ThermodynamicsLaajuus (3 cr)
Code: TERP0520
3 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Ville Kotimäki
The purpose of the course
You will learn the basics of thermodynamics which are required to understand energy production and energy analysis of control volumes. In addition, you will learn logical problem solving.
Eur-ACE competences
EA-KW: You obtain the basic knowledge of energy balance analysis and flow processes for the field of engineering.
EA-MC: You are able to apply the physical problem solving strategies in other fields of interest.
EA-CT: You will learn to communicate technical information, ideas and solutions in the engineering community.
Learning outcome
After completing this course you are able to identify the basic principles of thermodynamics and solve simple problems regarding thermodynamics of open systems.
The course consists of the following themes
Mass and energy analysis of control volumes, flow work, heat engines, thermal efficiencies, refrigerators, heat pumps, coefficients of performance, perpetual-motion machines, Carnot cycle, entropy, isentropic processes and exergy.
The basic knowledge of mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer mechanisms, thermodynamics of closed systems, elementary functions, equation solving and linear regression are required.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
Grade 1
You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve simple problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Grade 2
You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects by using examples. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
Grade 3
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Grade 4
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Most of your solutions don't have any mistakes.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Grade 5
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Are are able to estimate the suitability of the used models for the problems at hand. Your solutions contain only few small careless mistakes.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
21.10.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Ville Kotimäki
TER23S1Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
The purpose of the course
You will learn the basics of thermodynamics which are required to understand energy production and energy analysis of control volumes. In addition, you will learn logical problem solving.
Eur-ACE competences
EA-KW: You obtain the basic knowledge of energy balance analysis and flow processes for the field of engineering.
EA-MC: You are able to apply the physical problem solving strategies in other fields of interest.
EA-CT: You will learn to communicate technical information, ideas and solutions in the engineering community.
Learning outcome
After completing this course you are able to identify the basic principles of thermodynamics and solve simple problems regarding thermodynamics of open systems.
The course consists of the following themes
Mass and energy analysis of control volumes, flow work, heat engines, thermal efficiencies, refrigerators, heat pumps, coefficients of performance, perpetual-motion machines, Carnot cycle, entropy, isentropic processes and exergy.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Kurssilla käytetään opettajan tekemiä videoita sekä pdf-muotoista materiaaleja.
Kurssin materiaali pohjautuu seuraavaan kirjaan: Y. A. Cengel & M.A. Boles, Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach (8th edition with SI units) [Myös muut painokset käyvät hyvin.]
Teaching methods
The course consists of traditional lectures and exercises. The lectures will be recorded.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The schedule for the exams will be announced during the first lecture.
Student workload
Lectures - 36 h
Final exam - 3 h
Self-study - 42 h
Further information for students
The course is evaluated on the basis of exercises and final exam.
In addition, the students must be present 80% of the lessons.
The first assignment of the course must be completed within three weeks of the start of course. Those who do not complete the task will be removed from the course.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Grade 1
You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve simple problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Grade 2
You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects by using examples. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Grade 3
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Grade 4
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Most of your solutions don't have any mistakes.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Grade 5
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Are are able to estimate the suitability of the used models for the problems at hand. Your solutions contain only few small careless mistakes.
The basic knowledge of mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer mechanisms, thermodynamics of closed systems, elementary functions, equation solving and linear regression are required.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
21.10.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Ville Kotimäki
TER23SMEnergia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
The purpose of the course
You will learn the basics of thermodynamics which are required to understand energy production and energy analysis of control volumes. In addition, you will learn logical problem solving.
Eur-ACE competences
EA-KW: You obtain the basic knowledge of energy balance analysis and flow processes for the field of engineering.
EA-MC: You are able to apply the physical problem solving strategies in other fields of interest.
EA-CT: You will learn to communicate technical information, ideas and solutions in the engineering community.
Learning outcome
After completing this course you are able to identify the basic principles of thermodynamics and solve simple problems regarding thermodynamics of open systems.
The course consists of the following themes
Mass and energy analysis of control volumes, flow work, heat engines, thermal efficiencies, refrigerators, heat pumps, coefficients of performance, perpetual-motion machines, Carnot cycle, entropy, isentropic processes and exergy.
Learning materials and recommended literature
The course uses videos and pdf lecture material made by the teacher.
The course material is based on the following book:
Y. A. Cengel & M.A. Boles, Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach (8th edition with SI units) [other editions are okay as well]
Teaching methods
The course uses the flipped classroom method. The students familiarize themselves with the material in advance and the questions arising from the material and exercises are discussed during the teaching sessions.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The schedule for the exams will be announced during the first lecture.
Student workload
10 h kontaktiopetusta
3 h loppukoe
68 h itsenäistä opiskelua
Further information for students
The course is evaluated on the basis of exercises and final exam.
The first assignment of the course must be completed within three weeks of the start of course. Those who do not complete the task will be removed from the course.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Grade 1
You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve simple problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Grade 2
You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects by using examples. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Grade 3
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Grade 4
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Most of your solutions don't have any mistakes.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Grade 5
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Are are able to estimate the suitability of the used models for the problems at hand. Your solutions contain only few small careless mistakes.
The basic knowledge of mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer mechanisms, thermodynamics of closed systems, elementary functions, equation solving and linear regression are required.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
15.08.2023 - 19.12.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
3 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Ville Kotimäki
Teacher in charge
Ville Kotimäki
Scheduling groups
- TER22S1 (Capacity: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
- TER22SM (Capacity: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
TER22S1Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
TER22SMEnergia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
Small groups
- Scheduling group 1
- Scheduling group 2
The purpose of the course
You will learn the basics of thermodynamics which are required to understand energy production and energy analysis of control volumes. In addition, you will learn logical problem solving.
Eur-ACE competences
EA-KW: You obtain the basic knowledge of energy balance analysis and flow processes for the field of engineering.
EA-MC: You are able to apply the physical problem solving strategies in other fields of interest.
EA-CT: You will learn to communicate technical information, ideas and solutions in the engineering community.
Learning outcome
After completing this course you are able to identify the basic principles of thermodynamics and solve simple problems regarding thermodynamics of open systems.
The course consists of the following themes
Mass and energy analysis of control volumes, flow work, heat engines, thermal efficiencies, refrigerators, heat pumps, coefficients of performance, perpetual-motion machines, Carnot cycle, entropy, isentropic processes and exergy.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Kurssilla käytetään opettajan tekemiä videoita sekä pdf-muotoista materiaaleja.
Kurssin materiaali pohjautuu seuraavaan kirjaan: Y. A. Cengel & M.A. Boles, Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach (8th edition with SI units) [Myös muut painokset käyvät hyvin.]
Teaching methods
Kurssi toteutetaan perinteisenä luento-opetuksena sekä iltaisin järjestettävinä ohjaustunteina. Kaikki sessiot tallennetaan myöhempää katselua varten. Luentojen lisäksi kurssilla lasketaan laskuharjoitustehtäviä ja tehdään loppukoe.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Kurssin tenttiaikataulut ilmoitetaan ensimmäisellä luennolla.
Student workload
36 h kontaktiopetusta.
45 h itsenäistä työskentelyä.
Further information for students
Kurssi arvioidaan palautettavien laskuharjoitustehtävien ja loppukokeen perusteella.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Grade 1
You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve simple problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Grade 2
You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects by using examples. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)
Grade 3
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.
Grade 4
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Most of your solutions don't have any mistakes.
Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)
Grade 5
You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Are are able to estimate the suitability of the used models for the problems at hand. Your solutions contain only few small careless mistakes.
The basic knowledge of mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer mechanisms, thermodynamics of closed systems, elementary functions, equation solving and linear regression are required.