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Measuring and Quality TechniqueLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TKKP0100


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Harri Peuranen
  • Kalevi Jaaranen


Measurement and quality management are an essential parts of work-shop manufacturing. You will learn the basic knowledge and skills of measurement and be able to use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the factors that cause measurement uncertainty. Your competence will grow in understanding quality management as part of normal work. Additionally, you will understand how quality thinking with measurements supports sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding
You are familiar with the basic measurements in the workshop: you are able to use the most common measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the most significant factors causing measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and sustainable development: the main quality definitions, continuous improvement, and the idea of the ISO 9000 series.

Investigations and information retrieval:
You can select and use suitable measuring equipment to solve measuring problems.

Engineering practice:
You can calculate the most common measuring errors from your own measuring which you have make in the laboratory. You can analyze the results and make conclusions.


Calculation of the most common measurement errors, measurement uncertainty, and their reduction, selection of measuring instruments, and quality management. Quality thinking and sustainable development as part of it.


Handling exponents and square roots, simplifying expressions, applying trigonometry to right-angled and oblique triangles, solving linear equations and root equations, as well as systems of equations. SI unit system, unit conversion, and calculation of quantities.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment consists of exam 80% and learning assignments 20%.

Sufficient (1): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have significant shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.

Satisfactory (2): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have limitations in applying key concepts. You can solve measurement problems that deviate from the norm satisfactorily and identify quality principles and their relevance to sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): You master the key aspects of the course, which include under-standing basic workshop measurement methods and making informed choices among them holistically. Additionally, you can use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that mostly considers factors causing measurement uncertainty. You are familiar with the significant factors causing measurement uncertainty and can determine combined measurement errors in complex situations. You can assess and analyze measurement results from the perspective of measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and its relationship to sustainable development.

Very good (4): You master the necessary key aspects and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving moderately demanding measurement problems and in analyzing and evaluating results, such as in laboratory work and the practical application of quality principles

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You have a command of the key concepts and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving demanding and complex measurement problems, such as in laboratory work, and in applying more advanced quality principles. You are capable of generating new solutions critically while evaluating their impact on sustainable development.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You understand the basics and terminology, but you have shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


19.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 39

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Petri Uutela
  • Juha Roivainen
  • Harri Peuranen
Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Capacity: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Capacity: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 3 (Capacity: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 4 (Capacity: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 5 (Capacity: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
    Avoin amk, Tekniikka, Väyläopinnot, Gradia
  • TKN24SA
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TKN24SB
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • TKN24S1
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATKN24S1
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
Small groups
  • Scheduling group 1
  • Scheduling group 2
  • Scheduling group 3
  • Scheduling group 4
  • Scheduling group 5


Measurement and quality management are an essential parts of work-shop manufacturing. You will learn the basic knowledge and skills of measurement and be able to use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the factors that cause measurement uncertainty. Your competence will grow in understanding quality management as part of normal work. Additionally, you will understand how quality thinking with measurements supports sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding
You are familiar with the basic measurements in the workshop: you are able to use the most common measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the most significant factors causing measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and sustainable development: the main quality definitions, continuous improvement, and the idea of the ISO 9000 series.

Investigations and information retrieval:
You can select and use suitable measuring equipment to solve measuring problems.

Engineering practice:
You can calculate the most common measuring errors from your own measuring which you have make in the laboratory. You can analyze the results and make conclusions.


Calculation of the most common measurement errors, measurement uncertainty, and their reduction, selection of measuring instruments, and quality management. Quality thinking and sustainable development as part of it.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Lecture material,
Andersson & Tikka, Mittaus- ja laatutekniikat. WSOY

Teaching methods

Lectures, learning tasks based on application. Learning assignments are done and returned both individually and in groups. Laboratory exercises.
Free-form anonymous feedback is collected in the middle of the course.

The implementation of the course is based on contact and distance learning (videos). During the course, students make learning assignments, which are returned as agreed. The course includes laboratory works.

The responsible and transparent use of AI applications is encouraged in this course. Instructions for using artificial intelligence can be found in chapter 3.2 ( of the thesis reporting instructions.

Participation in the course requires completing a mandatory background assignment by September 20, 2024.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exam in week 41.Two replays: the first in week 46 and the second in week 48..

Alternative completion methods

The course is based on contact learning and independent working.
The assessment of previous competence is made on the beginning of the course.

Student workload

Lectures 17 h,
laboratory work 6 h,
independent work 58 h.
A total of 81 h of learning work.

Content scheduling

Lectures 1,5 h/week

Further information for students

Assessment consists of exam 80% and learning assignments 20%.
Continuous developmental feedback in learning tasks.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Assessment consists of exam 80% and learning assignments 20%.

Sufficient (1): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have significant shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.

Satisfactory (2): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have limitations in applying key concepts. You can solve measurement problems that deviate from the norm satisfactorily and identify quality principles and their relevance to sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the key aspects of the course, which include under-standing basic workshop measurement methods and making informed choices among them holistically. Additionally, you can use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that mostly considers factors causing measurement uncertainty. You are familiar with the significant factors causing measurement uncertainty and can determine combined measurement errors in complex situations. You can assess and analyze measurement results from the perspective of measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and its relationship to sustainable development.

Very good (4): You master the necessary key aspects and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving moderately demanding measurement problems and in analyzing and evaluating results, such as in laboratory work and the practical application of quality principles

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You have a command of the key concepts and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving demanding and complex measurement problems, such as in laboratory work, and in applying more advanced quality principles. You are capable of generating new solutions critically while evaluating their impact on sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You understand the basics and terminology, but you have shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.


Handling exponents and square roots, simplifying expressions, applying trigonometry to right-angled and oblique triangles, solving linear equations and root equations, as well as systems of equations. SI unit system, unit conversion, and calculation of quantities.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


12.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Petri Uutela
  • Harri Peuranen
  • Juha Roivainen
  • TKN24SM
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto


Measurement and quality management are an essential parts of work-shop manufacturing. You will learn the basic knowledge and skills of measurement and be able to use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the factors that cause measurement uncertainty. Your competence will grow in understanding quality management as part of normal work. Additionally, you will understand how quality thinking with measurements supports sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding
You are familiar with the basic measurements in the workshop: you are able to use the most common measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the most significant factors causing measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and sustainable development: the main quality definitions, continuous improvement, and the idea of the ISO 9000 series.

Investigations and information retrieval:
You can select and use suitable measuring equipment to solve measuring problems.

Engineering practice:
You can calculate the most common measuring errors from your own measuring which you have make in the laboratory. You can analyze the results and make conclusions.


Calculation of the most common measurement errors, measurement uncertainty, and their reduction, selection of measuring instruments, and quality management. Quality thinking and sustainable development as part of it.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Lecture material,
Andersson & Tikka, Mittaus- ja laatutekniikat. WSOY.

Teaching methods

Lectures, learning tasks based on application. Learning assignments are done and returned both individually and in groups. Laboratory exercises.
Free-form anonymous feedback is collected in the middle of the course.

The implementation of the course is based on contact and distance learning. During the course, students work in groups on three assessed learning assignments, which are returned in writing. In addition, written assignments or returnable exercises to the online learning environment are performed independently. The course includes one laboratory day, participation in which is one compulsory completion of the course.

The responsible and transparent use of AI applications is encouraged in this course. Instructions for using artificial intelligence can be found in chapter 3.2 ( of the thesis reporting instructions.

If necessary, the instructions for each learning assignment contain more detailed information on how to use it in more detail in this course.

If a student has not attended the lectures during the first week and fails to submit Assignment 1 by the deadline, they will be removed from the course, and they will no longer be able to participate in this offering.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exam in the last contact lectures of the course. Two replays: the first in December 2024, the second in January 2025.

Alternative completion methods

The course is based on contact learning and independent working.
The assessment of previous competence is made on the first contacts.

Student workload

Lectures 14 h,
laboratory work 3 h,
independent work 64 h.
A total of 81 h of learning work.

Content scheduling

The scheduling of the course content is determined by the dates of the contact days.

Further information for students

Continuous developmental feedback in learning tasks.
Assessment consists of exam 50% and learning assignments 50%.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Assessment consists of exam 80% and learning assignments 20%.

Sufficient (1): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have significant shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.

Satisfactory (2): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have limitations in applying key concepts. You can solve measurement problems that deviate from the norm satisfactorily and identify quality principles and their relevance to sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the key aspects of the course, which include under-standing basic workshop measurement methods and making informed choices among them holistically. Additionally, you can use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that mostly considers factors causing measurement uncertainty. You are familiar with the significant factors causing measurement uncertainty and can determine combined measurement errors in complex situations. You can assess and analyze measurement results from the perspective of measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and its relationship to sustainable development.

Very good (4): You master the necessary key aspects and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving moderately demanding measurement problems and in analyzing and evaluating results, such as in laboratory work and the practical application of quality principles

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You have a command of the key concepts and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving demanding and complex measurement problems, such as in laboratory work, and in applying more advanced quality principles. You are capable of generating new solutions critically while evaluating their impact on sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You understand the basics and terminology, but you have shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.


Handling exponents and square roots, simplifying expressions, applying trigonometry to right-angled and oblique triangles, solving linear equations and root equations, as well as systems of equations. SI unit system, unit conversion, and calculation of quantities.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

67 % Face-to-face, 33 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 48

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Juha Roivainen
  • Harri Peuranen
Teacher in charge

Harri Peuranen

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 3 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 4 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 5 (Capacity: 45. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TKN23SB
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATKN23S1
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
  • TKN23SA
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
Small groups
  • Scheduling group 1
  • Scheduling group 2
  • Scheduling group 3
  • Scheduling group 4
  • Scheduling group 5


Measurement and quality management are an essential parts of work-shop manufacturing. You will learn the basic knowledge and skills of measurement and be able to use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the factors that cause measurement uncertainty. Your competence will grow in understanding quality management as part of normal work. Additionally, you will understand how quality thinking with measurements supports sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding
You are familiar with the basic measurements in the workshop: you are able to use the most common measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the most significant factors causing measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and sustainable development: the main quality definitions, continuous improvement, and the idea of the ISO 9000 series.

Investigations and information retrieval:
You can select and use suitable measuring equipment to solve measuring problems.

Engineering practice:
You can calculate the most common measuring errors from your own measuring which you have make in the laboratory. You can analyze the results and make conclusions.


Calculation of the most common measurement errors, measurement uncertainty, and their reduction, selection of measuring instruments, and quality management. Quality thinking and sustainable development as part of it.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Lecture material,
Andersson & Tikka, Mittaus- ja laatutekniikat. WSOY.

Teaching methods

Lectures, learning tasks based on application. Learning assignments are done and returned both individually and in groups. Laboratory exercises.
Free-form anonymous feedback is collected in the middle of the course.

The implementation of the course is based on contact and distance learning (videos). During the course, students make learning assignments, which are returned as agreed. The course includes laboratory works.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exam in week 41.Two replays: the first in week 45 and the second in week 48..

Alternative completion methods

The course is based on contact learning and independent working.
The assessment of previous competence is made on the beginning of the course.

Student workload

Lectures 17 h,
laboratory work 6 h,
independent work 58 h.
A total of 81 h of learning work.

Content scheduling

Lectures 1,5 h/week.

Further information for students

Assessment consists of exam 80% and learning assignments 20%.
Continuous developmental feedback in learning tasks.
Open University 5 places.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Assessment consists of exam 80% and learning assignments 20%.

Sufficient (1): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have significant shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.

Satisfactory (2): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have limitations in applying key concepts. You can solve measurement problems that deviate from the norm satisfactorily and identify quality principles and their relevance to sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the key aspects of the course, which include under-standing basic workshop measurement methods and making informed choices among them holistically. Additionally, you can use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that mostly considers factors causing measurement uncertainty. You are familiar with the significant factors causing measurement uncertainty and can determine combined measurement errors in complex situations. You can assess and analyze measurement results from the perspective of measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and its relationship to sustainable development.

Very good (4): You master the necessary key aspects and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving moderately demanding measurement problems and in analyzing and evaluating results, such as in laboratory work and the practical application of quality principles

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You have a command of the key concepts and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving demanding and complex measurement problems, such as in laboratory work, and in applying more advanced quality principles. You are capable of generating new solutions critically while evaluating their impact on sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You understand the basics and terminology, but you have shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.


Handling exponents and square roots, simplifying expressions, applying trigonometry to right-angled and oblique triangles, solving linear equations and root equations, as well as systems of equations. SI unit system, unit conversion, and calculation of quantities.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


15.08.2023 - 04.01.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

34 % Face-to-face, 66 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 47

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Juha Roivainen
  • Harri Peuranen
Teacher in charge

Harri Peuranen

    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto
  • TKN23SM
    Konetekniikka (AMK)


Measurement and quality management are an essential parts of work-shop manufacturing. You will learn the basic knowledge and skills of measurement and be able to use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the factors that cause measurement uncertainty. Your competence will grow in understanding quality management as part of normal work. Additionally, you will understand how quality thinking with measurements supports sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding
You are familiar with the basic measurements in the workshop: you are able to use the most common measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the most significant factors causing measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and sustainable development: the main quality definitions, continuous improvement, and the idea of the ISO 9000 series.

Investigations and information retrieval:
You can select and use suitable measuring equipment to solve measuring problems.

Engineering practice:
You can calculate the most common measuring errors from your own measuring which you have make in the laboratory. You can analyze the results and make conclusions.


Calculation of the most common measurement errors, measurement uncertainty, and their reduction, selection of measuring instruments, and quality management. Quality thinking and sustainable development as part of it.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Lecture material,
Andersson & Tikka, Mittaus- ja laatutekniikat. WSOY.

Teaching methods

Lectures, learning tasks based on application. Learning assignments are done and returned both individually and in groups. Laboratory exercises.
Free-form anonymous feedback is collected in the middle of the course.

The implementation of the course is based on contact and distance learning. During the course, students work in groups on three assessed learning assignments, which are returned in writing. In addition, written assignments or returnable exercises to the online learning environment are performed independently. The course includes one laboratory day.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exam in the last contact teaching session of the course. Two replays: the first in January 2024, the second in February 2024.

Alternative completion methods

The course is based on contact learning and independent working.
The assessment of previous competence is made on the first contacts.

Student workload

In multimodal implementation:
lectures 14 h,
laboratory work 3 h,
independent work 64 h.
A total of 81 h of learning work.

Content scheduling

The scheduling of the course content is determined by the dates of the contact days.

Further information for students

Continuous developmental feedback in learning tasks.
Assessment consists of exam 50% and learning assignments 50%.
Open University 5 places.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Assessment consists of exam 80% and learning assignments 20%.

Sufficient (1): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have significant shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.

Satisfactory (2): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have limitations in applying key concepts. You can solve measurement problems that deviate from the norm satisfactorily and identify quality principles and their relevance to sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the key aspects of the course, which include under-standing basic workshop measurement methods and making informed choices among them holistically. Additionally, you can use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that mostly considers factors causing measurement uncertainty. You are familiar with the significant factors causing measurement uncertainty and can determine combined measurement errors in complex situations. You can assess and analyze measurement results from the perspective of measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and its relationship to sustainable development.

Very good (4): You master the necessary key aspects and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving moderately demanding measurement problems and in analyzing and evaluating results, such as in laboratory work and the practical application of quality principles

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You have a command of the key concepts and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving demanding and complex measurement problems, such as in laboratory work, and in applying more advanced quality principles. You are capable of generating new solutions critically while evaluating their impact on sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You understand the basics and terminology, but you have shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.


Handling exponents and square roots, simplifying expressions, applying trigonometry to right-angled and oblique triangles, solving linear equations and root equations, as well as systems of equations. SI unit system, unit conversion, and calculation of quantities.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


22.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 80

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Kalevi Jaaranen
  • Juha Roivainen
Teacher in charge

Kalevi Jaaranen

Scheduling groups
  • Labraryhmä 1 (Capacity: 1. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Labraryhmä 2 (Capacity: 1. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Labraryhmä 3 (Capacity: 1. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Labraryhmä 4 (Capacity: 1. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Labraryhmä 5 (Capacity: 1. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TKN22S1
    Konetekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATKN22S1
    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Päivä
Small groups
  • Labraryhmä 1
  • Labraryhmä 2
  • Labraryhmä 3
  • Labraryhmä 4
  • Labraryhmä 5


Measurement and quality management are an essential parts of work-shop manufacturing. You will learn the basic knowledge and skills of measurement and be able to use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the factors that cause measurement uncertainty. Your competence will grow in understanding quality management as part of normal work. Additionally, you will understand how quality thinking with measurements supports sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding
You are familiar with the basic measurements in the workshop: you are able to use the most common measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the most significant factors causing measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and sustainable development: the main quality definitions, continuous improvement, and the idea of the ISO 9000 series.

Investigations and information retrieval:
You can select and use suitable measuring equipment to solve measuring problems.

Engineering practice:
You can calculate the most common measuring errors from your own measuring which you have make in the laboratory. You can analyze the results and make conclusions.


Calculation of the most common measurement errors, measurement uncertainty, and their reduction, selection of measuring instruments, and quality management. Quality thinking and sustainable development as part of it.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Assessment consists of exam 80% and learning assignments 20%.

Sufficient (1): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have significant shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.

Satisfactory (2): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have limitations in applying key concepts. You can solve measurement problems that deviate from the norm satisfactorily and identify quality principles and their relevance to sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the key aspects of the course, which include under-standing basic workshop measurement methods and making informed choices among them holistically. Additionally, you can use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that mostly considers factors causing measurement uncertainty. You are familiar with the significant factors causing measurement uncertainty and can determine combined measurement errors in complex situations. You can assess and analyze measurement results from the perspective of measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and its relationship to sustainable development.

Very good (4): You master the necessary key aspects and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving moderately demanding measurement problems and in analyzing and evaluating results, such as in laboratory work and the practical application of quality principles

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You have a command of the key concepts and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving demanding and complex measurement problems, such as in laboratory work, and in applying more advanced quality principles. You are capable of generating new solutions critically while evaluating their impact on sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You understand the basics and terminology, but you have shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.


Handling exponents and square roots, simplifying expressions, applying trigonometry to right-angled and oblique triangles, solving linear equations and root equations, as well as systems of equations. SI unit system, unit conversion, and calculation of quantities.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


15.08.2022 - 10.02.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 80

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Kalevi Jaaranen
  • Juha Roivainen
Teacher in charge

Kalevi Jaaranen

    Avoin amk, Konetekniikka, Monimuoto
  • TKN22SM
    Konetekniikka (AMK)


Measurement and quality management are an essential parts of work-shop manufacturing. You will learn the basic knowledge and skills of measurement and be able to use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the factors that cause measurement uncertainty. Your competence will grow in understanding quality management as part of normal work. Additionally, you will understand how quality thinking with measurements supports sustainable development.

Knowledge and understanding
You are familiar with the basic measurements in the workshop: you are able to use the most common measuring instruments in a way that takes into account the most significant factors causing measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and sustainable development: the main quality definitions, continuous improvement, and the idea of the ISO 9000 series.

Investigations and information retrieval:
You can select and use suitable measuring equipment to solve measuring problems.

Engineering practice:
You can calculate the most common measuring errors from your own measuring which you have make in the laboratory. You can analyze the results and make conclusions.


Calculation of the most common measurement errors, measurement uncertainty, and their reduction, selection of measuring instruments, and quality management. Quality thinking and sustainable development as part of it.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Assessment consists of exam 80% and learning assignments 20%.

Sufficient (1): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have significant shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.

Satisfactory (2): You understand the basics and terminology, but you have limitations in applying key concepts. You can solve measurement problems that deviate from the norm satisfactorily and identify quality principles and their relevance to sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): You master the key aspects of the course, which include under-standing basic workshop measurement methods and making informed choices among them holistically. Additionally, you can use the most common workshop measuring instruments in a way that mostly considers factors causing measurement uncertainty. You are familiar with the significant factors causing measurement uncertainty and can determine combined measurement errors in complex situations. You can assess and analyze measurement results from the perspective of measurement uncertainty. You understand the basic thinking of quality management and its relationship to sustainable development.

Very good (4): You master the necessary key aspects and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving moderately demanding measurement problems and in analyzing and evaluating results, such as in laboratory work and the practical application of quality principles

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): You have a command of the key concepts and can apply them critically and innovatively in solving demanding and complex measurement problems, such as in laboratory work, and in applying more advanced quality principles. You are capable of generating new solutions critically while evaluating their impact on sustainable development.

Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You understand the basics and terminology, but you have shortcomings in interpreting key concepts. You can solve simple measurement problems satisfactorily and identify quality principles adequately.


Handling exponents and square roots, simplifying expressions, applying trigonometry to right-angled and oblique triangles, solving linear equations and root equations, as well as systems of equations. SI unit system, unit conversion, and calculation of quantities.