Me as a Student in Higher EducationLaajuus (2 cr)
Code: ZZ00CB57
2 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
- English
Responsible person
- Teija Palonen, Teknologia, School of Technology
- Terhi Linnansaari, Teknologia, School of Technology
- Piia Hynynen, Liiketoiminta, School of Business
- Vesa Kuhanen, Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies
- Heli-Riikka Immonen, Liiketoiminta, School of Business
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
14.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Jaana Perttunen
- Hannele Tyrväinen
ZJASAR25KMLAvoin AMK, sote, AMK- Väylät,sairaanhoitaja monimuoto, Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
Kevät 2025 1op; kontaktioppimistunnit + itsenäisest oppimistehtävät + ryhmätehtävät ilmoitetaan Moodle-ympäristössä
Syksy 2025 1op; kontaktioppimistunnit + itsenäisest oppimistehtävät + ryhmätehtävät ilmoitetaan Moodle-ympäristössä
Learning materials and recommended literature
Teaching methods
Opintojakson aluksi teet ennakkotehtävät ja osallistut uusien opiskelijoiden perehdytykseen (orientaatioon). Jatkat työskentelyä opettajatutorisi johdolla ensimmäisen lukuvuotesi ajan itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä.
Tutustut omaan opiskeluryhmääsi ja Jamkiin opiskeluympäristönäsi yhteistoiminnallisen oppimisen menetelmin. Tarkastelet ja kehität omia opiskeluvalmiuksiasi ja suunnittelet omaa opinto- ja urapolkuasi tutoropettajan ja -opiskelijoiden ohjauksessa ja vertaisoppimisen menetelmiä hyödyntäen. Yhdessä oppien kiinnityt opiskeluympäristöösi ja omaan ryhmääsi, perehdyt Jamkin toimintatapoihin ja tiedostat velvollisuutesi ja oikeutesi opiskelijana. Lisäksi niin itsenäisesti kuin oppimisympäristösi eri tahojen tuella kehität korkeakoulussa vaadittavia opiskelutaitojasi, edistät omaa ja toisten työhyvinvointia, tasa-arvoa ja yhdenvertaisuutta opiskeluympäristössäsi. Perehdyt yhteistyössä tutoropettajasi/-opiskelijoiden, ryhmäsi sekä muiden amk-toimijoiden kanssa tutkinto-ohjelmasi opetussuunnitelman tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin kehittää osaamistasi ja ammatti-identiteettiäsi. Arvioit itsenäisesti omaa osaamistasi, pohdit ammatillisia tavoitteitasi ja teet opintojen alussa ensimmäisen version henkilökohtaisesta opintosuunnitelmastasi (HOPS) koko opintojen ajalle, jota täydennetään opintojen edetessä.
Opit tuntemaan Jamkin toimintaan vaikuttavat säännöt ja periaatteet. Tutustut oman tutkinto-ohjelmasi sisältöön ja tavoitteisiin. Opit aikatauluttamaan ja suunnittelemaan opintojasi. Laadit ensimmäisen version henkilökohtaisesta opintosuunnitelmastasi (HOPS Pepissä ja Urasuunnitelma 1 Moodlessa).
Tunnistat omat vahvuutesi ja kehittämiskohteesi opiskelijana ja saat työkaluja näiden asioiden kehittämiseen. Tunnistat hyvinvointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja tiedostat niiden merkityksen opiskelukykyysi.
Kuntoutus-, sosiaali- ja terveysalan opiskelijoille sosiaali- ja terveysalan tietoturvatesti.
Practical training and working life connections
Exam dates and retake possibilities
International connections
Alternative completion methods
Student workload
Itsenäiset tehtävät
Content scheduling
Opintojakson aluksi teet osallistut orientaatiopäivään. Jatkat työskentelyä opettaja-/opiskelijatutorisi johdolla ensimmäisen lukuvuotesi ajan itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä.
Opit tuntemaan Jamkin toimintaan vaikuttavat säännöt ja periaatteet. Tutustut oman tutkinto-ohjelmasi sisältöön ja tavoitteisiin. Opit aikatauluttamaan ja suunnittelemaan opintojasi. Laadit ensimmäisen version henkilökohtaisesta opintosuunnitelmastasi (HOPS Pepissä ja Urasuunnitelma 1 Moodlessa). Opintojen edetessä reflektoit osaamistasi tarkastellen opintojen etenemistä sekä osaamisesi kehittymistä ja tarkennat HOPS:ia ja urasuunnitelmaasi.
Tunnistat omat vahvuutesi ja kehittämiskohteesi opiskelijana ja saat työkaluja näiden asioiden kehittämiseen. Tunnistat hyvinvointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja tiedostat niiden merkityksen opiskelukykyysi.
Kuntoutus-, sosiaali- ja terveysalan opiskelijoille sosiaali- ja terveysalan tietoturvatesti.
Further information for students
Opintojakso asteikolla: Hyväksytty/Täydennettävä/Hylätty
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 55
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Liinamaaria Hakola
- Minna Koivunen
HTL25KIYTradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, monimuotototeutus
ZJAHTL25KIYAvoin AMK, lita, AMK-polut, liiketalous monimuoto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
The materials are available on Moodle.
Teaching methods
Lectures/webinars and distance learning, personal assignment and tutor discussions.
Seminars. You will be given guidance and feedback in the tutor discussions. This supports continuous working on the course.
Practical training and working life connections
The course may include alumni or company visits.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk.
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
Orientation 27 h
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Laura Salo
MPT25KMPalveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
ZJAMPT25KMAvoin AMK, marata, AMK- Väylät,palveluliiketoiminta, monimuoto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester (spring 2025).
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
Orientaatiopäivät 7.-8.1.2025 at Jamk main campus (Rajakatu 35, Jkl), class room BP07.1
- During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures online in Zoom platfortm. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks.
According to Jamk’s degree regulations (Section 18), the attendance of the course participants will be checked three weeks after the start date of the implementation. The student’s activity in the course must be evident during this time as described in the first webinar. If the student has not been active for three weeks from the start of the course implementation, the teacher will cancel the student’s registration in Peppi.
The responsible and transparent use of AI applications is encouraged in this course. Instructions for using artificial intelligence can be found in chapter 3.2 ( of the thesis reporting instructions. If necessary, the instructions for each learning assignment contain more detailed information on how to use it in more detail in this course.
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk.
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor online 14 h (7 x 2 hours)
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Online lectures in Zoom platform:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Tommi Franssila
TLS25KMMLogistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
ZJATLS25KMMAvoin amk, Logistiikka, AMK- Väylät, Monimuoto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
Orientation day and contact teaching for mixed-race learners according to the planned schedule.
In addition, students will work independently.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Content scheduling
Orientation day
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 55
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Janne Koskenkorva
TRM25KMMRakennusmestari (AMK)
ZJATRM25KMMAvoin amk,Rakennusmestari,AMK- Väylät, Monimuoto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 18.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Sirpa Hukari
TSA25KMInsinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka,monimuototeutus
ZJATSA25KMAvoin amk, Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, AMK- Väylät,Monimuoto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Riina Sahlman
ZJASOK25K1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK- Väylät, kätilö päivä
SOK25K1Kätilö (AMK), päivätoteutus
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
18.11.2024 - 10.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Taina Sten
SAR25KMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
ZJASAR25KMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK- Väylät, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 19.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Pirjo Mäki-Natunen
ZJASFT25KMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK- Väylät, fysioterapeutti monimuoto
ZJM25KSVGHIEAvoin AMK, sote, 2. asteen väylä, Gradia, hierojan ammattitutkinto, fysioterapeutti
SFT25KMFysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Further information for students
EF: 3 paikkaa (pilotti, fysioterapeutin väylä hierojan ammattitutkintolaisille)
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Tuija Hakala
SAR25K1Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
ZJASAR25K1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK- Väylät, sairaanhoitaja päivä
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1.5 op
Mode of delivery
25 % Face-to-face, 75 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Katri Kainulainen
- Emmi Ritvos
Teacher in charge
Emmi Ritvos
ZJASTT25KMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK- Väylät, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto
STT25KMToimintaterapeutti (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Teaching methods
You will attend a new student orientation on campus, where you will get to know other students and tutors in your group.
After the orientation days, you will continue to work on the content and objectives of your degree programme. The meetings of your group will be organised as a hybrid, i.e. you can either participate online or come to campus. You will also draw up your personal study plan (hops), which you will update under the guidance of your tutor throughout your studies. You will also reflect on the importance of well-being in promoting your studies.
You will also complete a social and health care information security test.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
26.08.2024 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Minna Seikkula
ZJM24SSVGSAAvoin AMK, sote, 2. asteen väylä, Gradia ammatillinen, sairaanhoitaja
ZJM24SSVGKLAvoin AMK, sote, 2. asteen väylä, Gradia lukiot,, kuntoutus- ja sosiaaliala
ZJM24SSVGKAAvoin AMK, sote, 2. asteen väylä, Gradia ammatillinen, kuntoutus- ja sosiaaliala
ZJM24SSVGSLAvoin AMK, sote, 2. asteen väylä, Gradia lukiot, sairaanhoitaja
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Learning materials and recommended literature
The course materials can be found in the Moodle workspace.
Teaching methods
The course consists of contact teaching, small group work and independent work.
Alternative completion methods
No alternative methods of performance.
Student workload
Opintojakso on laajuudeltaan 2 op, josta kontaktiopetusta 1 op ja itsenäistä opiskelua 1 op.
Further information for students
Open University of Applied Sciences/EF: 20 places for students from upper secondary schools, 10 places for students from upper secondary schools
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Maija Haaranen
- Hanna Karhu
ZJAHTL24S1Avoin AMK, lita, AMK-väylät, liiketalous päivätoteutus
HTL24SCTradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, päivätoteutus
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 28.04.2028
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Jussi Ahonen
TIC24S2Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Päivi Hänninen-Pihlajamäki
ZJM24SHVGHAvoin AMK, lita, 2. asteen väylä, Gradia ammatillinen, tradenomi
HTL24SBTradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, päivätoteutus
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk.
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
Orientation days 27 h
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 28.04.2028
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Ari Rantala
TTV24S1Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 28.04.2028
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Teemu Siikaniemi
- Juho Pekki
TTV24S2Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
ZJATTV24S2Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 28.04.2028
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Esa Salmikangas
TTV24S3Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
ZJATTV24S3Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 28.04.2028
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Technology
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 70
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Teemu Siikaniemi
ZJATTV24SMAvoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Monimuoto
TTV24SMTieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 28.04.2028
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- English
0 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Tuula Kotikoski
TIC24S1Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
ZJATIC24S1Avoin amk,ICT, Information and Communication Technology, Päivä
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise yourself with our information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Mari Karjalainen
ZJAHTL24S1Avoin AMK, lita, AMK-väylät, liiketalous päivätoteutus
HTL24SATradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, päivätoteutus
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
- Information about different subject curricula
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 16.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
ZJASFT24S1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-väylät, fysioterapeutti päivä
SFT24S1Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
ZJA24SSAvoin AMK, sote
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Student workload
Opintojaksosta syyslukukaudella 1,5 op ja kevätlukukaudella 0,5 op.
Orientaatioviikko 24 t
Ryhmän tapaamiset kampuksella 12 t
Itsenäiset tehtävät 4 t
Content scheduling
Orientaatioviikko 19.-23.8.2024 Jamkin kampuksella
Neljä 3t tapaamista Dynamon kampuksella syksyn aikana noin kolmen viikon välein.
Further information for students
Opintojakson hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää aktiivista osallistumista tapaamisiin sekä osoitettujen tehtävien suorittamista hyväksytysti. Lisäksi tulee käydä vähintään yksi HOPS-keskustelu / lukukausi tutor-opettajan kanssa ensimmäisen opiskeluvuoden aikana.
Avoin amk: 2 paikkaa, joustava väylä
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Tetiana Shcherbyna
- Jay Panjwani
- Piia Hynynen
Teacher in charge
Jay Panjwani
ZJAHBI24S1Avoin AMK, IB, AMK-väylät, International Business
HBI24S1Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
Course takes place from Aug 21 to Feb 22. Please see the detailed schedule and locations from the Peppi calendar.
Learning materials and recommended literature
The materials for all five course modules are available in course's learning environment in Moodle.
Teaching methods
In-class and online learning, learning assignments and tutoring (personal learning plan) discussions.
Practical training and working life connections
The course has content that supports working life skills and student's own profession, such as alumni and company visitors.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
One of the course modules has an exam to be completed latest in the 1st year spring semester.
International connections
You will receive information about internationalization opportunities during your studies.
Alternative completion methods
The recognition of prior learning is not possible as a whole course. If you have previous higher education level studies related to the topic, the recognition of the partial credits can be discussed with your career tutor.
Student workload
1 ECTS is equal to
Content scheduling
1. year
Orientation to Studies
JAMK as a Study Environment
Study and Work Well-being
Working Life Skills
Career Planning and PLP Discussion
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 21.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 18.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Suvi Aunala
ZJASAR24S1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-väylät, sairaanhoitaja päivä
SAR24S1Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 30
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Pirkko Ratinen
SAR24S2Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 46
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Ilkka Suur-Uski
ZJATLP24S1Avoin amk, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering, Päivä
TLP24S1Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
55 - 65
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Heikki Sateila
HTK24S1Tietojenkäsittely (AMK)
ZJAHTK24S1Avoin AMK, Tiko, AMK-väylät, tietojenkäsittely, tradenomi amk
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Heidi Hämäläinen-Laitinen
TRY24S1Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)
ZJATRY24S1Avoin amk, Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, Päivä
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 39
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Harri Peuranen
TKN24SAKonetekniikka (AMK)
TKN24SBKonetekniikka (AMK)
ZJATKN24S1Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester.
Learning materials and recommended literature
The materials of the course are available on Moodle.
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks.
The responsible and transparent use of AI applications is encouraged in this course. Instructions for using artificial intelligence can be found in chapter 3.2 ( of the thesis reporting instructions. If necessary, the instructions for each learning assignment contain more detailed information on how to use it in more detail in this course.
Practical training and working life connections
The course has content that supports working life skills and student's own profession, such as workplace and/or alumni visits.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The course does not have scheduled exams.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk.
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
Orientation to Studies 2 h, JAMK as a Study Environment 4 h, Study and Work Well-being 4 h, Working Life Skills 10 h, Career Planning and PLP Discussions 1 h.
Assignments 27 h.
Total 48 h.
Further information for students
The course assignments are mailnly automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 55
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Sanna Harjula
- Anne Koivisto
ZJASKO24SMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
SKO24SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Teaching methods
Osallistut uusien opiskelijoiden perehdytykseen (orientaatioon) kampuksella, jolloin pääset tutustumaan ryhmäsi muiden opiskelijoihin ja opettajatutoreihin.
Orientaatiopäivien jälkeen jatkat työskentelyä omaan tutkinto-ohjelmasi sisältöön ja tavoitteisiin perehtyen. Oman ryhmäsi tapaamiset järjestetään hybridinä eli voit osallistua joko verkossa tai tulla kampukselle. Lisäksi laadit henkilökohtaisen opintosuunnitelmasi (hops), jota päivität opettajatutorisi ohjauksessa koko opintojesi ajan. Reflektoit myös hyvinvoinnin merkitystä opiskelujen edistämisessä.
Suoritat myös sosiaali- ja terveysalan tietoturvatestin.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Irmeli Matilainen
ZJASAR24SMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
SAR24SMSairaanhoitaja (AMK)
ZJA24SSAvoin AMK, sote
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
Syksy 2024 1op; kontaktioppimistunnit + itsenäisest oppimistehtävät + ryhmätehtävät ilmoitetaan ryhmän SAR24SM Moodle-ympäristössä
Syksy 2025 1op; kontaktioppimistunnit + itsenäisest oppimistehtävät + ryhmätehtävät ilmoitetaan ryhmän SAR24SM Moodle-ympäristössä
Learning materials and recommended literature
Teaching methods
Opintojakson aluksi teet ennakkotehtävät ja osallistut uusien opiskelijoiden perehdytykseen (orientaatioon). Jatkat työskentelyä opettajatutorisi johdolla ensimmäisen lukuvuotesi ajan itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä.
Tutustut omaan opiskeluryhmääsi ja Jamkiin opiskeluympäristönäsi yhteistoiminnallisen oppimisen menetelmin. Tarkastelet ja kehität omia opiskeluvalmiuksiasi ja suunnittelet omaa opinto- ja urapolkuasi tutoropettajan ja -opiskelijoiden ohjauksessa ja vertaisoppimisen menetelmiä hyödyntäen. Yhdessä oppien kiinnityt opiskeluympäristöösi ja omaan ryhmääsi, perehdyt Jamkin toimintatapoihin ja tiedostat velvollisuutesi ja oikeutesi opiskelijana. Lisäksi niin itsenäisesti kuin oppimisympäristösi eri tahojen tuella kehität korkeakoulussa vaadittavia opiskelutaitojasi, edistät omaa ja toisten työhyvinvointia, tasa-arvoa ja yhdenvertaisuutta opiskeluympäristössäsi. Perehdyt yhteistyössä tutoropettajasi/-opiskelijoiden, ryhmäsi sekä muiden amk-toimijoiden kanssa tutkinto-ohjelmasi opetussuunnitelman tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin kehittää osaamistasi ja ammatti-identiteettiäsi. Arvioit itsenäisesti omaa osaamistasi, pohdit ammatillisia tavoitteitasi ja teet opintojen alussa ensimmäisen version henkilökohtaisesta opintosuunnitelmastasi (HOPS) koko opintojen ajalle, jota täydennetään opintojen edetessä.
Opit tuntemaan Jamkin toimintaan vaikuttavat säännöt ja periaatteet. Tutustut oman tutkinto-ohjelmasi sisältöön ja tavoitteisiin. Opit aikatauluttamaan ja suunnittelemaan opintojasi. Laadit ensimmäisen version henkilökohtaisesta opintosuunnitelmastasi (HOPS Pepissä ja Urasuunnitelma 1 Moodlessa).
Tunnistat omat vahvuutesi ja kehittämiskohteesi opiskelijana ja saat työkaluja näiden asioiden kehittämiseen. Tunnistat hyvinvointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja tiedostat niiden merkityksen opiskelukykyysi.
Kuntoutus-, sosiaali- ja terveysalan opiskelijoille sosiaali- ja terveysalan tietoturvatesti.
Practical training and working life connections
Exam dates and retake possibilities
International connections
Alternative completion methods
Student workload
Itsenäiset tehtävät
Content scheduling
Opintojakson aluksi teet ennakkotehtävät ja osallistut uusien opiskelijoiden perehdytykseen (orientaatioon). Jatkat työskentelyä opettaja-/opiskelijatutorisi johdolla ensimmäisen lukuvuotesi ajan itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä.
Opit tuntemaan Jamkin toimintaan vaikuttavat säännöt ja periaatteet. Tutustut oman tutkinto-ohjelmasi sisältöön ja tavoitteisiin. Opit aikatauluttamaan ja suunnittelemaan opintojasi. Laadit ensimmäisen version henkilökohtaisesta opintosuunnitelmastasi (HOPS Pepissä ja Urasuunnitelma 1 Moodlessa). Opintojen edetessä reflektoit osaamistasi tarkastellen opintojen etenemistä sekä osaamisesi kehittymistä ja tarkennat HOPS:ia ja urasuunnitelmaasi.
Tunnistat omat vahvuutesi ja kehittämiskohteesi opiskelijana ja saat työkaluja näiden asioiden kehittämiseen. Tunnistat hyvinvointiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja tiedostat niiden merkityksen opiskelukykyysi.
Kuntoutus-, sosiaali- ja terveysalan opiskelijoille sosiaali- ja terveysalan tietoturvatesti.
Further information for students
Opintojakso asteikolla: Hyväksytty/Täydennettävä/Hylätty
Avoin amk: 2 paikkaa, joustava väylä
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 19.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning
School of Business
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 80
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Merja Nybacka
- Riikka Rantanen
Teacher in charge
Merja Nybacka
ZJASOS24SMAvoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
SOS24SMSosionomi (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
12.08.2024 - 30.04.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Harri Peuranen
TKN24SMKonetekniikka (AMK)
ZJATKN24SMAvoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester.
Learning materials and recommended literature
The materials of the course are available on Moodle.
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
Contact and distance learning, learning assignments and guidance discussions.
During the orientation day, teaching takes the form of familiarisation with information systems, among other things. After the orientation days, teaching continues as lecture teaching mainly online. In addition, students complete learning assignments independently and in groups.
The responsible and transparent use of AI applications is encouraged in this course. Instructions for using artificial intelligence can be found in chapter 3.2 ( of the thesis reporting instructions. If necessary, the instructions for each learning assignment contain more detailed information on how to use it in more detail in this course.
Practical training and working life connections
The course has content that supports working life skills and student's own profession, such as workplace and/or alumni visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The course does not have scheduled exams.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk.
Alternative completion methods
The recognition of prior learning is not possible as a whole course. If the student has previous higher education level studies related to the topic, the recognition of the units can be discussed with the career tutor.
Student workload
Orientation to Studies 8 h, JAMK as a Study Environment 2 h, Study and Work Well-being 1 h, Working Life Skills 1 h, Career Planning and PLP Discussions 1 h.
Assignments 35 h.
Total 48 h
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Teaching languages
- English
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Sonja Salonen
ZJA24SSAAvoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Further information for students
Alkion toteutus.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 18.05.2025
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Jaana Ritsilä
Teacher in charge
Jaana Ritsilä
STT24S1Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
ZJASTT24S1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-väylät, toimintaterapeutti, päiväopetus
ZJA24SSAvoin AMK, sote
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Further information for students
Avoin amk: 2 paikkaa, joustava väylä
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
26.08.2024 - 23.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
2 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Minna Koivunen
ZJA24SHPMAvoin AMK, LIKE, AMK-polut, liiketalous, mara-ala, monimuotototeutus
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
Syksyn 2024 aikana.
Learning materials and recommended literature
The materials of the course are available on Moodle learning environment.
Teaching methods
Opintojakso alkaa tutustumalla Moodle-työtilaan ja tekemällä ennakkotehtävät.
Orientaatiowebinaarien eli aloituswebinaarin ja avoimen uusien opiskelijoiden orientaation jälkeen opetus jatkuu itsenäisesti ja ryhmissä opettajatutorin ohjauksessa verkossa. Opetus koostuu itseopiskelusta Moodlessa, kontaktikerroista verkossa sekä HOPS-keskustelusta.
Practical training and working life connections
Opintojakso ei sisällä alumni- tai yritysvierailuja.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksototeutuksella olevilla oppimistehtävillä ja harjoituksilla on palautuspäivät ja rästipalautuspäivä. Päivämäärät kerrotaan opintojakson alussa osana opintojakson aikataulutusta.
Alternative completion methods
Opintojaksosta ei ole mahdollista hakea hyväksilukua.
Student workload
Orientaatiowebinaarit 2 x 1,5 h = 3 h
Opetuskerrat verkossa 4 x 1,5 h = 6 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu ja tehtävät 43 h
HOPS-keskustelu ja siihen valmistautuminen 2 h
Content scheduling
Opintojakson aluksi teet ennakkotehtävät, osallistut Tradenomi- ja restonomiväyläopintojen aloituswebinaariin sekä osallistut avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun uusien opiskelijoiden perehdytykseen (orientaatioon). Täytät Urasuunnitelma -kyselyn ja käyt henkilökohtaisen hops-keskustelun opettajatutorin kanssa. Jatkat työskentelyä opettajatutorisi johdolla syksyn ajan itsenäisesti ja ryhmässä
- Orientaatiowebinaarit
- Henkilökohtainen HOPS-keskustelu valmistautumisineen
- Jamkin keskeiset säännöt ja periaatteet
- Kirjastopalvelut
- Opiskelutaidot ja hyvinvointi
- Ryhmätyötaidot
- Tradenomi- ja restonomiopintojen rakenteet ja uratarinat
Further information for students
Avoin amk 40 (erillisväylä)
Ennakkotehtävänä tehdään testi Jamk opiskeluympäristönä (läpäisy 100 % oikein, voi tehdä niin monta kertaa kuin läpäisy vaatii).
Opintojaksolla täytetään Urasuunnitelma -kysely ja Minä opiskelijana -kysely.
Opintojakson tehtävät arvioidaan automaattisesti verkko-oppimisympäristöön tehtävien palautusten yhteydessä. Itseopiskeluaineistot opiskelija merkitsee suoritetuksi itse.
Opintojakso voidaan kirjata Peppiin suoritetuksi, kun kaikki pakolliset tehtävät on suoritettu hyväksytysti.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 23.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Tiia Luotojoki
SNS24SG1Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
ZJASNS24S1Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-väylät, Nursing
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 23.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Judith Yabal
SNS24SG2Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Susanna Nuijanmaa
- Riitta Koivisto
MTM24S1Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
ZJAMTM24S1Avoin AMK, marata, AMK-väylät, Tourism Management
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks.
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and PLP preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Anne-Maria Raitio
MPT24S1Palveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
ZJAMPT24S1Avoin AMK, marata, AMK-väylät, palveluliiketoiminta, päivätoteutus
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Further information for students
Avoin amk 15 (sis. max-määrään)
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2023 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 13.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Kirsi Niininen
TER24S1Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
ZJATER24S1Avoin amk, Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka , päivä
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 24.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Anu Manner
- Tero Lehtinen
- Kimmo Aho
- Tapu Holttinen
- Jaana Larsson
- Janne Roiha
Teacher in charge
Anu Manner
ZJAHTA24S1Avoin AMK, AMK-väylät, Tiimiakatemia
HTA24S1Tiimiakatemia (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Further information for students
Avoin amk 5
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
21.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Health and Social Studies
Finnish Music Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Niko Nyqvist
- Riikka Karvonen
- Leena Kangastalo
KPV24S1Varhaisiän musiikkikasvatus ja kulttuurihyvinvointi tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
KPI24S1Instrumenttiopetus ja ryhmänohjaus tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester.
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
The Moodle platform for Music studies can be found at: > Musiikin opinnot
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk.
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics).
- Classes on campus or online 14 h.
- Independent assignments 10 h.
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h.
Content scheduling
Orientation days.
Personal PLP discussion and preparation.
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk.
- Guidelines for group work.
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme.
- Internationalisation of studies.
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation.
- Study skills and well-being.
- Peppi system: enrolment and PLP preparation.
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Anna Riikonen
TLS24S1Logistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
ZJATLS24S1Avoin amk, Logistiikka, Päivä
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Learning materials and recommended literature
Moodle learning environment.
Teaching methods
Teaching consists of contact sessions held at Jamk's main campus. Participation at classes is mandatory.
Student workload
1 ECTS is 27 hours of work.
Content scheduling
More detailed course description on the first contact.
Further information for students
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Business
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Alison Doolittle
HTG24S1Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
ZJAHTG24S1Avoin AMK, Tiko, AMK-väylät, BIT, tradenomi amk
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks.
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
19.08.2024 - 18.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 45
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Juha Pesonen
ZJATLS24SMMAvoin amk, Logistiikka, Monimuoto
TLS24SMMLogistiikka - tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2023 - 22.08.2024
12.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Kirsi Niininen
TER24SMEnergia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
ZJATER24SMAvoin amk, Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka, monimuoto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning
School of Business
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Laura Vertainen
LMS24SMMaaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)
ZJALMS24SMAvoin amk, Maaseutuelinkeinot, Monimuoto
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Time and location
The course takes place during the first semester
Learning materials and recommended literature
The study material consists of material available on the Jamk website: and
Teaching methods
During the orientation days, teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and workshops to familiarise you with information systems.
After the orientation days, teaching will continue as lectures on campus or online. In addition, students work independently and in groups on learning tasks
Practical training and working life connections
The course includes alumni or company visits
Exam dates and retake possibilities
The learning tasks and exercises of the course have one actual deadline and two retake deadlines. The dates will be announced at the beginning of the course as part of the course timetable.
International connections
The course introduces you to the internationalisation opportunities offered by Jamk
Alternative completion methods
It is possible to apply for accreditation for the course if the corresponding course has been completed previously at a Finnish university of applied sciences.
Student workload
- Orientation days 27 h (in part-time groups there is more independent work in getting familiar with the topics)
- Classes organised by a career tutor on campus or online 14 h
- Independent assignments 10 h
- PLP discussion and preparation 3 h
Content scheduling
Orientation days
Personal PLP discussion and preparation
Campus / online lectures:
- Key rules and principles of Jamk
- Guidelines for group work
- Curriculum and career stories for your degree programme
- Internationalisation of studies
- Services provided by JAMKO and the education sector organisation
- Study skills and well-being
- Peppi system: enrolment and hops preparation
Further information for students
The course assignments are automatically assessed when they are returned to the e-learning environment
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Veli-Matti Häkkinen
TSA24S1Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, päivätoteutus
TSA24SR1Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, päivätoteutus
ZJATSA24S1Avoin amk, Sähkö-ja automaatiotekniikka, Päivä
TSA24SR2Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, päivätoteutus
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
2 op
Mode of delivery
School of Technology
Lutakko Campus
Teaching languages
- English
20 - 35
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in International Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
- Degree Programme in Midwifery
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Purchasing and Logistics Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Degree programme in Logistics, Bioeconomy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
- Degree Programme in Nursing
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
- Ari Kuisma
TAR24S1Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
ZJATAR24SSAvoin amk, Automation and Robotics, Päivä
Purpose of the course:
You get to know your study group and Jamk as your study environment. You review and develop your study skills and plan your study and career path.
Course competencies:
- Learning to learn: You identify and develop your study skills required at higher education. You learn to plan your studies.
- Ethics: You get to know Jamk's principles and understand the rules for studying in higher education.
- Internationality and multiculturalism: You become aware of your opportunities for internationalization.
Learning objectives of the course:
- You get attached to the study environment and your own group.
- You familiarize yourself with Jamk's operating methods and become aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student.
- You develop the study skills required at the higher education.
- You understand the importance of well-being for your study progress.
- You promote equality and non-discrimination in your study environment.
- You familiarize yourself with the opportunities provided by the curriculum of your degree program
- You evaluate your own skills, think about your professional goals and make the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP) for the entire study time.
In the beginning of the course, you do the pre-assignments and participate in the orientation. You continue to work under the guidance of your career tutor during your first year independently and in a group.
You get to know the Jamk rules and principles. You get familiar with the content and goals of your own degree programme. You learn to schedule and plan your studies. You prepare the first version of your personal learning plan (PLP in Peppi and Career Plan 1 in Moodle).
You recognize your own strengths and areas of development as a student and get tools to develop them. You identify factors that affect well-being and become aware of their importance to your study ability.
Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You recognize your own study skills and know how to develop them. You know which factors have been proven to affect student well-being. You are able to draw up a personal learning plan and participate in PLP discussions, where the PLP is reviewed and the scheduling of studies is agreed. You are familiar with Jamk's principles and rules and know how to act in accordance with them. You know what kind of internationalisation opportunities you have during your studies.
Approved Information security test for rehabilitation, social services and health care students.