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Antenatal Care of Mother and FamilyLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SL00CQ26


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


The purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the theory of midwifery for pregnant women and their families

Competences of the course
Professional competence in midwifery
Client competence in midwifery
Clinical competence as a sexual and reproductive health promoter midwife

Learning outcomes of the course
After completing the course, you will understand and be able to justify the factors related to the safe encounter of pregnant women and their families.
You will able to identify, assess, and anticipate factors that contribute to the sexual and reproductive health of pregnant women and families, pregnancy risks, and risk pregnancies based on evidence.
You will be able to analyze resource-based process thinking and be able to make evidence-based decisions in planning and evaluating the multi-professional midwifery work of a pregnant woman and family.
You will know and are able to justify the key midwifery interventions, methods of helping and digital solutions and technology in caring the fetus, woman and family during pregnancy.


Legislation, recommendations and service system governing midwifery for pregnant women and families
Encountering and cooperating with a pregnant woman and family, and identifying and addressing difficult and sensitive issues.
Principles, methods and key contents for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health of pregnant women and families
Risks and risk pregnancies for pregnant women and the unborn child
Key midwifery interventions and methods of helping pregnant women, the fetus and the family
Evidence-based nursing process for the sexual and reproductive health of a pregnant woman and family
Supporting the relationship and sexuality of a pregnant woman and family
Supporting early interaction, growth of parenthood and mental health of pregnant women and families
Family Coaching
Addressing and preventing intimate partner and domestic violence
Social security during pregnancy
Finding out paternity and motherhood


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, internal medicine, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management, acute, operative nursing, family and pediatric nursing.
The student knows the principles of evidence-based decision making.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You can describe the factors involved in the safe encounter of pregnant women and their families.
You can name the factors that promote sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy risks, and risk pregnancies for a pregnant woman and family based on evidence.
You can describe the principles and resource-based methods of promoting sexual and reproductive health in pregnant women and families.
You can describe empowerment-based and evidence-based process in the planning and evaluation of midwifery work for pregnant woman and family.

Satisfactory 2
You can define the factors involved in the safe encounter of pregnant women and their families.
You can define the factors that promote sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy risks, and risk pregnancies for a pregnant woman and family based on evidence.
You can define the principles and resource-based methods of promoting sexual and reproductive health in pregnant women and families.
You can define empowerment-based and evidence-based process in the planning and evaluation of midwifery work for pregnant woman and family.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You can justify the factors involved in the safe encounter of pregnant women and their families.
You can justify the factors that promote sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy risks, and risk pregnancies for a pregnant woman and family based on evidence.
You can justify the principles and resource-based methods of promoting sexual and reproductive health in pregnant women and families.
You can justify empowerment-based and evidence-based process in the planning and evaluation of midwifery work for pregnant woman and family.

Very good 4
You can evaluate the factors involved in the safe encounter of pregnant women and their families.
You can evaluate the factors that promote sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy risks, and risk pregnancies for a pregnant woman and family based on evidence.
You can evaluate the principles and resource-based methods of promoting sexual and reproductive health in pregnant women and families.
You can evaluate empowerment-based and evidence-based process in the planning and evaluation of midwifery work for pregnant woman and family.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can critically evaluate the factors involved in the safe encounter of pregnant women and their families.
You can critically evaluate the factors that promote sexual and reproductive health, pregnancy risks, and risk pregnancies for a pregnant woman and family based on evidence.
You can critically evaluate the principles and resource-based methods of promoting sexual and reproductive health in pregnant women and families.
You can critically evaluate empowerment-based and evidence-based process in the planning and evaluation of midwifery work for pregnant woman and family.