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Dynamiikka ja sen sovelluksetLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TK00CG60


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Tomi Nieminen


The designer of a dynamic structure must take care that the structure will not vibrate catastrophically. On this course you will learn to calculate the natural frequencies of structures and you will understand their importance in forced vibration. You will also learn to design simple structures so that the resonance effect is avoided. You will also study impact loads and fatigue, and you are able to apply this knowledge in the design of axles. You will be able to take into account economic and sustainability objectives in vibration and fatigue design.

Knowledge and understanding: You understand the theoretical concepts in machine dynamics.

Engineering Practice: You know how to calculate natural frequencies and are able to apply this information in your designs.


Moment of inertia. Motion and energy or rotating objects. Components of a vibrating system. Undamped and damped natural vibration of one degree of freedom. Undamped and damped forced vibration of one degree of freedom. Balancing. Isolation of vibration. Impact loads. Fatigue. Axle design.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate (1): The student identifies the basic knowledge and terminology of vibration and fatigue but can only sufficiently apply them to simple vibration tasks of machines and structures.

Satisfactory (2): The student is familiar with the basic knowledge and terminology of vibration and fatigue but can only satisfactorily apply them to vibration tasks of machines and structures.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): You will be familiar with the basics of vibration mechanics, fatigue and dynamic impact loading. You will be able to apply this knowledge in basic cases to vibration and fatigue tasks on machinery and structures and to structures subjected to impact loads.

Very good (4): You will understand the essentials of vibration mechanics, fatigue and dynamic impact loading. You will be able to apply this knowledge to vibration and fatigue testing of machinery and structures and to structures subjected to impact loads.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You will understand the essentials of vibration mechanics, fatigue and dynamic impact loading. You can creatively apply this knowledge to vibration and fatigue tasks in machinery and structures and to structures subjected to impact loads, including in novel cases.