Professional Practice IIILaajuus (18 cr)
Code: SKOSW203
18 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Teppo Karapalo
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
01.04.2024 - 30.04.2024
20.05.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Teppo Karapalo
SKO22SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO23SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Time and location
Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaansa ja ammatillista kehittymistään tukevassa paikassa kesäjakson aikana.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutuu käytännön harjoitteluna opiskelijan valitsemassa harjoittelupaikassa. Harjoitteluun sisältyy opiskelijan, harjoittelupaikan ohjaajan ja ohjaavan opettajan alku- ja loppukeskustelut. Tarvittaessa sovitaan erikseen muista ohjaustapaamisista. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy oppimispäiväkirjan kirjoittaminen ja harjoittelun workshop.
Practical training and working life connections
Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna alan työpaikassa.
Student workload
Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa 459 h
Harjoittelun workshop 13 h
Oppimispäiväkirja 14 h
Yhteensä 486 h
Further information for students
Harjoittelun arviointiin osallistuvat harjoittelupaikan ohjaaja(t), harjoittelua ohjaava opettaja ja opiskelija. Harjoittelu arvioidaan opintojakson arviointikriteerien mukaan hyväksytty-hylätty asteikolla. Opiskelijan tekemä oppimispäiväkirja arvioidaan Moodle-oppimisympäristössä olevien ohjeiden perusteella. Harjoittelun workshoppiin osallistuminen on edellytys hyväksytyn harjoittelun suorittamiselle.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Virtual portion
18 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Teppo Karapalo
SKO22SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO23SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Time and location
Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaansa ja ammatillista kehittymistään tukevassa paikassa kevätlukukauden aikana.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutuu käytännön harjoitteluna opiskelijan valitsemassa harjoittelupaikassa. Harjoitteluun sisältyy opiskelijan, harjoittelupaikan ohjaajan ja ohjaavan opettajan alku- ja loppukeskustelut. Tarvittaessa sovitaan erikseen muista ohjaustapaamisista. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy oppimispäiväkirjan kirjoittaminen ja harjoittelun workshop.
Practical training and working life connections
Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna alan työpaikassa.
Student workload
Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa 459 h
Harjoittelun workshop 13 h
Oppimispäiväkirja 14 h
Yhteensä 486 h
Further information for students
Harjoittelun arviointiin osallistuvat harjoittelupaikan ohjaaja(t), harjoittelua ohjaava opettaja ja opiskelija. Harjoittelu arvioidaan opintojakson arviointikriteerien mukaan hyväksytty-hylätty asteikolla. Opiskelijan tekemä oppimispäiväkirja arvioidaan Moodle-oppimisympäristössä olevien ohjeiden perusteella. Harjoittelun workshoppiin osallistuminen on edellytys hyväksytyn harjoittelun suorittamiselle.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Virtual portion
18 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Teppo Karapalo
Teacher in charge
Teppo Karapalo
SKO22SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Time and location
Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaansa ja ammatillista kehittymistään tukevassa paikassa syyslukukauden aikana.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutuu käytännön harjoitteluna opiskelijan valitsemassa harjoittelupaikassa. Harjoitteluun sisältyy opiskelijan, harjoittelupaikan ohjaajan ja ohjaavan opettajan alku-, väli- ja loppukeskustelut. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy harjoitteluraportin tai oppimispäiväkirjan kirjoittaminen ja harjoittelun workshop.
Practical training and working life connections
Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna alan työpaikassa.
Student workload
Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa 459 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti tai oppimispäiväkirja 14 h
Yhteensä 486 h
Further information for students
Harjoittelun arviointiin osallistuvat harjoittelupaikan ohjaaja(t), harjoittelua ohjaava opettaja ja opiskelija. Harjoittelu arvioidaan opintojakson arviointikriteerien mukaan hyväksytty-hylätty asteikolla. Opiskelijan tekemä harjoitteluraportti tai oppimispäiväkirja arvioidaan Moodle-oppimisympäristössä olevien ohjeiden perusteella. Harjoittelun workshoppiin osallistuminen on edellytys hyväksytyn harjoittelun suorittamiselle.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
01.04.2024 - 30.04.2024
21.05.2024 - 31.07.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 20
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Teppo Karapalo
- Anja Tanttu
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO20SMBachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Time and location
Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaansa ja ammatillista kehittymistään tukevassa paikassa syyslukukauden aikana.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutuu käytännön harjoitteluna opiskelijan valitsemassa harjoittelupaikassa. Harjoitteluun sisältyy opiskelijan, harjoittelupaikan ohjaajan ja ohjaavan opettajan alku-, väli- ja loppukeskustelut. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy harjoitteluraportin kirjoittaminen ja harjoittelun workshop.
Practical training and working life connections
Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa 459 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Yhteensä 486 h
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024
08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Teppo Karapalo
- Anja Tanttu
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO20SMBachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Time and location
Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaansa ja ammatillista kehittymistään tukevassa paikassa syyslukukauden aikana.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutuu käytännön harjoitteluna opiskelijan valitsemassa harjoittelupaikassa. Harjoitteluun sisältyy opiskelijan, harjoittelupaikan ohjaajan ja ohjaavan opettajan alku-, väli- ja loppukeskustelut. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy harjoitteluraportin kirjoittaminen ja harjoittelun workshop.
Practical training and working life connections
Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.
Student workload
Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa 459 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Yhteensä 486 h
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
21.08.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Virtual portion
18 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Teppo Karapalo
- Anja Tanttu
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO20SMBachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Time and location
Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaansa ja ammatillista kehittymistään tukevassa paikassa syyslukukauden aikana.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutuu käytännön harjoitteluna opiskelijan valitsemassa harjoittelupaikassa. Harjoitteluun sisältyy opiskelijan, harjoittelupaikan ohjaajan ja ohjaavan opettajan alku-, väli- ja loppukeskustelut. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy harjoitteluraportin kirjoittaminen ja harjoittelun workshop.
Practical training and working life connections
Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä.
Student workload
Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa 459 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Yhteensä 486 h
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
22.05.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Sanna Harjula
- Minna Seikkula
SKO20SMBachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaan.
Practical training and working life connections
Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.
Student workload
Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 459 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Yhteensä: 486 h
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
01.04.2023 - 30.04.2023
22.05.2023 - 31.07.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Virtual portion
18 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Sanna Harjula
- Teppo Karapalo
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO20SMBachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Virtual portion
18 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Sanna Harjula
- Teppo Karapalo
- Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge
Sanna Harjula
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
SKO20SMBachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.
01.01.2023 - 21.05.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
18 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Sanna Harjula
SKO20SMBachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
After the internship you will be able to:
- independently produce documentation in accordance with the internship instructions and current guidelines
- assess the needs, expectations and opportunities for rehabilitation at the individual, community and societal level
- independently assess the work ability and functioning of the rehabilitee by using reliable and valid assessment methods of functioning (incl. ICF tools)
- critically evaluate the rehabilitation services of the internship place and present constructive development proposals for the development of the services
- to compare different rehabilitation funding channels and cost structures and their connection to the financial and administrative structures of the placement.
- critically evaluate your counselling work and develop it based on your own reflection and feedback
- to recommend, coordinate and justify rehabilitation services appropriate to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- counsel the rehabilitee to take responsibility for her or his rehabilitation and rehabilitation process
- lead and coordinate the rehabilitation process in cooperation with a multi-professional team of experts and the rehabilitee
- act as a rehabilitation expert in a multi-professional team
- introduce new technological solutions and counsel the rehabilitatee to act safely in online environments
- build a functional interaction with different rehabilitees
In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaan.
Practical training and working life connections
Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.
Student workload
Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 459 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Yhteensä: 486 h
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You have played an active role as part of a multidisciplinary team in leading and coordinating the rehabilitation process in collaboration with the rehabilitee. You have justified your actions with theoretical knowledge and up-to-date legislation when counselling a rehabilitee to appropriate rehabilitation services.
You have counselled different clients with a coaching approach to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation and rehabilitation process with a dialogical approach. You have realistically assessed your own counselling work and identified the key issues for your development. You have actively identified the potential of technology to support the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning, and have supported the rehabilitee in the use of technology.
You have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the rehabilitee using appropriate and reliable and valid tools (e.g. ICF) and assessment methods, as well as information on the importance of rehabilitation for the individual, the community and society. You have independently documented the information related to client's`rehabilitation sessions using the current guidelines.
You have become acquainted with the rehabilitation services offered by your internship and have made constructive development proposals for the services. You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship and are able to compare them with the key financial and service structures of rehabilitation.