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Marketing AutomationLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: HL00BD61


4 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Riikka Ahlgren


The object of the course
You gain and evaluate knowledge, theories and methods related to marketing automation. You identify, understand and describe the automation process. You identify the purpose of marketing automation in business. You gain knowledge on content marketing that is required by marketing automation.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Business Competence​

Learning objectives of the course
After completing the course you can produce marketing material that is suitable for automatisation. You identify marketing automation as a part of marketing planning process and you know some tools for marketing automation. You are able to describe a customer journey for automatisation. You know how GDPR effects on online sales and marketing and on collecting and using customer data. You gain skills on developing and automating marketing processes.


You plan the processes for lead generation and marketing automation for a case company. You practice online content marketing. You familiarize with tools for marketing automation and for content production.


Basics of marketing, basics of digital marketing

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You know the basic concepts and methods of marketing automation. You can do a simple marketing automation plan. You can produce content to support the automation

Satisfactory 2
You understand the basic concepts and methods of marketing automation. You can do a marketing automation plan and you make marketing decisions that are partly goal-oriented. You can produce content to support the goals of the automation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You manage the big picture of marketing automation. You understand the relations of the concepts and you can do decisions when planning marketing automation. Your marketing decisions are based on goals. You can produce content to support the goals of the automation.

Very Good 4
You manage the big picture of marketing automation and you can evaluate the applicability of the methods. You can independently collect, apply and mediate data and knowledge. In your reporting you use versatile literature. In planning the automation you make working, reliable strategic decisions that are based on clearly formed goals. You produce content that is relevant and visualized for the target segment to support the goals of the automation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You manage the big picture of marketing automation and you can evaluate the applicability of the methods. You can apply the marketing automation skills according to the corporate strategy. You can independently collect, apply and mediate data and knowledge. In your reporting you show critical thinking and use versatile literature. You plan automation processes based on the corporate strategy. You can make reliable marketing decisions that are based on clearly formed goals. You produce content independently and the content is relevant and visually impressive for the target segment to support the goals of the automation. You can critically argue the decisions that you make.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Nina Viertorinne
  • ZJA24SH
    Avoin amk, lita
  • HTL22S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • HTL22SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
You gain and evaluate knowledge, theories and methods related to marketing automation. You identify, understand and describe the automation process. You identify the purpose of marketing automation in business. You gain knowledge on content marketing that is required by marketing automation.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Business Competence​

Learning objectives of the course
After completing the course you can produce marketing material that is suitable for automatisation. You identify marketing automation as a part of marketing planning process and you know some tools for marketing automation. You are able to describe a customer journey for automatisation. You know how GDPR effects on online sales and marketing and on collecting and using customer data. You gain skills on developing and automating marketing processes.


You plan the processes for lead generation and marketing automation for a case company. You practice online content marketing. You familiarize with tools for marketing automation and for content production.

Time and location

Contact lessons for full time students.
Part time students can participate online.

Learning materials and recommended literature

King, A. K, 2015. Complete Guide to B2B Marketing, The: New Tactics, Tools, and Techniques to Compete in the Digital Economy
Other materials in the learning environment (Moodle).

Teaching methods

Individual learning tasks
Group work
Lectures or webinars

Practical training and working life connections

Visiting lecturers
Learning assignment for a case company

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The time and date of the exam is communicated in the course workspace.
The student can redo a failed exam two times. The time and date are communicated in the course workspace.

Student workload

- lectures 22 h
- learning tasks and studying the course material 60 h
- preparation for the exam and the exam 26 h

Total 108 hours.

Content scheduling

Content marketing and content creation
Data protection (regulations)
Marketing automation process and tools

Further information for students

The course includes an exam. The evaluation of teamwork is based on continuous feedback.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You know the basic concepts and methods of marketing automation. You can do a simple marketing automation plan. You can produce content to support the automation

Satisfactory 2
You understand the basic concepts and methods of marketing automation. You can do a marketing automation plan and you make marketing decisions that are partly goal-oriented. You can produce content to support the goals of the automation.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You manage the big picture of marketing automation. You understand the relations of the concepts and you can do decisions when planning marketing automation. Your marketing decisions are based on goals. You can produce content to support the goals of the automation.

Very Good 4
You manage the big picture of marketing automation and you can evaluate the applicability of the methods. You can independently collect, apply and mediate data and knowledge. In your reporting you use versatile literature. In planning the automation you make working, reliable strategic decisions that are based on clearly formed goals. You produce content that is relevant and visualized for the target segment to support the goals of the automation.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You manage the big picture of marketing automation and you can evaluate the applicability of the methods. You can apply the marketing automation skills according to the corporate strategy. You can independently collect, apply and mediate data and knowledge. In your reporting you show critical thinking and use versatile literature. You plan automation processes based on the corporate strategy. You can make reliable marketing decisions that are based on clearly formed goals. You produce content independently and the content is relevant and visually impressive for the target segment to support the goals of the automation. You can critically argue the decisions that you make.


Basics of marketing, basics of digital marketing


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Riikka Ahlgren
  • Nina Viertorinne
  • HTL21S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • ZJA23SH
    Avoin amk, lita


The object of the course
You gain and evaluate knowledge, theories and methods related to marketing automation. You identify, understand and describe the automation process. You identify the purpose of marketing automation in business. You gain knowledge on content marketing that is required by marketing automation.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Business Competence​

Learning objectives of the course
After completing the course you can produce marketing material that is suitable for automatisation. You identify marketing automation as a part of marketing planning process and you know some tools for marketing automation. You are able to describe a customer journey for automatisation. You know how GDPR effects on online sales and marketing and on collecting and using customer data. You gain skills on developing and automating marketing processes.


You plan the processes for lead generation and marketing automation for a case company. You practice online content marketing. You familiarize with tools for marketing automation and for content production.

Learning materials and recommended literature

King, A. K, 2015. Complete Guide to B2B Marketing, The: New Tactics, Tools, and Techniques to Compete in the Digital Economy
Other materials in the learning environment (Moodle).

Teaching methods

Individual learning tasks
Group work
Lectures or webinars

Practical training and working life connections

Visiting lecturers
Learning assignment for a case company

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The time and date of the exam is communicated in the course workspace.
The student can redo a failed exam two times. The time and date are communicated in the course workspace.

Student workload

- lectures 22 h
- learning tasks and studying the course material 60 h
- preparation for the exam and the exam 26 h

Total 108 hours.

Content scheduling

Content marketing and content creation
Marketing automation process and tools

Further information for students

Exam 60% of the course grade
Learning assignment 40% of the course grade

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You know the basic concepts and methods of marketing automation. You can do a simple marketing automation plan. You can produce content to support the automation

Satisfactory 2
You understand the basic concepts and methods of marketing automation. You can do a marketing automation plan and you make marketing decisions that are partly goal-oriented. You can produce content to support the goals of the automation.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You manage the big picture of marketing automation. You understand the relations of the concepts and you can do decisions when planning marketing automation. Your marketing decisions are based on goals. You can produce content to support the goals of the automation.

Very Good 4
You manage the big picture of marketing automation and you can evaluate the applicability of the methods. You can independently collect, apply and mediate data and knowledge. In your reporting you use versatile literature. In planning the automation you make working, reliable strategic decisions that are based on clearly formed goals. You produce content that is relevant and visualized for the target segment to support the goals of the automation.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You manage the big picture of marketing automation and you can evaluate the applicability of the methods. You can apply the marketing automation skills according to the corporate strategy. You can independently collect, apply and mediate data and knowledge. In your reporting you show critical thinking and use versatile literature. You plan automation processes based on the corporate strategy. You can make reliable marketing decisions that are based on clearly formed goals. You produce content independently and the content is relevant and visually impressive for the target segment to support the goals of the automation. You can critically argue the decisions that you make.


Basics of marketing, basics of digital marketing


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Riikka Ahlgren
  • HTL20S1


The object of the course
You gain and evaluate knowledge, theories and methods related to marketing automation. You identify, understand and describe the automation process. You identify the purpose of marketing automation in business. You gain knowledge on content marketing that is required by marketing automation.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Business Competence​

Learning objectives of the course
After completing the course you can produce marketing material that is suitable for automatisation. You identify marketing automation as a part of marketing planning process and you know some tools for marketing automation. You are able to describe a customer journey for automatisation. You know how GDPR effects on online sales and marketing and on collecting and using customer data. You gain skills on developing and automating marketing processes.


You plan the processes for lead generation and marketing automation for a case company. You practice online content marketing. You familiarize with tools for marketing automation and for content production.

Learning materials and recommended literature

King, A. K, 2015. Complete Guide to B2B Marketing, The: New Tactics, Tools, and Techniques to Compete in the Digital Economy
Other materials in the learning environment (Moodle).

Teaching methods

Individual learning tasks
Group work
Lectures or webinars

Practical training and working life connections

Visiting lecturers
Learning assignment for a case company

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The time and date of the exam is communicated in the course workspace.
The student can redo a failed exam two times. The time and date are communicated in the course workspace.

Student workload

- lectures 22 h
- learning tasks and studying the course material 60 h
- preparation for the exam and the exam 26 h

Total 108 hours.

Content scheduling

Content marketing and content creation
Marketing automation process and tools

Further information for students

Exam 60% of the course grade
Learning assignment 40% of the course grade

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You know the basic concepts and methods of marketing automation. You can do a simple marketing automation plan. You can produce content to support the automation

Satisfactory 2
You understand the basic concepts and methods of marketing automation. You can do a marketing automation plan and you make marketing decisions that are partly goal-oriented. You can produce content to support the goals of the automation.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You manage the big picture of marketing automation. You understand the relations of the concepts and you can do decisions when planning marketing automation. Your marketing decisions are based on goals. You can produce content to support the goals of the automation.

Very Good 4
You manage the big picture of marketing automation and you can evaluate the applicability of the methods. You can independently collect, apply and mediate data and knowledge. In your reporting you use versatile literature. In planning the automation you make working, reliable strategic decisions that are based on clearly formed goals. You produce content that is relevant and visualized for the target segment to support the goals of the automation.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You manage the big picture of marketing automation and you can evaluate the applicability of the methods. You can apply the marketing automation skills according to the corporate strategy. You can independently collect, apply and mediate data and knowledge. In your reporting you show critical thinking and use versatile literature. You plan automation processes based on the corporate strategy. You can make reliable marketing decisions that are based on clearly formed goals. You produce content independently and the content is relevant and visually impressive for the target segment to support the goals of the automation. You can critically argue the decisions that you make.


Basics of marketing, basics of digital marketing