of national economy and political decision making. You will know the principles of the EU farm subsidy system.


- Operating principles of a national economy
- Political decision making
- Organizations involved in the businesses of rural areas
- The main objectives and means of agricultural, forest and rural policy
- Terms and application of EU farm subsidies
- National and international aims and means of bioeconomy and circular economy
- The past, present and trends of agriculture and forestry

Time and location

Opintojakso toteutetaan kevätlukukaudella 2023 tammi-huhtikuun aikana. Kontaktiopetus toteutetaan Biotalousinstituutissa Saarijärvellä, ja osallistuminen on mahdollista myös etänä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Verkko-oppimisympäristön materiaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla opiskellaan tavoitteiden mukaisia aihepiirejä kontaktiopetuksessa ja itsenäisesti tehtäviä suorittaen. Opintojaksoon sisältyy myös opintoretkelle tai webinaariin osallistuminen.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojakson suoritukset muodostuvat kontaktitunneilla sekä itsenäisesti tehtävistä osatenteistä (pistareista) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavista tehtävistä. Näiden yhteenlasketusta pistemäärästä muodostuu arvosana, jota aktiivinen osallistuminen voi korottaa. Arvosanaa on mahdollista korottaa suorittamalla itsenäinen verkkotentti.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit 20 tuntia
Tentti 4 tuntia
Opintoretki tai itsenäinen tehtävä 16 tuntia
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja tehtävät 95 tuntia
Yhteensä 135 tuntia

Further information for students

Opintojakson arvioinnin perusteena on kontaktitunneilla ja itsenäisesti tehtävät osatententit (pistarit) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavat tehtävät.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You can recognize the principles of national economy and political decision making. You know the principles of the terms and application of EU farm subsidies.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to apply you knowledge of the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making in your own operating environment.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment. You are able to make suggestions on developing and influencing the aims and means of bioeconomy, circular economy, national economy and political decision making.




01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 21.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Face-to-face, 20 % Online learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Kaisa Kinnunen
  • Aapeli Piesala
  • LMS22S1
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)


Bioeconomy in Finland is significant both in national and international level. In the future, more and more clean food, water and energy is needed. In this course, you will get an overall picture of how bioeconomy is connected to different sectors and what are the meaning and possibilities of bioeconomy.

After finishing this course, you will recognize the concepts of bioeconomy and circular economy and their present states and development trends. You will understand the importance of agriculture, forestry and rural entrepreneurship as a part of a national economy. You will understand the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You will understand the principles of national economy and political decision making. You will know the principles of the EU farm subsidy system.


- Operating principles of a national economy
- Political decision making
- Organizations involved in the businesses of rural areas
- The main objectives and means of agricultural, forest and rural policy
- Terms and application of EU farm subsidies
- National and international aims and means of bioeconomy and circular economy
- The past, present and trends of agriculture and forestry

Time and location

Opintojakso toteutetaan kevätlukukaudella 2023 tammi-huhtikuun aikana. Kontaktiopetus toteutetaan Biotalousinstituutissa Saarijärvellä.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Verkko-oppimisympäristön materiaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla opiskellaan tavoitteiden mukaisia aihepiirejä kontaktiopetuksessa ja itsenäisesti tehtäviä suorittaen. Opintojaksoon sisältyy myös opintoretkelle tai webinaariin osallistuminen.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojakson suoritukset muodostuvat kontaktitunneilla tehtävistä osatenteistä (pistareista) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavista tehtävistä. Näiden yhteenlasketusta pistemäärästä muodostuu arvosana, jota aktiivinen osallistuminen voi korottaa. Arvosanaa on mahdollista korottaa suorittamalla itsenäinen verkkotentti.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit 40 tuntia
Tentti 4 tuntia
Opintoretki tai itsenäinen tehtävä 16 tuntia
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja tehtävät 75 tuntia
Yhteensä 135 tuntia

Further information for students

Opintojakson arvioinnin perusteena on kontaktitunneilla tehtävät osatentit (pistarit) sekä itsenäisesti suoritettavat tehtävät.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You can recognize the principles of national economy and political decision making. You know the principles of the terms and application of EU farm subsidies.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to apply you knowledge of the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making in your own operating environment.

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

You know what bioeconomy is and are able to recognize its meaning to the national economy. You know the aims and means of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy, and organizations in that field. You understand the operating field of national and international bioeconomy and circular economy and its organizations. You understand the principles of national economy, political decision making and EU farm subsidies. You are able to critically evaluate the information about the aims and means of bioconomy and circular economy and political decision making, and also to apply the knowledge in your own operating environment. You are able to make suggestions on developing and influencing the aims and means of bioeconomy, circular economy, national economy and political decision making.

