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Basics of medical nursingLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: SA00CG31


4 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Janne Alenius


Purpose of the Course:
You will learn the theoretical foundations to plan, implement, and evaluate the nursing for patients with internal diseases.

Competencies of the Course:
Clinical competence
Evidence-based operations and decision-making competence
Health promotion competence

Learning Objective of the Course:
You utilize clinical competence-supporting related sciences in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You utilize evidence-based information in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You identify and evaluate public health risk factors and are able to guide the client/patient in relation to them.


Risk factors and prevention of internal diseases
Basics of internal medicine nursing and pharmacotherapy
Skill of Guiding and Encountering the Patient
Guidance on Self-Care for Patients with Internal Diseases
Most Common Examinations for Patients with Internal Diseases


You master the basics of nursing and medical treatment.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1

You are familiar with healthy lifestyles and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Satisfactory 2

You have an overall picture of the impact of lifestyle on health and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care.

Very good 4
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients resource-oriented and by prioritizing the topics of guidance. You have a broad understanding of the risk factors for the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care, justifying it and taking into account the patient's individual situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Erinomainen 5

Osaat perustella potilaalle terveellisten elämäntapojen merkitystä ja osaat ohjata potilaita voimavaralähtöisesti sekä ohjauksen aiheita priorisoiden. Osaat arvioida yleisimpien sisätautien riskitekijöitä ja tiedät, miten vaikuttaa niihin. Osaat kertoa potilaalle johdonmukaisesti hänen sairaudestaan sekä ohjata potilaalle omahoidon yksityiskohtaisesti, perustellen ja potilaan yksilöllisen tilanteen huomioiden.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 18.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Scheduling groups
  • Teoriaopetus - Kaikki valitsevat tämän (Capacity: 40. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Kliininen ryhmä A (Capacity: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Kliininen ryhmä B (Capacity: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
  • ZJASAR24S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-väylät, sairaanhoitaja päivä
  • SAR24S1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Small groups
  • Teoriaopetus
  • Kliininen ryhmä A
  • Kliininen ryhmä B


Purpose of the Course:
You will learn the theoretical foundations to plan, implement, and evaluate the nursing for patients with internal diseases.

Competencies of the Course:
Clinical competence
Evidence-based operations and decision-making competence
Health promotion competence

Learning Objective of the Course:
You utilize clinical competence-supporting related sciences in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You utilize evidence-based information in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You identify and evaluate public health risk factors and are able to guide the client/patient in relation to them.


Risk factors and prevention of internal diseases
Basics of internal medicine nursing and pharmacotherapy
Skill of Guiding and Encountering the Patient
Guidance on Self-Care for Patients with Internal Diseases
Most Common Examinations for Patients with Internal Diseases

Learning materials and recommended literature

Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2023. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut soveltuvien.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Mahdollisuuksien mukaan potilasjärjestöjen esittelyjä ja kokemusasiantuntijan vierailu

Student workload

Kontaktiopetusta 34 oppituntia
Simulaatio harjoitus 4 oppituntia
Kädentaitoja 4 oppituntia
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 8 tuntia
Itsenäinen työskentely 56 tuntia
Tentti 2 oppituntia

Further information for students

Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1

You are familiar with healthy lifestyles and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Satisfactory 2

You have an overall picture of the impact of lifestyle on health and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care.

Very good 4
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients resource-oriented and by prioritizing the topics of guidance. You have a broad understanding of the risk factors for the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care, justifying it and taking into account the patient's individual situation.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Erinomainen 5

Osaat perustella potilaalle terveellisten elämäntapojen merkitystä ja osaat ohjata potilaita voimavaralähtöisesti sekä ohjauksen aiheita priorisoiden. Osaat arvioida yleisimpien sisätautien riskitekijöitä ja tiedät, miten vaikuttaa niihin. Osaat kertoa potilaalle johdonmukaisesti hänen sairaudestaan sekä ohjata potilaalle omahoidon yksityiskohtaisesti, perustellen ja potilaan yksilöllisen tilanteen huomioiden.


You master the basics of nursing and medical treatment.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


05.02.2025 - 18.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • Leena Rasa
  • SAR24S2
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the Course:
You will learn the theoretical foundations to plan, implement, and evaluate the nursing for patients with internal diseases.

Competencies of the Course:
Clinical competence
Evidence-based operations and decision-making competence
Health promotion competence

Learning Objective of the Course:
You utilize clinical competence-supporting related sciences in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You utilize evidence-based information in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You identify and evaluate public health risk factors and are able to guide the client/patient in relation to them.


Risk factors and prevention of internal diseases
Basics of internal medicine nursing and pharmacotherapy
Skill of Guiding and Encountering the Patient
Guidance on Self-Care for Patients with Internal Diseases
Most Common Examinations for Patients with Internal Diseases

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1

You are familiar with healthy lifestyles and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Satisfactory 2

You have an overall picture of the impact of lifestyle on health and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care.

Very good 4
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients resource-oriented and by prioritizing the topics of guidance. You have a broad understanding of the risk factors for the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care, justifying it and taking into account the patient's individual situation.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Erinomainen 5

Osaat perustella potilaalle terveellisten elämäntapojen merkitystä ja osaat ohjata potilaita voimavaralähtöisesti sekä ohjauksen aiheita priorisoiden. Osaat arvioida yleisimpien sisätautien riskitekijöitä ja tiedät, miten vaikuttaa niihin. Osaat kertoa potilaalle johdonmukaisesti hänen sairaudestaan sekä ohjata potilaalle omahoidon yksityiskohtaisesti, perustellen ja potilaan yksilöllisen tilanteen huomioiden.


You master the basics of nursing and medical treatment.


14.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Jaana Perttunen
  • Hannele Tyrväinen
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK- Väylät,sairaanhoitaja monimuoto, Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi


Purpose of the Course:
You will learn the theoretical foundations to plan, implement, and evaluate the nursing for patients with internal diseases.

Competencies of the Course:
Clinical competence
Evidence-based operations and decision-making competence
Health promotion competence

Learning Objective of the Course:
You utilize clinical competence-supporting related sciences in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You utilize evidence-based information in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You identify and evaluate public health risk factors and are able to guide the client/patient in relation to them.


Risk factors and prevention of internal diseases
Basics of internal medicine nursing and pharmacotherapy
Skill of Guiding and Encountering the Patient
Guidance on Self-Care for Patients with Internal Diseases
Most Common Examinations for Patients with Internal Diseases

Learning materials and recommended literature

Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2023. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja Käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut soveltuvin.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.

Teaching methods

Luennot, potilascaset, ryhmätyö, itsenäinen opiskelu

Student workload

Kontaktit verkossa 18h
Kirjallinen tehtävä 20h
Verkkotentti ja siihen valmistatuminen 30h
Itsenäinen opiskelu 40h

Further information for students

Tentti 0-5 (50%)
Kirjallinen tehtävä 0-5 (50%)

Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1

You are familiar with healthy lifestyles and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Satisfactory 2

You have an overall picture of the impact of lifestyle on health and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care.

Very good 4
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients resource-oriented and by prioritizing the topics of guidance. You have a broad understanding of the risk factors for the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care, justifying it and taking into account the patient's individual situation.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Erinomainen 5

Osaat perustella potilaalle terveellisten elämäntapojen merkitystä ja osaat ohjata potilaita voimavaralähtöisesti sekä ohjauksen aiheita priorisoiden. Osaat arvioida yleisimpien sisätautien riskitekijöitä ja tiedät, miten vaikuttaa niihin. Osaat kertoa potilaalle johdonmukaisesti hänen sairaudestaan sekä ohjata potilaalle omahoidon yksityiskohtaisesti, perustellen ja potilaan yksilöllisen tilanteen huomioiden.


You master the basics of nursing and medical treatment.


18.11.2024 - 10.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 03.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Scheduling groups
  • Teoriaopetus (Capacity: 40. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Kliiniset taidot A ryhmä (Capacity: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Kliiniset taidot B ryhmä (Capacity: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SAR25KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK- Väylät, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
Small groups
  • Teoriaopetus
  • Kliiniset taidot A ryhmä
  • Kliiniset taidot B ryhmä


Purpose of the Course:
You will learn the theoretical foundations to plan, implement, and evaluate the nursing for patients with internal diseases.

Competencies of the Course:
Clinical competence
Evidence-based operations and decision-making competence
Health promotion competence

Learning Objective of the Course:
You utilize clinical competence-supporting related sciences in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You utilize evidence-based information in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You identify and evaluate public health risk factors and are able to guide the client/patient in relation to them.


Risk factors and prevention of internal diseases
Basics of internal medicine nursing and pharmacotherapy
Skill of Guiding and Encountering the Patient
Guidance on Self-Care for Patients with Internal Diseases
Most Common Examinations for Patients with Internal Diseases

Learning materials and recommended literature

Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2023. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut soveltuvien.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Mahdollisuuksien mukaan potilasjärjestöjen esittelyjä ja kokemusasiantuntijan vierailu

Student workload

Kontaktiopetusta 34 oppituntia
Simulaatio harjoitus 4 oppituntia
Kädentaitoja 4 oppituntia
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 8 tuntia
Itsenäinen työskentely 56 tuntia
Tentti 2 oppituntia

Further information for students

Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1

You are familiar with healthy lifestyles and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Satisfactory 2

You have an overall picture of the impact of lifestyle on health and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care.

Very good 4
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients resource-oriented and by prioritizing the topics of guidance. You have a broad understanding of the risk factors for the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care, justifying it and taking into account the patient's individual situation.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Erinomainen 5

Osaat perustella potilaalle terveellisten elämäntapojen merkitystä ja osaat ohjata potilaita voimavaralähtöisesti sekä ohjauksen aiheita priorisoiden. Osaat arvioida yleisimpien sisätautien riskitekijöitä ja tiedät, miten vaikuttaa niihin. Osaat kertoa potilaalle johdonmukaisesti hänen sairaudestaan sekä ohjata potilaalle omahoidon yksityiskohtaisesti, perustellen ja potilaan yksilöllisen tilanteen huomioiden.


You master the basics of nursing and medical treatment.


01.08.2024 - 23.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Janne Alenius
  • Tiina Oksanen-Salonpää
Scheduling groups
  • Teoriaopetus (Capacity: 0. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Kädentaitojen pienryhmä A (Capacity: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Kädentaitojen pienryhmä B (Capacity: 20. Open UAS: 0.)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
  • SAR24SM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
Small groups
  • theoretical lessons
  • Scheduling group A
  • Scheduling group B


Purpose of the Course:
You will learn the theoretical foundations to plan, implement, and evaluate the nursing for patients with internal diseases.

Competencies of the Course:
Clinical competence
Evidence-based operations and decision-making competence
Health promotion competence

Learning Objective of the Course:
You utilize clinical competence-supporting related sciences in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You utilize evidence-based information in planning, implementing, and evaluating the nursing care of patients with internal diseases. You identify and evaluate public health risk factors and are able to guide the client/patient in relation to them.


Risk factors and prevention of internal diseases
Basics of internal medicine nursing and pharmacotherapy
Skill of Guiding and Encountering the Patient
Guidance on Self-Care for Patients with Internal Diseases
Most Common Examinations for Patients with Internal Diseases

Learning materials and recommended literature

Holmström P., Korhonen L., Kuusisto M., Rintamäki R. & Tauriainen M-M. 2023. Sisätaudit. Sanoma Pro.
Huovinen A., Karhemaa A., Koponen L., Hynynen M-A. & Mäkeläinen T. 2023. Kliininen hoitotyö. Sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoitotyö. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro. Soveltuvin osin
Säteilysuojelun perusteet (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Motivoiva keskustelu (online). Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Duodecim, 2020.
Sairaanhoitajien tietokannan artikkelit ja käypä hoito suositukset soveltuvin osin.
Potilasjärjestöjen kotisivut soveltuvien.
Muu tunnilla tai Moodlessa annettu materiaali.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson opetusmenetelmät perustuvat konstruktivistiseen oppimiskäsitykseen, jossa oppiminen nähdään opiskelijan oman toiminnan tuloksena ja sosiaalisella vuorovaikutuksella on siinä keskeinen rooli. Osalle opetuskertoja on ennakkotehtävä, joka auttaa orientoitumaan tunnilla käsiteltävään asiaan ja siten oppitunneilla päästään syventymään asiaan nopeammin. Oppitunneilla tehdään myös soveltavia potilas case tehtäviä ja tutustutaan aiheeseen liittyvään hoitotieteelliseen tutkimukseen annettujen lähteiden avulla.

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojaksolla tehdään chat- ja etävastaanottosimulaatioharjoituksia
Mahdollisuuksien mukaan potilasjärjestöjen esittelyjä ja kokemusasiantuntijan vierailu

Student workload

Kontaktiopetusta 32 oppituntia
Simulaatio harjoitus 4 oppituntia
Kädentaitoja 4 oppituntia
Pari- ja ryhmätyöskentely 24h
Itsenäinen työskentely 46h
Tentti 2 oppituntia

Further information for students

Arvioitin tapahtuu opintojakson lopussa olevan tentin avulla. Arviointi 0-5. Opintojakson hyväksytysti suorittaminen vaatii silti kaikkien opintojaksolla annettujen tehtävien tekemistä.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1

You are familiar with healthy lifestyles and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You recognize the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Satisfactory 2

You have an overall picture of the impact of lifestyle on health and know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented and health-promoting manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in the basics of self-care.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients in a resource-oriented manner. You understand the risk factors of the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care.

Very good 4
You know how to justify to the patient the importance of healthy lifestyles and you know how to guide patients resource-oriented and by prioritizing the topics of guidance. You have a broad understanding of the risk factors for the most common internal diseases. You can consistently tell the patient about his illness and guide the patient in self-care, justifying it and taking into account the patient's individual situation.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Erinomainen 5

Osaat perustella potilaalle terveellisten elämäntapojen merkitystä ja osaat ohjata potilaita voimavaralähtöisesti sekä ohjauksen aiheita priorisoiden. Osaat arvioida yleisimpien sisätautien riskitekijöitä ja tiedät, miten vaikuttaa niihin. Osaat kertoa potilaalle johdonmukaisesti hänen sairaudestaan sekä ohjata potilaalle omahoidon yksityiskohtaisesti, perustellen ja potilaan yksilöllisen tilanteen huomioiden.


You master the basics of nursing and medical treatment.