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Change ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HL00BD73


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Anita Hukkanen


The object of the course
Constant changes are commonplace and competence in change management is of central importance in working life. The object of the course is that you understand the significance of change management from the point of view of the organisation, community and individual, and are able to plan and implement change projects in practice.

Course competences
Business Competence
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objectives of the course
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability.


Different change situations
Stages of the change process
Emotions and commitment in change
Change communications
Supervisor as the leader of change
Personal change ability

Change project roadmap
Emotional change curve
Assessment of own change ability


Knowledge of the core concepts and theories of management

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability. Your reporting is unstructured and inadequate.

Satisfactory 2
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to explain different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to apply change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to apply ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of explaining your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, but exhibits minor shortcomings with regard to language and reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to compare different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to analyse the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to compare and prioritise change management tools in different change situations. You are able to analyse the significance of emotions in change and are able to choose ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of questioning your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, well-reasoned and in accordance with the reporting instructions, but contains occasional mistakes.

Very good 4
You acquire and are able to critically examine knowledge related to change management and are able to assess different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to design change management tools for different change situations. You are able to assess the significance of emotions in change and are able to plan ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of reflecting upon your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and fluent and complies with the reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to produce new perspectives based on theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to develop change management tools for different change situations. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to develop ways to commit the personnel and provide new perspectives to changes. You are capable of developing your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and complies with the reporting instructions.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anita Hukkanen
  • ZJA24SH
    Avoin amk, lita
  • HTL23S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration


The object of the course
Constant changes are commonplace and competence in change management is of central importance in working life. The object of the course is that you understand the significance of change management from the point of view of the organisation, community and individual, and are able to plan and implement change projects in practice.

Course competences
Business Competence
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objectives of the course
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability.


Different change situations
Stages of the change process
Emotions and commitment in change
Change communications
Supervisor as the leader of change
Personal change ability

Change project roadmap
Emotional change curve
Assessment of own change ability

Learning materials and recommended literature

Learning material:
Ajattele muutos. Opas esimiehille ja kehittäjille. 2008. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut.
Laurila, M. 2017. ”Me ollaan kaikki samassa veneessä ja soudetaan yhdessä samaan suuntaan” Esimiesten ja henkilöstön käsityksiä hyvästä muutosjohtajuudesta. Väitöskirja. Acta Wasaensia 386, Liiketaloustiede, Vaasan Yliopisto.
Työhyvinvointi muutoksessa. 2007. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut. Helsinki.
Onnistunut muutos -opas. N.d. Ilmarinen.

Literature will be used selectively in group discussions:
Arikoski, J. & Sallinen, M. 2007. Vastarinnasta vastarannalle – johda muutos taitavasti. Keuruu: Johtamistaidon opisto JTO
Ylikoski, K. & Ylikoski, M. 2009. Työyhteisö muutosmurroksessa: ihmisyys muutoksen kohtaamisessa ja johtamisessa. Mikkeli: Työturvallisuuskeskus
Heiskanen, M. & Lehikoinen, S. 2010. Muutosviestinnän voimapaperi. Helsinki: Talentum
Kotter, J. 2008. Jäävuoremme sulaa: muutos ja menestyminen kaikissa olosuhteissa. Helsinki, WSOYpro
Juuti, P & Virtanen, P. 2009. Organisaatiomuutos. Helsinki: Otava.
Mattila, P. 2009. Johdettu muutos: Avaimet organisaation hallittuun uudistumiseen. Helsinki: Talentum
Piha, K. & Sutinen, M. 2020. Muutosvoimaa: tutkimusmatka moderniin muutosjohtamiseen. Helsinki: Alma Talent.
Pirinen, H. 2014. Esimies muutoksen johtajana. Talentum.
Ponteva, K. 2012. Muutoksessa. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Korhonen, H. & Bergman, T. 2019. Johtaja muutoksen ytimessä. Helsinki: Alma Talent Pro.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning, case-studies and peer learning will be used as the methods of teaching and learning. The course include interactive lectures, expert lectures, group discussions, case study -group project and individual learning assignments.

Guidance is continuous in learning assignments during the course face to face and online. Feedback is given on individual final assignment and on case study -group assignment. Peer feedback is given in group assignment. Self reflection is used as a method of learning and competence assessment during the course.

The grade of the course is based on the case study -group assignment and individual final assignment.

Practical training and working life connections

Visiting lecturers
Case study -group project

Exam dates and retake possibilities

There is no exam in the course.
The individual learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The case study -group project presentations must be given in accordance with the course timetable.
The individual final assignment must be returned in December 2024, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The retakes of the learning assignments will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Interactive lectures 12*2 h = 24 h
Reading literature and preparation for lectures 41 h
Case study -group project 35 h
The individual final assignment 35 h

Content scheduling

During the course independent learning assignments and interactive lectures with group discussions will alternate. In the case study -group project the course themes will be examined and analysed in working life based on collaborative working. At the end of the course, the individual final assignment will be completed independently, making use of the lessons learned during the course.

Attendants will be checked in three weeks time the course has started. In order to finish the course student must make an orientation assignment, participate at the opening lecture and familiarize with the learning space in Moodle.

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence and learning in relation to the personal final assignment.
Self-assessment and peer assessment in relation to the group work.
The teacher’s feedback on case study -group project and individual final assignment.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade is based on the competence assessments, group assignments and the individual assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability. Your reporting is unstructured and inadequate.

Satisfactory 2
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to explain different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to apply change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to apply ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of explaining your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, but exhibits minor shortcomings with regard to language and reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to compare different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to analyse the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to compare and prioritise change management tools in different change situations. You are able to analyse the significance of emotions in change and are able to choose ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of questioning your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, well-reasoned and in accordance with the reporting instructions, but contains occasional mistakes.

Very good 4
You acquire and are able to critically examine knowledge related to change management and are able to assess different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to design change management tools for different change situations. You are able to assess the significance of emotions in change and are able to plan ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of reflecting upon your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and fluent and complies with the reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to produce new perspectives based on theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to develop change management tools for different change situations. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to develop ways to commit the personnel and provide new perspectives to changes. You are capable of developing your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and complies with the reporting instructions.


Knowledge of the core concepts and theories of management


02.01.2024 - 30.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anita Hukkanen
    Avoin AMK, marata, Kiinteistöjohtaminen muuttuvassa toimitilaympäristössä
    Avoin AMK, marata, Kiinteistöjohtaminen muuttuvassa toimitilaympäristössä


The object of the course
Constant changes are commonplace and competence in change management is of central importance in working life. The object of the course is that you understand the significance of change management from the point of view of the organisation, community and individual, and are able to plan and implement change projects in practice.

Course competences
Business Competence
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objectives of the course
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability.


Different change situations
Stages of the change process
Emotions and commitment in change
Change communications
Supervisor as the leader of change
Personal change ability

Change project roadmap
Emotional change curve
Assessment of own change ability

Learning materials and recommended literature

Learning material:
Arikoski, J. & Sallinen, M. 2007. Vastarinnasta vastarannalle – johda muutos taitavasti. Keuruu: Johtamistaidon opisto JTO
Ylikoski, K. & Ylikoski, M. 2009. Työyhteisö muutosmurroksessa: ihmisyys muutoksen kohtaamisessa ja johtamisessa. Mikkeli: Työturvallisuuskeskus
Työhyvinvointi muutoksessa. 2007. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut. Helsinki.
Ajattele muutos. Opas esimiehille ja kehittäjille. 2008. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut.
Heiskanen, M. & Lehikoinen, S. 2010. Muutosviestinnän voimapaperi. Helsinki: Talentum
Kotter, J. 2008. Jäävuoremme sulaa: muutos ja menestyminen kaikissa olosuhteissa. Helsinki, WSOYpro
Juuti, P & Virtanen, P. 2009. Organisaatiomuutos. Helsinki: Otava.
Mattila, P. 2009. Johdettu muutos: Avaimet organisaation hallittuun uudistumiseen. Helsinki: Talentum
Onnistunut muutos -opas. Ilmarinen.
Piha, K. & Sutinen, M. 2020. Muutosvoimaa: tutkimusmatka moderniin muutosjohtamiseen. Helsinki: Alma Talent.
Pirinen, H. 2014. Esimies muutoksen johtajana. Talentum.
Ponteva, K. 2012. Muutoksessa. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Korhonen, H. & Bergman, T. 2019. Johtaja muutoksen ytimessä. Helsinki: Alma Talent Pro.
The learning material will be used selectively.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Webinars: Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions online and in webinars
Personal final assignment

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes/modules and learning assignments
Guidance online and in webinars
Peer-to-peer discussions
Personal feedback on the final assignment

The grade for the course is based on the competences shown in the final assignment.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal final assignment must be completed in accordance with the course timetable.
The retake of the personal final assignment is possible, deadline will be announced in the beginning of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Individual, theme-specific learning assignment 115 h
Interactive webinars 10 h
Group discussions 10 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive webinars will alternate. At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence in relation to the personal final assignment.
The teacher’s feedback on the personal final assignment.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the personal final assignment.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability. Your reporting is unstructured and inadequate.

Satisfactory 2
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to explain different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to apply change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to apply ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of explaining your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, but exhibits minor shortcomings with regard to language and reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to compare different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to analyse the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to compare and prioritise change management tools in different change situations. You are able to analyse the significance of emotions in change and are able to choose ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of questioning your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, well-reasoned and in accordance with the reporting instructions, but contains occasional mistakes.

Very good 4
You acquire and are able to critically examine knowledge related to change management and are able to assess different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to design change management tools for different change situations. You are able to assess the significance of emotions in change and are able to plan ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of reflecting upon your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and fluent and complies with the reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to produce new perspectives based on theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to develop change management tools for different change situations. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to develop ways to commit the personnel and provide new perspectives to changes. You are capable of developing your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and complies with the reporting instructions.


Knowledge of the core concepts and theories of management


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anita Hukkanen
  • ZJA23SH
    Avoin amk, lita
  • HTL22S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • HTL22SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration


The object of the course
Constant changes are commonplace and competence in change management is of central importance in working life. The object of the course is that you understand the significance of change management from the point of view of the organisation, community and individual, and are able to plan and implement change projects in practice.

Course competences
Business Competence
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objectives of the course
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability.


Different change situations
Stages of the change process
Emotions and commitment in change
Change communications
Supervisor as the leader of change
Personal change ability

Change project roadmap
Emotional change curve
Assessment of own change ability

Learning materials and recommended literature

Learning material:
Arikoski, J. & Sallinen, M. 2007. Vastarinnasta vastarannalle – johda muutos taitavasti. Keuruu: Johtamistaidon opisto JTO
Ylikoski, K. & Ylikoski, M. 2009. Työyhteisö muutosmurroksessa: ihmisyys muutoksen kohtaamisessa ja johtamisessa. Mikkeli: Työturvallisuuskeskus
Työhyvinvointi muutoksessa. 2007. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut. Helsinki.
Ajattele muutos. Opas esimiehille ja kehittäjille. 2008. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut.
Heiskanen, M. & Lehikoinen, S. 2010. Muutosviestinnän voimapaperi. Helsinki: Talentum
Kotter, J. 2008. Jäävuoremme sulaa: muutos ja menestyminen kaikissa olosuhteissa. Helsinki, WSOYpro
Juuti, P & Virtanen, P. 2009. Organisaatiomuutos. Helsinki: Otava.
Mattila, P. 2009. Johdettu muutos: Avaimet organisaation hallittuun uudistumiseen. Helsinki: Talentum
Onnistunut muutos -opas. Ilmarinen.
Piha, K. & Sutinen, M. 2020. Muutosvoimaa: tutkimusmatka moderniin muutosjohtamiseen. Helsinki: Alma Talent.
Pirinen, H. 2014. Esimies muutoksen johtajana. Talentum.
Ponteva, K. 2012. Muutoksessa. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Korhonen, H. & Bergman, T. 2019. Johtaja muutoksen ytimessä. Helsinki: Alma Talent Pro.

The learning material will be used selectively.

Teaching methods

The course is available for both full-time and multiform students.

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Expert lectures
Working life case project
Peer feedback
Personal final assignment

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes/modules and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Guidance in working life project
Personal feedback on the final assignment

The grade for the course is based on the competences shown in the final assignment.

Practical training and working life connections

Expert lectures
Working life case project

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The working life case project presentations must be given in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal final assignment must be returned in December 2023, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The retakes of the personal final assignment will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 12*2 h = 24 h
Literature 41 h
Working life case project 35 h
The personal final assignment 35 h

Content scheduling

During the course independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. The case project during the course will examine the course themes in working life based on independent and collaborative working. At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of the lessons learned during the course.

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence in relation to the personal final assignment.
Self-assessment and peer assessment in relation to the group work.
The teacher’s feedback on case project and personal final assignment.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the competence assessments, group assignment and the independent assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability. Your reporting is unstructured and inadequate.

Satisfactory 2
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to explain different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to apply change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to apply ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of explaining your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, but exhibits minor shortcomings with regard to language and reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to compare different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to analyse the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to compare and prioritise change management tools in different change situations. You are able to analyse the significance of emotions in change and are able to choose ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of questioning your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, well-reasoned and in accordance with the reporting instructions, but contains occasional mistakes.

Very good 4
You acquire and are able to critically examine knowledge related to change management and are able to assess different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to design change management tools for different change situations. You are able to assess the significance of emotions in change and are able to plan ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of reflecting upon your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and fluent and complies with the reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to produce new perspectives based on theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to develop change management tools for different change situations. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to develop ways to commit the personnel and provide new perspectives to changes. You are capable of developing your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and complies with the reporting instructions.


Knowledge of the core concepts and theories of management


06.03.2023 - 13.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • ZJA22SPD
    Avoin AMK, KKD, Hyvinvoinnin, liikunnan ja urheilun liiketoimintaosaaminen


The object of the course
Constant changes are commonplace and competence in change management is of central importance in working life. The object of the course is that you understand the significance of change management from the point of view of the organisation, community and individual, and are able to plan and implement change projects in practice.

Course competences
Business Competence
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objectives of the course
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability.


Different change situations
Stages of the change process
Emotions and commitment in change
Change communications
Supervisor as the leader of change
Personal change ability

Change project roadmap
Emotional change curve
Assessment of own change ability

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability. Your reporting is unstructured and inadequate.

Satisfactory 2
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to explain different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to apply change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to apply ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of explaining your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, but exhibits minor shortcomings with regard to language and reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to compare different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to analyse the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to compare and prioritise change management tools in different change situations. You are able to analyse the significance of emotions in change and are able to choose ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of questioning your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, well-reasoned and in accordance with the reporting instructions, but contains occasional mistakes.

Very good 4
You acquire and are able to critically examine knowledge related to change management and are able to assess different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to design change management tools for different change situations. You are able to assess the significance of emotions in change and are able to plan ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of reflecting upon your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and fluent and complies with the reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to produce new perspectives based on theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to develop change management tools for different change situations. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to develop ways to commit the personnel and provide new perspectives to changes. You are capable of developing your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and complies with the reporting instructions.


Knowledge of the core concepts and theories of management


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anita Hukkanen
  • HTL21S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • ZJA22SH
    Avoin AMK, lita
  • HTL21SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
    Resilient Leadership, Business Administration


The object of the course
Constant changes are commonplace and competence in change management is of central importance in working life. The object of the course is that you understand the significance of change management from the point of view of the organisation, community and individual, and are able to plan and implement change projects in practice.

Course competences
Business Competence
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objectives of the course
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability.


Different change situations
Stages of the change process
Emotions and commitment in change
Change communications
Supervisor as the leader of change
Personal change ability

Change project roadmap
Emotional change curve
Assessment of own change ability

Learning materials and recommended literature

Learning material:
Arikoski, J. & Sallinen, M. 2007. Vastarinnasta vastarannalle – johda muutos taitavasti. Keuruu: Johtamistaidon opisto JTO
Ylikoski, K. & Ylikoski, M. 2009. Työyhteisö muutosmurroksessa: ihmisyys muutoksen kohtaamisessa ja johtamisessa. Mikkeli: Työturvallisuuskeskus
Työhyvinvointi muutoksessa. 2007. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut. Helsinki.
Ajattele muutos. Opas esimiehille ja kehittäjille. 2008. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut.
Heiskanen, M. & Lehikoinen, S. 2010. Muutosviestinnän voimapaperi. Helsinki: Talentum
Kotter, J. 2008. Jäävuoremme sulaa: muutos ja menestyminen kaikissa olosuhteissa. Helsinki, WSOYpro
Juuti, P & Virtanen, P. 2009. Organisaatiomuutos. Helsinki: Otava.
Mattila, P. 2009. Johdettu muutos: Avaimet organisaation hallittuun uudistumiseen. Helsinki: Talentum
Nurmi, K. 2012. Kipeän muutoksen lääkkeet: Kohti parempia muutoksia. Helsinki: Infor
Onnistunut muutos -opas. Ilmarinen.
Piha, K. & Sutinen, M. 2020. Muutosvoimaa: tutkimusmatka moderniin muutosjohtamiseen. Helsinki: Alma Talent.
Pirinen, H. 2014. Esimies muutoksen johtajana. Talentum.
Ponteva, K. 2012. Muutoksessa. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Korhonen, H. & Bergman, T. 2019. Johtaja muutoksen ytimessä. Helsinki: Alma Talent Pro.

The learning material will be used selectively.

Teaching methods

The course is available for both full-time and multiform students.

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Expert lectures
Working life case project
Peer feedback
Personal final assignment

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes/modules and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Guidance in working life project
Personal feedback on the final assignment

The grade for the course is based on the competences shown in the final assignment.

Practical training and working life connections

Expert lectures
Working life case project

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The working life case project presentations must be given in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal final assignment must be returned in December, exact date will be announced at the beginning of the course.
The retakes of the personal final assignment will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 12*2 h = 24 h
Literature 41 h
Working life case project 35 h
The personal final assignment 35 h

Content scheduling

During the course independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. The case project during the course will examine the course themes in working life based on independent and collaborative working. At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence in relation to the personal final assignment.
Self-assessment and peer assessment in relation to the group work.
The teacher’s feedback on case project and personal final assignment.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the competence assessments, group assignment and the independent assignments.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability. Your reporting is unstructured and inadequate.

Satisfactory 2
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to explain different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to apply change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to apply ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of explaining your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, but exhibits minor shortcomings with regard to language and reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to compare different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to analyse the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to compare and prioritise change management tools in different change situations. You are able to analyse the significance of emotions in change and are able to choose ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of questioning your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, well-reasoned and in accordance with the reporting instructions, but contains occasional mistakes.

Very good 4
You acquire and are able to critically examine knowledge related to change management and are able to assess different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to design change management tools for different change situations. You are able to assess the significance of emotions in change and are able to plan ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of reflecting upon your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and fluent and complies with the reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to produce new perspectives based on theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to develop change management tools for different change situations. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to develop ways to commit the personnel and provide new perspectives to changes. You are capable of developing your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and complies with the reporting instructions.


Knowledge of the core concepts and theories of management


01.08.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anita Hukkanen
    Avoin AMK, marata, Kiinteistöjohtaminen muuttuvassa toimitilaympäristössä


The object of the course
Constant changes are commonplace and competence in change management is of central importance in working life. The object of the course is that you understand the significance of change management from the point of view of the organisation, community and individual, and are able to plan and implement change projects in practice.

Course competences
Business Competence
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objectives of the course
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability.


Different change situations
Stages of the change process
Emotions and commitment in change
Change communications
Supervisor as the leader of change
Personal change ability

Change project roadmap
Emotional change curve
Assessment of own change ability

Learning materials and recommended literature

Learning material:
Arikoski, J. & Sallinen, M. 2007. Vastarinnasta vastarannalle – johda muutos taitavasti. Keuruu: Johtamistaidon opisto JTO
Ylikoski, K. & Ylikoski, M. 2009. Työyhteisö muutosmurroksessa: ihmisyys muutoksen kohtaamisessa ja johtamisessa. Mikkeli: Työturvallisuuskeskus
Työhyvinvointi muutoksessa. 2007. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut. Helsinki.
Ajattele muutos. Opas esimiehille ja kehittäjille. 2008. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut.
Heiskanen, M. & Lehikoinen, S. 2010. Muutosviestinnän voimapaperi. Helsinki: Talentum
Kotter, J. 2008. Jäävuoremme sulaa: muutos ja menestyminen kaikissa olosuhteissa. Helsinki, WSOYpro
Juuti, P & Virtanen, P. 2009. Organisaatiomuutos. Helsinki: Otava.
Mattila, P. 2009. Johdettu muutos: Avaimet organisaation hallittuun uudistumiseen. Helsinki: Talentum
Nurmi, K. 2012. Kipeän muutoksen lääkkeet: Kohti parempia muutoksia. Helsinki: Infor
Onnistunut muutos -opas. Ilmarinen.
Piha, K. & Sutinen, M. 2020. Muutosvoimaa: tutkimusmatka moderniin muutosjohtamiseen. Helsinki: Alma Talent.
Pirinen, H. 2014. Esimies muutoksen johtajana. Talentum.
Ponteva, K. 2012. Muutoksessa. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Korhonen, H. & Bergman, T. 2019. Johtaja muutoksen ytimessä. Helsinki: Alma Talent Pro.
The learning material will be used selectively.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Webinars: Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions online and in webinars
Personal final assignment

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes/modules and learning assignments
Guidance online and in webinars
Peer-to-peer discussions
Personal feedback on the final assignment

The grade for the course is based on the competences shown in the final assignment.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal final assignment must be completed in accordance with the course timetable.
The retake of the personal final assignment is possible, deadline will be announced in the beginning of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Individual, theme-specific learning assignment 115 h
Interactive webinars 10 h
Group discussions 10 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive webinars will alternate. At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence in relation to the personal final assignment.
The teacher’s feedback on the personal final assignment.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the personal final assignment.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability. Your reporting is unstructured and inadequate.

Satisfactory 2
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to explain different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to apply change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to apply ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of explaining your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, but exhibits minor shortcomings with regard to language and reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to compare different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to analyse the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to compare and prioritise change management tools in different change situations. You are able to analyse the significance of emotions in change and are able to choose ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of questioning your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, well-reasoned and in accordance with the reporting instructions, but contains occasional mistakes.

Very good 4
You acquire and are able to critically examine knowledge related to change management and are able to assess different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to design change management tools for different change situations. You are able to assess the significance of emotions in change and are able to plan ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of reflecting upon your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and fluent and complies with the reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to produce new perspectives based on theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to develop change management tools for different change situations. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to develop ways to commit the personnel and provide new perspectives to changes. You are capable of developing your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and complies with the reporting instructions.


Knowledge of the core concepts and theories of management


31.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Minna Koivunen
    Avoin AMK, lita, KKD, Henkilöstö- ja talousosaaja


The object of the course
Constant changes are commonplace and competence in change management is of central importance in working life. The object of the course is that you understand the significance of change management from the point of view of the organisation, community and individual, and are able to plan and implement change projects in practice.

Course competences
Business Competence
Proactive development
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning objectives of the course
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability.


Different change situations
Stages of the change process
Emotions and commitment in change
Change communications
Supervisor as the leader of change
Personal change ability

Change project roadmap
Emotional change curve
Assessment of own change ability

Learning materials and recommended literature

Learning material:
Arikoski, J. & Sallinen, M. 2007. Vastarinnasta vastarannalle – johda muutos taitavasti. Keuruu: Johtamistaidon opisto JTO
Ylikoski, K. & Ylikoski, M. 2009. Työyhteisö muutosmurroksessa: ihmisyys muutoksen kohtaamisessa ja johtamisessa. Mikkeli: Työturvallisuuskeskus
Työhyvinvointi muutoksessa. 2007. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut. Helsinki.
Ajattele muutos. Opas esimiehille ja kehittäjille. 2008. Valtiokonttori, Kaiku-palvelut.
Heiskanen, M. & Lehikoinen, S. 2010. Muutosviestinnän voimapaperi. Helsinki: Talentum
Kotter, J. 2008. Jäävuoremme sulaa: muutos ja menestyminen kaikissa olosuhteissa. Helsinki, WSOYpro
Juuti, P & Virtanen, P. 2009. Organisaatiomuutos. Helsinki: Otava.
Mattila, P. 2009. Johdettu muutos: Avaimet organisaation hallittuun uudistumiseen. Helsinki: Talentum
Nurmi, K. 2012. Kipeän muutoksen lääkkeet: Kohti parempia muutoksia. Helsinki: Infor
Onnistunut muutos -opas. Ilmarinen.
Pirinen, H. 2014. Esimies muutoksen johtajana. Talentum.
Ponteva, K. 2012. Muutoksessa. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Korhonen, H. & Bergman, T. 2019. Johtaja muutoksen ytimessä. Helsinki: Alma Talent Pro.
The learning material will be used selectively.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and the learning assignment in webinars
Independent study and learning assignment
Peer learning and peer feedback

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Online guidance
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the learning assignment

The grade for the course is based on the competences shown in the learning assignment.

Alternative completion methods

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

135 h
Interactive webinars 10 h
Individual learning assignment 100 h
Self-reflection, peer feedback 25 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignment and interactive webinars will alternate.
At the end of the course, a personal final assignment will be completed independently, making use of all the lessons learned during the course.

Further information for students

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence in relation to the personal learning assignment.
Self-assessment and peer assessment of the learning assignment.
Teacher’s feedback on the personal learning assignment.
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the personal assignment.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate 1
You acquire knowledge related to change management and recognise different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You identify change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and identify ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of describing your own change ability. Your reporting is unstructured and inadequate.

Satisfactory 2
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to explain different kinds of theories and methods. You understand the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to apply change management tools in a change situation. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to apply ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of explaining your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, but exhibits minor shortcomings with regard to language and reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to compare different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to analyse the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to compare and prioritise change management tools in different change situations. You are able to analyse the significance of emotions in change and are able to choose ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of questioning your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, well-reasoned and in accordance with the reporting instructions, but contains occasional mistakes.

Very good 4
You acquire and are able to critically examine knowledge related to change management and are able to assess different kinds of theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to design change management tools for different change situations. You are able to assess the significance of emotions in change and are able to plan ways to commit the personnel to changes. You are capable of reflecting upon your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, analytical and fluent and complies with the reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You acquire knowledge related to change management and are able to produce new perspectives based on theories and methods. You are able to substantiate the significance of change management for the successful management of an organisation. You are able to develop change management tools for different change situations. You understand the significance of emotions in change and are able to develop ways to commit the personnel and provide new perspectives to changes. You are capable of developing your own change ability. Your reporting is consistent, convincing and critical and complies with the reporting instructions.


Knowledge of the core concepts and theories of management