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Manufacturing TechnologyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TKKP0150


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Miikka Parviainen
  • Juha Sipilä


Knowledge of manufacturing methods is the basis for making production engineering solutions and choices in a company engaged in production.

You will learn to master the basics of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and the machines, equipment and tools used in them. You will learn to understand how and by what methods the finished products are attained.

The development of your skills begins with an understanding of the basic concepts of manufacturing technology. Further progress is made in knowing, comparing and applying the details of manufacturing methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to explain the operating principles of the most common manufacturing methods and construct technically and economically suitable manufacturing chains taking into account the principles of sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding:
You have knowledge and understanding of the machines, equipment, tools, engineering technologies and processes applicable to the workshop and of their limitations.

Engineering practice:
You have the ability to develop and design production processes and systems, which may include health, safety, environmental, technical and economic opportunities or constraints.


Casting methods, traditional machining, sheet metal works and stamping technology, welding processes, surface treatment methods and additive manufacturing.


No special requirements. Motivation is the most important factor leading to learning. Basic technical skills contribute to the study of the course, but are not necessary.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the learning assignments and laboratory work.
To receive a numerical grade, you must take a supervised exam.
In face-to- face learning, the test is mandatory. The examinations are held three times in accordance with the degree rule.

Adequate (1): You can identify the majority of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have significant gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Satisfactory (2): You are generally familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): You master the essential knowledge and skills covered by the course:
- you are familiar with the most common types of mechanical engineering workshops and their structures
- you are familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and know how to form them into production chains from raw materials to finished products
- you are able to implement selections between different manufacturing methods

Very good (4): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to widely and fairly compare different manufacturing methods and form alternative manufacturing chains from them.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to compare different manufacturing methods with a broad justification. Your expertise will also reach you to apply what you have learned critically and innovatively in exercises and in practice.

Further information

Opintoja tarjotaan avoimen AMK:n kautta valmistustekniikasta kiinnostuneille henkilöille.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Face-to-face, 40 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 39

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Miikka Parviainen
  • Olli Jokinen
Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 3 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 4 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 5 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TKN24SA
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TKN24SB
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TKN24S1
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATKN24S1
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
Small groups
  • Scheduling group 1
  • Scheduling group 2
  • Scheduling group 3
  • Scheduling group 4
  • Scheduling group 5


Knowledge of manufacturing methods is the basis for making production engineering solutions and choices in a company engaged in production.

You will learn to master the basics of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and the machines, equipment and tools used in them. You will learn to understand how and by what methods the finished products are attained.

The development of your skills begins with an understanding of the basic concepts of manufacturing technology. Further progress is made in knowing, comparing and applying the details of manufacturing methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to explain the operating principles of the most common manufacturing methods and construct technically and economically suitable manufacturing chains taking into account the principles of sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding:
You have knowledge and understanding of the machines, equipment, tools, engineering technologies and processes applicable to the workshop and of their limitations.

Engineering practice:
You have the ability to develop and design production processes and systems, which may include health, safety, environmental, technical and economic opportunities or constraints.


Casting methods, traditional machining, sheet metal works and stamping technology, welding processes, surface treatment methods and additive manufacturing.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Lecture material,
Where applicable: Ihalainen, Aaltonen, Aromäki ja Sihvonen. Valmistustekniikka. Otatieto Oy. ISBN: 9789516723337.

Teaching methods

Lectures that introduce different aspects of manufacturing technology and learning tasks based on information retrieval and application. Laboratory exercises demonstrate the operation of machines, devices and tools. In the middle of the course, free form anonymous feedback is collected for the development of the course.

The implementation of the course is based on classroom contact teaching. Each contact has a theme related to manufacturing technology. The topics are introduced using both written lecture material and available videos. During the study period, students do eight exercises in pairs, which are returned in written form. The course includes three laboratory parts.

The responsible and transparent use of AI applications is encouraged in this course. Instructions for using artificial intelligence can be found in chapter 3.2 ( of the thesis reporting instructions. If necessary, the instructions for each learning assignment contain more detailed information on how to use it in that particular task.

The student must confirm his/her participation in the course within 3 weeks of the start of the course. If a student has not attended the lectures during the first week and fails to submit Assignment 1 by the deadline, the student will be removed from the study course, and after that can no longer participate in this implementation of the course.

Practical training and working life connections

If possible, a representative of the manufacturing industry will give a visiting lecture during the study period.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exam in the last contact teaching session of the course. The main exam is so-called near exam, which is carried out using modern information technology. Two replays; the first in February 2025, the second in May 2025. Re-exams are conducted in an exam studio.

International connections

This course is an introduction to industrial engineering studies. Some of the material is in English.

Alternative completion methods

The admission procedures are described in the degree rule and the study guide. The teacher of the course will give you more information on possible specific course practices. The assessment of previous competence is made on the first contact. It is possible to obtain exemptions, where applicable, on the basis of previous study.

Student workload

The calculated load of the course is 135 hours. It is divided between contact teaching, laboratory exercises and eight exercises:
lectures 48 h,
laboratory work 9 h,
learning assignments 48 h,
independent work 30 h.
A total of 135 h of learning work.

Content scheduling

The theory lectures are carried out according to the course plan and the lab works according to a separate published schedule.

Further information for students

Continuous developmental feedback is given in the learning tasks.
Assessment consists of exam 50% and learning assignments 50%.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the learning assignments and laboratory work.
To receive a numerical grade, you must take a supervised exam.
In face-to- face learning, the test is mandatory. The examinations are held three times in accordance with the degree rule.

Adequate (1): You can identify the majority of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have significant gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Satisfactory (2): You are generally familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the essential knowledge and skills covered by the course:
- you are familiar with the most common types of mechanical engineering workshops and their structures
- you are familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and know how to form them into production chains from raw materials to finished products
- you are able to implement selections between different manufacturing methods

Very good (4): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to widely and fairly compare different manufacturing methods and form alternative manufacturing chains from them.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to compare different manufacturing methods with a broad justification. Your expertise will also reach you to apply what you have learned critically and innovatively in exercises and in practice.


No special requirements. Motivation is the most important factor leading to learning. Basic technical skills contribute to the study of the course, but are not necessary.

Further information

Opintoja tarjotaan avoimen AMK:n kautta valmistustekniikasta kiinnostuneille henkilöille.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Face-to-face, 40 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Miikka Parviainen
  • TKN24SM
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto


Knowledge of manufacturing methods is the basis for making production engineering solutions and choices in a company engaged in production.

You will learn to master the basics of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and the machines, equipment and tools used in them. You will learn to understand how and by what methods the finished products are attained.

The development of your skills begins with an understanding of the basic concepts of manufacturing technology. Further progress is made in knowing, comparing and applying the details of manufacturing methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to explain the operating principles of the most common manufacturing methods and construct technically and economically suitable manufacturing chains taking into account the principles of sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding:
You have knowledge and understanding of the machines, equipment, tools, engineering technologies and processes applicable to the workshop and of their limitations.

Engineering practice:
You have the ability to develop and design production processes and systems, which may include health, safety, environmental, technical and economic opportunities or constraints.


Casting methods, traditional machining, sheet metal works and stamping technology, welding processes, surface treatment methods and additive manufacturing.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Lecture material,
Where applicable: Ihalainen, Aaltonen, Aromäki ja Sihvonen. Valmistustekniikka. Otatieto Oy. ISBN: 9789516723337.

Teaching methods

Lectures that introduce different aspects of manufacturing technology and learning tasks based on information retrieval and application. Laboratory exercises demonstrate the operation of machines, devices and tools. In the middle of the course, free form anonymous feedback is collected for the development of the course.

The implementation of the course is based on both in-class contact teaching and IT distance learning. Each contact has a theme related to manufacturing technology. During the course, students work in groups on four assessed learning assignments, which are returned in writing. In addition, written assignments or returnable exercises to the online learning environment are performed independently. The course includes three laboratory parts.

The responsible and transparent use of AI applications is encouraged in this course. Instructions for using artificial intelligence can be found in chapter 3.2 ( of the thesis reporting instructions. If necessary, the instructions for each learning assignment contain more detailed information on how to use it in that particular task.

If a student has not attended the lectures during the first week and fails to submit Assignment 1 by the deadline, the student will be removed from the study course, and after that can no longer participate in this implementation of the course.

Practical training and working life connections

If possible, a representative of the manufacturing industry will give a visiting lecture during the study period.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exam in the last contact teaching session of the course. Two replays; the first in February 2025, the second in May 2025. Re-exams are conducted in an exam studio.

Alternative completion methods

The course is based on contact teaching and attendance in lectures / laboratories as well as independent distance learning. The assessment of previous competence is made on the first contact. Based on previous education and work experience, it is possible to get exemptions where applicable.

Student workload

In multimodal implementation:
lectures 15 h,
laboratory work 9 h,
learning assignments 86 h,
independent work 25 h.
A total of 135 h of learning work.

Content scheduling

The scheduling of the course content is determined by the dates of the contact days.

Further information for students

Continuous developmental feedback in learning tasks.
Assessment consists of exam 50% and learning assignments 50%.
Additional points for the exam can be obtained from certain defined practice tasks.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the learning assignments and laboratory work.
To receive a numerical grade, you must take a supervised exam.
In face-to- face learning, the test is mandatory. The examinations are held three times in accordance with the degree rule.

Adequate (1): You can identify the majority of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have significant gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Satisfactory (2): You are generally familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the essential knowledge and skills covered by the course:
- you are familiar with the most common types of mechanical engineering workshops and their structures
- you are familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and know how to form them into production chains from raw materials to finished products
- you are able to implement selections between different manufacturing methods

Very good (4): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to widely and fairly compare different manufacturing methods and form alternative manufacturing chains from them.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to compare different manufacturing methods with a broad justification. Your expertise will also reach you to apply what you have learned critically and innovatively in exercises and in practice.


No special requirements. Motivation is the most important factor leading to learning. Basic technical skills contribute to the study of the course, but are not necessary.

Further information

Opintoja tarjotaan avoimen AMK:n kautta valmistustekniikasta kiinnostuneille henkilöille.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 48

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Miikka Parviainen
Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 3 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 4 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 5 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TKN23SB
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATKN23S1
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
  • TKN23SA
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
Small groups
  • Scheduling group 1
  • Scheduling group 2
  • Scheduling group 3
  • Scheduling group 4
  • Scheduling group 5


Knowledge of manufacturing methods is the basis for making production engineering solutions and choices in a company engaged in production.

You will learn to master the basics of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and the machines, equipment and tools used in them. You will learn to understand how and by what methods the finished products are attained.

The development of your skills begins with an understanding of the basic concepts of manufacturing technology. Further progress is made in knowing, comparing and applying the details of manufacturing methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to explain the operating principles of the most common manufacturing methods and construct technically and economically suitable manufacturing chains taking into account the principles of sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding:
You have knowledge and understanding of the machines, equipment, tools, engineering technologies and processes applicable to the workshop and of their limitations.

Engineering practice:
You have the ability to develop and design production processes and systems, which may include health, safety, environmental, technical and economic opportunities or constraints.


Casting methods, traditional machining, sheet metal works and stamping technology, welding processes, surface treatment methods and additive manufacturing.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ihalainen & Aaltonen: Valmistustekniikka. Soveltuvin osin aiheeseen liittyvät artikkelit ja luentomateriaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson toteutus perustuu kontaktiopetukseen. Kullakin kontaktikerralla on valmistustekniikkaan liittyvä teema. Aiheisiin tutustutaan sekä kirjallisen luentomateriaalin että käytettävissä olevien videoiden avulla. Opintojakson aikana opiskelijat tekevät parityönä kahdeksan harjoitustyötä, jotka palautetaan kirjallisina.

Practical training and working life connections

Mahdollisuuksien mukaan pintojakson aikana valmistavan teollisuuden edustaja pitää vierailuluennon.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Varsinainen tentti on viikolla 47, 1. uusinta vko 49 ja 2. uusinta vko 50. Tentti on ns. lähitentti, joka toteutetaan modernia tietotekniikkaa hyödyntäen.

International connections

Tämä opintojakso on johdanto teollisuustekniikan opintoihin. Osin materiaali on englanninkielistä.

Alternative completion methods

Opintojakso perustuu kontaktiopetukseen ja läsnäoloon tunneilla sekä labroissa. Aiemman osaamisen arviointi tehdään ensimmäisellä kontaktikerralla. On mahdollista saada aiemman koulutuksen avulla vapautuksia soveltuvin osin.

Student workload

Opintojakson laskennallinen kuormitus on 135h. Se jakautuu kontaktiopetuksen, labraharjoitusten ja kahdeksan harjoitustyön välille.

Content scheduling

Teorialuennot toteutetaan ajoituksen mukaisesti ja labrat erillisen aikataulun mukaan.

Further information for students

Kustakin harjoitustyöstä annetaan työpareille palaute ja arviointi, labratehtävistä tehdään ryhmäarviointi. Tentin arviointi on yksilöllinen.
Avoin AMK 5.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the learning assignments and laboratory work.
To receive a numerical grade, you must take a supervised exam.
In face-to- face learning, the test is mandatory. The examinations are held three times in accordance with the degree rule.

Adequate (1): You can identify the majority of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have significant gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Satisfactory (2): You are generally familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the essential knowledge and skills covered by the course:
- you are familiar with the most common types of mechanical engineering workshops and their structures
- you are familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and know how to form them into production chains from raw materials to finished products
- you are able to implement selections between different manufacturing methods

Very good (4): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to widely and fairly compare different manufacturing methods and form alternative manufacturing chains from them.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to compare different manufacturing methods with a broad justification. Your expertise will also reach you to apply what you have learned critically and innovatively in exercises and in practice.


No special requirements. Motivation is the most important factor leading to learning. Basic technical skills contribute to the study of the course, but are not necessary.

Further information

Opintoja tarjotaan avoimen AMK:n kautta valmistustekniikasta kiinnostuneille henkilöille.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Face-to-face, 60 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 47

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Miikka Parviainen
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto
  • TKN23SM
    Konetekniikka (AMK)


Knowledge of manufacturing methods is the basis for making production engineering solutions and choices in a company engaged in production.

You will learn to master the basics of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and the machines, equipment and tools used in them. You will learn to understand how and by what methods the finished products are attained.

The development of your skills begins with an understanding of the basic concepts of manufacturing technology. Further progress is made in knowing, comparing and applying the details of manufacturing methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to explain the operating principles of the most common manufacturing methods and construct technically and economically suitable manufacturing chains taking into account the principles of sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding:
You have knowledge and understanding of the machines, equipment, tools, engineering technologies and processes applicable to the workshop and of their limitations.

Engineering practice:
You have the ability to develop and design production processes and systems, which may include health, safety, environmental, technical and economic opportunities or constraints.


Casting methods, traditional machining, sheet metal works and stamping technology, welding processes, surface treatment methods and additive manufacturing.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Lecture material,
Where applicable: Ihalainen, Aaltonen, Aromäki ja Sihvonen. Valmistustekniikka. Otatieto Oy. ISBN: 9789516723337.

Teaching methods

Lectures, learning tasks based on information retrieval and application. Learning assignments are done and returned both individually and in groups. Laboratory exercises.
Free-form anonymous feedback is collected in the middle of the course.

The implementation of the course is based on contact and distance learning. Each contact has a theme related to manufacturing technology. During the course, students work in groups on five assessed learning assignments, which are returned in writing. In addition, written assignments or returnable exercises to the online learning environment are performed independently. The course includes three laboratory parts.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exam in the last contact teaching session of the course. Two replays; the first in February 2021, the second in May 2021. Re-exams are conducted in an exam studio.

Alternative completion methods

The course is based on contact teaching and attendance in lectures / laboratories as well as independent distance learning. The assessment of previous competence is made on the first contact. It is possible to obtain exemptions, where applicable, on the basis of previous study.

Student workload

In multimodal implementation:
lectures 15 h,
laboratory work 9 h,
learning assignments 86 h,
independent work 25 h.
A total of 135 h of learning work.

Content scheduling

The scheduling of the course content is determined by the dates of the contact days.

Further information for students

Continuous developmental feedback in learning tasks.
Open University 5 places.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the learning assignments and laboratory work.
To receive a numerical grade, you must take a supervised exam.
In face-to- face learning, the test is mandatory. The examinations are held three times in accordance with the degree rule.

Adequate (1): You can identify the majority of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have significant gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Satisfactory (2): You are generally familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the essential knowledge and skills covered by the course:
- you are familiar with the most common types of mechanical engineering workshops and their structures
- you are familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and know how to form them into production chains from raw materials to finished products
- you are able to implement selections between different manufacturing methods

Very good (4): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to widely and fairly compare different manufacturing methods and form alternative manufacturing chains from them.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to compare different manufacturing methods with a broad justification. Your expertise will also reach you to apply what you have learned critically and innovatively in exercises and in practice.


No special requirements. Motivation is the most important factor leading to learning. Basic technical skills contribute to the study of the course, but are not necessary.

Further information

Opintoja tarjotaan avoimen AMK:n kautta valmistustekniikasta kiinnostuneille henkilöille.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 80

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Miikka Parviainen
  • Sami Koponen
Teacher in charge

Miikka Parviainen

Scheduling groups
  • Labraryhmä 1 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Labraryhmä 2 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Labraryhmä 3 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Labraryhmä 4 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Labraryhmä 5 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TKN22S1
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
    Avoin AMK,Korkeakoulupolku, Konetekniikka, Gradia
  • ZJATKN22S1
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
Small groups
  • Labraryhmä 1
  • Labraryhmä 2
  • Labraryhmä 3
  • Labraryhmä 4
  • Labraryhmä 5


Knowledge of manufacturing methods is the basis for making production engineering solutions and choices in a company engaged in production.

You will learn to master the basics of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and the machines, equipment and tools used in them. You will learn to understand how and by what methods the finished products are attained.

The development of your skills begins with an understanding of the basic concepts of manufacturing technology. Further progress is made in knowing, comparing and applying the details of manufacturing methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to explain the operating principles of the most common manufacturing methods and construct technically and economically suitable manufacturing chains taking into account the principles of sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding:
You have knowledge and understanding of the machines, equipment, tools, engineering technologies and processes applicable to the workshop and of their limitations.

Engineering practice:
You have the ability to develop and design production processes and systems, which may include health, safety, environmental, technical and economic opportunities or constraints.


Casting methods, traditional machining, sheet metal works and stamping technology, welding processes, surface treatment methods and additive manufacturing.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ihalainen & Aaltonen: Valmistustekniikka. Soveltuvin osin aiheeseen liittyvät artikkelit ja luentomateriaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson toteutus perustuu kontaktiopetukseen. Kullakin kontaktikerralla on valmistustekniikkaan liittyvä teema. Aiheisiin tutustutaan sekä kirjallisen luentomateriaalin että käytettävissä olevien videoiden avulla. Opintojakson aikana opiskelijat tekevät parityönä kahdeksan harjoitustyötä, jotka palautetaan kirjallisina.

Practical training and working life connections

Mahdollisuuksien mukaan pintojakson aikana valmistavan teollisuuden edustaja pitää vierailuluennon.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Varsinainen tentti on viikolla 47, 1. uusinta vko 49 ja 2. uusinta vko 50. Tentti on ns. lähitentti, joka toteutetaan modernia tietotekniikkaa hyödyntäen.

International connections

Tämä opintojakso on johdanto teollisuustekniikan opintoihin. Osin materiaali on englanninkielistä.

Alternative completion methods

Opintojakso perustuu kontaktiopetukseen ja läsnäoloon tunneilla sekä labroissa. Aiemman osaamisen arviointi tehdään ensimmäisellä kontaktikerralla. On mahdollista saada aiemman koulutuksen avulla vapautuksia soveltuvin osin.

Student workload

Opintojakson laskennallinen kuormitus on 135h. Se jakautuu kontaktiopetuksen, labraharjoitusten ja kahdeksan harjoitustyön välille.

Content scheduling

Teorialuennot toteutetaan ajoituksen mukaisesti ja labrat erillisen aikataulun mukaan.

Further information for students

Kustakin harjoitustyöstä annetaan työpareille palaute ja arviointi, labratehtävistä tehdään ryhmäarviointi. Tentin arviointi on yksilöllinen.
Avoin AMK 5.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the learning assignments and laboratory work.
To receive a numerical grade, you must take a supervised exam.
In face-to- face learning, the test is mandatory. The examinations are held three times in accordance with the degree rule.

Adequate (1): You can identify the majority of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have significant gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Satisfactory (2): You are generally familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the essential knowledge and skills covered by the course:
- you are familiar with the most common types of mechanical engineering workshops and their structures
- you are familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and know how to form them into production chains from raw materials to finished products
- you are able to implement selections between different manufacturing methods

Very good (4): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to widely and fairly compare different manufacturing methods and form alternative manufacturing chains from them.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to compare different manufacturing methods with a broad justification. Your expertise will also reach you to apply what you have learned critically and innovatively in exercises and in practice.


No special requirements. Motivation is the most important factor leading to learning. Basic technical skills contribute to the study of the course, but are not necessary.

Further information

Opintoja tarjotaan avoimen AMK:n kautta valmistustekniikasta kiinnostuneille henkilöille.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


15.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 80

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Miikka Parviainen
Teacher in charge

Miikka Parviainen

    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto
  • TKN22SM
    Konetekniikka (AMK)


Knowledge of manufacturing methods is the basis for making production engineering solutions and choices in a company engaged in production.

You will learn to master the basics of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and the machines, equipment and tools used in them. You will learn to understand how and by what methods the finished products are attained.

The development of your skills begins with an understanding of the basic concepts of manufacturing technology. Further progress is made in knowing, comparing and applying the details of manufacturing methods.

After completing the course, you will be able to explain the operating principles of the most common manufacturing methods and construct technically and economically suitable manufacturing chains taking into account the principles of sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding:
You have knowledge and understanding of the machines, equipment, tools, engineering technologies and processes applicable to the workshop and of their limitations.

Engineering practice:
You have the ability to develop and design production processes and systems, which may include health, safety, environmental, technical and economic opportunities or constraints.


Casting methods, traditional machining, sheet metal works and stamping technology, welding processes, surface treatment methods and additive manufacturing.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Lecture material,
Where applicable: Ihalainen, Aaltonen, Aromäki ja Sihvonen. Valmistustekniikka. Otatieto Oy. ISBN: 9789516723337.

Teaching methods

Lectures, learning tasks based on information retrieval and application. Learning assignments are done and returned both individually and in groups. Laboratory exercises.
Free-form anonymous feedback is collected in the middle of the course.

The implementation of the course is based on contact and distance learning. Each contact has a theme related to manufacturing technology. During the course, students work in groups on five assessed learning assignments, which are returned in writing. In addition, written assignments or returnable exercises to the online learning environment are performed independently. The course includes three laboratory parts.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exam in the last contact teaching session of the course. Two replays; the first in February 2021, the second in May 2021. Re-exams are conducted in an exam studio.

Alternative completion methods

The course is based on contact teaching and attendance in lectures / laboratories as well as independent distance learning. The assessment of previous competence is made on the first contact. It is possible to obtain exemptions, where applicable, on the basis of previous study.

Student workload

In multimodal implementation:
lectures 15 h,
laboratory work 9 h,
learning assignments 86 h,
independent work 25 h.
A total of 135 h of learning work.

Content scheduling

The scheduling of the course content is determined by the dates of the contact days.

Further information for students

Continuous developmental feedback in learning tasks.
Open University 5 places.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The overall assessment consists of 50% of the exam and 50% of the learning assignments and laboratory work.
To receive a numerical grade, you must take a supervised exam.
In face-to- face learning, the test is mandatory. The examinations are held three times in accordance with the degree rule.

Adequate (1): You can identify the majority of the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have significant gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Satisfactory (2): You are generally familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops, but you have gaps in their identification and selection tasks.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the essential knowledge and skills covered by the course:
- you are familiar with the most common types of mechanical engineering workshops and their structures
- you are familiar with the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and know how to form them into production chains from raw materials to finished products
- you are able to implement selections between different manufacturing methods

Very good (4): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to widely and fairly compare different manufacturing methods and form alternative manufacturing chains from them.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You know exactly the most common manufacturing methods in machine shops and you are able to expertly identify them and make choices between them. In addition, you are be able to compare different manufacturing methods with a broad justification. Your expertise will also reach you to apply what you have learned critically and innovatively in exercises and in practice.


No special requirements. Motivation is the most important factor leading to learning. Basic technical skills contribute to the study of the course, but are not necessary.

Further information

Opintoja tarjotaan avoimen AMK:n kautta valmistustekniikasta kiinnostuneille henkilöille.