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Breastfeeding guidanceLaajuus (1.5 cr)

Code: SZ00CL36


1.5 op



On this course, you will learn the basics of breastfeeding guidance to be able to instruct and support mothers and families in successful breastfeeding, promote baby-friendliness and protect breastfeeding.

Course competences

Health promotion competence


After completing this course, you will be able to apply and provide evidence-based breastfeeding guidance and dietary advice to families expecting a child and with infants.

You understand the factors promoting breastfeeding and the challenges related to breastfeeding on an individual, communal and social level.

You understand the significance of protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding as part of the overall well-being of women, families with infants and the community.


Baby Friendly Initiative
National and international breastfeeding recommendations
Dietary recommendations for infants
The anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding
The safeguarding of the building and maintenance of milk production
Breastfeeding confidence
Evidence-based breastfeeding guidance
Signs of successful breastfeeding
Latching and breastfeeding positions
Breastfeeding and health
Special circumstances and challenges in breastfeeding
Relationships, sexuality and multiculturalism from the point of view of breastfeeding


For students and professionals in the social and health field

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to plan, implement and evaluate with justifications the -based breastfeeding guidance and dietary advice for families expecting a baby and families with infants.

You are able to justify the factors promoting breastfeeding and the challenges related to breastfeeding on an individual, communal and social level.

You are able to provide grounds for the significance of protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding as part of the overall well-being of women, infants and families with infants.


01.08.2024 - 19.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

1 op

Virtual portion

0.5 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Christina Mantsinen
Teacher in charge

Elina Tiainen



On this course, you will learn the basics of breastfeeding guidance to be able to instruct and support mothers and families in successful breastfeeding, promote baby-friendliness and protect breastfeeding.

Course competences

Health promotion competence


After completing this course, you will be able to apply and provide evidence-based breastfeeding guidance and dietary advice to families expecting a child and with infants.

You understand the factors promoting breastfeeding and the challenges related to breastfeeding on an individual, communal and social level.

You understand the significance of protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding as part of the overall well-being of women, families with infants and the community.


Baby Friendly Initiative
National and international breastfeeding recommendations
Dietary recommendations for infants
The anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding
The safeguarding of the building and maintenance of milk production
Breastfeeding confidence
Evidence-based breastfeeding guidance
Signs of successful breastfeeding
Latching and breastfeeding positions
Breastfeeding and health
Special circumstances and challenges in breastfeeding
Relationships, sexuality and multiculturalism from the point of view of breastfeeding

Time and location

19.9.24 klo 9.45-11.15 P2_D405
25.9.24 klo 12.15-15.30 P2_D405
1.10.24 klo 8.00-13.45 P2_D405
13.11.24 klo 8.00-13.45 P2_D405

Learning materials and recommended literature

Deufel M. & Montonen E. (toim.) 2017. Onnistunut imetys. Duodecim. e-kirja.
Hakulinen T., Otronen K. & Kuronen M. Kansallinen imetyksen edistämisen toimintaohjelma vuosille 2018-2022. THL.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
Contact teaching, independent study of the material, online tests, learning task, training, demonstration of competence

Practical training and working life connections

Online exam in the fall semester of 2024

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Verkkotentti syyslukukaudella 2024

Student workload

contact teaching 15h
breastfeeding guidance training and demonstration of competence 8h
independent study 16
online exam 1,5 h

Content scheduling

Contact teaching will take place on three days during the autumn semester 2024
Breastfeeding guidance training and the demonstration of competence take place in training that involves expectant families or families with an infant

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You are able to plan, implement and evaluate with justifications the -based breastfeeding guidance and dietary advice for families expecting a baby and families with infants.

You are able to justify the factors promoting breastfeeding and the challenges related to breastfeeding on an individual, communal and social level.

You are able to provide grounds for the significance of protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding as part of the overall well-being of women, infants and families with infants.


For students and professionals in the social and health field