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Professional Practice IILaajuus (18 cr)

Code: SKOSW202


18 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Teppo Karapalo


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


01.04.2024 - 30.04.2024


20.05.2025 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Sanna Harjula
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO23SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa syyslukukauden aikana.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaa

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.

Student workload

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Sanna Harjula
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO23SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa syyslukukauden aikana.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaa

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.

Student workload

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Maarit Laakkonen
  • Anja Tanttu
Teacher in charge

Teppo Karapalo

  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO23SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa syyslukukauden aikana.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaa

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.

Student workload

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Virtual portion

18 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anu Pelkonen
  • Sanna Harjula
  • Maarit Laakkonen
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa kevätlukukauden aikana.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaan.

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Virtual portion

18 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 10

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • Anja Tanttu
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa kevätlukukauden aikana.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaa

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Student workload

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


01.04.2023 - 30.04.2023


22.05.2023 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Virtual portion

18 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa kevätlukukaudella ja kesän 2023 aikana.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaan.

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.

Student workload

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Virtual portion

18 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa kevätlukukauden aikana.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaan.

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.

Student workload

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


01.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Virtual portion

18 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Sanna Harjula
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO21SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa syyslukukauden aikana.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaan.

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.

Student workload

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


01.12.2021 - 30.04.2022


23.05.2022 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Virtual portion

18 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anu Pelkonen
  • Sanna Harjula
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa kesälukukauden aikana, harjoittelu voi jatkua syyslukukaudelle.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaan.

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.

Student workload

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

18 op

Virtual portion

18 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Anu Pelkonen
  • Sanna Harjula
  • Teppo Karapalo
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


After the internship, you should be able to:

- assess the rehabilitation needs, expectations and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community.
- produce appropriate documentation using the applications and practices used in the internship
- apply ICF-based tools to assess the rehabilitee's ability to work and functioning
- act on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity of multiculturalism
- apply rehabilitation and closely related legislation in your work
- justify the social significance of rehabilitation nationally and internationally
- apply different counselling methods in your work ethically and purposefully, promoting the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees and their participation in different everyday operating environments
- motivate the rehabilitee to take responsibility for his or her rehabilitation
- counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages
- make appropriate use of existing technological solutions to support the functioning of the rehabilitee
- plan rehabilitation processes together with the client and a multidisciplinary expert team
- apply information about the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation to support your own work
- describe the financial and administrative structures of your internship
- lead your own work
- utilize the basics of neuropsychology in your work


In the course, you will deepen in practical work assignments the knowledge you have learned in theory studies. The internships complement each other in such a way that the rehabilitation instructor's core competencies (assessment skills, counselling skills, service system skills and planning skills) will deep practice by practice.

During the course you will get acquainted with the basics of neuropsychology by utilizing client cases and theoretical knowledge.

Time and location

Harjoittelu tapahtuu opiskelijan valitsemassa hänen urasuunnitelmaa ja ammatillista kehittymistä tukevassa paikassa kevätlukukauden aikana.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Jehkonen, M., Saunamäki, T., Hokkanen, L. & Akila, R. 2019. Kliininen neuropsykologia. 3. uud. painos. Helsinki: Duodecim.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso toteutetaan aidossa työelämän yhteisössä käytännön harjoitteluna. Lisäksi harjoitteluun sisältyy itsenäistä työskentelyä verkko-oppimisympäristössä ja osallistumista reflektoivaan pienryhmätoimintaan.

Practical training and working life connections

Suurin osa opintojaksosta suoritetaan harjoitteluna työpaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttiä, tehtävät suoritetaan opiskelijan oman aikataulun mukaisesti opintojakson aikana.

Student workload

Harjoittelu opiskelijan urasuunnitelmaa tukevassa harjoittelupaikassa, 432 h
Harjoittelun workshop lähi- tai etäkontaktina, 13 h
Harjoitteluraportti 14 h
Neuropsykologian osaamisen näyttö, 27 h
Yhteensä: 486 h

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the social significance of the rehabilitation carried out in your internship place

During your internship, you have assessed the rehabilitation needs, expectations, and rehabilitation opportunities of the individual and the community. You have produced appropriate documentation by utilising the applications and practices used in your internship. You have described the ability to work and functioning of rehabilitee using some ICF-based tool. You have acted on evidence and good practice in assessing the need for rehabilitation, taking into account the diversity brought by multiculturalism.

You will be able to counsel and support the rehabilitee and his / her social network in the rehabilitation process by applying information about different service packages and the applicable legislation. You have acted as a motivator for the rehabilitee, supporting him to take responsibility for his own rehabilitation. You have been involved in planning the rehabilitation process of the rehabilitee in collaboration with the rehabilitee and a multidisciplinary team of experts. In your work, you have applied at least two different counselling methods ethically and purposefully in promoting participation and the work ability and functioning of rehabilitees in different everyday operating environments.

You are familiar with the financial and administrative structures of your internship. You will be able to utilize information that is central to the operation of your internship from the perspective of the quality and effectiveness of rehabilitation.

You are familiar with the various technological applications of your internship and know how to use them to support the rehabilitee's functioning.

You have acted in a self-directed manner and demonstrated the ability to lead your own work.

You are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of neuropsychology and have passed the demonstration of competence.