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Applied building physicsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TR00CF92


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Antti Kauppinen


Purpose of the course:
The knowledge and skills in this course will enable you to make solutions for the moisture management of building components and to design joints between structures. You will also be able to assess the moisture performance of a structure under computationally varying conditions.

Course competences:
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge and understanding of suitable materials, computational modelling and their limitations in building physics.
Communication and teamwork: Ability to work effectively as an individual and as a team member.
Multidisciplinary skills: Ability to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments.
Practical application of technology: Ability to analyse complex engineering products, systems and correctly interpret the results of such analyses, with the ability to select and have the practical skills to apply well-established analytical, computational techniques and methods appropriate to the situation.
Research and information retrieval: ability to conduct literature searches and to use and critically exploit scientific databases and other appropriate sources of information; ability to perform simulations and analyses for the detailed study and research of technical problems.

Course objective:
You will be able to assess the thermal and moisture performance of building components and know the requirements for their design and implementation. You will be able to make decisions related to moisture management. You will be aware of the uncertainties of building physics modelling under changing conditions. These are also the basic tasks of the course.


The physical behaviour of building components, covering the different types of structures and the joints between them. Building-time moisture management. Building physics analysis under changing structural conditions


Fundamentals of building physics; Moisture management, Thermal and moisture analysis under standard conditions.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Intermediate (1): The student knows and recognises the topics described in the objectives of the course and is able to perform the tasks according to the objectives of the course: the physical behaviour of building components, the different types of structures and their joints, moisture management during construction, the physical analysis of the structure under changing conditions. Students can demonstrate their competence by carrying out tasks in accordance with the objectives.

Satisfactory (2): The student knows, identifies and understands the issues described in the learning objectives of the course. The student can demonstrate competence by systematically describing the topics covered in the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): the student has achieved the learning objectives of the course and is able to demonstrate his/her knowledge in a clear and understandable way. The student is able to articulate the learning in a clear and concise manner and to apply it to practical tasks.

Excellent (4). The student is able to describe the effects of different solutions and to make informed choices between alternatives.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5): the student has achieved the learning objectives of the course with excellent results. In addition, the student is able to examine the topics of the course theoretically and apply them critically in practice. Competence is demonstrated in a coherent and multidimensional manner.