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Outpatients PracticeLaajuus (6 cr)

Code: SARSW203


6 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Sinikka Holma


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


01.08.2024 - 19.08.2024


25.11.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Sinikka Holma
  • SAR22K1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.

Teaching methods

Clinical practice in outpatient units or or other similar unit (4 weeks)
Practice assignment

International connections

The practice can be completed abroad

Student workload

Practice 152h, assignment 10h; all together 162h

Further information for students

The student and the tutor nurse both rate the practiceusing the evaluation form. The teacher is involved in the evaluation discussion.
In the case of a failed practice, the criteria for a failed practice are applied.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care


02.05.2024 - 09.08.2024


15.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Janne Alenius
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Sinikka Holma
  • SAR22KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • SAR23KM2
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.

Teaching methods

Clinical practice in outpatient units or or other similar unit (4 weeks)
Practice assignment

International connections

The practice can be completed abroad

Student workload

Practice 152h, assignment 10h; all together 162h

Further information for students

The student and the tutor nurse both rate the practiceusing the evaluation form. The teacher is involved in the evaluation discussion.
In the case of a failed practice, the criteria for a failed practice are applied.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


12.02.2024 - 19.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Sinikka Holma
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR21S1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.

Teaching methods

Clinical practice in outpatient units or or other similar unit (4 weeks)
Practice assignment

International connections

The practice can be completed abroad

Student workload

Practice 152h, assignment 10h; all together 162h

Further information for students

The student and the tutor nurse both rate the practiceusing the evaluation form. The teacher is involved in the evaluation discussion.
In the case of a failed practice, the criteria for a failed practice are applied.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


29.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Leena Rasa
  • Kaisu Paalanen
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Tiina Oksanen
  • Sinikka Holma
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR21SM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


04.12.2023 - 21.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Sinikka Holma
  • Hannele Tyrväinen
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • SAR21KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.

Further information for students

Toteutus tarkoitettu vain syventäviä opintoja syskyllä 2023 tekeville opiskelijoille.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


09.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Sinikka Holma
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR21K1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


11.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Sinikka Holma
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR20S1
  • SAR20SM
    Bachelor's degree Programme in Nursing
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.

Teaching methods

Clinical practice in outpatient units or or other similar unit (4 weeks)
Practice assignment

International connections

The practice can be completed abroad

Student workload

Practice 152h, assignment 10h; all together 162h

Further information for students

The student and the tutor nurse both rate the practiceusing the evaluation form. The teacher is involved in the evaluation discussion.
In the case of a failed practice, the criteria for a failed practice are applied.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


01.05.2023 - 11.06.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Janne Alenius
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Mervi Monthan
  • Anne Kovanen
  • Sinikka Holma
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR20SM
    Bachelor's degree Programme in Nursing


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.

Teaching methods

Clinical practice in outpatient units or or other similar unit (4 weeks)
Practice assignment

International connections

The practice can be completed abroad

Student workload

Practice 152h, assignment 10h; all together 162h

Further information for students

The student and the tutor nurse both rate the practiceusing the evaluation form. The teacher is involved in the evaluation discussion.
In the case of a failed practice, the criteria for a failed practice are applied.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


06.02.2023 - 11.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

6 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Janne Alenius
  • Anne Kovanen
  • Mervi Monthan
  • Sinikka Holma
  • Eija Kuisma
  • SAR20S1


After completing this course, you will be able to make an assessment of the need for care and have basic knowledge of the clinical examination of the patient.

Health promotion competence
Guidance and interaction competence
Evidence-based and decision-making competence
Clinical competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

You can evaluate the need and urgency of the client's care. You practice in interviewing and observing the patient, as well as in clinical examinations and are be able to draw conclusions from them. You work with the client within your area of responsibility and consult experts. You are able to monitor long-term illnesses and guide patients / clients through various methods. You know the most common examinations and procedures in the nursing reception.


Professional practice in outpatient care in line with the above objectives.

Teaching methods

Clinical practice in outpatient units or or other similar unit (4 weeks)
Practice assignment

International connections

The practice can be completed abroad

Student workload

Practice 152h, assignment 10h; all together 162h

Further information for students

The student and the tutor nurse both rate the practiceusing the evaluation form. The teacher is involved in the evaluation discussion.
In the case of a failed practice, the criteria for a failed practice are applied.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You will be familiar with the methods of assessing the client's / patient's clinical examination and need for care and will be able to distinguish pathological changes in vital signs from normal.
You can interview and examine the client / patient and justify your actions.
You are able to identify abnormal findings and make an assessment of the need for care based on them, consulting other experts as needed.
You can justify your conclusions of securing continuity of care for the client / patient.
Demonstrate appropriate customer-oriented interaction skills and control techniques.


Theory of patient clinical examination and assessment of care