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Communication Skills (for Finnish degree programmes)Laajuus (3 cr)

Code: ZZPC0420


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.05.2024 - 19.06.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Antti Parhiala


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa (läsnäolovelvoite):

- ti 21.5. klo 16 - 17 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- ma 27.5. klo 16 - 18 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- ke 5.6. klo 16 - 17.30 webinaari esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- ma 10.6. klo 16 - 18.45
- ti 11.6. klo 16 - 18.45
- ke 12.6. klo 16 - 18.45

Lisäksi projektiryhmillä on omia tapaamisia, jotka sovitaan ryhmässä opintojakson alussa.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.04.2024 - 10.04.2024


20.05.2024 - 19.06.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Koskela


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa (läsnäolovelvoite):

- ti 21.5. klo 16 - 17 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- ma 27.5. klo 16 - 18 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- ke 5.6. klo 16 - 17.30 webinaari esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- ma 10.6. klo 16 - 18.45
- ti 11.6. klo 16 - 18.45
- ke 12.6. klo 16 - 18.45

Lisäksi projektiryhmillä on omia tapaamisia, jotka sovitaan ryhmässä opintojakson alussa.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


25.03.2024 - 07.06.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Heidi Hjerppe
Teacher in charge

Heidi Hjerppe

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto, Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

JAMKin raportointiohje

Teaching methods

Webinaarit, projektityöskentely tiimeissä, oppimistehtävät. Oppimisalustana Moodle.

Student workload

81 tuntia, joista Zoom-webinaareja 10 tuntia ja itsenäistä työskentelyä 71 tuntia.

Further information for students

Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi erillisryhmä, 35 opiskelijaa.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


18.01.2024 - 31.01.2024


05.02.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Antti Parhiala


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Tämä toteutus on tarkoitettu monimuoto-opiskelijoille. Päiväopiskelijat menevät kontaktitoteuksiin.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Projektiryhmittäin työskentely, pääosin verkkototeutus. Kontaktiopetusta verkossa Zoomin välityksellä noin neljän webinaarin verran, Työtila Moodlessa.


Opintojaksolla on ennakkotehtävä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen ensimmäistä webinaarikertaa, pe 16.2.

Opetus alkaa Zoom-tapaamisella, pakollisella aloituswebinaarilla ma 19.2. klo 17.00 - 18.30.
Projektiryhmien pakolliset aloituspalaverit ovat Zoomissa 8.3. klo 17.00 - 18.00.

Tämän lisäksi on projektiin liittyvät suulliset esitykset, joille on kaikkien osallistuttava. Niitä varten on varattava kaksi kertaa viikolla 14.

Ti 2.4. suullisten esitysten webinaari klo 17.00 - 20.00 ja ke 3.4. klo 17.00 - 20.00.
Huom. Jos projektiryhmiä on paljon, voidaan pitää myös kolmas esityswebinaari to 4.4. klo 17.00 - 19.00

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


18.01.2024 - 31.01.2024


05.02.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Antti Parhiala


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Tämä toteutus on tarkoitettu monimuoto-opiskelijoille. Päiväopiskelijat menevät kontaktitoteuksiin.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Projektiryhmittäin työskentely, pääosin verkkototeutus. Kontaktiopetusta verkossa Zoomin välityksellä noin neljän webinaarin verran, Työtila Moodlessa.


Opintojaksolla on ennakkotehtävä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen ensimmäistä webinaarikertaa, pe 16.2.

Opetus alkaa Zoom-tapaamisella, pakollisella aloituswebinaarilla ti 20.2. klo 17.00 - 18.30.
Projektiryhmien pakolliset aloituspalaverit ovat Zoomissa 11.3. klo 17.00 - 18.00.

Tämän lisäksi on projektiin liittyvät suulliset esitykset, joille on kaikkien osallistuttava. Niitä varten on varattava kaksi kertaa viikolla 15.

Ma 8.4. suullisten esitysten webinaari klo 17.00 - 20.00 ja ti 9.4. klo 17.00 - 20.00.
Huom. Jos projektiryhmiä on paljon, voidaan pitää myös kolmas esityswebinaari to 10.4. klo 17.00 - 19.00

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


18.01.2024 - 31.01.2024


05.02.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Alila
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutuksella työskennellään projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti. Kyseessä ei ole täysin itsenäinen kurssi, joten tarkistathan että webinaarit sopivat aikatauluusi.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin Moodlessa.

Opintojakso alkaa 5.2.2024 ja päättyy 30.4.2024.

Merkitse aikataulu kalenteriisi:

ma 5.2.2024 klo 14.00 - 15.00 Aloituswebinaari
to 22.2.2024 klo 16.15 - 17.15 Webinaari
ke 6.3.2024 klo 16.00 - 19.00 Webinaari
to 14.3.2024 klo 17.15 - 20.00 Webinaari.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


18.01.2024 - 28.01.2024


30.01.2024 - 30.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Heidi Hjerppe


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2021. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa tiistai-iltaisin (läsnäolovelvoite):

1. 30.1. klo 16.30-17.30 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
2. 6.2. klo 16.30-17.30 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
3. 13.2. klo 16.30-18 webinaari esityksen rakentamisesta ja projektin seuranta
4. 5.3. klo 16.30-18.30 puhe-esitykset
5. 12.3. klo 16.30-18.30 puhe-esitykset
6. 26.3. klo 16.30-18 webinaari reflektioraportin ja asiatekstin kirjoittamisesta
7. 16.4. klo 16.30-17.30 päätöspalaverit ja opettajan tuki loppuraporttiin

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 21.01.2024


19.01.2024 - 26.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Alila
  • Joonas Komulainen
  • LMS24KM
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 10 h
Kontaktitunnit 12 - 20 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


15.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Heidi Hjerppe


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus luokassa.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


12.01.2024 - 26.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, työskentely projektiryhmissä. Opintojakson suorittaminen edellyttää läsnäoloa (80 %).

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opetus alkaa 12.1.2024. Ensimmäisellä kerralla on oltava paikalla, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa. Opetusta lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti pe klo 12.15 - 14.45 luokassa F408.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Muutama kerta opetusta pidetään etäyhteyksin, joka ohjeistetaan opintojakson aikana.

Merkitse aikataulut kalenteriisi:
12.01.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Aloitustapaaminen
19.01.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Projektityöskentelyn aloitus
26.01.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Puhe-esitys ja esiintymisjännitys
02.02.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Havainnollistaminen ja yleisön kohtaaminen
09.02.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokka auki itsenäistä työskentelyä varten
16.02.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Suulliset esitykset
23.02.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Suulliset esitykset
08.03.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Suulliset esitykset
15.03.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Suulliset esitykset
05.04.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> (Suullisten esitysten varapäivä, saattaa poistua)
12.04.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Kurssin päätöstapaaminen: ryhmäpalaute raporttien luonnoksista, raporttien työstöä - KONEET MUKAAN!
26.04.2024 12.15 - 15.00 --> Kyselytunti (vapaaehtoinen)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit, zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


11.01.2024 - 25.04.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, työskentely projektiryhmissä. Opintojakson suorittaminen edellyttää läsnäoloa (80 %).

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opetus alkaa 11.1.2024. Ensimmäisellä kerralla on oltava paikalla, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa. Opetusta lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti to klo 08.00 - 10.30 luokassa F408.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Muutama kerta opetusta pidetään etäyhteyksin, joka ohjeistetaan opintojakson aikana.

Merkitse aikataulut kalenteriisi:
11.01.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Aloitustapaaminen
18.01.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Projektityöskentelyn aloitus
25.01.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Puhe-esitys ja esiintymisjännitys
01.02.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Havainnollistaminen ja yleisön kohtaaminen
08.02.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokka auki itsenäistä työskentelyä varten
15.02.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Suulliset esitykset
22.02.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Suulliset esitykset
07.03.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Suulliset esitykset
14.03.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Suulliset esitykset
04.04.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> (Suullisten esitysten varapäivä, saattaa poistua)
11.04.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Kurssin päätöstapaaminen: ryhmäpalaute raporttien luonnoksista, raporttien työstöä - KONEET MUKAAN!
25.04.2024 08.00 - 10.30 --> Kyselytunti (vapaaehtoinen)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit, zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


11.01.2024 - 19.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Alila
  • Antti Parhiala
  • LMS23S1
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 10 h
Kontaktitunnit 12 - 20 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

16 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Kontaktitoteutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Tapaamiset pidetään ilmoitettuina aikoina kampuksella.


Aikataulu: Katso kohta Rytmitys- ja tilatoiveet ja ajoitus.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
Yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

16 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktitoteutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Tapaamiset pidetään ilmoitettuina aikoina kampuksella.


Aikataulu: Katso kohta Rytmitys- ja tilatoiveet ja ajoitus.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
Yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

16 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Kontaktitoteutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Tapaamiset pidetään ilmoitettuina aikoina kampuksella.


Aikataulu: Katso kohta Rytmitys- ja tilatoiveet ja ajoitus.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
Yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

16 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktitoteutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Tapaamiset pidetään ilmoitettuina aikoina kampuksella.


Aikataulu: Katso kohta Rytmitys- ja tilatoiveet ja ajoitus.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
Yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho
  • Antti Parhiala


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely
Opetus alkaa ti 16.1. klo 8.00 - 10.30 luokassa F408
Minä viestijänä -tehtävä palautettava viim. 12.1.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Koskela


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa tiistai-iltaisin (läsnäolovelvoite):

- 16.1. klo 16 - 17 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- 30.1. klo 16 - 18 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- 13.2. klo 16 - 17.30 webinaari esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta
- 5.3. klo 17.15 - 18.15 webinaari reflektioraportin ja asiatekstin kirjoittamisesta sekä projektin seuranta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- 2.4. klo 16 - 18.45
- 9.4. klo 16 - 18.45
- 16.4. klo 16 - 18.45

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location


Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

16 - 27

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opintojakso alkaa ennakkotehtävällä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin Moodlessa.


Ennakkotehtävän palautus viim. ma 8.1.

to 11.1. klo 17.00-19.00 Aloituswebinaari
to 18.1. klo 17.00-19.00 Aloituspalaverit
to 25.1. klo 17.00-19.00 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
to 1.2. klo 17.00-19.00 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
to 15.2. klo 17.00-19.00 Esityswebinaari 1
to 22.2. klo 17.00-19.00 Esityswebinaari 2
to 7.3. klo 17.00-19.00 Esityswebinaari 3
to 14.3. klo 17.00-19.00 Esityswebinaari 4
to 4.4. klo 17.00-19.00 Esityswebinaari 5
to 11.4. klo 17.00-19.00 Esityswebinaareille varakerta
to 18.4. klo 17.00-19.00 Päätöspalaverit
to 2.5. klo 17.00-19.00 Lopetuswebinaari
to 16.5. klo 17.00-19.00 Varakerta

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Verkkototeutus on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti monimuoto-opiskelijoille. Päiväopiskelijoille on tarjolla kontaktiopetusta.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho
  • Antti Parhiala


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Tämä toteutus on tarkoitettu monimuoto-opiskelijoille. Päiväopiskelijat menevät kontaktitoteuksiin.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Projektiryhmittäin työskentely, pääosin verkkototeutus. Kontaktiopetusta verkossa Zoomin välityksellä noin neljän webinaarin verran, Työtila Moodlessa.


Opintojaksolla on ennakkotehtävä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen ensimmäistä webinaarikertaa, pe 19.1.

Opetus alkaa Zoom-tapaamisella, pakollisella aloituswebinaarilla ma 22.1. klo 17.00 - 18.30.
Projektiryhmien pakolliset aloituspalaverit ovat Zoomissa 29.1. klo 17.00 - 18.00.

Tämän lisäksi on projektiin liittyvät suulliset esitykset, joille on kaikkien osallistuttava. Niitä varten on varattava kaksi kertaa viikolla 10.

Ti 5.3. suullisten esitysten webinaari klo 17.00 - 20.00 ja ke 6.3. klo 17.00 - 20.00.
Huom. Jos projektiryhmiä on paljon, voidaan pitää myös kolmas esityswebinaari to 7.3. klo 17.00 - 19.00

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Miina Kakko


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location



Verkkototeutus on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti monimuoto-opiskelijoille.

Verkkototeutuksella työskennellään projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti. Kyseessä ei ole täysin itsenäinen kurssi eikä webinaareista tule pääasiassa tallenteita.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Ensimmäinen tapaaminen ma 22.1. klo 12.00–14.00. Tule ensimmäiseen tapaamiseen varmistaaksesi paikkasi toteutuksella.
Tapaamisissa on läsnäolovelvoite. Kontaktiopetusta on Zoomissa noin viiden webinaarin (+ esityswebinaarit) verran. Aikataulu tarkentuu kurssin alkaessa.

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- ma 25.3. klo 16.00–19.00
- ti 26.3. klo 16.00–19.00
- ke 27.3. klo 16.00–19.00

Kurssin lopputapaaminen Zoomissa ma 8.4. klo 16.00–18.00.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods



Verkkototeutus on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti monimuoto-opiskelijoille.

Verkkototeutuksella työskennellään projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti. Kyseessä ei ole täysin itsenäinen kurssi eikä webinaareista tule pääasiassa tallenteita.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Ensimmäinen tapaaminen ma 22.1. klo 12.00–14.00. Tule ensimmäiseen tapaamiseen varmistaaksesi paikkasi toteutuksella.
Tapaamisissa on läsnäolovelvoite. Kontaktiopetusta on Zoomissa noin viiden webinaarin (+ esityswebinaarit) verran. Aikataulu tarkentuu kurssin alkaessa.

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- ma 25.3. klo 16.00–19.00
- ti 26.3. klo 16.00–19.00
- ke 27.3. klo 16.00–19.00

Kurssin lopputapaaminen Zoomissa ma 8.4. klo 16.00–18.00.

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location


Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 2 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ma 15.1. Moodlen työtilassa olevaan palautuslaatikkoon.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 16 loppuraportin palautukseen.

Kurssin yhteiset tapaamiset järjestetään Zoomissa. Linkki tapaamisiin löytyy Moodlen työtilasta. Huomaathan, että ensimmäisille tapaamisille osallistuminen on kurssin ryhmätöiden kannalta tärkeätä.

Kurssin aloituswebinaari (pakollinen) ti 16.1. klo 16.30–18
Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen) ti 23.1. klo 16.30–18
Webinaari: Puhe-esiintyminen ja esiintymisjännitys ti 30.1. klo 16.30–18
Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja raportointi ti 6.2. klo 16.30–18
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ti 20.2. klo 16.30–18.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ti 5.3. klo 16.30–18.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ti 12.3. klo 16.30–18.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ti 26.3. klo 16.30–18.30
Ryhmien päätöspalaverit vk 14 (Ryhmä sopii 30 min ajan palaverille.)
Kurssin päätöswebinaari ti 9.4. klo 16.30–18

Opintojaksolla työskennellään projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

AVOIN AMK 7 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

16 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location


Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opintojakso alkaa ennakkotehtävällä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin Moodlessa.


Ennakkotehtävän palautus viim. ma 8.1.

pe 12.1. klo 8.30-10.30 Aloituswebinaari
pe 19.1. klo 8.30-10.30 Aloituspalaverit
pe 26.1. klo 8.30-10.30 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
pe 2.2. klo 8.30-10.30 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
pe 16.2. klo 8.30-10.30 Esityswebinaari 1
pe 23.2. klo 8.30-10.30 Esityswebinaari 2
pe 8.3. klo 8.30-10.30 Esityswebinaari 3
pe 15.3. klo 8.30-10.30 Esityswebinaari 4
pe 5.4. klo 8.30-10.30 Esityswebinaari 5
pe 12.4. klo 8.30-10.30 Esityswebinaareille varakerta
pe 19.4. klo 8.30-10.30 Päätöspalaverit
pe 3.5. klo 8.30-10.30 Lopetuswebinaari
pe 10.5. klo 8.30-10.30 Varakerta

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Verkkototeutus on tarkoitettu ensisijaisesti monimuoto-opiskelijoille. Päiväopiskelijoille on tarjolla kontaktiopetusta.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 2 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ma 15.1. Moodlen työtilassa olevaan palautuslaatikkoon.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 16 loppuraportin palautukseen.

Kurssin yhteiset tapaamiset järjestetään Zoomissa. Linkki tapaamisiin löytyy Moodlen työtilasta. Huomaathan, että ensimmäisille tapaamisille osallistuminen on kurssin ryhmätöiden kannalta tärkeätä.

Kurssin aloituswebinaari (pakollinen) to 18.1. klo 16.30–18
Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen) to 18.1. klo 16.30–18
Webinaari: Puhe-esiintyminen ja esiintymisjännitys to 1.2. klo 16.30–18
Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja raportointi to 8.2. klo 16.30–18
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) to 22.2. klo 16.30–18.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) to 7.3. klo 16.30–18.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) to 14.3. 16.30–18.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) to 28.3. 16.30–18.30
Ryhmien päätöspalaverit ensisijaisesti vk 14 (Ryhmä sopii 30 min ajan palaverille.)
Kurssin päätöswebinaari to 11.4. klo 16.30–18

Opintojaksolla työskennellään projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sara Tuisku


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2021. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

***4.1.2024 TOTEUTUS ON TÄYNNÄ!***

- Suositellaan monimuoto-opiskelijoille ja 3. vuoden päiväopiskelijoille (jos olet 1. ja 2. vuoden päiväopiskelija, ilmoittaudu ensisijaisesti kontaktitoteutukselle)
- Suositus on myös, että Työelämän viestintä -opintojaksoa ei käydä ensimmäisenä lukukautena. Jos siis olet juuri aloittanut opinnot, ehdit hyvin käydä kurssin myös myöhemmin.

Työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opintojakso alkaa 22.1. ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria. Vain ennakkotehtävän palauttaneet jatkavat kurssilla.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Merkitse yhteiset tapaamiset kalenteriisi:

- ma 29.1. klo 15.30–17 Aloituswebinaari + kurssi-info (pakollinen)
- ma 5.2. klo 15.30–17 Aloituspalaverit Zoomissa (pakollinen)
- ma 19.2. klo 15.30–17 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
- to 7.3. klo 15.30–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakollinen)
- ma 11.3. klo 15.30–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakollinen)
- ti 12.3. klo 15.30–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakollinen)
- ma 25.3. klo 15.30–17 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja lähteiden käytöstä
- vk 13 tai vk 14 Päätöspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Sisko Riihiaho
Teacher in charge

Sisko Riihiaho

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi, monimuoto, Lastenhoitajasta sosionomiksi


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

HUOMAA, että opintojakso on tarkoitettu ryhmään ZJASOS2023SML-ryhmään kuuluville!

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely kevään aikataulun mukaan.

Kontaktiviikolla (vko 3) aloitusluento to 15.2. klo 15-17 Zoom-tapaaminen, osoite näkyy Moodlen työtilan etusivulla.

Aloituspalaverit pe 16.2. klo 8.30 - 9.45 Dynamo D506

Suulliset esitykset projektinaiheista sovitaan maaliskuun kontaktipäivien yhteyteen.

to 14.3 klo 8-11.30 (3,5) Dynamo, D506
pe 15.3. klo 8-11 (3h) Dynamo, D506

Esitykset pidetään kontaktissa. Kaikki ovat paikalla molemmilla kerroilla.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 10 h
Kontaktitunnit n. 10 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 25 - 35 h
Projektityöskentely 20 - 25 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.
Tämä toteutus on tarkoitettu vain soten avoimen amk:n Lastenhoitajasta sosionomiksi -polun erillisryhmälle ZJASOS23SML (30 opiskelijaa).

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


21.08.2023 - 10.09.2023


18.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 38 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ti 19.9. Moodlen työtilassa olevaan palautuslaatikkoon.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 50 loppuraportin palautukseen.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen) pe 22.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen) pe 29.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Webinaari: Puhe-esiintyminen ja esiintymisjännitys ke 4.10. klo 10 - 11.30
Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja raportointi pe 13.10. klo 10 - 11.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) pe 3.11. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) pe 17.11. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) pe 24.11. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien päätöspalaverit ensisijaisesti pe 1.12. klo 8 - 12 (Ryhmä varaa 30 minuuttia päätöspalaverille.)
Päätöswebinaari pe 8.12. klo 10 - 11.30

Opintojaksolla työskennellään projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


21.08.2023 - 06.09.2023


11.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 36 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on to 7.9. Moodlen työtilassa olevaan palautuslaatikkoon.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 49 loppuraportin palautukseen.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen) ti 12.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen) ti 19.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Webinaari: Puhe-esiintyminen ja esiintymisjännitys ti 26.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja raportointi ti 3.10. klo 10 - 11.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ti 24.10. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ti 31.10. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen ti 14.11. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien päätöspalaverit ensisijaisesti ti 21.11. klo 8 - 12 (Ryhmä varaa 30 minuutin ajan päätöspalaverille.)
Päätöswebinaari ti 28.11. klo 10 - 11.30

Opintojaksolla työskennellään projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


21.08.2023 - 06.09.2023


11.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 36 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on to 7.9. Moodlen työtilassa olevaan palautuslaatikkoon.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 49 loppuraportin palautukseen.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen) ti 12.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen) ti 19.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Webinaari: Puhe-esiintyminen ja esiintymisjännitys ti 26.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja raportointi ti 3.10. klo 14.30 - 16
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ti 24.10. klo 14 - 17
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ti 31.10. klo 14 - 17
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ti 14.11. klo 14 - 17
Ryhmien päätöspalaverit ensisijaisesti ti 21.11. klo 14 - 18 (Ryhmä varaa 30 minuuttia päätöspalaverille.)
Päätöswebinaari ti 28.11. klo 14.30 - 16

Opintojaksolla työskennellään projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


08.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho
  • Antti Parhiala


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

HUOM. Ryhmä on täynnä ja hylättyjäkin puolen tusinaa, ei kannata ilmoittautua tähän enää!

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Opetus alkaa pe 8.9. klo 8.00 - 10.30 luokassa F408.

Opintojakso alkaa ennakkotehtävällä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen ensimmäistä kontaktikertaa. .

Huom. Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


07.09.2023 - 14.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 13

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opintojakso alkaa ennakkotehtävällä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin Moodlessa.

Ennakkotehtävän palautus 4.9.
- to 7.9. klo 8.30–10.00 Aloituswebinaari
- to 14.9. klo 8.30–10.00 Aloituspalaverit
- to 21.9. klo 8.30–10.00 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
- to 28.9. klo 8.30–10.00 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
- to 12.10. klo 8.15–11.00 Esityswebinaarit
- to 26.10. klo 8.15–11.00 Esityswebinaarit
- to 2.11. klo 8.15–11.00 Esityswebinaarit
- to 16.11. klo 8.15–11.00 Päätöspalaverit
- to 30.11. klo 8.30–10.00 Lopetuswebinaari
Opintojakso loppuu viikolla 50.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


05.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Avoimet oppimateriaalit, Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Kontaktitoteutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.
Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.
Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Tapaamiset pidetään ilmoitettuina aikoina kampuksella. Läsnäolovelvollisuus.


ti 5.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Aloitustapaaminen (On oltava läsnä, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa.)
ti 12.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Projektityöskentelyn aloitus ja ryhmien omat aloituspalaverit (tehtävä 2)
ti 19.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Tapaaminen
ti 26.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Tapaaminen
ti 3.10. klo 12.15-15.00 EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokkatila käytössä ryhmätyöskentelyyn (Itsenäisenä työskentelynä esityksen rakentaminen, valmistelu ja harjoitteleminen)
ti 10.10. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
ti 24.10. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
ti 31.10. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
PERUTTU: ti 14.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset (=ei esityksiä)
ti 21.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Tapaaminen
ti 28.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Kurssin päätös, ryhmäpalaute raporttien luonnoksista, raporttien työstöä - LÄPPÄRIT MUKAAN!
ti 5.12. klo 12.15-13.15 Kyselytunti (vapaaehtoinen) Zoomissa (linkki Moodlen jaksosuunnitelmassa)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
Yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


05.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho
  • Antti Parhiala


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

HUOM. Ryhmä on täynnä!

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely
Opetus alkaa ti 5.9. klo 8.45 - 11.15 luokassa F408.

Opintojakso alkaa ennakkotehtävällä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen ensimmäistä kontaktikertaa. .

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


04.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho
  • Antti Parhiala


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

HUOM. Ryhmä on täynnä, ei kannata ilmoittautua tähän enää, jonossakin on tusinan verran opiskelijoita!

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely

Opetus alkaa ma 4.9. klo 13.15 - 15.45 luokassa F408.

Opintojakso alkaa ennakkotehtävällä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen ensimmäistä kontaktikertaa. .

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


04.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho
  • Antti Parhiala


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Projektiryhmittäin työskentely, pääosin verkkototeutus. Kontaktiopetusta verkossa Zoomin välityksellä noin neljän webinaarin verran, Työtila Moodlessa.


Opintojaksolla on ennakkotehtävä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen ensimmäistä webinaarikertaa. .

Opetus alkaa Zoom-tapaamisella, pakollisella aloituswebinaarilla ma 4.9. klo 17.00 - 18.30.
Projektiryhmien pakolliset aloituspalaverit ovat Zoomissa ma 11.9. klo 17.00 - 18.00.

Tämän lisäksi on projektiin liittyvät suulliset esitykset, joille on kaikkien osallistuttava. Niitä varten on varattava kaksi kertaa vkolla 43.

Ma 23.10. suullisten esitysten webinaari klo 17.00 - 20.00 ja ti 24.10. klo 17.00 - 20.00.
Huom. Jos projektiryhmiä on paljon, voidaan pitää myös kolmas esityswebinaari ke 25.10.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


04.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 36 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ma 4.9. Moodlen työtilassa olevaan palautuslaatikkoon.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 48 loppuraportin palautukseen.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen) ke 6.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen) ke 13.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Webinaari: Puhe-esiintyminen ja esiintymisjännitys ke 20.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja raportointi ke 27.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ke 11.10. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ke 25.10. klo 9–12
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ke 1.11. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien päätöspalaverit ensisijaisesti ke 15.11. klo 8 - 12 (Ryhmä varaa 30 minuutin ajan päätöspalaverille.)
Päätöswebinaari ke 22.11. klo 10 - 11.30

Opintojaksolla työskennellään projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


04.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 35 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ma 4.9. Moodlen työtilassa olevaan palautuslaatikkoon.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 48 loppuraportin palautukseen.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen) ke 6.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen) ke 13.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Webinaari: Puhe-esiintyminen ja esiintymisjännitys ke 20.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja raportointi ke 27.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ke 11.10. klo 14 - 17
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ke 25.10. klo 14 - 17
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ke 1.11. klo 14 - 17
Ryhmien päätöspalaverit ensisijaisesti ke 15.11. klo 14 - 18 (Ryhmä varaa 30 minuuttia päätöspalaverille.)
Päätöswebinaari ke 22.11. klo 14.30 - 16

Opintojaksolla työskennellään projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


01.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Avoimet oppimateriaalit, Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Kontaktitoteutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.
Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.
Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Tapaamiset pidetään ilmoitettuina aikoina kampuksella. Läsnäolovelvollisuus.

pe 1.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Aloitustapaaminen (On oltava läsnä, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa.)
pe 8.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Projektityöskentelyn aloitus ja ryhmien omat aloituspalaverit (tehtävä 2)
pe 15.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Tapaaminen
pe 22.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Tapaaminen
pe 29.9. klo 12.15-15.00 EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokkatila käytössä ryhmätyöskentelyyn (Itsenäisenä työskentelynä esityksen rakentaminen, valmistelu ja harjoitteleminen)
pe 6.10. klo 12.15-15.00 EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokkatila käytössä ryhmätyöskentelyyn (Itsenäisenä työskentelynä esityksen rakentaminen, valmistelu ja harjoitteleminen)
pe 13.10. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
pe 27.10. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
pe 3.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
pe 17.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
pe 24.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Tapaaminen
pe 1.12. klo 12.15-15.00 Kurssin päätös, ryhmäpalaute raporttien luonnoksista, raporttien työstöä - LÄPPÄRIT MUKAAN!
pe 8.12. klo 12.15-14.00 Kyselytunti (vapaaehtoinen): Huom. aika ja Zoom! Zoom-linkki Moodlessa.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
Yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


31.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Avoimet oppimateriaalit, Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktitoteutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.
Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.
Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Tapaamiset pidetään ilmoitettuina aikoina kampuksella. Läsnäolovelvollisuus.

to 31.8. klo 12.15-15.00 Aloitustapaaminen (On oltava läsnä, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa.)
to 7.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Projektityöskentelyn aloitus ja ryhmien omat aloituspalaverit (tehtävä 2)
to 14.9. klo 12.15-15.00 EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokkatila käytössä ryhmätyöskentelyyn (Itsenäisenä työskentelynä esityksen rakentaminen, valmistelu ja harjoitteleminen)
to 21.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Tapaaminen
to 28.9. klo 12.15-15.00 Tapaaminen
to 5.10. klo 12.15-15.00 EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokkatila käytössä ryhmätyöskentelyyn (Itsenäisenä työskentelynä esityksen rakentaminen, valmistelu ja harjoitteleminen)
to 12.10. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
to 26.10. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
to 2.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset PERUTTU: esitys siirtyy torstaille 16.11.
to 16.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Suulliset esitykset
to 23.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Tapaaminen
to 30.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Kurssin päätös, ryhmäpalaute raporttien luonnoksista, raporttien työstöä - LÄPPÄRIT MUKAAN!
to 7.12. klo 12.15-14.15 Kyselytunti (vapaaehtoinen) Zoomissa (linkki Moodlen jaksosuunnitelmassa)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
Yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


31.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit, zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


30.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Avoimet oppimateriaalit, Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Kontaktitoteutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.
Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.
Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Tapaamiset pidetään ilmoitettuina aikoina kampuksella. Läsnäolovelvollisuus.

ke 30.8. klo 8.00-10.30 Aloitustapaaminen (On oltava läsnä, jos opintojakson aikoo aloittaa.)
ke 6.9. klo 8.00-10.30 Projektityöskentelyn aloitus ja ryhmien omat aloituspalaverit (tehtävä 2)
ke 13.9. klo 8.00-10.30 Tapaaminen
ke 20.9. klo 8.00-10.30 Tapaaminen
ke 27.9. klo 8.00-10.30 EI KONTAKTITUNTIA, mutta luokkatila käytössä ryhmätyöskentelyyn (Itsenäisenä työskentelynä esityksen rakentaminen, valmistelu ja harjoitteleminen)
ke 4.10. klo 8.00-10.30 Suulliset esitykset
ke 11.10. klo 8.00-10.30 Suulliset esitykset
ke 25.10. klo 8.00-10.30 Suulliset esitykset
ke 1.11. klo 8.00-10.30 Suulliset esitykset
ke 15.11. klo 8.00-10.30 Tapaaminen
ke 22.11. klo 8.00-10.30 Kurssin päätös, ryhmäpalaute raporttien luonnoksista, raporttien työstöä - LÄPPÄRIT MUKAAN!
ke 29.11. klo 9.00-10.30 Kyselytunti (vapaaehtoinen) Zoomissa (linkki Moodlen jaksosuunnitelmassa)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
Yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


30.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, työskentely projektiryhmissä. Opintojakson suorittaminen edellyttää läsnäoloa (80 %).

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opetus alkaa 30.8.2023. Opetusta lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti ke klo 12.15 - 15.00 luokassa F408.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Muutama kerta opetusta pidetään etäyhteyksin, joka ohjeistetaan opintojakson aikana.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit, zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


29.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 11

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Heidi Hjerppe


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus luokassa - ei etämahdollisuutta

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sonja Salonen
  • ZJA23SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit, zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Marjaana Häkkinen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opintojakso alkaa ennakkotehtävällä. Ennakkotehtävän palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle-työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin Moodlessa.

Ennakkotehtävän palautus to 31.8.
- ma 4.9. klo 12.15-13.45 Aloituswebinaari
- ma 11.9. klo 12.15-13.45 Aloituspalaverit
- ma 18.9. klo 12.15-13.45 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
- ma 25.9. klo 12.15-13.45 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
- ma 9.10. klo 12.15–15.00 Esityswebinaarit
- ma 23.10. klo 12.15–15.00 Esityswebinaarit
- ma 30.10. klo 12.15–15.00 Esityswebinaarit
- ma 13.11. klo 12.15-15.00 Päätöspalaverit
- ma 27.11. klo 12.15-13.45 Lopetuswebinaari
Opintojakso loppuu viikolla 51.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 t
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 t
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 t
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 t
yhteensä 81 t

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 34 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on to 24.8. Moodlen työtilassa olevaan palautuslaatikkoon.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 47 loppuraportin palautukseen.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen) ma 28.8. klo 10 - 11.30
Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen) ma 4.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Webinaari: Puhe-esiintyminen ja esiintymisjännitys ma 11.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja raportointi ma 18.9. klo 10 - 11.30
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ma 2.10. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ma 9.10. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ma 23.10. klo 9 - 12
Ryhmien päätöspalaverit ensisijaisesti ma 30.10. klo 8 - 12 (Ryhmä varaa 30 minuutin ajan päätöspalaverille.)
Päätöswebinaari ma 13.11. klo 10 - 11.30

Opintojaksolla työskennellään projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 25.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Joonas Komulainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 34 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on to 24.8. Moodlen työtilassa olevaan palautuslaatikkoon.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 47 loppuraportin palautukseen.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen) ma 28.8. klo 14.30 - 16
Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen) ma 4.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Webinaari: Puhe-esiintyminen ja esiintymisjännitys ma 11.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja raportointi ma 18.9. klo 14.30 - 16
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ma 2.10. klo 14 - 17
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ma 9.10. klo 14 - 17
Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen) ma 23.10. klo 14 - 17
Ryhmien päätöspalaverit ensisijaisesti pe 27.10. klo 14 - 18 (Ryhmä varaa 30 minuuttia päätöspalaverille.)
Päätöswebinaari ma 13.11. klo 14.30 - 16

Opintojaksolla työskennellään projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2023 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Anna Jokelainen
  • Jaana Alila


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Tälle toteutukselle vain osaamiseen perustuvat hyväksilukuarvioinnit.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.04.2023 - 30.04.2023


08.05.2023 - 21.06.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Miina Kakko


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location


- ti 9.5. klo 12.00–13.00
- to 11.5. klo 12.00–13.30
- ti 16.5. klo 12.00–13.30
- ti 23.5. klo 12.00–13.00

- ma 5.6. klo 16.00–18.30
- ti 6.6. klo 16.00–18.30
- ke 7.6. klo 16.00–18.30

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


20.03.2023 - 02.06.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto, Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

JAMKin raportointiohje

Teaching methods

Webinaarit, projektityöskentely tiimeissä, oppimistehtävät. Oppimisalustana Moodle.

Student workload

81 tuntia, joista Zoom-webinaareja 10 tuntia ja itsenäistä työskentelyä 71 tuntia.

Further information for students

Erillistoteutus avoimen amk:n Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi -ryhmälle (32 paikkaa)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


02.01.2023 - 15.01.2023


23.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Miina Kakko


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa (läsnäolovelvoite):

- ti 24.1. klo 17.15 - 18.15 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- ti 31.1. klo 16.00 - 17.30 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- ma 6.2. klo 16.00 - 17.30 webinaari esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta
- to 9.2. klo 16.00 - 17.00 webinaari reflektioraportin ja asiatekstin kirjoittamisesta sekä projektin seuranta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)

- ma 3.4. klo 16.00 - 18.30
- ti 4.4. klo 16.00 - 18.30
- ke 5.4. klo 16.00 - 18.30

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


23.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Huomaa, että tämä ryhmä on täynnä, ei enää ilmoittautumisia!

Verkkototeutus, webinaareja ja palaveriaikoja varataan muutamia, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä.

Opetus alkaa aloituswebinaarilla ma 23.1.2023 klo 16.00 - 17.30 osoitteessa

Aloituspalaverit pidetään ma 30.1. klo 17.00 - 18.00 osoitteessa

Kontaktina suulliset esitykset viikolla 10 ma 6.3. ja ti 7.3. molempina iltoina klo 17.00 alkaen ellei muuta sovita zoomin välityksellä.

Mahdollista on sopia myös webinaarien sijoittumisesta aikasemmaksi, jos ryhmän kanssa niin sovitaan.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


09.01.2023 - 18.01.2023


23.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Miina Kakko


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa (läsnäolovelvoite):

- ti 24.1. klo 12.15 - 13.15 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- ti 31.1. klo 12.00 - 13.30 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- ti 7.2. klo 12.00 - 13.30 webinaari esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta
- to 9.2. klo 14.00 - 15.00 webinaari reflektioraportin ja asiatekstin kirjoittamisesta sekä projektin seuranta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)

- ti 11.4. klo 16.00 - 18.30
- ke 12.4. klo 16.00 - 18.30
- to 13.4. klo 12.00–14.30

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


09.01.2023 - 18.01.2023


23.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Miina Kakko


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa (läsnäolovelvoite):

- ke 25.1. klo 14.15 - 15.15 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- ke 1.2. klo 14.00 - 15.30 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- ke 8.2. klo 14.00 - 15.30 webinaari esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta
- ti 14.2. klo 14.15 - 15.15 webinaari reflektioraportin ja asiatekstin kirjoittamisesta sekä projektin seuranta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)

- ma 17.4. klo 16.00 - 18.30
- ti 18.4. klo 16.00 - 18.30
- ma 24.4. klo 16.00 - 18.30

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


23.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sara Tuisku


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opintojakso alkaa 23.1. ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Merkitse aikataulut kalenteriisi:

- ma 30.1. klo 15.30–17 Aloituswebinaari + kurssi-info (pakollinen)
- ma 6.2. klo 15.30–17 Aloituspalaverit Zoomissa (pakollinen)
- ma 20.2. klo 15.30–17 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
- ke 8.3. klo 15.30–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakollinen)
- ti 14.3. klo 15.30–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakollinen)
- to 16.3. klo 15.30–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakollinen)
- ma 27.3. klo 15.30–17 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja lähteiden käytöstä
- vk 13 tai vk 14 Päätöspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)
- ti 11.4. 15.30–17 Webinaari: Yhteispalaute raportin luonnoksesta

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


23.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tiina Autio


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 4 pienellä ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 17.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

ti 31.1. klo 8-9.30 Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen)
ti 7.2. klo 8-9 Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen)
ti 14.2. klo 8-9.30 Webinaari: Esiintyminen Zoomissa ja esiintymisjännitys
ti 21.2. klo 8-9.30 Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja asiatekstin kirjoittaminen

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla):

to 9.3 klo 8-11 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)
ti 14.3. klo 8-11 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)
to 16.3 klo 8-11 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)

Kurssi toteutetaan projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


16.01.2023 - 20.01.2023


20.01.2023 - 17.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Alila
  • LMS23KM
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)
    Avoin amk, AMK-polut, Agrologi monimuoto


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 10 h
Kontaktitunnit 12 - 20 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Huomaa, että tämä ryhmä on täynnä, ei enää ilmoittautumisia!

Verkkototeutus, webinaareja ja palaveriaikoja varataan muutamia, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä.

Opetus alkaa aloituswebinaarilla ma 9.1.2023 klo 16.00 - 17.30 osoitteessa

Aloituspalaverit pidetään ma 16.1. klo 17.00 - 18.00 osoitteessa

Kontaktina suulliset esitykset viikolla 8 ma 20.2. ja ti 21.2. molempina iltoina klo 17.00 alkaen ellei muuta sovita zoomin välityksellä.

Mahdollista on sopia myös webinaarien sijoittumisesta aikasemmaksi, jos ryhmän kanssa niin sovitaan.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Miina Kakko


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Huom! Opintojakso on täynnä.

09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa (läsnäolovelvoite):

- ma 9.1. klo 17.15 - 18.15 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- to 19.1. klo 16.30 - 18 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- ma 30.1. klo 16 - 17.30 webinaari esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta
- ma 13.2. klo 16 - 17.00 webinaari reflektioraportin ja asiatekstin kirjoittamisesta sekä projektin seuranta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- ma 27.3 klo 16 - 18.30
- ti 28.3. klo 16 - 18.30
- ke 29.3. klo 16 - 18.30

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location


Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä opintojakson yhteisen aikataulun mukaisesti.

Jos haet opintojaksosta hyväksilukua tai odotat siitä päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 2 ennakkotehtävällä. Ensimmäisen tehtävän palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria. Opintojakso päätyy viikolla 15.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Merkitse aikataulut kalenteriisi:
- ti 17.1. klo 14–15.30 Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen)
- ke 18.1. klo 14–15.30 Aloituspalaverit (pakollinen)
- ti 31.1. klo 14–15.30 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
- ti 14.2. klo 14–15.30 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
- ti 21.2. klo 14–17 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- ke 22.2. klo 14–17 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- to 23.2. klo 14–17 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- vk 10 tai vk 11 Päätöspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)
- ti 28.3. 14–15.30 Lopetuswebinaari

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit, zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä.

Opetus alkaa ma 16.1. klo 10.30 - 13.00 luokassa F408.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sara Tuisku
  • Tiina Autio


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Jos haet hyväksilukua tai odotat sen päätöstä, älä ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle.

Moodlen työtila avautuu aikaisintaan viikkoa ennen ensimmäistä kontaktituntia.

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h

yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Heidi Hjerppe


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus luokassa - ei etämahdollisuutta

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anne Nurminen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2021. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti ke klo 8.00 - 10.30, F408. Aloituskerta 11.1. Opetus yleensä luokassa. Muutama kerta Zoomissa (sovitaan ryhmän kanssa). Projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Oppimisympäristönä Moodle.

Student workload

Kontaktunnit 30 h
Projekityhmien työskentely 10 - 20 h
Oppimateriaalin opiskelu 20 h
Opiskelutehtävät 10 - 20 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä.
Opetusta viikottain, opetus alkaa to 12.1. klo 8.00 - 10.30 luokassa F408.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anne Nurminen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2021. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti to klo 12.15 - 15.00, F408. Aloituskerta 12.1. Opetus yleensä luokassa. Muutama kerta Zoomissa (sovitaan ryhmän kanssa). Projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Oppimisympäristönä Moodle.

Student workload

Kontaktunnit 30 h
Projekityhmien työskentely 10 - 20 h
Oppimateriaalin opiskelu 20 h
Opiskelutehtävät 10 - 20 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 08.11.2022


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 23

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Sisko Riihiaho
Teacher in charge

Sisko Riihiaho

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, lähihoitajasta sosionomiksi monimuoto


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Etäopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely kevään aikataulun mukaan, joka selviää myöhemmin.
Kontaktiviikolla (vko 3) aloitusluento webinaarina to19.1. To 19.1. klo 14.15-15.45

Aloituspalaverit pe 20.1. (webinaarille varataan aikaa n. 45 minuuttia). Pe 20.1 klo 14.15-15.00

Suulliset esitykset projektinaiheista sovitaan maaliskuun kontaktipäivien yhteyteen.

To 16.3 klo 12.15-15.30
Pe 17.3. klo 12.15 - 15.00 (huom. aika muuttunut, opetus siirtynyt aamupäivästä iltapäivään).

Esitykset pidetään webinaarissa. Kaikki ovat paikalla molemmilla kerroilla.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 10 h
Kontaktitunnit n. 10 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 25 - 35 h
Projektityöskentely 20 - 25 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.
Avoin AMK Lähihoitajasta sosionomiksi -polkuopinnot 23 opiskelijaa (erillistoteutus ko. ryhmälle).

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 21.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Alila
  • LMS22S1
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)
    Avoin AMK,Korkeakoulupolku,Maaseutuelinkeino, Poke


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 10 h
Kontaktitunnit 12 - 20 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


19.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Alila


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kyseessä on verkkototeutus. Kurssi sisältää webinaareja, joiden ajat ovat kalenterissa.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 10 h
Kontaktitunnit Zoomissa 12 - 20 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


19.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location


Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä.

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 37 ennakkotehtävällä. Ensimmäisen tehtävän palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria. Opintojakso päätyy viikolla 47.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Merkitse aikataulut kalenteriisi:
- ti 20.9. klo 16–17.30 Aloituswebinaari
- vk 38 tai 39 Aloituspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)
- ti 4.10. klo 16–17.30 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
- ti 11.10. klo 16–17.30 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
- ke 2.11. klo 16–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- to 3.11. klo 16–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- vk 44 tai vk 46 Päätöspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


08.09.2022 - 15.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä. Opetus alkaa to 8.9. Opetusta viikottain to klo 8.45 - 11.15 luokassa F408.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 28.08.2022


08.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sara Tuisku


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

***26.8.2022 KURSSI ON TÄYNNÄ***
Moodlen työtila avautuu aikaisintaan viikkoa ennen ensimmäistä kontaktituntia.

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely

Jos aiot hakea hyväksilukua, tee se etukäteen ennen opintojakson alkamista ja ilmoita asiasta opintojakson opettajalle.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h

yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


07.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä. Opetus alkaa ke 7.9. Opetusta viikottain ke klo 12.15 - 15.00 luokassa F408.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


06.09.2022 - 20.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä. Opetus alkaa 6.9. Opetusta viikottain ti klo 8.45 - 11.15 luokassa F408.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


05.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Alila


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kyseessä on verkkototeutus. Kurssi sisältää webinaareja, joiden ajat ovat kalenterissa.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 10 h
Kontaktitunnit Zoomissa 12 - 20 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


05.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location


Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä.

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 35 ennakkotehtävällä. Ensimmäisen tehtävän palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria. Opintojakso päätyy viikolla 44.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Merkitse aikataulut kalenteriisi:
- ti 6.9. klo 12–13.30 Aloituswebinaari
- vk 36 tai 37 Aloituspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)
- ti 20.9. klo 12–13.30 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
- ti 27.9. klo 12–13.30 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
- ma 10.10. klo 12–16 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- ke 12.10. klo 12–16 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- vk 41 tai 43 Päätöspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


05.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tiina Autio


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 35 pienellä ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 48.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

ke 7.9 klo 8.30-10.00 Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen)
ke 14.9. klo 8.30-9.30 Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen)
ma 26.9. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Esiintyminen Zoomissa ja esiintymisjännitys
ke 28.9. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja asiatekstin kirjoittaminen

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla):

pe 7.10. klo 8-11 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)
ti 11.10 klo 8-11 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)
pe 14.10 klo 8-11 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)

Kurssi toteutetaan projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


05.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tiina Autio


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 36 pienellä ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 50.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

ke 14.9 klo 12.00-13.30 Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen)
ti 20.9. klo 12.00-13.00 Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen)
ma 26.9. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Esiintyminen Zoomissa ja esiintymisjännitys
ke 28.9. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja asiatekstin kirjoittaminen

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla):

ma 24.10. klo 13-16 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)
ke 26.10 klo 13-16 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)
ma 31.10 klo 13-16 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)

Kurssi toteutetaan projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


05.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location


Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä.

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 36 ennakkotehtävällä. Ensimmäisen tehtävän palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria. Opintojakso päätyy viikolla 46.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Merkitse aikataulut kalenteriisi:
- ti 13.9. klo 16–17.30 Aloituswebinaari
- vk 37 tai 38 Aloituspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)
- ti 4.10. klo 16–17.30 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
- ti 11.10. klo 16–17.30 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
- ti 25.10. klo 16–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- ke 26.10. klo 16–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- vk 44 Päätöspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


02.09.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely neljän hengen ryhmissä. Opetus alkaa pe 2.9. Opetusta viikottain pe klo 8.00 - 10.30 luokassa F408. Aloituskellonajasta voidaan sopia ryhmän kanssa.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sonja Salonen
  • ZJA22SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Alkio-opiston opiskelijoille toteutettava opintojakso Alkio-opistolla.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anne Nurminen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2022. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti ti klo 12.15 - 14.45, F408. Aloituskerta 6.9. Opetus yleensä luokassa. Muutama kerta Zoomissa (sovitaan ryhmän kanssa). Projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Oppimisympäristönä Moodle.

Student workload

Kontaktunnit 30 h
Projekityhmien työskentely 10 - 20 h
Oppimateriaalin opiskelu 20 h
Opiskelutehtävät 10 - 20 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Heidi Hjerppe


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus luokassa, projektiryhmittäin työskentely

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anne Nurminen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti ke klo 8.00 - 10.30, F408. Aloituskerta 7.9. Opetus yleensä luokassa. Muutama kerta Zoomissa (sovitaan ryhmän kanssa). Projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Oppimisympäristönä Moodle.

Student workload

Kontaktunnit 30 h
Projekityhmien työskentely 10 - 20 h
Oppimateriaalin opiskelu 20 h
Opiskelutehtävät 10 - 20 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, työskentely projektiryhmissä.

Opetus alkaa 2.9.2022. Opetusta viikottain pe klo 12.15 - 15.00 luokassa F408.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Muutama kerta opetusta pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit, zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anne Nurminen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti ma klo 10.30 - 13.00, F408. Aloituskerta 5.9. Opetus yleensä luokassa. Muutama kerta Zoomissa (sovitaan ryhmän kanssa). Projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Oppimisympäristönä Moodle.

Student workload

Kontaktunnit 30 h
Projekityhmien työskentely 10 - 20 h
Oppimateriaalin opiskelu 20 h
Opiskelutehtävät 10 - 20 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Koskela


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Työtila Moodlessa avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa (läsnäolovelvoite):

- ke 31.8. klo 16 - 17 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- to 8.9. klo 16 - 17.30 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- ti 20.9. klo 16 - 17.30 webinaari esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta
- to 6.10. klo 16 - 17.30 webinaari reflektioraportin ja asiatekstin kirjoittamisesta sekä projektin seuranta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- ma 31.10. klo 16 - 18.30
- ti 1.11. klo 16 - 18.45
- to 3.11. klo 16 - 18.30

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Alila


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kyseessä on verkkototeutus. Kurssi sisältää webinaareja, joiden ajat ovat kalenterissa.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 10 h
Kontaktitunnit Zoomissa 12 - 20 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Time and location


Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, työskentely projektiryhmissä.

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 34 ennakkotehtävällä. Ensimmäisen tehtävän palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria. Opintojakso päätyy viikolla 44.

Oppimisympäristönä on Moodlen työtila, joka aukeaa viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa, jonka linkki ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

Merkitse aikataulut kalenteriisi:
- ti 30.8. klo 12–13.30 Aloituswebinaari
- vk 35 tai 36 Aloituspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)
- ti 20.9. klo 12–13.30 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
- ti 27.9. klo 12–13.30 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
- ke 5.10. klo 12–16 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- to 6.10. klo 12–16 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
- vk 41 Päätöspalaverit (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tiina Autio


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 34 pienellä ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ennen aloituswebinaaria.
Opintojakso päättyy viikolla 48.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

ma 29.8 klo 16.30-18.00 Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen)
ma 5.9. klo 16.30-17.30 Ryhmien aloituspalaverit (pakollinen)
ma 26.9. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Esiintyminen Zoomissa ja esiintymisjännitys
ke 28.9. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja asiatekstin kirjoittaminen

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla):

ke 5.10. klo 16-19 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)
ma 10.10 klo 16-19 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)
ke 12.10 klo 16-19 Ryhmien projektiesitykset (pakollinen)

Kurssi toteutetaan projektiryhmissä, eikä sitä voi suorittaa täysin itsenäisesti.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.03.2022 - 31.03.2022


23.05.2022 - 22.06.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus pääosin, webinaareja ja palaveriaikoja varataan muutamia, projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Opetus alkaa aloituswebinaarilla ma 23.5. klo 16.00 - 17.30, aloituspalaverit ryhmillä ke 25.5. klo 17.00 - 17.45. Suulliset esitykset pidetään viikolla 23 ti 7.6. klo 16 - 18 ja ke 8.6. klo 16 - 18. Loppupalaverit ryhmät sopivat ma-ti 13.6. ja 14.6.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.03.2022 - 31.03.2022


23.05.2022 - 22.06.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anna Jokelainen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Kesäopintojakso alkaa 23.5. ja on intensiivitoteutus.

Tämä verkkototeutus sisältää yhteisten webinaarien, palaverien ja suullisten esitysten lisäksi projektiryhmittäin työskentelyä. Oppimisympäristönä on Moodle, joka aukeaa hieman ennen opintojakson alkua. Opintojakson yhteiset tapaamiset pidetään Zoom-verkkoneuvotteluohjelman välityksellä. Linkki opintojakson Zoomiin ilmoitetaan myöhemmin sekä sähköpostitse että Moodlessa.

ma 23.5. klo 16.00–17.30 Aloituswebinaari (pakollinen)
ke 25.5. klo 17.00–17.45 Ryhmän aloituspalaveri (pakollinen)
ti 31.5 klo 12–13.30 Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja esiintymisjännityksestä
to 2.6. klo 12–13.30 Webinaari kirjoittamisesta ja raportoinnista
ti 7.6. klo 16–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
ke 8.6. klo 16–20 Suulliset esitykset (pakolliset)
ma 13.6. tai ti 14.6. Ryhmän päätöspalaveri (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)

Näiden lisäksi tarvittaessa kyselytunteja opiskelijoiden kanssa sovittuina aikoina.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


25.03.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Heidi Hjerppe
Teacher in charge

Heidi Hjerppe

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi, monimuoto


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

JAMKin raportointiohje

Teaching methods

Webinaarit, projektityöskentely tiimeissä, oppimistehtävät. Oppimisalustana Moodle.

Student workload

81 tuntia, joista Zoom-webinaareja 10 tuntia ja itsenäistä työskentelyä 71 tuntia.

Further information for students

Erillistoteutus avoimen amk:n Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi -ryhmälle (32 paikkaa)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


01.02.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tarja Ahopelto
  • Anu Mustonen
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, jossa Zoomissa:

1. Aloituswebinaari to 10.2.2022 klo 16 - 18
2. Esitelmät to 31.3. 2022 klo 16 - 20
3. Esitelmät to 7.4.2022 klo 16 - 20

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20–30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15–25 h
Projektityöskentely 30–35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


15.11.2021 - 16.01.2022


24.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Koskela
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Verkko-opetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely

Opintojakso alkaa 24.1., viimeisen tehtävän palautus 13.4.

Tapaamiset Zoom-verkkoneuvotteluohjelman välityksellä:

Projektityön käynnistäminen ma 31.1. kello 16 - 17.30 (pakollinen)
Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta ti 15.2. kello 16 - 17
Projektiesitykset ti 23.3. kello 8.30 - 12 ja to 24.3. kello 16 - 19.30 (pakolliset)
Ryhmän päätöspalaveri viikolla 13 (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


15.11.2021 - 20.01.2022


24.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Koskela
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkko-opetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely

Opintojakso alkaa 24.1., viimeisen tehtävän palautus 20.4.

Tapaamiset Zoom-verkkoneuvotteluohjelman välityksellä:

Projektityön käynnistäminen ti 1.2. kello 16 - 17.30 (pakollinen)
Webinaari puhe-esiintymisestä ja projektin seuranta ti 15.2. kello 17.15 - 18.15
Projektiesitykset ma 28.3. kello 16 - 19.30 ja ma 4.4. kello 16.00 - 19.30 (pakolliset)
Ryhmän päätöspalaveri viikolla 13 - 14 (pakollinen, aika sovitaan ryhmän kanssa)

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


03.01.2022 - 16.01.2022


24.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tiina Autio
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 3 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ennen aloitustapaamista. Viimeisen tehtävän palautus 24.4.2022.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

ma 24.1 klo 16.30-18.00 Aloitustapaaminen
ma 21.2. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Esiintyminen Zoomissa ja esiintymisjännitys
ke 23.2. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja asiatekstin kirjoittaminen
ma 7.3. klo 16-20 Projektiesitykset
ke 9.3. klo 16-20 Projektiesitykset

Lisäksi kurssilla on erilaisia palavereita, joihin sovitaan aika erikseen ryhmän ja opettajan kanssa.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


21.01.2022 - 08.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Heidi Hjerppe
  • LMS22KM
    Agrologi (AMK), maaseutuelinkeinot, monimuotototeutus


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus luokkaopetuksena lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti. Projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Oppimisympäristönä Moodle.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


17.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sara Tuisku


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h

yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


17.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sara Tuisku


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


17.01.2022 - 01.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Koskela
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods


Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely
Työtila Moodlessa, avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:
- 26.1. klo 16.30 - 18 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- 2.2. klo 17 - 18 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- 16.2. klo 17 - 18.30 webinaari esiintymisestä
- 9.3. klo 17 - 18.30 webinaari reflektioraportin ja asiatekstin kirjoittamisesta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- 29.3. klo 16 - 20
- 30.3. klo 16 - 20
- 31.3. klo 16 - 20

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


17.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, webinaareja ja palaveriaikoja varataan muutamia, projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Opetus alkaa aloituswebinaarilla ma 17.1.2022 klo 16.00 - 17.30 osoitteessa

Aloituspalaverit pidetään ma 24.1. klo 17.00 - 18.00 osoitteessa

Kontaktina suulliset esitykset viikolla 10 ma 7.3. ja ti 8.3. molempina iltoina klo 17.00 alkaen ellei muuta sovita.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


12.01.2022 - 09.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Heidi Hjerppe
  • LMS21S1
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus luokkaopetuksena lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti. Projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Oppimisympäristönä Moodle.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

67 % Face-to-face, 33 % Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tarja Ahopelto


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Viikoittaiset kontaktitunnit Rajakadulla perjantaisin klo 8.00 - 10.30.
Ohjattu projektityöskentely ryhmittäin.

Student workload

Kontaktunnit 30 h
Projekityhmien työskentely 10 - 20 h
Oppimateriaalin opiskelu 20 h
Opiskelutehtävät 10 - 20 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Opetus alkaa to 20.1.2022 klo 12.15 - 15.00 luokassa F408.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anne Nurminen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus luokassa lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti ke klo 12.15 - 15.00. Muutama kerta Zoomissa. Kerrat ilmoitetaan opintojakson aikana. Projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Oppimisympäristönä Moodle.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
Yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anne Nurminen


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus luokassa lukujärjestyksen mukaisesti to klo 8.00 - 10.30. Muutama kerta Zoomissa. Kerrat ilmoitetaan opintojakson aikana. Projektiryhmittäin työskentely. Oppimisympäristönä Moodle.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
Yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 28

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sisko Riihiaho


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely.
Opetus alkaa pe 21.1. klo 12.15 - 15.00 luokassa F408.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tarja Ahopelto
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Ohjattu projektityöskentely ryhmittäin.
Webinaarit Zoomissa
18.1. klo 16.30 - 18
25.1. klo 16.30 - 18
15.2. klo 17 - 20 (suulliset esitykset, pakollinen läsnäolo)
22.2. klo 17 - 20 (suulliset esitykset, pakollinen läsnäolo)
5.4. klo 16.30 - 18
Lisäksi viikoittain ryhmäpalavereja ja 3 - 4 seurantapalaveria opettajan kanssa. Näiden aikataulut sovitaan ryhmäkohtaisesti.

Student workload

Webinaarit 5 - 10 h
Suulliset esitykset kontaktina 7 h
Projekityhmien työskentely 20 - 30 h
Oppimateriaalin opiskelu 10 -20 h
Opiskelutehtävät 10 - 20 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anu Mustonen
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, jossa:

1. Aloituswebinaari pe 21.1.2022 klo 8.15 - 10
2. Esitykset Zoomissa pe 18.3.2022 klo 8.15 - 12
3. Esitykset Zoomissa pe 25.3. 2022 klo 8.15 - 12

Lisäksi myöhemmin ilmoitettavia yhdessä sovittavia vapaaehtoisia webinaareja ja ohjauspalavereja.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20–30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15–25 h
Projektityöskentely 30–35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tarja Ahopelto
  • Anu Mustonen
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, jossa:
1. Aloituswebinaari ma 17.1.2022 klo 14 - 16
2. Esityskerta Zoomissa ma 14.3. 2022 klo 14 - 18
3. Esityskerta Zoomissa ma 21.3. 2022 klo 14 - 18

Lisäksi yhdessä sovittavia vapaaehtoisia webinaareja sekä ohjausaikoja

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Kontaktitunnit 20–30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15–25 h
Projektityöskentely 30–35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 01.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Jaana Koskela
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Verkkototeutus, projektiryhmittäin työskentely
Työtila Moodlessa, avautuu viimeistään kurssin alkaessa. Myös Zoom-linkki toimitetaan ennen aloituswebinaaria sähköpostilla/työtilassa.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:
- 18.1. klo 12 - 13.30 aloituswebinaari ja kurssi-info
- 25.1. klo 12 - 13 aloituspalaverit ja projektiryhmän järjestäytyminen
- 16.2. klo 17 - 18.30 webinaari esiintymisestä
- 9.3. klo 17 - 18.30 webinaari reflektioraportin ja asiatekstin kirjoittamisesta

Esityspäivät Zoomissa (varaa ko. ajankohdat, aikataulu tarkentuu kurssilla)
- 14.3. klo 14 - 18
- 16.3. klo 12 - 16
- 17.3. klo 12 - 16

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h

yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


15.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tiina Autio
    Kielikeskuksen verkko-opinnot


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso alkaa viikolla 2 ennakkotehtävällä, jonka palautus on ennen aloitustapaamista. Viimeisen tehtävän palautus 10.4.2022.

Tapaamiset Zoomissa:

ke 12.1 klo 16.30-18.00 Aloitustapaaminen
ke 26.1. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Esiintyminen Zoomissa ja esiintymisjännitys
ke 2.2. klo 16.30-18.00 Webinaari: Yhteiskirjoittaminen ja asiatekstin kirjoittaminen
ma 14.2. klo 16-20 Projektiesitykset
ke 16.2. klo 16-20 Projektiesitykset

Lisäksi kurssilla on erilaisia palavereita, joihin sovitaan aika erikseen ryhmän ja opettajan kanssa.

Student workload

Opintojaksoon ja työtilaan tutustuminen, ryhmäytyminen 5 h
Zoomissa tapaamiset, palaverit 20 - 30 h
Itsenäinen työskentely, tehtävien tekeminen 15 - 25 h
Projektityöskentely 30 - 35 h
yhteensä 81 h

Further information for students

Jatkuva arviointi, itsearviointi, vertaisarviointi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery



TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sonja Salonen
Teacher in charge

Sonja Salonen

  • ZJA21SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


You can obtain the abilities to communicate in your own field of expertise.

You understand the meaning of communication in the workplace and as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of the components which help you to succeed in communication situations. You have the ability to develop your skills in order to take part in work conversations, express opinions in meetings and write in a formal way.

You also learn how to work in projects, write a common text in a group and adapt Office 365 tools.

You can give an illustrative expert presentation. You can justify your opinions and give and receive feedback. You can recognize essential ways to take part in typical working life conversations. You can act as an effective conversational partner. You can produce documents and other texts according to instructions and models. You can write text in an appropriate manner. You can analyze your own communication skills. You are aware of the impact of your communication style. You recognize the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your expertise.

Communication and Team-working: You are able to communicate effectively as an individual and as a member of a team with specialists in your own field as well as with other groups of professionals.


Organizing, leading and documenting discussions in the workplace, also virtually. Project work skills.

Expert statements and presentations.

Development of communication skills, reflection, analysis and observation of communication situations and skills. Giving and receiving feedback, The role of various cultures in communication.

Producing appropriate text and writing common text in a group.

Teaching methods

Alkio-opiston toteutus Alkio-opistolla opiskeleville.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You know the basic concepts and theories of communication. You can analyze your own communication skills and give and receive feedback. You recognise the communication process model and the central means of typical workplace discussions. You participate in group discussions. You are able to give clear specialist presentations using visual aids although the content of the presentation is narrow, and the structure has not been fine tuned. Communication with the audience is lacking. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The content of your text is limited. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

2 You recognise the factors of the communication process and the role of communication as a part of your professional skills. You are aware of how your own communication style and non-verbal communication affect various communication situations. You can evaluate both the procedures for conversation and the characteristics of conversational skills. You can give a structured specialist presentation using visual aids according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. The structure is logical but the beginning and ending lack depth. There is limited communication with the audience. You are able to produce documents and other informative texts using guidelines and models. In your texts, you show the general ability to use formal style and correct grammar. The texts have structure, but they may be lacking in content and logic. You participate in group work activities and educational situations.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You are able to analyze your own communication skills. You can give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to use the feedback you receive towards improving your own skills. You consider communication skills to be an essential part of your professional skills and you are interested in developing them. You can act in work-related discussions in a responsible and active way in order to achieve goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You adjust your message for your audience and interact with them. You have a clear beginning and ending. You are able to write texts with content appropriate to the type of text, a clear structure and good language and style. The text progresses in a logical manner and has good hierarchy. The contents include the main parts. You participate in group work activities and educational situations in a responsible and active manner.

4 You can analyze and reflect on your own communication competence. You can use the feedback you receive, reflect upon it, and use it to further their own development. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You are able to give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You take an active, responsible and instigative role in work-related discussions. You can influence the achievement of the objectives as well as the creation of a positive atmosphere through your own actions. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You can communicate in an interesting and motivating way. You can illustrate your points in a versatile way, and your means of expression is relaxed. Your text is fluent, appropriate and may have occasional grammar mistakes which do not hinder the reading of the text. The content is informative while the structure forms a working whole. You are able to contribute to the goals of the project with your own actions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You are able to analyze and reflect on your own communicative competence. You are aware of your own strengths and development needs and know how to take developmental action. You have a desire to develop your own communication skills. You can evaluate and give well-grounded feedback on other students’ communication skills. You are able to lead discussions in an inspiring way and take accountability for the quality of the results. You can propose effective means into the discussion and logically work towards the goals. You can give a structured specialist presentation according to part 1 on the evaluation scale. You take the audience into account in many ways. Your illustrations and examples are creative. You are able to effectively apply expressive means to your advantage. In your text you are able to take the reader into account and adapt your text accordingly. Your texts are easy to read, and the language and style are consistent and controlled. You are able to contribute to the goals of the group project and take accountability for the quality of the work.