Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Global MindsetLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HA00CJ85


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Anu Manner
  • Janne Roiha
  • Tapu Holttinen
  • Jaana Larsson
  • Kimmo Aho
  • Tero Lehtinen


Purpose of the Course Module

The "Global Mindset" course module aims to broaden your perspectives on diversity, encounter different cultures, and develop your international competence. It prepares you to operate in multicultural teams and projects.

Skills Acquired in the Course Module

Learning to Learn: You'll learn to recognize your thinking patterns and mental models related to diversity, showing interest in learning about foreign languages and cultures and actively developing skills to participate in an international network.

Working in the Workplace: You'll learn to interact, learn, and work within a multicultural team and project.

Ethics: You'll act ethically and sustainably in cooperation within an international network, respecting diverse individuals and cultures.

Sustainable Development: You'll make choices that build international cooperation and networks sustainably, recognizing your carbon footprint related to international activities.

Internationality and Multiculturality: You'll gain skills to operate in a multicultural team and culture, becoming a braver communicator and presenter in foreign languages, striving to understand attitudes related to multiculturalism and increasing your openness to diversity.

Learning Objectives of the Course Module

You'll be prepared to act as an expert and team member in global teams and projects. You'll learn about foreign languages and cultures and create a personal international network. You'll gain confidence in presenting and interacting in foreign languages, recognizing and leveraging the opportunities in international business and team entrepreneurship. You'll have skills to share your expertise with your team and international guests, reflecting on your international competence through writing and dialogue with the team. You'll take responsibility for your learning and actions.


Understanding the state of the world, the UN's Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 goals
International competence in theory and practice
Operating in an international team and project
Planning, executing, and evaluating a study tour or team exchange
Hosting international students and guests


Liiketoimintaosaamisen perusteet

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You have sufficient evidence of understanding the theory related to the competency area and are able to apply the theory in practice in the projects and operations of the team enterprise. You understand the significance of different roles in the development of the company and develop the team enterprise in cooperation with others. You are able to create clear plans and set realistic goals from both an operational and skill development perspective. You have set concrete goals for the development of your competency area and have demonstrated the ability to direct your actions according to these goals.

You have implemented projects that reflect the application of competency area theory into practice. The projects demonstrate your ability to apply what you have learned and bring theoretical knowledge into practical action as part of a team. Additionally, you are able to evaluate the achievement of your goals and your learning process through reflections, identifying both your strengths and areas for improvement.


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