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Backend DevelopmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HT00CF32


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Tommi Tuikka


Purpose of the course

Do you want to learn how to develop application backend systems on which application persistent data storage, system integration, authentication services, machine learning and AI services and many other vital services are based? In the Backend Development course, you will learn how to implement versatile and secure backend services.

Course competences

- Application development: Knows the technologies used in application development and recognizes the significance of different technologies and their relationships.
- Application development: Is able to program and develop secure applications.
- Information systems: Is familiar with typical information systems and services and understands the importance of security in utilizing services.
- Learning to learn: Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base and practices of their field.

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to implement backend applications and will be able to use the most common application repositories. The student understands the importance of security in a backend application and knows the most common ways of transferring data within an application and between applications on different servers.


The course content includes Nodejs as a development platform, asynchronous server programming, Nodejs application repositories, Express application framework, building REST API, GraphQL, websocket server, backend application security and backend application publishing. The course provides the basic skills for a backend application developer.


Knowledge of Javascript-programming basics and databases.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

(Adequate 1) You can implement simple backend applications using the models presented in the lessons or tutorials on the web. You understand the importance of security in backend applications. You have attempted all the exercises and reached the final result specified in the instructions in at least 50% of the exercises.

(Satisfactory 2) You can implement simple backend applications using the models presented in the lessons or tutorials available on the web. You understand the importance of security in backend applications. You can communicate between the backend and the frontend. You have attempted all the exercises and reached the end result specified in the instructions in at least 70% of the exercises.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

(Good 3) In addition to the previous requirements, you are able to apply the techniques you have learned to the development of more demanding applications and you are able to extend your knowledge beyond the topics covered in the course on your own initiative. You can implement a secure backend application and transfer data securely between applications. You have attempted all the exercises and reached the final result specified in the instructions in at least 80% of the exercises.

(Commendable 4) In addition to the previous requirements, you are able to publish a secure backend application to a cloud platform. You have attempted all the exercises and reached the final result specified in the instructions in at least 90% of the exercises.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

(Excellent 5) In addition to the previous requirements, you can critically evaluate backend development techniques and understand the criteria for selecting techniques for different uses. You are familiar with different backend architectures and can implement a working application architecture. You will have completed all the exercises and reached the end result specified in the instructions in all of them.