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Gerontological nursing and gerontechnologyLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: SA00CG34


4 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Irmeli Matilainen


Upon completing the course, you will be familiar with the key changes associated with healthy aging and factors that promote the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals in diverse environments. You will be motivated to examine aging from a resource-based perspective, understand the significance of promoting the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals/clients, and be adept at utilizing various methods to promote active aging and participation among the elderly.

You will acquire knowledge about prevalent diseases in the elderly population, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, as well as the fundamentals of medication administration for elderly individuals. You will be introduced to the basics of palliative and end-of-life care. Understanding the connections between cultural backgrounds and aging, you will be encouraged to consider nursing practices that acknowledge diversity.

You will possess the skills to search for evidence-based information related to gerontological nursing and stay updated with current discussions. You will be motivated to explore gerontological and palliative care, while considering the development of these areas of expertise from an ethical perspective


The main content of the course encompasses the key concepts of gerontological nursing, the elderly as individuals and active participants within the family, community, society, and multicultural environments. The course examines the aging process and its influencing factors, promoting health and functional capacity, considering ethical perspectives. Additionally, it covers memory health, basics of palliative and end-of-life care, nursing competence and its development, non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment for the elderly, as well as fundamentals of gerotechnology.


Basics of nursing and anatomy and physiology.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You recognize key aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You are aware of methods used to assess health and functional capacity, as well as approaches to promote successful aging. You are familiar with major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the fundamentals of medication administration for the elderly. In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the basics of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and understand ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Satisfactory 2
You can describe aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You depict methods used to assess health and functional capacity and how successful aging is promoted. You are knowledgeable about major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the basics of medication administration for the elderly. You describe the principles of end-of-life care. In your learning tasks, you illustrate the responsibility and role of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration, and you discuss ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You can describe, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. In your learning tasks, you justify methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You are capable of presenting evidence-based information about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You can examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration emerge in your tasks, and you discuss ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Very good 4
You can describe and critically examine, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity from different perspectives. Your learning tasks justify the presentation of methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You demonstrate the application of evidence-based knowledge about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You critically examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration come across in your tasks, and you thoroughly discuss, with diverse arguments, ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the ability to apply evidence-based knowledge about aging-related changes and factors promoting health and functional capacity in various customer situations. You adeptly utilize diverse methods to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. In your learning tasks, you can apply evidence-based knowledge about major illnesses in elderly individuals, nursing techniques to prevent and treat these ailments, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You extensively examine perspectives on quality care during the final stages of life. Your reflections provide well-argued insights into the responsibility and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care. You critically assess your expertise in the field of gerontological nursing in a justified manner.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 18.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Irmeli Matilainen
  • ZJASAR24S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-väylät, sairaanhoitaja päivä
  • SAR24S1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Upon completing the course, you will be familiar with the key changes associated with healthy aging and factors that promote the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals in diverse environments. You will be motivated to examine aging from a resource-based perspective, understand the significance of promoting the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals/clients, and be adept at utilizing various methods to promote active aging and participation among the elderly.

You will acquire knowledge about prevalent diseases in the elderly population, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, as well as the fundamentals of medication administration for elderly individuals. You will be introduced to the basics of palliative and end-of-life care. Understanding the connections between cultural backgrounds and aging, you will be encouraged to consider nursing practices that acknowledge diversity.

You will possess the skills to search for evidence-based information related to gerontological nursing and stay updated with current discussions. You will be motivated to explore gerontological and palliative care, while considering the development of these areas of expertise from an ethical perspective


The main content of the course encompasses the key concepts of gerontological nursing, the elderly as individuals and active participants within the family, community, society, and multicultural environments. The course examines the aging process and its influencing factors, promoting health and functional capacity, considering ethical perspectives. Additionally, it covers memory health, basics of palliative and end-of-life care, nursing competence and its development, non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment for the elderly, as well as fundamentals of gerotechnology.

Time and location

Lähioppimisajankohdat julkaistaan lukukauden alussa.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Opintojakson kattava oppikirja on tulossa vuoden 2025 alussa.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson alussa tarkastelet lähioppimistunneilla ikääntymistä monialaisesti erilaisissa toimintaympäristöissä tapahtuvassa hoitotyössä näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa hyödyntäen. Jakson aikana yhteisissä oppimiskeskusteluissa opit tuntemaan gerontologisen hoitotyön keskeiset käsitteet, lainsäädännöllistä taustaa sekä eettisiä ja ammatillisia periaatteita. Pohdit yhdessä myös terveeseen ikääntymiseen liittyviä keskeisiä muutoksia sekä iäkkäiden ihmisten terveyttä ja toimintakykyä edistäviä tekijöitä moninaisissa ympäristöissä. RAI-verkkokoulun (THL - Välineistö ja Arviointi) suoritettuasi saat valmiuksia RAI-arviointiin. Reflektoit ikääntymistä voimavaralähtöisesti eri näkökulmista niin lähioppimistilanteissa kuin myös itsenäisesti tietoa hakien ja oppimistehtäviä tehden. Opit ymmärtämään iäkkään ihmisen/asiakkaan terveyden ja toimintakyvyn edistämisen merkityksen osaten hyödyntää monipuolisesti menetelmiä, joilla aktiivista ikääntymistä ja iäkkäiden ihmisten osallisuutta edistetään. Lähioppimistilanteissa, ryhmätehtävissä ja itsenäisessä työskentelyssä opit tuntemaan keskeisiä iäkkään ihmisen sairauksia, hoitotyön menetelmiä ehkäistä ja hoitaa niitä sekä perusteet iäkkään ihmisen lääkehoidosta. Perehdyt palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon perusteisiin niin lähioppimisessa sekä verkkokoulun (THL - Saattohoitopassi) että oppimistehtävien avulla. Opintojakson suoritukset auttavat sinua ymmärtämään kulttuuritaustan yhteyksiä ikääntymiseen ja tarkastelemaan moninaisuutta huomioivia hoitotyön toimintatapoja. Näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa sovellat toteuttamalla ja seuraamalla monipuolisia ohjaustilanteita, joihin valmistaudut tekemällä alkukartoituksen ohjattavasta henkilöstä/ryhmästä sekä tavoitteellisen ohjaussuunnitelman. Ohjauksesta teet arvioinnin suhteessa asetettuihin tavoitteisiin sekä itsearvioinnin, jossa tarkastelet, miten olet opintojakson aikana kehittynyt, tunnistat omat vahvuutesi sekä jatkokehityshaasteet. Ohjauksen/toteutettavat ohjaukset voit toteuttaa yksin tai pienryhmässä. Opintojakson lopuksi symposiumissa toteutat asiantuntijapuheenvuoron valitsemastasi gerontologisen hoitotyön sisältöalueesta huomioiden ohjauksen keskeiset elementit (kohderyhmä, tavoitteet, sisältö, menetelmät, havainnollistaminen, resurssit, arviointi), jaat saavuttamaasi osaamista sekä reflektoit koko oppimisprosessia. Opintojakson lopussa osoitat osaamisesi kirjallisessa kokeessa (salitentissä), joka arvioidaan asteikolla 0-5 (muodostaen opintojakson lopullisen arvosanan).

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojakson aikana hankittua osaamista sovelletaan ammattitaitoa edistävässä harjoittelussa ja erityisesti opintojaksolla Harjoittelu kodinomaisissa ympäristöissä (kuten kotiympäristö, yhteisöllinen asuminen, ympärivuorokautinen palveluasuminen tai muu vastaava valitsemasi ympäristö).

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Kirjallinen tentti salitenttinä opintojakson lopussa - uusintatentit ilmoitetaan opintojakson aikana.

International connections


Alternative completion methods


Student workload

Perehtyminen Moodle-työympäristöön ja oppimistehtäviin tutustuminen sekä oman oppimisaikataulun suunnittelu 3h
Lähioppimistunnit + pienryhmäohjaukset 14 h
Verkkokoulut (THL) + muut yksilö-/ryhmätehtävät 27h
Simulaatio (lääkehoito) 27h
Symposium - suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi 27h
Tentti ja valmistautuminen 10h

Content scheduling

Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.

Further information for students


Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize key aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You are aware of methods used to assess health and functional capacity, as well as approaches to promote successful aging. You are familiar with major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the fundamentals of medication administration for the elderly. In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the basics of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and understand ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Satisfactory 2
You can describe aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You depict methods used to assess health and functional capacity and how successful aging is promoted. You are knowledgeable about major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the basics of medication administration for the elderly. You describe the principles of end-of-life care. In your learning tasks, you illustrate the responsibility and role of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration, and you discuss ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can describe, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. In your learning tasks, you justify methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You are capable of presenting evidence-based information about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You can examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration emerge in your tasks, and you discuss ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Very good 4
You can describe and critically examine, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity from different perspectives. Your learning tasks justify the presentation of methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You demonstrate the application of evidence-based knowledge about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You critically examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration come across in your tasks, and you thoroughly discuss, with diverse arguments, ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the ability to apply evidence-based knowledge about aging-related changes and factors promoting health and functional capacity in various customer situations. You adeptly utilize diverse methods to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. In your learning tasks, you can apply evidence-based knowledge about major illnesses in elderly individuals, nursing techniques to prevent and treat these ailments, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You extensively examine perspectives on quality care during the final stages of life. Your reflections provide well-argued insights into the responsibility and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care. You critically assess your expertise in the field of gerontological nursing in a justified manner.


Basics of nursing and anatomy and physiology.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


03.03.2025 - 18.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Irmeli Matilainen
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto
  • SAR24SM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • ZJA25KS
    Avoin AMK, sote


Upon completing the course, you will be familiar with the key changes associated with healthy aging and factors that promote the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals in diverse environments. You will be motivated to examine aging from a resource-based perspective, understand the significance of promoting the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals/clients, and be adept at utilizing various methods to promote active aging and participation among the elderly.

You will acquire knowledge about prevalent diseases in the elderly population, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, as well as the fundamentals of medication administration for elderly individuals. You will be introduced to the basics of palliative and end-of-life care. Understanding the connections between cultural backgrounds and aging, you will be encouraged to consider nursing practices that acknowledge diversity.

You will possess the skills to search for evidence-based information related to gerontological nursing and stay updated with current discussions. You will be motivated to explore gerontological and palliative care, while considering the development of these areas of expertise from an ethical perspective


The main content of the course encompasses the key concepts of gerontological nursing, the elderly as individuals and active participants within the family, community, society, and multicultural environments. The course examines the aging process and its influencing factors, promoting health and functional capacity, considering ethical perspectives. Additionally, it covers memory health, basics of palliative and end-of-life care, nursing competence and its development, non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment for the elderly, as well as fundamentals of gerotechnology.

Time and location

Lähioppimisajankohdat julkaistaan lukukauden alussa.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Opintojakson kattava oppikirja on tulossa vuoden 2025 alussa.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson alussa tarkastelet lähioppimistunneilla ikääntymistä monialaisesti erilaisissa toimintaympäristöissä tapahtuvassa hoitotyössä näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa hyödyntäen. Jakson aikana yhteisissä oppimiskeskusteluissa opit tuntemaan gerontologisen hoitotyön keskeiset käsitteet, lainsäädännöllistä taustaa sekä eettisiä ja ammatillisia periaatteita. Pohdit yhdessä myös terveeseen ikääntymiseen liittyviä keskeisiä muutoksia sekä iäkkäiden ihmisten terveyttä ja toimintakykyä edistäviä tekijöitä moninaisissa ympäristöissä. RAI-verkkokoulun (THL - Välineistö ja Arviointi) suoritettuasi saat valmiuksia RAI-arviointiin. Reflektoit ikääntymistä voimavaralähtöisesti eri näkökulmista niin lähioppimistilanteissa kuin myös itsenäisesti tietoa hakien ja oppimistehtäviä tehden. Opit ymmärtämään iäkkään ihmisen/asiakkaan terveyden ja toimintakyvyn edistämisen merkityksen osaten hyödyntää monipuolisesti menetelmiä, joilla aktiivista ikääntymistä ja iäkkäiden ihmisten osallisuutta edistetään. Lähioppimistilanteissa, ryhmätehtävissä ja itsenäisessä työskentelyssä opit tuntemaan keskeisiä iäkkään ihmisen sairauksia, hoitotyön menetelmiä ehkäistä ja hoitaa niitä sekä perusteet iäkkään ihmisen lääkehoidosta. Perehdyt palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon perusteisiin niin lähioppimisessa sekä verkkokoulun (THL - Saattohoitopassi) että oppimistehtävien avulla. Opintojakson suoritukset auttavat sinua ymmärtämään kulttuuritaustan yhteyksiä ikääntymiseen ja tarkastelemaan moninaisuutta huomioivia hoitotyön toimintatapoja. Näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa sovellat toteuttamalla ja seuraamalla monipuolisia ohjaustilanteita, joihin valmistaudut tekemällä alkukartoituksen ohjattavasta henkilöstä/ryhmästä sekä tavoitteellisen ohjaussuunnitelman. Ohjauksesta teet arvioinnin suhteessa asetettuihin tavoitteisiin sekä itsearvioinnin, jossa tarkastelet, miten olet opintojakson aikana kehittynyt, tunnistat omat vahvuutesi sekä jatkokehityshaasteet. Ohjauksen/toteutettavat ohjaukset voit toteuttaa yksin tai pienryhmässä. Opintojakson lopuksi symposiumissa toteutat asiantuntijapuheenvuoron valitsemastasi gerontologisen hoitotyön sisältöalueesta huomioiden ohjauksen keskeiset elementit (kohderyhmä, tavoitteet, sisältö, menetelmät, havainnollistaminen, resurssit, arviointi), jaat saavuttamaasi osaamista sekä reflektoit koko oppimisprosessia. Opintojakson lopussa osoitat osaamisesi kirjallisessa kokeessa (salitentissä), joka arvioidaan asteikolla 0-5 (muodostaen opintojakson lopullisen arvosanan).

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojakson aikana hankittua osaamista sovelletaan ammattitaitoa edistävässä harjoittelussa ja erityisesti opintojaksolla Harjoittelu kodinomaisissa ympäristöissä (kuten kotiympäristö, yhteisöllinen asuminen, ympärivuorokautinen palveluasuminen tai muu vastaava valitsemasi ympäristö).

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Kirjallinen tentti salitenttinä opintojakson lopussa - uusintatentit ilmoitetaan opintojakson aikana.

International connections


Alternative completion methods


Student workload

Perehtyminen Moodle-työympäristöön ja oppimistehtäviin tutustuminen sekä oman oppimisaikataulun suunnittelu 3h
Lähioppimistunnit + pienryhmäohjaukset 14 h
Verkkokoulut (THL) + muut yksilö-/ryhmätehtävät 27h
Simulaatio (lääkehoito) 27h
Symposium - suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi 27h
Tentti ja valmistautuminen 10h

Content scheduling

Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.

Further information for students


Avoin amk: 2 joustavan väylän paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize key aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You are aware of methods used to assess health and functional capacity, as well as approaches to promote successful aging. You are familiar with major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the fundamentals of medication administration for the elderly. In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the basics of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and understand ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Satisfactory 2
You can describe aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You depict methods used to assess health and functional capacity and how successful aging is promoted. You are knowledgeable about major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the basics of medication administration for the elderly. You describe the principles of end-of-life care. In your learning tasks, you illustrate the responsibility and role of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration, and you discuss ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can describe, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. In your learning tasks, you justify methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You are capable of presenting evidence-based information about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You can examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration emerge in your tasks, and you discuss ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Very good 4
You can describe and critically examine, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity from different perspectives. Your learning tasks justify the presentation of methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You demonstrate the application of evidence-based knowledge about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You critically examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration come across in your tasks, and you thoroughly discuss, with diverse arguments, ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the ability to apply evidence-based knowledge about aging-related changes and factors promoting health and functional capacity in various customer situations. You adeptly utilize diverse methods to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. In your learning tasks, you can apply evidence-based knowledge about major illnesses in elderly individuals, nursing techniques to prevent and treat these ailments, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You extensively examine perspectives on quality care during the final stages of life. Your reflections provide well-argued insights into the responsibility and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care. You critically assess your expertise in the field of gerontological nursing in a justified manner.


Basics of nursing and anatomy and physiology.


18.11.2024 - 10.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 04.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Irmeli Matilainen
  • SAR25KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)
  • ZJA25KS
    Avoin AMK, sote
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK- Väylät, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto


Upon completing the course, you will be familiar with the key changes associated with healthy aging and factors that promote the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals in diverse environments. You will be motivated to examine aging from a resource-based perspective, understand the significance of promoting the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals/clients, and be adept at utilizing various methods to promote active aging and participation among the elderly.

You will acquire knowledge about prevalent diseases in the elderly population, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, as well as the fundamentals of medication administration for elderly individuals. You will be introduced to the basics of palliative and end-of-life care. Understanding the connections between cultural backgrounds and aging, you will be encouraged to consider nursing practices that acknowledge diversity.

You will possess the skills to search for evidence-based information related to gerontological nursing and stay updated with current discussions. You will be motivated to explore gerontological and palliative care, while considering the development of these areas of expertise from an ethical perspective


The main content of the course encompasses the key concepts of gerontological nursing, the elderly as individuals and active participants within the family, community, society, and multicultural environments. The course examines the aging process and its influencing factors, promoting health and functional capacity, considering ethical perspectives. Additionally, it covers memory health, basics of palliative and end-of-life care, nursing competence and its development, non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment for the elderly, as well as fundamentals of gerotechnology.

Time and location

Lähioppimisajankohdat julkaistaan lukukauden alussa.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Opintojakson kattava oppikirja on tulossa vuoden 2025 alussa.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson alussa tarkastelet lähioppimistunneilla ikääntymistä monialaisesti erilaisissa toimintaympäristöissä tapahtuvassa hoitotyössä näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa hyödyntäen. Jakson aikana yhteisissä oppimiskeskusteluissa opit tuntemaan gerontologisen hoitotyön keskeiset käsitteet, lainsäädännöllistä taustaa sekä eettisiä ja ammatillisia periaatteita. Pohdit yhdessä myös terveeseen ikääntymiseen liittyviä keskeisiä muutoksia sekä iäkkäiden ihmisten terveyttä ja toimintakykyä edistäviä tekijöitä moninaisissa ympäristöissä. RAI-verkkokoulun (THL - Välineistö ja Arviointi) suoritettuasi saat valmiuksia RAI-arviointiin. Reflektoit ikääntymistä voimavaralähtöisesti eri näkökulmista niin lähioppimistilanteissa kuin myös itsenäisesti tietoa hakien ja oppimistehtäviä tehden. Opit ymmärtämään iäkkään ihmisen/asiakkaan terveyden ja toimintakyvyn edistämisen merkityksen osaten hyödyntää monipuolisesti menetelmiä, joilla aktiivista ikääntymistä ja iäkkäiden ihmisten osallisuutta edistetään. Lähioppimistilanteissa, ryhmätehtävissä ja itsenäisessä työskentelyssä opit tuntemaan keskeisiä iäkkään ihmisen sairauksia, hoitotyön menetelmiä ehkäistä ja hoitaa niitä sekä perusteet iäkkään ihmisen lääkehoidosta. Perehdyt palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon perusteisiin niin lähioppimisessa sekä verkkokoulun (THL - Saattohoitopassi) että oppimistehtävien avulla. Opintojakson suoritukset auttavat sinua ymmärtämään kulttuuritaustan yhteyksiä ikääntymiseen ja tarkastelemaan moninaisuutta huomioivia hoitotyön toimintatapoja. Näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa sovellat toteuttamalla ja seuraamalla monipuolisia ohjaustilanteita, joihin valmistaudut tekemällä alkukartoituksen ohjattavasta henkilöstä/ryhmästä sekä tavoitteellisen ohjaussuunnitelman. Ohjauksesta teet arvioinnin suhteessa asetettuihin tavoitteisiin sekä itsearvioinnin, jossa tarkastelet, miten olet opintojakson aikana kehittynyt, tunnistat omat vahvuutesi sekä jatkokehityshaasteet. Ohjauksen/toteutettavat ohjaukset voit toteuttaa yksin tai pienryhmässä. Opintojakson lopuksi symposiumissa toteutat asiantuntijapuheenvuoron valitsemastasi gerontologisen hoitotyön sisältöalueesta huomioiden ohjauksen keskeiset elementit (kohderyhmä, tavoitteet, sisältö, menetelmät, havainnollistaminen, resurssit, arviointi), jaat saavuttamaasi osaamista sekä reflektoit koko oppimisprosessia. Opintojakson lopussa osoitat osaamisesi kirjallisessa kokeessa (salitentissä), joka arvioidaan asteikolla 0-5 (muodostaen opintojakson lopullisen arvosanan).

Practical training and working life connections

Opintojakson aikana hankittua osaamista sovelletaan ammattitaitoa edistävässä harjoittelussa ja erityisesti opintojaksolla Harjoittelu kodinomaisissa ympäristöissä (kuten kotiympäristö, yhteisöllinen asuminen, ympärivuorokautinen palveluasuminen tai muu vastaava valitsemasi ympäristö).

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Kirjallinen tentti salitenttinä opintojakson lopussa - uusintatentit ilmoitetaan opintojakson aikana.

International connections


Alternative completion methods


Student workload

Perehtyminen Moodle-työympäristöön ja oppimistehtäviin tutustuminen sekä oman oppimisaikataulun suunnittelu 3h
Lähioppimistunnit + pienryhmäohjaukset 14 h
Verkkokoulut (THL) + muut yksilö-/ryhmätehtävät 27h
Simulaatio (lääkehoito) 27h
Symposium - suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi 27h
Tentti ja valmistautuminen 10h

Content scheduling

Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alussa.

Further information for students


Avoin amk: 2 joustavan väylän paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize key aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You are aware of methods used to assess health and functional capacity, as well as approaches to promote successful aging. You are familiar with major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the fundamentals of medication administration for the elderly. In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the basics of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and understand ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Satisfactory 2
You can describe aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You depict methods used to assess health and functional capacity and how successful aging is promoted. You are knowledgeable about major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the basics of medication administration for the elderly. You describe the principles of end-of-life care. In your learning tasks, you illustrate the responsibility and role of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration, and you discuss ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can describe, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. In your learning tasks, you justify methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You are capable of presenting evidence-based information about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You can examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration emerge in your tasks, and you discuss ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Very good 4
You can describe and critically examine, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity from different perspectives. Your learning tasks justify the presentation of methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You demonstrate the application of evidence-based knowledge about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You critically examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration come across in your tasks, and you thoroughly discuss, with diverse arguments, ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the ability to apply evidence-based knowledge about aging-related changes and factors promoting health and functional capacity in various customer situations. You adeptly utilize diverse methods to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. In your learning tasks, you can apply evidence-based knowledge about major illnesses in elderly individuals, nursing techniques to prevent and treat these ailments, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You extensively examine perspectives on quality care during the final stages of life. Your reflections provide well-argued insights into the responsibility and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care. You critically assess your expertise in the field of gerontological nursing in a justified manner.


Basics of nursing and anatomy and physiology.


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Seija Tiilikainen
  • SAR24S2
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Upon completing the course, you will be familiar with the key changes associated with healthy aging and factors that promote the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals in diverse environments. You will be motivated to examine aging from a resource-based perspective, understand the significance of promoting the health and functional capacity of elderly individuals/clients, and be adept at utilizing various methods to promote active aging and participation among the elderly.

You will acquire knowledge about prevalent diseases in the elderly population, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, as well as the fundamentals of medication administration for elderly individuals. You will be introduced to the basics of palliative and end-of-life care. Understanding the connections between cultural backgrounds and aging, you will be encouraged to consider nursing practices that acknowledge diversity.

You will possess the skills to search for evidence-based information related to gerontological nursing and stay updated with current discussions. You will be motivated to explore gerontological and palliative care, while considering the development of these areas of expertise from an ethical perspective


The main content of the course encompasses the key concepts of gerontological nursing, the elderly as individuals and active participants within the family, community, society, and multicultural environments. The course examines the aging process and its influencing factors, promoting health and functional capacity, considering ethical perspectives. Additionally, it covers memory health, basics of palliative and end-of-life care, nursing competence and its development, non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatment for the elderly, as well as fundamentals of gerotechnology.

Time and location

Opiskelu tapahtuu Dynamolla sekä työelämäyhteistyökumppanin tiloissa

Learning materials and recommended literature

Rantanen T; Kokko K, Sipilä S, Viljanen A (toim.). Gerontologia.2022. Kustannus Oy Duodecim.
Opintojakson materiaalit

Teaching methods

Itsenäinen opiskelu

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Ilmoitetaan opintojaskon alussa

Student workload

Kontaktiopetus 12t + tentti 1t
Itsenäinen opiskelu pienryhmissä ja yksin n.95t

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize key aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You are aware of methods used to assess health and functional capacity, as well as approaches to promote successful aging. You are familiar with major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the fundamentals of medication administration for the elderly. In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the basics of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and understand ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Satisfactory 2
You can describe aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. You depict methods used to assess health and functional capacity and how successful aging is promoted. You are knowledgeable about major diseases in the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, and the basics of medication administration for the elderly. You describe the principles of end-of-life care. In your learning tasks, you illustrate the responsibility and role of client-centered nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration, and you discuss ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can describe, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity. In your learning tasks, you justify methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You are capable of presenting evidence-based information about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You can examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration emerge in your tasks, and you discuss ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Very good 4
You can describe and critically examine, based on evidence, aging-related changes and factors that promote health and functional capacity from different perspectives. Your learning tasks justify the presentation of methods used to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. You demonstrate the application of evidence-based knowledge about major diseases among the elderly, nursing methods to prevent and treat them, considering specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You critically examine the foundations of a good end-of-life approach. The responsibilities and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration come across in your tasks, and you thoroughly discuss, with diverse arguments, ethical questions related to gerontological and palliative care.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
In your learning tasks, you demonstrate the ability to apply evidence-based knowledge about aging-related changes and factors promoting health and functional capacity in various customer situations. You adeptly utilize diverse methods to assess health and functional capacity and promote successful aging. In your learning tasks, you can apply evidence-based knowledge about major illnesses in elderly individuals, nursing techniques to prevent and treat these ailments, considering the specific characteristics of medication administration for the elderly. You extensively examine perspectives on quality care during the final stages of life. Your reflections provide well-argued insights into the responsibility and role of nursing in multidisciplinary collaboration and ethical issues related to gerontological and palliative care. You critically assess your expertise in the field of gerontological nursing in a justified manner.


Basics of nursing and anatomy and physiology.