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Working Life CommunicationLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: ZZ00CD02


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


03.03.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

Instruction will commence on 26.8.2024 at 17.00- 18.30. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


20.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

As in schedule

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation, attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions. The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on 22.1.2025 at 9 - 11. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on Wed at 9 - 11 in Zoom. Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Practical training and working life connections


Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections


Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle. Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Webinars on Wed at 9 - 11 in Zoom
22.1.2025 / Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa)
29.1.2025 / Aloituspalaverit
5.2.2025 / Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
12.2.2025 / Webinaari asiakirjoittamisesta ja palaverikäytänteistä
5.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
12.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
26.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
2.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
9.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset

Further information for students

Note! This course is primarily intended for online learning students and daytime students who have progressed further in their studies. First- and second-year daytime students should register for contact-based courses.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle. Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Webinars on Wed at 9 - 11 in Zoom
22.1.2025 / Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa)
29.1.2025 / Aloituspalaverit
5.2.2025 / Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
12.2.2025 / Webinaari asiakirjoittamisesta ja palaverikäytänteistä
5.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
12.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
26.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
2.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
9.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


20.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

As in schedule

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation, attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions. The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on 22.1.2025 at 13 - 15. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on Wed at 13 - 15 in Zoom. Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Practical training and working life connections


Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections


Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle. Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Webinars on Wed at 13 - 15 in Zoom
22.1.2025 / Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa)
29.1.2025 / Aloituspalaverit
5.2.2025 / Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
12.2.2025 / Webinaari asiakirjoittamisesta ja palaverikäytänteistä
5.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
12.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
26.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
2.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
9.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset

Further information for students

Note! This course is primarily intended for online learning students and daytime students who have progressed further in their studies. First- and second-year daytime students should register for contact-based courses.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle. Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Webinars on Wed at 13 - 15 in Zoom
22.1.2025 / Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa)
29.1.2025 / Aloituspalaverit
5.2.2025 / Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
12.2.2025 / Webinaari asiakirjoittamisesta ja palaverikäytänteistä
5.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
12.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
26.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
2.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
9.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


20.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle. Participating in the webinars requires a working camera, headphones and microphone.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

The course begins with a pre-assignment. The pre-assignment must be returned before the start webinar: the pre-assignment must be returned no later than 8:00 a.m. on the morning of the start day.

If you don't return the advance task on time, you will be removed from the course.

Instruction will commence on Tue 21.1.2025. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on Tue at 10.30 - 12.30 in Zoom.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Meetings on Tue at 10.30-12.30.

Pre-assignment 21.1. at 8.

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

Instruction will commence on xx.xx.20xx. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

Instruction will commence on xx.xx.20xx. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle. Participating in the webinars requires a working camera, headphones and microphone.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

The course begins with a pre-assignment. The pre-assignment must be returned before the start webinar: the pre-assignment must be returned no later than 8:00 a.m. on the morning of the start day.

If you don't return the advance task on time, you will be removed from the course.

Instruction will commence on Thu 16.1.2025. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on Thu at 10.30 - 12.30 in Zoom.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Meetings on Thu at 10.30-12.30.

Pre-assignment 16.1. at 8.

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle. Participating in the webinars requires a working camera, headphones and microphone.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

The course begins with a pre-assignment. The pre-assignment must be returned before the start webinar: the pre-assignment must be returned no later than 8:00 a.m. on the morning of the start day.

If you don't return the advance task on time, you will be removed from the course.

Instruction will commence on Thu 23.1.2025. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on Thu at 13.15 - 15.15 in Zoom.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Meetings on Thu at 13.15-15.15.

Pre-assignment 23.1. at 8.

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Jaana Koskela


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Note! This course is primarily intended for online learning students and daytime students who have progressed further in their studies. First- and second-year daytime students should register for contact-based courses.

The course is intended for students studying in Finnish-language degree programs. The language of instruction and completion is Finnish.

Online implementation, working in project groups.

The workspace in Moodle will open at the latest at the start of the course. The Zoom link will also be provided via email/workspace before the introductory webinar.

Meetings on Mondays via Zoom (attendance required):

Jan 13, 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm: Course introduction and information
Jan 20, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Kick-off meetings and project group formation
Feb 3, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Information and practice on presentations, project check-in
Feb 17, 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm: Information on meetings and workplace texts, project check-in

Presentation dates on Zoom (please reserve these times; the detailed schedule will be provided during the course):
Mar 10, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Mar 17, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Mar 24, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Mar 31, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Student workload

Note! This course is primarily intended for online learning students and daytime students who have progressed further in their studies. First- and second-year daytime students should register for contact-based courses.

The course is intended for students studying in Finnish-language degree programs. The language of instruction and completion is Finnish.

Online implementation, working in project groups.

The workspace in Moodle will open at the latest at the start of the course. The Zoom link will also be provided via email/workspace before the introductory webinar.

Meetings on Mondays via Zoom (attendance required):

Jan 13, 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm: Course introduction and information
Jan 20, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Kick-off meetings and project group formation
Feb 3, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Information and practice on presentations, project check-in
Feb 17, 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm: Information on meetings and workplace texts, project check-in

Presentation dates on Zoom (please reserve these times; the detailed schedule will be provided during the course):
Mar 10, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Mar 17, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Mar 24, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Mar 31, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Further information for students

Huom! Opintojakso on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti monimuoto-opiskelijoille ja pidemmälle opinnoissaan ehtineille päiväopiskelijoille. Ensimmäisen ja toisen vuoden päiväopiskelijat ilmoittautuvat kontaktitoteutuksille.

Opintojakso on tarkoitettu suomenkielisissä tutkinto-ohjelmissa opiskeleville opiskelijoille. Opetus- ja suorituskieli on suomi.

Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.

Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset ovat maanantaisin Zoomissa (läsnäolovelvoite):

- 13.1. klo 16.00 - 16.45: Aloitus ja kurssi-info
- 20.1. klo 16.00 - 18.00: Aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmien järjestäytyminen
- 3.2. klo 16.00 - 17.30: Tietoa ja harjoitusta esiintymisestä, projektin seuranta
- 17.2. klo 16.00 - 16.45 Tietoa palavereista ja työelämän teksteistä, projektin seuranta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- 10.3. klo 16.00 - 18.00
- 17.3. klo 16.00 - 18.00
- 24.3. klo 16.00 - 18.00
- 31.3. klo 16.00 - 18.00

Lisäksi projektiryhmillä on omia tapaamisia, jotka sovitaan ryhmässä opintojakson alussa.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

As in schedule

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation: face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on 17.1.2025. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule Fri at 8 - 10.30 in class F304. Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Meetings on Fri at 8 - 10.30
17.1.2025 / Aloitustapaaminen (pakollinen, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa)
24.1.2025 / Projektityöskentelyn aloitus
31.1.2025 / Puhe-esitys ja esiintymisjännitys, asiakirjoittaminen
7.2.2025 / Havainnollistaminen ja yleisön kohtaaminen, asiakirjoittaminen
14.2.2025 / EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokka auki itsenäistä työskentelyä varten
21.2.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
7.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
14.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
28.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
4.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
11.4.2025 / Päätöstapaaminen

Further information for students

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Meetings on Fri at 8 - 10.30
17.1.2025 / Aloitustapaaminen (pakollinen, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa)
24.1.2025 / Projektityöskentelyn aloitus
31.1.2025 / Puhe-esitys ja esiintymisjännitys, asiakirjoittaminen
7.2.2025 / Havainnollistaminen ja yleisön kohtaaminen, asiakirjoittaminen
14.2.2025 / EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokka auki itsenäistä työskentelyä varten
21.2.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
7.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
14.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
28.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
4.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
11.4.2025 / Päätöstapaaminen

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

As in schedule

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation: face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on 14.1.2025. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule Tue at 12.15 - 14.45 in class F304. Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Meetings on Tue at 12.15 - 14.45
14.1.2025 / Aloitustapaaminen (pakollinen, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa)
21.1.2025 / Projektityöskentelyn aloitus
28.1.2025 / Puhe-esitys ja esiintymisjännitys, asiakirjoittaminen
4.2.2025 / Havainnollistaminen ja yleisön kohtaaminen, asiakirjoittaminen
11.2.2025 / EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokka auki itsenäistä työskentelyä varten
18.2.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
4.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
11.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
25.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
1.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
8.4.2025 / Päätöstapaaminen

Further information for students

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Meetings on Tue at 12.15 - 14.45
14.1.2025 / Aloitustapaaminen (pakollinen, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa)
21.1.2025 / Projektityöskentelyn aloitus
28.1.2025 / Puhe-esitys ja esiintymisjännitys, asiakirjoittaminen
4.2.2025 / Havainnollistaminen ja yleisön kohtaaminen, asiakirjoittaminen
11.2.2025 / EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokka auki itsenäistä työskentelyä varten
18.2.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
4.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
11.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
25.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
1.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
8.4.2025 / Päätöstapaaminen

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

Instruction will commence on Tuesday 14.1.2025. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule at 8.00 - 10.30 in class FK14.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

Instruction will commence on 16.1.2025. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule at 8.45 - 11.15 in class F306.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

The course begins with a pre-assignment. The pre-assignment must be returned before the start webinar: the pre-assignment must be returned no later than 8:00 a.m. on the morning of the start day.

If you don't return the advance task on time, you will be removed from the course.

Instruction will commence on Fri 17.1.2025. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule Fri at 12.15 - 15.00 (Rajakatu).

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Meetings on Fri at 12.15-15.00.

Pre-assignment 17.1. at 8.

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

The course begins with a pre-assignment. The pre-assignment must be returned before the start webinar: the pre-assignment must be returned no later than 8:00 a.m. on the morning of the start day.

If you don't return the advance task on time, you will be removed from the course.

Instruction will commence on Monday 13.1.2025. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule Mon at 13.15 - 15.45 (Rajakatu).

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Meetings on Fri at 12.15-15.00.

Pre-assignment 13.1. at 8.

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


13.01.2025 - 16.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

The course begins with a pre-assignment. The pre-assignment must be returned before the start webinar: the pre-assignment must be returned no later than 8:00 a.m. on the morning of the start day.

If you don't return the advance task on time, you will be removed from the course.

Instruction will commence on Wed 15.1.2025. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule Wed at 13.15 - 15.45 (Rajakatu).

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Meetings on Wed at 13.15-15.45.

Pre-assignment 15.1. at 8.

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Anna Jokelainen
  • LMS24SM
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)
    Avoin AMK,Korkeakoulupolku,Maaseutuelinkeino, Poke


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

As in schedule

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation: face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on 23.1.2025. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule at 12.45 - 16 in class TU17L117. Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Meetings on Thu at 12.45 - 16
23.1.2025 / Aloitustapaaminen ja projektityöskentelyn aloitus
13.2.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
13.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
10.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
su 19.1. klo 23.59 / Ennakkotehtävän (tehtävä 1) palautus Moodleen

Further information for students

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle (attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %). Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Meetings on Thu at 12.45 - 16
23.1.2025 / Aloitustapaaminen ja projektityöskentelyn aloitus
13.2.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
13.3.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
10.4.2025 / Suulliset esitykset
su 19.1. klo 23.59 / Ennakkotehtävän (tehtävä 1) palautus Moodleen

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


06.09.2024 - 22.09.2024


16.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

As in schedule

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation, attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions. The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on 19.9.2024 at 9 - 11. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on Thu at 9 - 11 in Zoom.

Practical training and working life connections


Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections


Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Attendance in webinars mandatory 80 %

19.9.2024 klo 13 - 15 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom (vk 38)
26.9.2024 klo 13 - 15 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom (vk 39)
3.10.2024 klo 13 - 15 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom (vk 40)
24.10.2024 klo 13 - 15 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom (vk 43)
31.10.2024 klo 13 - 15 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom (vk 44)
14.11.2024 klo 13 - 15 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom (vk 46)
21.11.2024 klo 13 - 15 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom (vk 47)
28.11.2024 klo 13 - 15 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom (vk 48)
5.12.2024 klo 13 - 15 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom (vk 49)

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


26.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


16.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the courses shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions. Webinaareihin osallistuminen edellyttää toimivaa kameraa, kuulokkeita ja mikrofonia.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on week 39. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on xx at xx.xx - xx.xx (Zoom). NOTE: The day of the week and time will be announced in August.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


12.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


09.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Ohjetta päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the courses shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by week 34. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle. Participating in the webinars requires a working camera, headphones and microphone.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

The course begins with a preliminary assignment (Me as a communicator essay). The pre-assignment return is on Wednesday 11.9.

First Zoom webinar is on Thursday 12.9. at 16.30–18.00. You must be present if you intend to begin the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 (Pre-assignment) Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


09.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Silja Heikinheimo


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

Instruction will commence on 12th of September 2024 at 9 am. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Jaana Koskela


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

The course is intended for students studying in Finnish-language degree programs. The language of instruction and completion is Finnish.

Online implementation, working in project groups.

The workspace in Moodle will open at the latest at the start of the course. The Zoom link will also be provided via email/workspace before the introductory webinar.

Meetings are on Tuesday evenings in Zoom (attendance is mandatory):

- September 3, 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM: Introduction and course info
- September 10, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Initial meetings and organization of project groups
- September 24, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Information and practice on presentations, project follow-up
- October 8, 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM: Information on meetings and professional texts, project follow-up

Presentation days in Zoom (reserve these times, the schedule will be specified during the course):

- October 22, 4:15 PM - 7:00 PM
- October 29, 4:15 PM - 7:00 PM
- November 5, 4:15 PM - 7:00 PM
- November 12, 4:15 PM - 7:00 PM

Additionally, project groups will have their own meetings, which will be scheduled within the group at the start of the course.

Student workload

Oppimistehtäviä on seitsemän:

Tehtävä 1 Minä viestijänä -essee (yksilö)
Tehtävä 2 Projektiryhmän aloituspalaveri (ryhmä)
Tehtävä 3 Projektisuunnitelma (ryhmä)
Tehtävä 4 Suullinen esitys (ryhmä)
Tehtävä 5 Projektiryhmän päätöspalaveri (ryhmä)
Tehtävä 6 Päätöspalaverin muistio (ryhmä)
Tehtävä 7 Itsearviointi (yksilö)

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit, zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h

Yhteensä 81 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle. Participating in the webinars requires a working camera, headphones and microphone.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on 3.9.2024. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on Tuesday at 10.30 - 13.00 (Zoom).

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


12.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Ohjetta päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the courses shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by week 34. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle. Participating in the webinars requires a working camera, headphones and microphone.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

The course begins with a preliminary assignment (Me as a communicator essay). The pre-assignment return is on Mon 9.9.

First Zoom webinar is on Tuesday 10.9. at 16.30–18.00. You must be present if you intend to begin the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 (Pre-assignment) Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Heidi Hjerppe


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation


With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on 4.9.2024. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on Wed at 8.00 - 10.30 in Zoom.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

04.09.2024 08.00 - 10.30 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom
11.09.2024 08.00 - 10.30 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom
02.10.2024 08.00 - 10.30 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom
09.10.2024 08.00 - 10.30 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom
23.10.2024 08.00 - 10.30 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom
30.10.2024 08.00 - 10.30 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom
06.11.2024 08.00 - 10.30 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom
13.11.2024 08.00 - 10.30 Ulkopuolinen tila : Zoom

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the courses shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle. Participating in the webinars requires a working camera, headphones and microphone.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Instruction will commence on 4.9.2024. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course. Teaching will follow the lesson schedule on Wednesday at 10.30 - 13.00 (Zoom).

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


12.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

Instruction will commence on 26.8.2024 at 17.00- 18.30. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


12.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Online implementation

With the online format, we will be working in project groups based on the course's shared schedule. This course is not entirely self-paced, and the webinars will not primarily be pre-recorded sessions.

The learning platform used will be Moodle, which will be accessible at the latest by the course start date. Webinars will take place on Zoom as per the assigned reading schedule, with the link being provided on Moodle.

Instruction will commence on xx.xx.20xx. Attendance is mandatory for the first session if you plan to participate in the course.

If you are seeking course credit or awaiting a decision on credit approval, please refrain from registering for the course

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Silja Heikinheimo


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

This implementation is full. Please enroll for another implementation.

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

Instruction will commence on 30.8.2024. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule Fri at 12.15-15.00.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

Instruction will commence on 27.9.2024. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule at 8.00 - 10.30 in class F305.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

Instruction will commence on 28.9..2024. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule xx at 12.15 - 15.00 in class F406.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

17 - 30

  • Heidi Hjerppe


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

Instruction will commence on 27.8.2024. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule Tue at 14.15 - 16.45..

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

Instruction will commence on 26.8.2024. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule Monday at 10.30 - 13.00 (Rajakatu).

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location

Ei täytetä

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

Instruction will commence on 12.9.2024. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule Thursday at 13.15 - 15.45 (Rajakatu).

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the final meeting of the project group.

Practical training and working life connections

Ei täytetä

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

International connections

Ei täytetä

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Decision meeting memorandum (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Ohjetta päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

There is a preliminary assignment before the first lesson (Me as a communicator essay).

First lesson is on 26.8.2024. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule on Mondays at 13.15–15.45 in class F305.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible on week 34. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the closing meeting of the project group.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 (Pre-assignment) Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Memo of the closing meeting (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 25.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

17 - 30

  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Ohjetta päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Contact implementation

Face-to-face teaching, working in project groups. Completion of the course requires attendance (80 %).

There is a preliminary assignment before the first lesson (Me as a communicator essay).

First lesson is on 30.8.2024. You must be present the first time if you intend to start the course. Teaching according to the lesson schedule on Fridays at 9–11.30 in class F304.

The learning platform utilized is the Moodle workspace, which will be accessible no later than the course start date. Occasionally, teaching sessions may be conducted remotely, such as the closing meeting of the project group.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Assignment return times and redo times are displayed in Moodle's workspace.

Alternative completion methods


Student workload

The course includes seven learning tasks:
Task 1 (Pre-assignment) Me as a communicator essay (individual)
Task 2 Project group kick-off meeting (group)
Task 3 Project plan (group)
Task 4 Oral presentation (group)
Task 5 Closing meeting of the project group (group)
Task 6 Memo of the closing meeting (group)
Task 7 Self-assessment (individual)

Getting to know the course and the workspace, grouping 5 h
Contact hours, Zoom meetings, meetings 20 - 30 h
Independent work, doing tasks 15 - 25 h
Project work 30 - 35 h
a total of 81 h

Content scheduling

Meetings are conducted as per the designated schedule. The study course tasks are allocated across these meetings based on the schedule outlined in Moodle.

Further information for students

Continuous assessment, collective feedback, peer feedback, individual feedback and self-evaluation The evaluation is based on competence goals.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Tälle toteutukselle vain osaamiseen perustuvat hyväksilukuarvioinnit.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.


01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Early Childhood Music Education and Cultural Well-being
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogy, Instrumental Teaching and Group Pedagogy
  • Sonja Salonen
  • ZJA24SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication. Online communication in working life.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Further information for students

Alkion toteutus. Opetus Alkiolta.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Tunnistat viestintäprosessin osatekijät ja viestinnän roolin osana ammattitaitoa. Osaat eritellä omia viestintätaitojasi ja hyödyntää saamaasi palautetta sekä osaat antaa muille rakentavaa palautetta. Olet tietoinen oman viestintätyylisi vaikutuksesta viestintätilanteessa. Osaat toimia työkeskustelujen menettelytapoja noudattaen ja osaat arvioida niitä ja hyvän keskustelutaidon piirteitä, kuten läsnäoloa ja kuuntelemisen taitoa. Osaat pitää tehtävänannon mukaisen asiantuntijaesityksen (tyylilaji) ja havainnollistaa sitä. Osaat kohdentaa viestisi ja pyrit olemaan vuorovaikutuksessa yleisösi kanssa. Osaat tuottaa asiakirjoja ja muita asiatekstejä ohjeiden ja mallien mukaan ja asiatyylillä. Osaat toimia projektiryhmässä aktiivisesti ja vastuullisesti ja osallistut opetuskeskusteluihin.

Further information

Jos opiskelijan koulusivistyskieli on ruotsi, hän suorittaa opintojakson yhteydessä virkamiessuomen eli saa arvioinnin suomen kielen suullisesta ja kirjallisesta kielitaidosta.

Laki julkisyhteisöjen henkilöstöltä vaadittavasta kielitaidosta 6.6.2003/424.