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Preparatory MathematicsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TT00CD55


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Pekka Varis


During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other natural sciences underlying their engineering specialization, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes
After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right-angled triangles, basics of functions, verbal problem solving tasks.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognize the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right-angled triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognize the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical readiness for studies in other fields than technology.The course is offered also for path studies and open studies.


01.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 07.03.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Sirpa Alestalo
  • TSA25KM
    Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka,monimuototeutus
    Avoin amk, Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, AMK- Väylät,Monimuoto


During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other natural sciences underlying their engineering specialization, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes
After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right-angled triangles, basics of functions, verbal problem solving tasks.

Time and location

The course will take place during weeks 3 - 8 (13.1. - 21.2.2025).

Learning materials and recommended literature

The written, video and other course material are to be published in the course learning environment.

Teaching methods

independent study, online course
weekly guidance sessions on Teams
Homework and tests
Independent work on exercises

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Schedule of the tests, exams and resits are to be published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

The estimated workload of the course is 3 credits * 27 h/cr = 81 h.

Guidance 12 h
Independent exercises 24 h
Independent study, preparation for the tests and tests 45 h

Further information for students

Assessment methods:
The course includes compulsory assignments, homework and mid-term tests. Assessment will be by means of an end-of-course pass/fail exam. You can take the mid-term tests during the course if you have passed the homework in the previous sections. The final examination can be taken if the mid-term tests of the course have been passed.

The course is assessed pass/fail.

This course is recommended if you have no background in in upper secondary school long mathematics and/or need to build up your calculation routine before moving on to the actual mathematics courses.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognize the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right-angled triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognize the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical readiness for studies in other fields than technology.The course is offered also for path studies and open studies.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 11.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sirpa Alestalo
  • TTV24S1
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATTV24S2
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä
  • TTV24S2
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV24S3
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATTV24S3
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä


During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other natural sciences underlying their engineering specialization, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes
After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right-angled triangles, basics of functions, verbal problem solving tasks.

Time and location

The course will take place during weeks 35 - 41 (26.8. - 11.10.2024) .

Learning materials and recommended literature

The written, video and other course material are to be published in the course learning environment.

Teaching methods

independent study, online course
weekly guidance sessions on Teams
Homework and tests
Independent work on exercises

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Schedule of the tests, exams and resits are to be published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

The estimated workload of the course is 3 credits * 27 h/cr = 81 h.

Guidance 12 h
Independent exercises 24 h
Independent study, preparation for the tests and tests 45 h

Further information for students

Assessment methods:
The course includes compulsory assignments, homework and mid-term tests. Assessment will be by means of an end-of-course pass/fail exam. You can take the mid-term tests during the course if you have passed the homework in the previous sections. The final examination can be taken if the mid-term tests of the course have been passed.

The course is assessed pass/fail.

This course is recommended if you have no background in in upper secondary school long mathematics and/or need to build up your calculation routine before moving on to the actual mathematics courses.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognize the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right-angled triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognize the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical readiness for studies in other fields than technology.The course is offered also for path studies and open studies.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ville Arvio
  • TIC24S2
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • TIC24S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • ZJATIC24S1
    Avoin amk,ICT, Information and Communication Technology, Päivä


During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other natural sciences underlying their engineering specialization, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes
After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right-angled triangles, basics of functions, verbal problem solving tasks.

Time and location

The course will take place at the Lutakko campus in Dynamo during period 1.

The course has 80% compulsory to attend contact teaching. All absences from contact teaching must be compensated in the manner indicated at the beginning of the course.

Some weeks may include distance learning depending on the availability of Dynamo's classrooms.

Learning materials and recommended literature

The written, video and other course material are to be published in the course learning environment.

Teaching methods

Contact teaching 2+2 h/week, including short lectures and calculation exercises.
Weekly tests
Independent study
Independent work on exercises

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Schedule of the tests, exams and resits are to be published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

The course ends with a resit-2. After this, coursework returns are no longer accepted and the incomplete course must be re-taken in its entirety at the next course implementation.

Student workload

The estimated workload of the course is 3 credits * 27 h/cr = 81 h.

Contact teaching approx. 30 h
Independent exercises 24 h
Independent study, preparation for the tests and tests 27 h

Content scheduling

Implementation at Dynamo building on the Lutakko campus during period 1.

Further information for students

Assessment methods:
The course includes compulsory assignments, homework and mid-term tests. Assessment will be by means of an end-of-course pass/fail exam. You can take the mid-term tests during the course if you have passed the homework in the previous sections. The final examination can be taken if the mid-term tests of the course have been passed.

The course is assessed pass/fail.

This course is recommended if you have no background in in upper secondary school long mathematics and/or need to build up your calculation routine before moving on to the actual mathematics courses.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognize the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right-angled triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognize the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical readiness for studies in other fields than technology.The course is offered also for path studies and open studies.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 11.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

67 % Face-to-face, 33 % Online learning


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sirpa Alestalo
  • TTV24S1
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATTV24S2
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä
  • TTV24S2
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • TTV24S3
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATTV24S3
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Päivä


During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other natural sciences underlying their engineering specialization, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes
After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right-angled triangles, basics of functions, verbal problem solving tasks.

Time and location

The course will take place at the Lutakko campus in Dynamo during weeks 35 - 41 (26.8. - 11.10.2024) .

Learning materials and recommended literature

The written, video and other course material are to be published in the course learning environment.

Teaching methods

Contact teaching 3+ 2 h/week, including short lectures and calculation exercises.
Homework and tests
Independent study
Independent work on exercises

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Schedule of the tests, exams and resits are to be published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

The estimated workload of the course is 3 credits * 27 h/cr = 81 h.

Contact teaching approx. 30 h
Independent exercises 24 h
Independent study, preparation for the tests and tests 27 h

Further information for students

Assessment methods:
The course includes compulsory assignments, homework and mid-term tests. Assessment will be by means of an end-of-course pass/fail exam. You can take the mid-term tests during the course if you have passed the homework in the previous sections. The final examination can be taken if the mid-term tests of the course have been passed.

In this course, there is a minimum 80% attendance requirement

The course is assessed pass/fail.

This course is recommended if you have no background in in upper secondary school long mathematics and/or need to build up your calculation routine before moving on to the actual mathematics courses.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognize the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right-angled triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognize the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical readiness for studies in other fields than technology.The course is offered also for path studies and open studies.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Ville Arvio
  • TIC24S2
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • TIC24S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • ZJATIC24S1
    Avoin amk,ICT, Information and Communication Technology, Päivä


During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other natural sciences underlying their engineering specialization, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes
After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right-angled triangles, basics of functions, verbal problem solving tasks.

Time and location

The course will take place at the Lutakko campus in Dynamo during period 1.

The course has 80% compulsory to attend contact teaching. All absences from contact teaching must be compensated in the manner indicated at the beginning of the course.

Some weeks may include distance learning depending on the availability of Dynamo's classrooms.

Learning materials and recommended literature

The written, video and other course material are to be published in the course learning environment.

Teaching methods

Contact teaching 2+2 h/week, including short lectures and calculation exercises.
Weekly tests
Independent study
Independent work on exercises

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Schedule of the tests, exams and resits are to be published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

The course ends with a resit-2. After this, coursework returns are no longer accepted and the incomplete course must be re-taken in its entirety at the next course implementation.

Student workload

The estimated workload of the course is 3 credits * 27 h/cr = 81 h.

Contact teaching approx. 30 h
Independent exercises 24 h
Independent study, preparation for the tests and tests 27 h

Content scheduling

Implementation at Dynamo building on the Lutakko campus during period 1.

Further information for students

Assessment methods:
The course includes compulsory assignments, homework and mid-term tests. Assessment will be by means of an end-of-course pass/fail exam. You can take the mid-term tests during the course if you have passed the homework in the previous sections. The final examination can be taken if the mid-term tests of the course have been passed.

The course is assessed pass/fail.

This course is recommended if you have no background in in upper secondary school long mathematics and/or need to build up your calculation routine before moving on to the actual mathematics courses.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognize the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right-angled triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognize the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical readiness for studies in other fields than technology.The course is offered also for path studies and open studies.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 11.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Sirpa Alestalo
    Avoin amk, Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, Monimuoto
  • TTV24SM
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka (AMK)


During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other natural sciences underlying their engineering specialization, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes
After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right-angled triangles, basics of functions, verbal problem solving tasks.

Time and location

The course will take place during weeks 35 - 41 (26.8. - 11.10.2024) .

Learning materials and recommended literature

The written, video and other course material are to be published in the course learning environment.

Teaching methods

independent study, online course
weekly guidance sessions on Teams
Homework and tests
Independent work on exercises

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Schedule of the tests, exams and resits are to be published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

The estimated workload of the course is 3 credits * 27 h/cr = 81 h.

Guidance 12 h
Independent exercises 24 h
Independent study, preparation for the tests and tests 45 h

Further information for students

Assessment methods:
The course includes compulsory assignments, homework and mid-term tests. Assessment will be by means of an end-of-course pass/fail exam. You can take the mid-term tests during the course if you have passed the homework in the previous sections. The final examination can be taken if the mid-term tests of the course have been passed.

The course is assessed pass/fail.

This course is recommended if you have no background in in upper secondary school long mathematics and/or need to build up your calculation routine before moving on to the actual mathematics courses.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognize the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right-angled triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognize the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical readiness for studies in other fields than technology.The course is offered also for path studies and open studies.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 11.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

67 % Face-to-face, 33 % Online learning


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Sirpa Alestalo
  • TSA24S1
    Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, päivätoteutus
  • TSA24SR1
    Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, päivätoteutus
  • TSA24SR2
    Insinööri (AMK), sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikka, päivätoteutus


During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other natural sciences underlying their engineering specialization, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes
After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right-angled triangles, basics of functions, verbal problem solving tasks.

Time and location

The course will take place at the Lutakko campus in Dynamo during weeks 35 - 41 (26.8. - 11.10.2024) .

Learning materials and recommended literature

The written, video and other course material are to be published in the course learning environment.

Teaching methods

Contact teaching 3+ 2 h/week, including short lectures and calculation exercises.
Homework and tests
Independent study
Independent work on exercises

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Schedule of the tests, exams and resits are to be published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

Student workload

The estimated workload of the course is 3 credits * 27 h/cr = 81 h.

Contact teaching approx. 30 h
Independent exercises 24 h
Independent study, preparation for the tests and tests 27 h

Further information for students

Assessment methods:
The course includes compulsory assignments, homework and mid-term tests. Assessment will be by means of an end-of-course pass/fail exam. You can take the mid-term tests during the course if you have passed the homework in the previous sections. The final examination can be taken if the mid-term tests of the course have been passed.

In this course, there is a minimum 80% attendance requirement

The course is assessed pass/fail.

This course is recommended if you have no background in in upper secondary school long mathematics and/or need to build up your calculation routine before moving on to the actual mathematics courses.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognize the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right-angled triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognize the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical readiness for studies in other fields than technology.The course is offered also for path studies and open studies.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 13.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

5 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Ville Arvio
  • TAR24S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Automation and Robotics
    Avoin amk, Automation and Robotics, Päivä


During this course you rehearse and reinforce mathematical knowledge and skills needed in the beginning of your studies.

EUR-ACE: Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the mathematics and other natural sciences underlying their engineering specialization, at a level necessary to achieve the other programme outcomes.

Learning outcomes
After completing this course you recall basic algebraic operations and rules for numbers and symbols, and formulas related to common geometric shapes. You understand the difference between an expression and an equation. You are able to apply what you have learned to solve simple problems related to your own field of study.


Basic algebraic operations, the notion of square root, rules for exponents, simplification of polynomial expressions and simple rational expressions, simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations, percentages, simple geometry and trigonometry for right-angled triangles, basics of functions, verbal problem solving tasks.

Time and location

The course will take place at the Lutakko campus in Dynamo during period 1.

The course has 80% compulsory to attend contact teaching. All absences from contact teaching must be compensated in the manner indicated at the beginning of the course.

Some weeks may include distance learning depending on the availability of Dynamo's classrooms.

Learning materials and recommended literature

The written, video and other course material are to be published in the course learning environment.

Teaching methods

Contact teaching 2+2 h/week, including short lectures and calculation exercises.
Weekly tests
Independent study
Independent work on exercises

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Schedule of the tests, exams and resits are to be published in the learning environment at the beginning of the course.

The course ends with a resit-2. After this, coursework returns are no longer accepted and the incomplete course must be re-taken in its entirety at the next course implementation.

Student workload

The estimated workload of the course is 3 credits * 27 h/cr = 81 h.

Contact teaching approx. 30 h
Independent exercises 24 h
Independent study, preparation for the tests and tests 27 h

Content scheduling

Implementation at Dynamo building on the Lutakko campus during period 1.

Further information for students

Assessment methods:
The course includes compulsory assignments, homework and mid-term tests. Assessment will be by means of an end-of-course pass/fail exam. You can take the mid-term tests during the course if you have passed the homework in the previous sections. The final examination can be taken if the mid-term tests of the course have been passed.

The course is assessed pass/fail.

This course is recommended if you have no background in in upper secondary school long mathematics and/or need to build up your calculation routine before moving on to the actual mathematics courses.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You are able to simplify simple polynomial and rational expressions and evaluate expressions numerically. You recognize the difference between an expression and an equation. You can explain how simplifying an expression differs from the process of solving an equation. You are able to solve simple linear and quadratic polynomial equations. You can solve the edges and angles of right-angled triangles. You can solve simple problems with equations. You know the notation for functions, are able to read the values of a function from a graph, and compute values of a given function using the functions expression. You recognize the equation of a line, are able to draw the line by using it, and determine the equation of a line from a picture.

Further information

The course is to be taken before compulsory mathematical studies in technology. The course also offers good mathematical readiness for studies in other fields than technology.The course is offered also for path studies and open studies.