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GeotechnicsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TRPB0001


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Hannu Haapamaa, Opetus


Object of the course:
The knowledge and skills you get on this course you will need in the future in order to be able to design and implement foundations, trenches and retaining walls. You will also need these skills, when you study ground and rock works.
Course competences:
- Mathematic and Natural science competence
- Technological competence
The learning objectives of the course:
After you have passed the course you will recognize mineral soil types and you can tell about their use as building materials. You can perform laboratory tests and according to results you can determine features of soil materials, also hydraulic features. In addition to these basic tasks of the course you know the basics of bearing capacity of earth and earth pressure.


Recognition of soil types, features of soil types, hydraulic features of soil, frost, laboratory tests, basics of earth pressure, basics of load bearing capacity of earth.



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Passable (1): The student recognizes all of the learning objectives, understands the meaning of them and is able to perform the basic tasks described in the learning objectives of the course.

Satisfying (2): In addition to previous skills, the student can systematically describe the issues of the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): In addition to previous skills, the student can describe the influences of various solutions and can make reasoned choices between alternatives.

Laudable (4): In addition to previous skills, the student can apply the learned issues independently and is able to evaluate done solutions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent ( 5 ): In addition to previous skills, the student shows deep knowledge of course contents as well as ability to parse and wider analyze the influences of solutions.


Jääskeläinen. Geotekniikan perusteet, Tammertekniikka

Rantamäki, Jääskeläinen, Tammirinne, Geotekniikka, Otatieto

Further information

The course is part of studies that belong to qualifications of civil engineer (Ministry of the Environment guidelines on the difficulty classes of design tasks YM1/601/2015)
The studies follow guidelines of curriculum performed in cooperation with Universities of applied sciences and construction industry in 2017.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


20.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

1.5 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Hannu Haapamaa
  • TRM24KMM
    Rakennusmestari (AMK), monimuotototeutus
    Avoin amk,Rakennusmestari, Monimuoto


Object of the course:
The knowledge and skills you get on this course you will need in the future in order to be able to design and implement foundations, trenches and retaining walls. You will also need these skills, when you study ground and rock works.
Course competences:
- Mathematic and Natural science competence
- Technological competence
The learning objectives of the course:
After you have passed the course you will recognize mineral soil types and you can tell about their use as building materials. You can perform laboratory tests and according to results you can determine features of soil materials, also hydraulic features. In addition to these basic tasks of the course you know the basics of bearing capacity of earth and earth pressure.


Recognition of soil types, features of soil types, hydraulic features of soil, frost, laboratory tests, basics of earth pressure, basics of load bearing capacity of earth.

Time and location

Contact lessons according to Time Table on the Main Campus.
Exercises in the Laboratory on the Main Campus.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jääskeläinen R., Geotekniikan perusteet, Tammertekniikka 1.painos tai uudempi
Rantamäki M., Jääskeläinen R., Tammirinne M., Geotekniikka 464, Otatieto Oy 7.painos tai uudempi

Teaching methods

The course uses the following teaching methods:
- Lectures / Online lectures,
- Exercises
- Learning tasks,
- Seminars / Workshops,

The virtual component 1,5 credits includes:
- Interactive videos
- Online tests
Students will receive guidance
- feedback on assignments
- feedback on exams
Responsible and transparent use of artificial intelligence applications is encouraged in this course.
- The instructions for each learning task will provide further details on its use in this course, where appropriate.

Practical training and working life connections

Excursions if possible,
Company visits at School if possible

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Timing of Exams and re-Exams will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.
The course entrance exam must be taken within three ( 3 ) weeks of the course start date in order to maintain the right to study.

Alternative completion methods

Certification or accreditation is possible as described in the Jamkin Peppi guidelines.

Student workload

One credit point means an average of 27 hours of work. The load is distributed in different ways depending on the way the course is implemented.
In this study period, time use and workload is distributed as follows:
Total load: 81 h
Beginning task: 3 h
Contact lectures: 2 h/week, total 28 h
Interactive video lectures: 7 h
Homework that supports learning: 10 h
Exercise/project work to be done during the course: 30 h
Assessment of own competence/peer assessment: 3 h
Allocate approx. 2 - 3 hrs/week of your own time for this course.

Content scheduling

Laboratory work schedule:
Presentation of laboratory work during the week: 40
Each group will carry out its own laboratory work from week 41 to 48.

Further information for students

Grading methods
- Test,
- Assignments,
- Learning assignments,
- Self Grading.

Assessment is developmental, continuous, competency-based, high-quality and criterion-referenced, and student self-assessment plays an important role in that.

See also Grading

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Passable (1): The student recognizes all of the learning objectives, understands the meaning of them and is able to perform the basic tasks described in the learning objectives of the course.

Satisfying (2): In addition to previous skills, the student can systematically describe the issues of the course.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): In addition to previous skills, the student can describe the influences of various solutions and can make reasoned choices between alternatives.

Laudable (4): In addition to previous skills, the student can apply the learned issues independently and is able to evaluate done solutions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent ( 5 ): In addition to previous skills, the student shows deep knowledge of course contents as well as ability to parse and wider analyze the influences of solutions.



Further information

The course is part of studies that belong to qualifications of civil engineer (Ministry of the Environment guidelines on the difficulty classes of design tasks YM1/601/2015)
The studies follow guidelines of curriculum performed in cooperation with Universities of applied sciences and construction industry in 2017.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Hannu Haapamaa
  • TRY23S1
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)
  • ZJATRY23S1
    Avoin amk, Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, Päivä


Object of the course:
The knowledge and skills you get on this course you will need in the future in order to be able to design and implement foundations, trenches and retaining walls. You will also need these skills, when you study ground and rock works.
Course competences:
- Mathematic and Natural science competence
- Technological competence
The learning objectives of the course:
After you have passed the course you will recognize mineral soil types and you can tell about their use as building materials. You can perform laboratory tests and according to results you can determine features of soil materials, also hydraulic features. In addition to these basic tasks of the course you know the basics of bearing capacity of earth and earth pressure.


Recognition of soil types, features of soil types, hydraulic features of soil, frost, laboratory tests, basics of earth pressure, basics of load bearing capacity of earth.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jääskeläinen. Geotekniikan perusteet, Tammertekniikka
Rantamäki, Jääskeläinen, Tammirinne, Geotekniikka, Otatieto

Teaching methods

- Lectures face-to-face / Online Lectures, Videos
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Seminars / Workshops
- Webinars
- etc.

Practical training and working life connections

Will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Studification: See the Despcription of Module.

Student workload

- Lectures 40 h
- Independent Work 40 h.
( including among others: Learning assignments, Home Works, preparing for Test)
- Total 80 h

Further information for students

Grading methods
- Test
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Self Grading

The Grading is high-quality and it is based on the learning objectives and criterion of the course.
Self Grading has an important role in Student's Grading.

See also Grading

Open UAS 5

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Passable (1): The student recognizes all of the learning objectives, understands the meaning of them and is able to perform the basic tasks described in the learning objectives of the course.

Satisfying (2): In addition to previous skills, the student can systematically describe the issues of the course.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): In addition to previous skills, the student can describe the influences of various solutions and can make reasoned choices between alternatives.

Laudable (4): In addition to previous skills, the student can apply the learned issues independently and is able to evaluate done solutions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent ( 5 ): In addition to previous skills, the student shows deep knowledge of course contents as well as ability to parse and wider analyze the influences of solutions.



Further information

The course is part of studies that belong to qualifications of civil engineer (Ministry of the Environment guidelines on the difficulty classes of design tasks YM1/601/2015)
The studies follow guidelines of curriculum performed in cooperation with Universities of applied sciences and construction industry in 2017.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

34 % Face-to-face, 66 % Online learning


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Hannu Haapamaa
    Avoin amk, AMK-polut, Rakennusmestari, Monimuoto
  • TRM23KMM
    Rakennusmestari (AMK)


Object of the course:
The knowledge and skills you get on this course you will need in the future in order to be able to design and implement foundations, trenches and retaining walls. You will also need these skills, when you study ground and rock works.
Course competences:
- Mathematic and Natural science competence
- Technological competence
The learning objectives of the course:
After you have passed the course you will recognize mineral soil types and you can tell about their use as building materials. You can perform laboratory tests and according to results you can determine features of soil materials, also hydraulic features. In addition to these basic tasks of the course you know the basics of bearing capacity of earth and earth pressure.


Recognition of soil types, features of soil types, hydraulic features of soil, frost, laboratory tests, basics of earth pressure, basics of load bearing capacity of earth.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jääskeläinen. Geotekniikan perusteet, Tammertekniikka
Rantamäki, Jääskeläinen, Tammirinne, Geotekniikka, Otatieto

Teaching methods

- Lectures face-to-face / Online Lectures,
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Seminars / Workshops
- Webinars
- etc.

Practical training and working life connections

Will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Studification: See the Despcription of Module.

Student workload

- Lectures 40 h
- Independent Work 40 h.
( including among others: Learning assignments, Home Works, preparing for Test)
- Total 80 h

Further information for students

Grading methods
- Test
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Continuing Grading
- Self Grading

The Grading is high-quality and it is based on the learning objectives and criterion of the course.
Self Grading has an important role in Student's Grading.

See also Grading

Open UAS 5

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Passable (1): The student recognizes all of the learning objectives, understands the meaning of them and is able to perform the basic tasks described in the learning objectives of the course.

Satisfying (2): In addition to previous skills, the student can systematically describe the issues of the course.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): In addition to previous skills, the student can describe the influences of various solutions and can make reasoned choices between alternatives.

Laudable (4): In addition to previous skills, the student can apply the learned issues independently and is able to evaluate done solutions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent ( 5 ): In addition to previous skills, the student shows deep knowledge of course contents as well as ability to parse and wider analyze the influences of solutions.



Further information

The course is part of studies that belong to qualifications of civil engineer (Ministry of the Environment guidelines on the difficulty classes of design tasks YM1/601/2015)
The studies follow guidelines of curriculum performed in cooperation with Universities of applied sciences and construction industry in 2017.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Hannu Haapamaa
Teacher in charge

Hannu Haapamaa

  • ZJATRY22S1
    Avoin amk, Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, Päivä
  • TRY22S1
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)


Object of the course:
The knowledge and skills you get on this course you will need in the future in order to be able to design and implement foundations, trenches and retaining walls. You will also need these skills, when you study ground and rock works.
Course competences:
- Mathematic and Natural science competence
- Technological competence
The learning objectives of the course:
After you have passed the course you will recognize mineral soil types and you can tell about their use as building materials. You can perform laboratory tests and according to results you can determine features of soil materials, also hydraulic features. In addition to these basic tasks of the course you know the basics of bearing capacity of earth and earth pressure.


Recognition of soil types, features of soil types, hydraulic features of soil, frost, laboratory tests, basics of earth pressure, basics of load bearing capacity of earth.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jääskeläinen. Geotekniikan perusteet, Tammertekniikka
Rantamäki, Jääskeläinen, Tammirinne, Geotekniikka, Otatieto

Teaching methods

- Lectures face-to-face / Online Lectures,
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Seminars / Workshops
- Webinars
- etc.

Practical training and working life connections

Will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Studification: See the Despcription of Module.

Student workload

- Lectures 40 h
- Independent Work 40 h.
( including among others: Learning assignments, Home Works, preparing for Test)
- Total 80 h

Further information for students

Grading methods
- Test
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Continuing Grading
- Self Grading

The Grading is high-quality and it is based on the learning objectives and criterion of the course.
Self Grading has an important role in Student's Grading.

See also Grading

Open UAS 5

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Passable (1): The student recognizes all of the learning objectives, understands the meaning of them and is able to perform the basic tasks described in the learning objectives of the course.

Satisfying (2): In addition to previous skills, the student can systematically describe the issues of the course.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): In addition to previous skills, the student can describe the influences of various solutions and can make reasoned choices between alternatives.

Laudable (4): In addition to previous skills, the student can apply the learned issues independently and is able to evaluate done solutions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent ( 5 ): In addition to previous skills, the student shows deep knowledge of course contents as well as ability to parse and wider analyze the influences of solutions.



Further information

The course is part of studies that belong to qualifications of civil engineer (Ministry of the Environment guidelines on the difficulty classes of design tasks YM1/601/2015)
The studies follow guidelines of curriculum performed in cooperation with Universities of applied sciences and construction industry in 2017.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 29.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Hannu Haapamaa
Teacher in charge

Hannu Haapamaa

  • TRY21S1
    Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka (AMK)
    Avoin amk, tekniikka, Rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka, päivä


Object of the course:
The knowledge and skills you get on this course you will need in the future in order to be able to design and implement foundations, trenches and retaining walls. You will also need these skills, when you study ground and rock works.
Course competences:
- Mathematic and Natural science competence
- Technological competence
The learning objectives of the course:
After you have passed the course you will recognize mineral soil types and you can tell about their use as building materials. You can perform laboratory tests and according to results you can determine features of soil materials, also hydraulic features. In addition to these basic tasks of the course you know the basics of bearing capacity of earth and earth pressure.


Recognition of soil types, features of soil types, hydraulic features of soil, frost, laboratory tests, basics of earth pressure, basics of load bearing capacity of earth.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jääskeläinen. Geotekniikan perusteet, Tammertekniikka
Rantamäki, Jääskeläinen, Tammirinne, Geotekniikka, Otatieto

Teaching methods

- Lectures face-to-face / Online Lectures,
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Seminars / Workshops
- Webinars
- etc.

Practical training and working life connections

Will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Will be agreed on the first contact lesson of the course.

Alternative completion methods

Studification: See the Despcription of Module.

Student workload

- Lectures 40 h
- Independent Work 40 h.
( including among others: Learning assignments, Home Works, preparing for Test)
- Total 80 h

Further information for students

Grading methods
- Test
- Assignments / Learning assignments,
- Continuing Grading
- Self Grading

The Grading is high-quality and it is based on the learning objectives and criterion of the course.
Self Grading has an important role in Student's Grading.

See also Grading

Open UAS 5

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Passable (1): The student recognizes all of the learning objectives, understands the meaning of them and is able to perform the basic tasks described in the learning objectives of the course.

Satisfying (2): In addition to previous skills, the student can systematically describe the issues of the course.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3): In addition to previous skills, the student can describe the influences of various solutions and can make reasoned choices between alternatives.

Laudable (4): In addition to previous skills, the student can apply the learned issues independently and is able to evaluate done solutions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent ( 5 ): In addition to previous skills, the student shows deep knowledge of course contents as well as ability to parse and wider analyze the influences of solutions.



Further information

The course is part of studies that belong to qualifications of civil engineer (Ministry of the Environment guidelines on the difficulty classes of design tasks YM1/601/2015)
The studies follow guidelines of curriculum performed in cooperation with Universities of applied sciences and construction industry in 2017.