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Physiology and Exersice PhysiologyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: FT00CJ96


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Pekka Natunen


Purpose of the course

The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to the physiology and exercise physiology of the healthy human body and the basics of assessing, testing and practising physical fitness.

Course competences:

Professional and inter-professional activities
Physiotherapeutic assessment
Physiotherapy methods

Course competences:
You can describe the principles of respiratory, circulatory and autonomic nervous system function at rest and under physical stress. You will be able to identify the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. Recognise the basics of the physiology of pain. You can describe the basics of physical fitness testing. You can explain the basic principles of physical training and its planning too.


The main focus of the course is the physiology of a healthy human being, including basic knowledge of tissues, the cardiovascular system, respiration, the circulatory system, the autonomic nervous system, fluid balance, thermoregulation and the physiology of pain. Exercise physiology iscludes human physical performance, the functions of the respiratory, cardiovascular and regulatory systems under physical stress, and of perceived and physiological stress. The course introduces the basics of physical fitness testing and the basic principles of physical training and its planning.



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 You can describe the principles of respiratory, circulatory, and autonomic nervous system function at rest and during physical stress. You can identify the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. You know the basics of the pain physiology. You can describe the basics of physical fitness testing. You can explain the basic principles of physical training and planning.

2 You can explain and give examples of the principles of respiratory, circulatory, and autonomic nervous system function at rest and during physical stress. You can define the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. You understand the basics of the pain physiology. You can explain the basics of testing physical fitness. You can explain the basic principles of physical training and planning.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 You can introduce the principles of the respiratory and circulatory systems, and the autonomic nervous system and explain how these functions change during the transition from rest and physical exertion. You can explain the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. You understand the physiology of pain and can illustrate the effects of pain on the body. You will be able to explain the basics of fitness testing and apply them to the planning the training.

4 You can describe the principles of the respiratory, circulatory, and autonomic nervous systems entity and explain how these functions change during the transition from rest to physical exertion. You can assess the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. You have a good understanding of the physiology of pain and can assess the impact of pain on body function. You can analyze physical fitness test results and apply them to the planning.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 You can explain the principles of the respiratory, circulatory, and autonomic nervous systems and how they are interconnected. You can explain, with reason, how functions change during the transition from rest and physical exertion and explain how fluid balance and thermoregulation affect them. You are familiar with the physiology of pain and can relate the effects of pain to the functioning of the body. You can plan and progress training based on physical fitness test results and consider the whole body.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Pekka Natunen
  • ZJASFT24S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-väylät, fysioterapeutti päivä
  • SFT24S1
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


Purpose of the course

The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to the physiology and exercise physiology of the healthy human body and the basics of assessing, testing and practising physical fitness.

Course competences:

Professional and inter-professional activities
Physiotherapeutic assessment
Physiotherapy methods

Course competences:
You can describe the principles of respiratory, circulatory and autonomic nervous system function at rest and under physical stress. You will be able to identify the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. Recognise the basics of the physiology of pain. You can describe the basics of physical fitness testing. You can explain the basic principles of physical training and its planning too.


The main focus of the course is the physiology of a healthy human being, including basic knowledge of tissues, the cardiovascular system, respiration, the circulatory system, the autonomic nervous system, fluid balance, thermoregulation and the physiology of pain. Exercise physiology iscludes human physical performance, the functions of the respiratory, cardiovascular and regulatory systems under physical stress, and of perceived and physiological stress. The course introduces the basics of physical fitness testing and the basic principles of physical training and its planning.

Time and location

Luento opetus hybridinä sekä pienryhmätunnit Dynamon kampuksella & Kihu:n laboratorio Hippoksella lähiopetuksessa.

Learning materials and recommended literature

E-kirja: Essentials of Exercise Physiology (2011, 4. painos)
E-kirja: Ihmisen fysiologia - perusteista pidemmälle; Tapani, R. (VK-Kustannus, 2023)

Teaching methods

Luento-opetus 33 h
Pienryhmätunnit 12 h
Ennakkotehtävät & tunneille valmistautuminen 24 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu 67 h

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Fysiologian osuus vko 12, uusinnat viikoilla 13 ja 14
Kuormitusfysiologian osuus vko 20, uusinnat viikoilla 21 & 22 2025

Student workload

Luento-opetus 33 h
Pienryhmätunnit 12 h
Ennakkotehtävät & tunneille valmistautuminen 24 h
Itsenäinen opiskelu & tenttiin valmistautuminen 67 h

Further information for students

Avoin amk: 2 joustavan väylän paikkaa (ei min-max-määrässä)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 You can describe the principles of respiratory, circulatory, and autonomic nervous system function at rest and during physical stress. You can identify the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. You know the basics of the pain physiology. You can describe the basics of physical fitness testing. You can explain the basic principles of physical training and planning.

2 You can explain and give examples of the principles of respiratory, circulatory, and autonomic nervous system function at rest and during physical stress. You can define the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. You understand the basics of the pain physiology. You can explain the basics of testing physical fitness. You can explain the basic principles of physical training and planning.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 You can introduce the principles of the respiratory and circulatory systems, and the autonomic nervous system and explain how these functions change during the transition from rest and physical exertion. You can explain the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. You understand the physiology of pain and can illustrate the effects of pain on the body. You will be able to explain the basics of fitness testing and apply them to the planning the training.

4 You can describe the principles of the respiratory, circulatory, and autonomic nervous systems entity and explain how these functions change during the transition from rest to physical exertion. You can assess the role of fluid balance and thermoregulation during exercise. You have a good understanding of the physiology of pain and can assess the impact of pain on body function. You can analyze physical fitness test results and apply them to the planning.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 You can explain the principles of the respiratory, circulatory, and autonomic nervous systems and how they are interconnected. You can explain, with reason, how functions change during the transition from rest and physical exertion and explain how fluid balance and thermoregulation affect them. You are familiar with the physiology of pain and can relate the effects of pain to the functioning of the body. You can plan and progress training based on physical fitness test results and consider the whole body.

