Planning of the working and operating enviromentLaajuus (4 cr)
Code: SKOS2021
4 op
Teaching language
- Finnish
Responsible person
- Anja Tanttu
- Teppo Karapalo
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the basic principles of physical accessibility, accessibility, the impacts of different areas of ergonomics on work ability and functional capacity, and will be able to utilise these aspects in the planning of the working and operating environment.
Course competencies
Rehabilitation planning competence
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
Technological competence management
Intended learning of the course
You know different concepts and models of work ability and functional capacity. You recognise the impacts of different working and operating environments on work ability and functional capacity. You can assess the physical accessibility, accessibility and usability of different working and operating environments. You know how to use valid physical accessibility assessment methods and plan functional solutions based on the client's functional capacity. You are familiar with the concepts of physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics and can consider their effects when assessing the client's work ability, functional capacity and working and operating environment. You are familiar with digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. You know how to document the client's working and operating environment and its needs for change. You know how to assess, plan, manage and develop your own working methods.
Work ability as a concept. Different working and operating environments and their physical accessibility, accessibility and usability assessment methods and documentation. Renovation of an apartment. Physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics. Digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. Assessment, management and development of one's own working methods.
Assessment criteria, approved/failed
You know different concepts and models of work ability and functional capacity. You recognise the impacts of different working and operating environments on work ability and functional capacity. You can assess the physical accessibility, accessibility and usability of different working and operating environments. You know how to use valid physical accessibility assessment methods and plan functional solutions based on the client's functional capacity. You are familiar with the concepts of physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics and can consider their effects when assessing the client's work ability, functional capacity and working and operating environment. You are familiar with digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. You know how to document the client's working and operating environment and its needs for change. You know how to assess, plan, manage and develop your own working methods.
01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024
26.08.2024 - 27.10.2024
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
50 - 50
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Anja Tanttu
Teacher in charge
Teppo Karapalo
SKO22SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the basic principles of physical accessibility, accessibility, the impacts of different areas of ergonomics on work ability and functional capacity, and will be able to utilise these aspects in the planning of the working and operating environment.
Course competencies
Rehabilitation planning competence
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
Technological competence management
Intended learning of the course
You know different concepts and models of work ability and functional capacity. You recognise the impacts of different working and operating environments on work ability and functional capacity. You can assess the physical accessibility, accessibility and usability of different working and operating environments. You know how to use valid physical accessibility assessment methods and plan functional solutions based on the client's functional capacity. You are familiar with the concepts of physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics and can consider their effects when assessing the client's work ability, functional capacity and working and operating environment. You are familiar with digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. You know how to document the client's working and operating environment and its needs for change. You know how to assess, plan, manage and develop your own working methods.
Work ability as a concept. Different working and operating environments and their physical accessibility, accessibility and usability assessment methods and documentation. Renovation of an apartment. Physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics. Digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. Assessment, management and development of one's own working methods.
Time and location
Opintojakso toteutuu Moodle oppimisympäristössä ajalla 26.08.2024 - 31.10.2024
Learning materials and recommended literature
Launis, M., Lehtelä, J: 2018. (toim.) Ergonomia. Työterveyslaitos.
Esteettömän asuinympäristön suunnittelu. RT-esteettömyystieto.
Esteettömyys. Invalidiliitto.
Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaki. L 132/1999. Ympäristöministeriö.
Suomen rakentamismääräyskokoelma. 2018. Ympäristöministeriö.
Työpaikan esteettömyyden arviointimenetelmä –ESTE. Työterveyslaitos.
Sievänen, L. & Sievänen, M. 2014. Vaikeasti kehitysvammaisten henkilöiden asuntojen ja asuin-ympäristöjen suunnitteluopas, Koti kaikille -hanke.
Sievänen L, Sievänen M, Välikangas K & Eloniemi-Sulkava U. 2007. Opas ikääntyneen muistioireisen kodin muutostöihin. Ympäristöministeriö.
Sipiläinen, P. 2011. Kuntouttavan hoitotyön vaatimukset ikäihmisten asunnoille. Väitöskirjat 4/2011. Aalto yliopisto.
Työelämän esteettömyys. Vates säätiö.
Teaching methods
Kontaktiopetukset verkossa. Kontaktiopetuksiin valmistautuminen käänteisopetuksen menetelmällä. Itsenäinen opiskelu. Oppimistehtävät.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttejä.
Alternative completion methods
Oman työn opinnollistaminen. Opintojakson hyväksilukua on haettava viikkoa ennen opintojakson alkua.
Student workload
Kontaktiopetus verkossa 4 x 3 h = 12 h
Opintojakson oppimateriaaleihin ja kirjallisuuteen tutustuminen, tiedonhaku ja kontaktiopetuksiin valmistautuminen 28 h
Oppimistehtävät 68 h
Yhteensä 108 h
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You know different concepts and models of work ability and functional capacity. You recognise the impacts of different working and operating environments on work ability and functional capacity. You can assess the physical accessibility, accessibility and usability of different working and operating environments. You know how to use valid physical accessibility assessment methods and plan functional solutions based on the client's functional capacity. You are familiar with the concepts of physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics and can consider their effects when assessing the client's work ability, functional capacity and working and operating environment. You are familiar with digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. You know how to document the client's working and operating environment and its needs for change. You know how to assess, plan, manage and develop your own working methods.
01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023
28.08.2023 - 29.10.2023
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 55
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Teppo Karapalo
- Anja Tanttu
SKO22SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the basic principles of physical accessibility, accessibility, the impacts of different areas of ergonomics on work ability and functional capacity, and will be able to utilise these aspects in the planning of the working and operating environment.
Course competencies
Rehabilitation planning competence
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
Technological competence management
Intended learning of the course
You know different concepts and models of work ability and functional capacity. You recognise the impacts of different working and operating environments on work ability and functional capacity. You can assess the physical accessibility, accessibility and usability of different working and operating environments. You know how to use valid physical accessibility assessment methods and plan functional solutions based on the client's functional capacity. You are familiar with the concepts of physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics and can consider their effects when assessing the client's work ability, functional capacity and working and operating environment. You are familiar with digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. You know how to document the client's working and operating environment and its needs for change. You know how to assess, plan, manage and develop your own working methods.
Work ability as a concept. Different working and operating environments and their physical accessibility, accessibility and usability assessment methods and documentation. Renovation of an apartment. Physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics. Digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. Assessment, management and development of one's own working methods.
Time and location
Opintojakso toteutuu Moodle oppimisympäristössä ajalla 28.08.2022 - 29.10.2022
Learning materials and recommended literature
Esteettömän asuinympäristön suunnittelu. RT-esteettömyystieto.
Esteettömyys. Invalidiliitto.
Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaki. L 132/1999. Ympäristöministeriö.
Suomen rakentamismääräyskokoelma. 2018. Ympäristöministeriö.
Työpaikan esteettömyyden arviointimenetelmä –ESTE. Työterveyslaitos.
Asumisenrahoitus- ja kehittämiskeskuksen raportteja 1/2014.
Sievänen, L. & Sievänen, M. 2014. Vaikeasti kehitysvammaisten henkilöiden asuntojen ja asuin-ympäristöjen suunnitteluopas, Koti kaikille -hanke.
Sievänen L, Sievänen M, Välikangas K & Eloniemi-Sulkava U. 2007. Opas ikääntyneen muistioireisen kodin muutostöihin. Ympäristöministeriö.
Sipiläinen, P. 2011. Kuntouttavan hoitotyön vaatimukset ikäihmisten asunnoille. Väitöskirjat 4/2011. Aalto yliopisto.
Työelämän esteettömyys. Vates säätiö.
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen opiskelu. Kontaktiopetukset verkossa. Kontaktiopetuksiin valmistautuminen käänteisopetuksen menetelmällä. Oppimistehtävät.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttejä.
Alternative completion methods
Oman työn opinnollistaminen
Student workload
Kontaktiopetus verkossa 3 x 4 h = 12 h
Opintojakson oppimateriaaleihin ja kirjallisuuteen tutustuminen, tiedonhaku ja kontaktiopetuksiin valmistautuminen 28 h
Oppimistehtävät 68 h
Yhteensä 108 h
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You know different concepts and models of work ability and functional capacity. You recognise the impacts of different working and operating environments on work ability and functional capacity. You can assess the physical accessibility, accessibility and usability of different working and operating environments. You know how to use valid physical accessibility assessment methods and plan functional solutions based on the client's functional capacity. You are familiar with the concepts of physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics and can consider their effects when assessing the client's work ability, functional capacity and working and operating environment. You are familiar with digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. You know how to document the client's working and operating environment and its needs for change. You know how to assess, plan, manage and develop your own working methods.
01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022
05.09.2022 - 28.10.2022
Number of ECTS credits allocated
4 op
Virtual portion
3 op
Mode of delivery
25 % Face-to-face, 75 % Online learning
School of Health and Social Studies
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 60
Degree programmes
- Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
- Sanna Harjula
- Teppo Karapalo
SKO21SMKuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
Purpose of the course
After completing the course, you will understand the basic principles of physical accessibility, accessibility, the impacts of different areas of ergonomics on work ability and functional capacity, and will be able to utilise these aspects in the planning of the working and operating environment.
Course competencies
Rehabilitation planning competence
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
Technological competence management
Intended learning of the course
You know different concepts and models of work ability and functional capacity. You recognise the impacts of different working and operating environments on work ability and functional capacity. You can assess the physical accessibility, accessibility and usability of different working and operating environments. You know how to use valid physical accessibility assessment methods and plan functional solutions based on the client's functional capacity. You are familiar with the concepts of physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics and can consider their effects when assessing the client's work ability, functional capacity and working and operating environment. You are familiar with digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. You know how to document the client's working and operating environment and its needs for change. You know how to assess, plan, manage and develop your own working methods.
Work ability as a concept. Different working and operating environments and their physical accessibility, accessibility and usability assessment methods and documentation. Renovation of an apartment. Physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics. Digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. Assessment, management and development of one's own working methods.
Time and location
Opintojakso toteutuu Moodle oppimisympäristössä ajalla 05.09.2022 - 28.10.2022
Learning materials and recommended literature
Esteettömän asuinympäristön suunnittelu. RT-esteettömyystieto.
Esteettömyys. Invalidiliitto.
Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaki. L 132/1999. Ympäristöministeriö.
Suomen rakentamismääräyskokoelma. 2018. Ympäristöministeriö.
Työpaikan esteettömyyden arviointimenetelmä –ESTE. Työterveyslaitos.
Iwarsson, S. & Slaug, B. 2008. Housing Enabler. Arviointiväline asumisen esteettömyysongelmien arviointiin ja analysointiin.
Sievänen, L. & Sievänen, M. 2014. Vaikeasti kehitysvammaisten henkilöiden asuntojen ja asuin-ympäristöjen suunnitteluopas, Koti kaikille -hanke. Asumisenrahoitus- ja kehittämiskeskuksen raportteja 1/2014.
Sievänen L, Sievänen M, Välikangas K & Eloniemi-Sulkava U. 2007. Opas ikääntyneen muistioireisen kodin muutostöihin. Ympäristöministeriö.
Sipiläinen, P. 2011. Kuntouttavan hoitotyön vaatimukset ikäihmisten asunnoille. Väitöskirjat 4/2011. Aalto yliopisto.
Työelämän esteettömyys. Vates säätiö.
Teaching methods
Itsenäinen opiskelu. Kontaktiopetukset koululla ja/tai verkossa. Kontaktiopetuksiin valmistautuminen käänteisopetuksen menetelmällä. Oppimistehtävät.
Exam dates and retake possibilities
Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttejä.
Alternative completion methods
Oman työn opinnollistaminen
Student workload
Opintojakson oppimateriaaleihin ja kirjallisuuteen tutustuminen, tiedonhaku ja kontaktiopetuksiin valmistautuminen 28 h
Oppimistehtävät 68 h
Kontaktiopetus koululla/verkossa 3 x 4 h
Yhteensä 108 h
Further information for students
Evaluation scale
Evaluation criteria, pass/failed
You know different concepts and models of work ability and functional capacity. You recognise the impacts of different working and operating environments on work ability and functional capacity. You can assess the physical accessibility, accessibility and usability of different working and operating environments. You know how to use valid physical accessibility assessment methods and plan functional solutions based on the client's functional capacity. You are familiar with the concepts of physical, cognitive and organisational ergonomics and can consider their effects when assessing the client's work ability, functional capacity and working and operating environment. You are familiar with digital and technological solutions that support working in different working and operating environments. You know how to document the client's working and operating environment and its needs for change. You know how to assess, plan, manage and develop your own working methods.