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Business StrategiesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HL00BD70


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Riku Ojanperä


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Liinamaaria Hakola
  • ZJA25KH
    Avoin amk, lita
  • HTL23KIY
    Tradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, monimuotototeutus


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Learning materials and recommended literature

Barney & Hesterly 2019: Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. London: Pearson.
Doz, Y. & Kosonen, M. (käännös Laukkanen, M.) 2008. Nopea strategia: miten strateginen ketteryys auttaa pysymään kilpailun kärjessä. Helsinki: Talentum.
Kamensky, M. 2009. Strateginen johtaminen: Menestyksen timantti. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana, ks. myös aiemmat ja uudemmat painokset)
Vuorinen, T. 2013. Strategiakirja. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana)
Kehusmaa, K. 2010. Strategiatyö: Organisaation voimanlähde. Helsinki: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirjana)
Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. 2005. Sinisen meren strategia. Helsinki: Talentum.
Lindroos, J. E. & Lohivesi, K. 2004. Onnistu strategiassa. Helsinki: WSOYpro. (myös e-kirjana)
Suominen K., Karkulehto K., Sipponen J. & Hämäläinen V. 2012. Esimies strategiavaikuttajaksi. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Ritakallio T. & Vuori T. 2018. Elävä strategia: kyky nähdä, taito tarttua tilaisuuteen. Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirjana)
Åhman H. & Runola J. 2006. Strategia on kuollut? Eläköön tulevaisuus! Helsinki: Edita.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
Introduction to themes and learning assignments in interactional webinars
Independent studying and learning assignments
Group assignments
Group discussions and peer learning

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Online guidance sessions
Peer guidance on Moodle
Personal feedback on the final assignment

Practical training and working life connections

Working life case assignment

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam on this course.
Learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
Deadlines for assignments will be announced in the beginning of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Independent study 40h
Learning assignments 75 h
Interactive webinars 10 h
Group discussions 10 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive webinars will alternate.
Learning assignments will be completed independently and in small groups.

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to assignments
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the assignments

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Riku Ojanperä
  • HTL23S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Learning materials and recommended literature

Mitronen, L. & Raikaslehto, T. 2019. Voittajan strategia: lyhytjänteisyydestä kestävään menestykseen. Helsinki: Alma Talent (myös e-kirjana).
Doz, Y. & Kosonen, M. (käännös Laukkanen, M.) 2008. Nopea strategia: miten strateginen ketteryys auttaa pysymään kilpailun kärjessä. Helsinki: Talentum.
Kamensky, M. 2009. Strateginen johtaminen: Menestyksen timantti. Helsinki: Talentum. (Myös e-kirjana, ks. myös aiemmat ja uudemmat painokset)
Vuorinen, T. 2013. Strategiakirja. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana)
Kehusmaa, K. 2010. Strategiatyö: Organisaation voimanlähde. Helsinki: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirjana)
Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. 2005. Sinisen meren strategia. Helsinki: Talentum.
Lindroos, J. E. & Lohivesi, K. 2010. Onnistu strategiassa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Suominen K., Karkulehto K., Sipponen J. & Hämäläinen V. 2012. Esimies strategiavaikuttajaksi. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Ritakallio T. & Vuori T. 2018. Elävä strategia: kyky nähdä, taito tarttua tilaisuuteen. Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirjana)
Barney, J.B. & Hesterly, W.S. 2019. Strategic Management & Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. Pearson.

Teaching methods

Luennot, ryhmätyöskentely, esitykset ja opponoinnit, henkilökohtaiset tehtävät ja/tai tentti.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.

Student workload

Luennot 30h
Harjoitustyöt 75h
Itsenäinen työskentely 30h

Yhteensä 135h

Content scheduling

Opintojakso sisältää yhden laajan ryhmätyön, jota tehdään koko opintojakson ajan. Kontaktitunnit sisältävät luento-osuuden ja mahdollisuuden ryhmätyöskentelyyn. Lisäksi henkilökohtainen tehtävä tai tentti.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.


08.04.2024 - 31.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Petri Liukkonen
  • Erica Svärd
  • Henna-Riikka Markkio
    Avoin amk, Like, Liiketoiminnan ohjaus yrityksen lisäarvon tuottajana 30 op


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Riku Ojanperä
  • ZJA24KH
    Avoin AMK, lita
  • HTL22S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Learning materials and recommended literature

Mitronen, L. & Raikaslehto, T. 2019. Voittajan strategia: lyhytjänteisyydestä kestävään menestykseen. Helsinki: Alma Talent (myös e-kirjana).
Doz, Y. & Kosonen, M. (käännös Laukkanen, M.) 2008. Nopea strategia: miten strateginen ketteryys auttaa pysymään kilpailun kärjessä. Helsinki: Talentum.
Kamensky, M. 2009. Strateginen johtaminen: Menestyksen timantti. Helsinki: Talentum. (Myös e-kirjana, ks. myös aiemmat ja uudemmat painokset)
Vuorinen, T. 2013. Strategiakirja. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana)
Kehusmaa, K. 2010. Strategiatyö: Organisaation voimanlähde. Helsinki: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirjana)
Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. 2005. Sinisen meren strategia. Helsinki: Talentum.
Lindroos, J. E. & Lohivesi, K. 2010. Onnistu strategiassa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Suominen K., Karkulehto K., Sipponen J. & Hämäläinen V. 2012. Esimies strategiavaikuttajaksi. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Ritakallio T. & Vuori T. 2018. Elävä strategia: kyky nähdä, taito tarttua tilaisuuteen. Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirjana)
Barney, J.B. & Hesterly, W.S. 2019. Strategic Management & Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. Pearson.

Teaching methods

Luennot, ryhmätyöskentely, esitykset ja opponoinnit, henkilökohtaiset tehtävät ja/tai tentti.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.

Student workload

Luennot 30h
Harjoitustyöt 75h
Itsenäinen työskentely 30h

Yhteensä 135h

Content scheduling

Opintojakso sisältää yhden laajan ryhmätyön, jota tehdään koko opintojakson ajan. Kontaktitunnit sisältävät luento-osuuden ja mahdollisuuden ryhmätyöskentelyyn. Lisäksi henkilökohtainen tehtävä tai tentti.

Further information for students

Avoin amk 5

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Liinamaaria Hakola
  • ZJA24KH
    Avoin AMK, lita
  • HTL22SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Learning materials and recommended literature

Barney & Hesterly 2019: Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. London: Pearson.
Doz, Y. & Kosonen, M. (käännös Laukkanen, M.) 2008. Nopea strategia: miten strateginen ketteryys auttaa pysymään kilpailun kärjessä. Helsinki: Talentum.
Kamensky, M. 2009. Strateginen johtaminen: Menestyksen timantti. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana, ks. myös aiemmat ja uudemmat painokset)
Vuorinen, T. 2013. Strategiakirja. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana)
Kehusmaa, K. 2010. Strategiatyö: Organisaation voimanlähde. Helsinki: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirjana)
Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. 2005. Sinisen meren strategia. Helsinki: Talentum.
Lindroos, J. E. & Lohivesi, K. 2004. Onnistu strategiassa. Helsinki: WSOYpro. (myös e-kirjana)
Suominen K., Karkulehto K., Sipponen J. & Hämäläinen V. 2012. Esimies strategiavaikuttajaksi. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Ritakallio T. & Vuori T. 2018. Elävä strategia: kyky nähdä, taito tarttua tilaisuuteen. Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirjana)
Åhman H. & Runola J. 2006. Strategia on kuollut? Eläköön tulevaisuus! Helsinki: Edita.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
Introduction to themes and learning assignments in interactional webinars
Independent studying and learning assignments
Group assignments
Group discussions and peer learning

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Online guidance sessions
Peer guidance on Moodle
Personal feedback on the final assignment

Practical training and working life connections

Working life case assignment

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam on this course.
Learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
Deadlines for assignments will be announced in the beginning of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Independent study 40h
Learning assignments 75 h
Interactive webinars 10 h
Group discussions 10 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive webinars will alternate.
Learning assignments will be completed independently and in small groups.

Further information for students

Avoin amk 5
Opintojakson arviointimenetelmiä ovat:
Oman osaamisen arviointi workshoptehtäviin liittyen.
Osaamisen arviointi, palaute ja opintojakson arvosana oppimistehtävien perusteella.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Riku Ojanperä
  • HTL21S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Learning materials and recommended literature

Mitronen, L. & Raikaslehto, T. 2019. Voittajan strategia: lyhytjänteisyydestä kestävään menestykseen. Helsinki: Alma Talent (myös e-kirjana).
Doz, Y. & Kosonen, M. (käännös Laukkanen, M.) 2008. Nopea strategia: miten strateginen ketteryys auttaa pysymään kilpailun kärjessä. Helsinki: Talentum.
Kamensky, M. 2009. Strateginen johtaminen: Menestyksen timantti. Helsinki: Talentum. (Myös e-kirjana, ks. myös aiemmat ja uudemmat painokset)
Vuorinen, T. 2013. Strategiakirja. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana)
Kehusmaa, K. 2010. Strategiatyö: Organisaation voimanlähde. Helsinki: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirjana)
Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. 2005. Sinisen meren strategia. Helsinki: Talentum.
Lindroos, J. E. & Lohivesi, K. 2010. Onnistu strategiassa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Suominen K., Karkulehto K., Sipponen J. & Hämäläinen V. 2012. Esimies strategiavaikuttajaksi. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Ritakallio T. & Vuori T. 2018. Elävä strategia: kyky nähdä, taito tarttua tilaisuuteen. Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirjana)
Barney, J.B. & Hesterly, W.S. 2019. Strategic Management & Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. Pearson.

Teaching methods

Luennot, ryhmätyöskentely, esitykset ja opponoinnit, henkilökohtaiset tehtävät

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.

Student workload

Luennot 30h
Harjoitustyöt 75h
Itsenäinen työskentely 30h

Yhteensä 135h

Content scheduling

Opintojakso sisältää yhden laajan ryhmätyön, jota tehdään koko opintojakson ajan. Kontaktitunnit sisältävät luento-osuuden ja mahdollisuuden ryhmätyöskentelyyn. Lisäksi henkilökohtaisena tehtävänä kirjallisuusessee, jonka voi tehdä missä vaiheessa opintojaksoa tahansa.

Further information for students

Avoin amk 3

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Liinamaaria Hakola
  • HTL21SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Learning materials and recommended literature

Barney & Hesterly 2019: Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. London: Pearson.
Doz, Y. & Kosonen, M. (käännös Laukkanen, M.) 2008. Nopea strategia: miten strateginen ketteryys auttaa pysymään kilpailun kärjessä. Helsinki: Talentum.
Kamensky, M. 2009. Strateginen johtaminen: Menestyksen timantti. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana, ks. myös aiemmat ja uudemmat painokset)
Vuorinen, T. 2013. Strategiakirja. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana)
Kehusmaa, K. 2010. Strategiatyö: Organisaation voimanlähde. Helsinki: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirjana)
Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. 2005. Sinisen meren strategia. Helsinki: Talentum.
Lindroos, J. E. & Lohivesi, K. 2004. Onnistu strategiassa. Helsinki: WSOYpro. (myös e-kirjana)
Suominen K., Karkulehto K., Sipponen J. & Hämäläinen V. 2012. Esimies strategiavaikuttajaksi. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Ritakallio T. & Vuori T. 2018. Elävä strategia: kyky nähdä, taito tarttua tilaisuuteen. Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirjana)
Åhman H. & Runola J. 2006. Strategia on kuollut? Eläköön tulevaisuus! Helsinki: Edita.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
Introduction to themes and learning assignments in interactional webinars
Independent studying and learning assignments
Group assignments
Group discussions and peer learning

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Online guidance sessions
Peer guidance on Moodle
Personal feedback on the final assignment

Practical training and working life connections

Working life case assignment

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam on this course.
Learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
Deadlines for assignments will be announced in the beginning of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Independent study 40h
Learning assignments 75 h
Interactive webinars 10 h
Group discussions 10 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive webinars will alternate.
Learning assignments will be completed independently and in small groups.

Further information for students

Opintojakson arviointimenetelmiä ovat:
Oman osaamisen arviointi workshoptehtäviin liittyen.
Osaamisen arviointi, palaute ja opintojakson arvosana oppimistehtävien perusteella.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 37

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Riku Ojanperä
  • HTL20S1
  • ZJA22KH
    Avoin AMK, lita


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Learning materials and recommended literature

Doz, Y. & Kosonen, M. (käännös Laukkanen, M.) 2008. Nopea strategia: miten strateginen ketteryys auttaa pysymään kilpailun kärjessä. Helsinki: Talentum.
Kamensky, M. 2009. Strateginen johtaminen: Menestyksen timantti. Helsinki: Talentum. (Myös e-kirjana, ks. myös aiemmat ja uudemmat painokset)
Vuorinen, T. 2013. Strategiakirja. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana)
Kehusmaa, K. 2010. Strategiatyö: Organisaation voimanlähde. Helsinki: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirjana)
Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. 2005. Sinisen meren strategia. Helsinki: Talentum.
Lindroos, J. E. & Lohivesi, K. 2010. Onnistu strategiassa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Suominen K., Karkulehto K., Sipponen J. & Hämäläinen V. 2012. Esimies strategiavaikuttajaksi. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Ritakallio T. & Vuori T. 2018. Elävä strategia: kyky nähdä, taito tarttua tilaisuuteen. Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirjana)
Barney, J.B. & Hesterly, W.S. 2019. Strategic Management & Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. Pearson.

Teaching methods

Luennot, ryhmätyöskentely, esitykset ja opponoinnit, henkilökohtaiset tehtävät

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.

Student workload

Luennot 30h
Harjoitustyöt 75h
Itsenäinen työskentely 30h

Yhteensä 135h

Content scheduling

Opintojakso sisältää yhden laajan ryhmätyön, jota tehdään koko opintojakson ajan. Kontaktitunnit sisältävät luento-osuuden ja mahdollisuuden ryhmätyöskentelyyn. Lisäksi henkilökohtaisena tehtävänä kirjallisuusessee, jonka voi tehdä missä vaiheessa opintojaksoa tahansa.

Further information for students

Avoin amk 3

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

RDI portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Jaana Saarisilta
  • Pia Viklund
  • HTL20IY
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • ZJA22KH
    Avoin AMK, lita


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Time and location

The cource will be implemented 100% on-line.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Doz, Y. & Kosonen, M. (käännös Laukkanen, M.) 2008. Nopea strategia: miten strateginen ketteryys auttaa pysymään kilpailun kärjessä. Helsinki: Talentum. Kamensky, M. 2009. Strateginen johtaminen: Menestyksen timantti. Helsinki: Talentum. (Ks. myös aiemmat painokset) Vuorinen, T. 2013. Strategiakirja. Helsinki: Talentum. Kehusmaa, K. 2010. Strategiatyö: Organisaation voimanlähde. Helsinki: Kauppakamari.Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. 2005. Sinisen meren strategia. Helsinki: Talentum. Lindroos, J. E. & Lohivesi, K. 2004. Onnistu strategiassa. Helsinki: WSOYpro. (myös e-kirjana) Suominen K., Karkulehto K., Sipponen J. & Hämäläinen V. 2012. Esimies strategiavaikuttajaksi. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.Åhman H. ja Runola J. 2006. Strategia on kuollut? Eläköön tulevaisuus! Helsinki: Edita.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes.

Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments, theme-specific self-assessments
Group discussions and peer learning
Group excercice/strategy game and its analysis
Litterature analysis
Personal final assignment

Practical training and working life connections


Exam dates and retake possibilities

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal final assignment must be returned in May 2022, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The retake of the personal final assignment and the group project is possible in May 2022, the exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course in January 2022.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide.

Student workload

Preparing for webinars to complete theme-specific learning assignments, self-assessment 44 h
Interactive and collaborative webinars 16 h
Strategy game and analysis 15 h
Litterature analysis
Completing the personal final assignment 40 h
Voluntary guidance

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative webinars and group discussions will alternate.

The group project completed during the course will examine the course themes in working life based on independent and collaborative working.

At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information for students

Litterature analysis, 0-5 (30% of the final evaluation)
Personal final assignment, 0-5 (70% of the final evaluation)
Self-assessment (passed/not passed)
Theme-specific learning assessments (passed/not passed)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.


12.11.2021 - 09.01.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Kaisa Partanen
  • Jaana Saarisilta
    Avoin amk, LITA, SOTE, Hyvinvoinnin, liikunnan ja urheilun liiketoiminnan kehittäminen, korkeakouludiplomi
    Avoin amk, LITA, SOTE, Hyvinvoinnin, liikunnan ja urheilun liiketoiminnan kehittäminen, korkeakouludiplomi


The object of the course
After completing the course, you will be able to utilise different kinds of tools when making strategic choices.

Course competences
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace
Business Competence

The learning objectives of the course
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.


Basic concepts of strategic management
Environment analyses
Internal analyses
Synthesis analyses
Added value and the value chain
Business strategies
Competitive advantage / competitiveness
Strategic flexibility

Learning materials and recommended literature

Barney & Hesterly 2019: Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases. London: Pearson.
Doz, Y. & Kosonen, M. (käännös Laukkanen, M.) 2008. Nopea strategia: miten strateginen ketteryys auttaa pysymään kilpailun kärjessä. Helsinki: Talentum.
Kamensky, M. 2009. Strateginen johtaminen: Menestyksen timantti. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana, ks. myös aiemmat ja uudemmat painokset)
Vuorinen, T. 2013. Strategiakirja. Helsinki: Talentum. (myös e-kirjana)
Kehusmaa, K. 2010. Strategiatyö: Organisaation voimanlähde. Helsinki: Kauppakamari. (myös e-kirjana)
Kim, W.C. & Mauborgne, R. 2005. Sinisen meren strategia. Helsinki: Talentum.
Lindroos, J. E. & Lohivesi, K. 2004. Onnistu strategiassa. Helsinki: WSOYpro. (myös e-kirjana)
Suominen K., Karkulehto K., Sipponen J. & Hämäläinen V. 2012. Esimies strategiavaikuttajaksi. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Ritakallio T. & Vuori T. 2018. Elävä strategia: kyky nähdä, taito tarttua tilaisuuteen. Helsinki: Alma Talent. (myös e-kirjana)
Åhman H. & Runola J. 2006. Strategia on kuollut? Eläköön tulevaisuus! Helsinki: Edita.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
Introduction to themes and learning assignments in interactional webinars
Independent studying and learning assignments
Group assignments
Group discussions and peer learning

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Online guidance sessions
Peer guidance on Moodle
Personal feedback on the final assignment

Practical training and working life connections

Working life case assignment

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam on this course.
Learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
Deadlines for assignments will be announced in the beginning of the course.

Starting task 12.11.-14.11.
Week 46 webinar
Week 48 webinar
Week 49 webinar
Final task daedline 9.1.2022

International connections


Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Independent study 40h
Learning assignments 75 h
Interactive webinars 10 h
Group discussions 10 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive webinars will alternate.
Learning assignments will be completed independently and in small groups.

Further information for students

The assessment methods of the course are:
Assessing one's own skills for workshop tasks knows.
Competence assessment, feedback and course grade based on learning assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of strategic leadership and understand their utilisation when making strategic choices. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You understand the significance of strategy in your own work and the significance of your work for the strategy of your organisation.

Satisfactory 2
You are familiar with the principal concepts, theories, and models of leadership and understand their relationship to the questions of practical leadership. You understand the significance of strategy as a business development tool. You are able to apply strategy in your own work.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You are well aware of the strategy-related basic concepts, theories, and methods and understand their connection to your own work. You are able to utilise analysed data and substantiate your action proposals related to development. You are able to analyse and assess the company’s operating environment, market demand and customer and competitive situation on a superficial basis with the help of strategic analyses.

Very Good 4
You understand and are able to assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to apply your theory-level understanding on a practical level. You are able to utilise well-researched knowledge in the development work and are able to carry out development work related to the strategy work.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You understand and are able to critically assess theories, key concepts, and methods related to strategy work and substantiate their use as a tool for business development. You are able to utilise theories in the strategic level assessment of different areas of business and are capable of adopting an analytic approach. You are capable of critical and analytical strategic level assessment of different areas of business.


Basic concepts and theories in management and leadership.