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Degree Programme in Midwifery: Full time studies

Code: SOK2025KS

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

270 ects

4.5 years (270 cr)

Start semester:
Spring 2025

Teaching language:

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 Autumn 2027 Spring 2028 Autumn 2028 Spring 2029 2. / 2025 3. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2027 3. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2028 3. / 2028 1. / 2028 2. / 2029 3. / 2029

(Choose all )

ZZ00CB57 Me as a Student in Higher Education 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
ZZ00CB58 Information Seeking and Reporting 1 1 1 1
ZZ00CB59 Career Planning and Working Life Skills 2 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3
ZZ00CB60 ICT Skills 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

ZZ00CD00 English for Working Life 4 4 4 4
ZZ00CD01 Swedish for Working Life 4 4 4 4
ZZ00CD02 Working Life Communication 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

ZZ00CD13 Basics of Sustainable Development 1 1 1 1
ZZ00CK91 InnoFlash 2 2 2 2
ZZ00CK90 Entrepreneurship 3 3 3 3
ZZ00CQ03 Theory of Project Management 2 2 2 2

(Choose all )

ZZ00CK89 Research and Development 5 5 5 5
ZZ00BL91 Bachelor's Thesis, Planning 3 3 3 3
ZZ00BL97 Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing 2 2 2 2
ZZ00BL92 Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation 6 6 6 6
ZZ00BL93 Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment 4 4 4 4
ZZOA0220 Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree 0

(Choose all )

SA00CG22 Pharmacology 5 4 1 3 1 1 3 1 1
SA00CG23 Anatomy & Physiology 5 3 2 3 2 3 2
SA00CG24 Medical studies 5 2.5 2.5 1.5 1 2.5 1.5 1 2.5

(Choose all )

SA00CG25 Evidence based nursing 4 4 4 4
SA00CG26 Health promotion ang guidance 3 3 3 3
SA00CG27 Basics of nursing 3 3 3 3
SA00CG28 Pharmacotherapy 3 3 3 3
SA00CG29 Cultural Nursing 3 3 3 3
SW00CG30 Basics of nursing practice 9 9 9 3 6

(Choose all )

SA00CG31 Basics of medical nursing 4 4 4 4
SA00CG32 Clinical medical nursing and palliative care 6 6 6 6
SW00CG33 Medical nursing practice 9 9 9 9
SA00CG34 Gerontological nursing and gerontechnology 4 4 4 4

(Choose all )

SA00CG36 Mental health and addiction nursing 5 5 5 5
SW00CG37 Mental health and addiction nursing practice 9 9 9 3 6

(Choose all )

SA00CG38 Maternity and women´s nursing 4 4 4 4
SA00CG39 Pediatric and adolescent nursing 5 5 5 5
SW00CG40 Pediatric and adolescent nursing practice 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
SLSSW201 Maternity care Practice 6 6 6 6
SLSSW202 Gynaecological nursing in Surgical Practice 6 6 6 6
SL00CP08 Hoitotyön harjoittelu kätilöopiskelijoille 4 5 5 5

(Choose all )

SA00CG41 Acute nursing 2 2 2 2
SA00CG42 Perioperative nursing 4 4 4 4
SW00CG43 Perioperative nursing practice 6 6 6 6
SA00CG44 Clinical Examinations and Assessment of Care 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

SL00CQ26 Antenatal Care of Mother and Family 5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3 0.5 1.5 3 0.5
SLSS2011 Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth 5 3 2 3 2 3 2
SLSS2012 Postnatal Care of The Family and Promotion of Early Attachment 5 5 4 1 4 1
SL00CO55 Gynaecological Nursing and Sexual Health Promotion 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
SLSS2014 Medical Aspects of Midwifery 5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 1.5

(Choose all )

SLSS2016 Development in Midwifery 5 5 5 5
SL00CO56 Professional Growth in Midwifery 3 0.5 2.5 0.3 0.3 1.3 1.3 0.3 0.3 1.3 1.3
SA00CG46 Working Life Skills and Team Leadership 3 3 3 3

(Choose all )

SLSSW203 Antenatal Care of Mother and Family Practice 22 8 14 5 3 3 11 5 3 3 11
SLSSW204 Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth Practice 26 13 13 13 13 13 13
SLSSW205 Postnatal Care of The Family Practice 6 6 3 3 3 3
SLSSW206 Gynaecological Nursing Practice 6 3 3 3 3 3 3

(Choose ects: 5)

SZ00BB55 Digital Security and Cyber Threats in the Health Sector 5
SHZE1500 Elective Studies 5 - 10 5 5 5
SZ00CL29 Let´s talk about children method in co-operation with families 3 - 5
SZ00CM35 Sexuality of the elderly 5
SZ00CL36 Breastfeeding guidance 1.5
SZ00CL39 Sexual Health Promotion 5
SZ00CM36 Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing 5
SZ00CL51 Prevention of Domestic Violence 5
SZ00CL91 Human trafficking as a phenomenon and how to identify it 1
Student wellbeing in studies and at work (For Bachelor's Student)

(Choose 57)

0 - 57
SZZZ1910 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5
BI00BB51 Writing for studies 2
BI00BB52 Study techniques 2
BI00BB50 Refreshing language skills 1
ZZ00CM49 Mentoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM06 Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM07 Multiform tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM05 Degree Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM04 Exchange Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZAJ0100 Active in Student Associations 5 - 15
ZZ00BP80 Boost your career! Career planning and working life skills 2
Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)

(Choose 23)

0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5

(Choose 0)


(Choose 0)

Total 270 36.5 65.5 67 56 46 36.5 25 40.5 24.8 42.3 24.8 31.3 26.8 19.3 30.5 6 25 31.5 9 24.8 33.8 8.5 24.8 31.3 0 26.8 19.3 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Structure of the studies (Bachelor's degree)

Professional Studies
Theory of Project Management
Anatomy & Physiology
Medical studies
Evidence based nursing
Health promotion ang guidance
Basics of nursing
Cultural Nursing
Basics of medical nursing
Clinical medical nursing and palliative care
Gerontological nursing and gerontechnology
Mental health and addiction nursing
Maternity and women´s nursing
Pediatric and adolescent nursing
Acute nursing
Perioperative nursing
Clinical Examinations and Assessment of Care
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth
Postnatal Care of The Family and Promotion of Early Attachment
Gynaecological Nursing and Sexual Health Promotion
Medical Aspects of Midwifery
Development in Midwifery
Professional Growth in Midwifery
Working Life Skills and Team Leadership
Practical Training
Basics of nursing practice
Medical nursing practice
Mental health and addiction nursing practice
Pediatric and adolescent nursing practice
Maternity care Practice
Gynaecological nursing in Surgical Practice
Hoitotyön harjoittelu kätilöopiskelijoille
Perioperative nursing practice
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family Practice
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth Practice
Postnatal Care of The Family Practice
Gynaecological Nursing Practice
Bachelor's Thesis
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Core Studies
Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Basics of Sustainable Development
Research and Development
Elective Studies
Digital Security and Cyber Threats in the Health Sector
Elective Studies
Let´s talk about children method in co-operation with families
Sexuality of the elderly
Breastfeeding guidance
Sexual Health Promotion
Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
Prevention of Domestic Violence
Human trafficking as a phenomenon and how to identify it
Not grouped

Bachelor's degree: Midwifery 2021-2024

Kätilön ammatillinen osaaminen

- toimii voimassaolevan lainsäädännön ja informaatio-ohjauksen mukaisesti
- tunnistaa ja analysoi omia arvoja ja asenteita sekä toimii hoitotyön ja kätilötyön arvojen ja periaatteiden mukaisesti yhteisöissä ja verkostoissa sekä edistää niiden tavoitteita ja toimintaa
- tuntee oman vastuunsa sairaanhoitajana ja kätilönä sekä toteuttaa turvallista hoito- ja kätilötyötä
- soveltaa tasa-arvoisuuden ja yhdenvertaisuuden periaatteita toiminnassaan
- toimii seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden asiantuntijana sosiaali- ja terveysalan palvelujärjestelmän monialaisissa yhteisöissä ja verkostoissa.

Antenatal Care of Mother and Family
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth
Postnatal Care of The Family and Promotion of Early Attachment
Gynaecological Nursing and Sexual Health Promotion
Medical Aspects of Midwifery
Development in Midwifery
Professional Growth in Midwifery
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family Practice
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth Practice
Postnatal Care of The Family Practice
Gynaecological Nursing Practice
Kätilön kliininen osaaminen seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden edistäjänä

* toimii seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden edistäjänä
* tunnistaa naisen ja perheen hoidon tarpeen ja suunnittelee, toteuttaa ja arvioi asiakaslähtöistä kätilötyötä
* hallitsee näyttöön perustuvat keskeiset kätilötyön auttamismenetelmät ja toteuttaa itsenäistä päätöksentekoa kätilötyön eri toimintaympäristöissä
* tunnistaa, arvioi ja ennakoi seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyteen liittyviä riskejä sekä osaa toimia kätilötyön muuttuvissa tilanteissa.

Antenatal Care of Mother and Family
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth
Postnatal Care of The Family and Promotion of Early Attachment
Gynaecological Nursing and Sexual Health Promotion
Medical Aspects of Midwifery
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family Practice
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth Practice
Postnatal Care of The Family Practice
Gynaecological Nursing Practice
Kätilötyön asiakkuusosaaminen

* toimii nais- ja perhekeskeisesti
* luo turvallisen ja luottamuksellisen yhteistyösuhteen naisen ja perheen kanssa
* suunnittelee, toteuttaa ja arvioi voimavaralähtöistä ohjausta yhdessä naisen ja perheen kanssa
* toimii sensitiivisesti ja eri kulttuurit huomioiden.

Antenatal Care of Mother and Family
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth
Postnatal Care of The Family and Promotion of Early Attachment
Gynaecological Nursing and Sexual Health Promotion
Medical Aspects of Midwifery
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family Practice
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth Practice
Postnatal Care of The Family Practice
Gynaecological Nursing Practice
Kätilötyön kehittämis- ja johtamisosaaminen

* kehittää itseään ammatillisesti
* johtaa omaa toimintaansa ja tiimien toimintaa kätilötyössä
* soveltaa kehittämis-, innovaatio- ja yrittäjyysosaamisen taitoja kätilötyön ja työyhteisön kehittämiseen
* omaa valmiudet puuttua epäammatilliseen työskentelyyn.

Development in Midwifery
Professional Growth in Midwifery
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family Practice
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth Practice
Postnatal Care of The Family Practice
Gynaecological Nursing Practice
Not grouped
Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Basics of Sustainable Development
Theory of Project Management
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Anatomy & Physiology
Medical studies
Evidence based nursing
Health promotion ang guidance
Basics of nursing
Cultural Nursing
Basics of nursing practice
Basics of medical nursing
Clinical medical nursing and palliative care
Medical nursing practice
Gerontological nursing and gerontechnology
Mental health and addiction nursing
Mental health and addiction nursing practice
Maternity and women´s nursing
Pediatric and adolescent nursing
Pediatric and adolescent nursing practice
Maternity care Practice
Gynaecological nursing in Surgical Practice
Hoitotyön harjoittelu kätilöopiskelijoille
Acute nursing
Perioperative nursing
Perioperative nursing practice
Clinical Examinations and Assessment of Care
Working Life Skills and Team Leadership
Digital Security and Cyber Threats in the Health Sector
Elective Studies
Let´s talk about children method in co-operation with families
Sexuality of the elderly
Breastfeeding guidance
Sexual Health Promotion
Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
Prevention of Domestic Violence
Human trafficking as a phenomenon and how to identify it

Bachelor’s degree: The shared competences 2023-2025


The graduating student adheres to the ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking the principles of equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to take responsibility for their own actions and their consequences and reflects on them in accordance with the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Takes others into account and promotes equality and non-discrimination.
- Take into account the realisation of diversity and accessibility in their actions.
- Understands the principles of responsible conduct of research and adheres to them.
- Is able to influence society based on ethical values.

Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Basics of Sustainable Development
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Basics of nursing practice
Medical nursing practice
Mental health and addiction nursing
Mental health and addiction nursing practice
Pediatric and adolescent nursing practice
Gynaecological nursing in Surgical Practice
Hoitotyön harjoittelu kätilöopiskelijoille
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to develop solutions that anticipate the future of their own field, applying existing knowledge and research and development methods.
− Solves problem situations creatively and reforms operating methods together with others.
− Is able to work in projects in cooperation with actors of different fields.
− Is able to apply existing knowledge in the field in development and utilises research and development methods.
− Is able to seek customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future of their field.

Basics of Sustainable Development
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Cultural Nursing
Clinical medical nursing and palliative care
Acute nursing
Development in Midwifery
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to operate in multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is familiar with the impacts of their cultural background on their activities and is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to monitor and utilise the international development of their field in their work.
- Is able to communicate internationally in their work tasks.

Me as a Student in Higher Education
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Research and Development
Cultural Nursing
Mental health and addiction nursing practice
Clinical Examinations and Assessment of Care
Sustainable development

The graduating student is familiar with the principles of sustainable development, promotes their implementation and acts responsibly as a professional and a member of society.
- Is able to use information related to their field in finding, implementing and establishing sustainable solutions and operating models.
- Understands sustainability challenges, their interdependencies and the various aspects of issues and problems.

Basics of Sustainable Development
Health promotion ang guidance
Cultural Nursing
Basics of nursing practice
Medical nursing practice
Pediatric and adolescent nursing practice
Maternity care Practice
Gynaecological nursing in Surgical Practice
Perioperative nursing practice
Postnatal Care of The Family and Promotion of Early Attachment
Gynaecological Nursing and Sexual Health Promotion
Development in Midwifery
Working Life Skills and Team Leadership
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family Practice
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth Practice
Postnatal Care of The Family Practice
Gynaecological Nursing Practice
Learning to learn

The graduating student recognises the strengths and development areas of their competence and learning methods, and they utilise the opportunities communities and digitalisation provide in their learning.
- Assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and appropriately apply the national and international knowledge base andpractices of their field.
- Also takes responsibility for group learning and sharing what has been learned.

Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Evidence based nursing
Perioperative nursing
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student has versatile working life skills and is able to operate in work communities of their field.
- Is able to work constructively in a work community and promotes their own and their work community’s well-being.
- Is able to act professionally in communication and interaction situations at a workplace.
- Utilises the opportunities offered by technology and digitalisation in their work.
- Understands the complexity of changing working life and their own resilience in changing working life situations.
- Has capabilities for an entrepreneurial approach.

Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Evidence based nursing
Basics of nursing practice
Hoitotyön harjoittelu kätilöopiskelijoille
Acute nursing
Perioperative nursing practice
Clinical Examinations and Assessment of Care
Development in Midwifery
Working Life Skills and Team Leadership
Not grouped
Theory of Project Management
Anatomy & Physiology
Medical studies
Basics of nursing
Basics of medical nursing
Gerontological nursing and gerontechnology
Maternity and women´s nursing
Pediatric and adolescent nursing
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth
Medical Aspects of Midwifery
Professional Growth in Midwifery
Digital Security and Cyber Threats in the Health Sector
Elective Studies
Let´s talk about children method in co-operation with families
Sexuality of the elderly
Breastfeeding guidance
Sexual Health Promotion
Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
Prevention of Domestic Violence
Human trafficking as a phenomenon and how to identify it

Bachelor's Degree: Nursing 2024

Clinical competence

The student
- identifies the need for client or patient care and plans, implements and evaluates client-centered care in a variety of specialist areas in collaboration with client or patient, close relatives and other social and health professionals.
- masters evidence based essential nursing skills in a variety of specialist areas as part of holistic client or patient care.
- applies the supporting multidisciplinary sciences in planning, implementing and assessing nursing.

Anatomy & Physiology
Medical studies
Health promotion ang guidance
Basics of nursing
Basics of nursing practice
Basics of medical nursing
Clinical medical nursing and palliative care
Medical nursing practice
Maternity and women´s nursing
Pediatric and adolescent nursing
Pediatric and adolescent nursing practice
Maternity care Practice
Gynaecological nursing in Surgical Practice
Hoitotyön harjoittelu kätilöopiskelijoille
Acute nursing
Perioperative nursing
Perioperative nursing practice
Clinical Examinations and Assessment of Care
Evidence based nursing and decision making competence

The student
- identifies the need and commits to implementation to evidence-based nursing
- applies evidence-based information to the planning, delivery and evaluation of nursing care
- promotes evidence-based nursing practices in their area of responsibility
- compares multidisciplinary data to support clinical decision-making and draw evidence-based conclusions
- applies critical and ethical open science principles in information acquisition and processing.

Anatomy & Physiology
Medical studies
Basics of nursing
Basics of medical nursing
Clinical medical nursing and palliative care
Pediatric and adolescent nursing
Perioperative nursing
Clinical Examinations and Assessment of Care
Guidance and interaction competence

The student
- assesses the client's or patient's needs and resources and identify their own responsibilities in counseling planning and support for self-care.
- is able to plan, implement and evaluate individual and group counseling with client or patient, relatives and others using patient-centered instruction and guidance.
- is able to design, implement and evaluate evidence-based guidance for client or patient engagement and self-care.
- masters the customer or patient care path and knows the basics of service system guidance.

Health promotion ang guidance
Basics of nursing
Medical nursing practice
Mental health and addiction nursing
Mental health and addiction nursing practice
Maternity and women´s nursing
Pediatric and adolescent nursing practice
Maternity care Practice
Hoitotyön harjoittelu kätilöopiskelijoille
Perioperative nursing
Health promotion competence

The student
- applies health promotion theories and current research knowledge used in nursing.
- is able to plan, implement, evaluate, and develop evidence-based health and functional ability interventions for individuals, groups, and communities, together with, and in multidisciplinary collaboration.
- supports the recognition and empowerment of clients or patients' own resources.
- identifies and evaluates clients or patients' health risk factors and is able to target early support to those in need.
- identifies existing and emerging national and global health threats and integrate them into client or patient health promotion.
- promotes global responsibility.

Health promotion ang guidance
Basics of medical nursing
Clinical medical nursing and palliative care
Medical nursing practice
Mental health and addiction nursing
Mental health and addiction nursing practice
Maternity and women´s nursing
Pediatric and adolescent nursing
Maternity care Practice
Gynaecological nursing in Surgical Practice
Perioperative nursing practice
Not grouped
Me as a Student in Higher Education
Information Seeking and Reporting
Career Planning and Working Life Skills
ICT Skills
English for Working Life
Swedish for Working Life
Working Life Communication
Basics of Sustainable Development
Theory of Project Management
Research and Development
Bachelor's Thesis, Planning
Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing
Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation
Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment
Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree
Evidence based nursing
Cultural Nursing
Gerontological nursing and gerontechnology
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth
Postnatal Care of The Family and Promotion of Early Attachment
Gynaecological Nursing and Sexual Health Promotion
Medical Aspects of Midwifery
Development in Midwifery
Professional Growth in Midwifery
Working Life Skills and Team Leadership
Antenatal Care of Mother and Family Practice
Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth Practice
Postnatal Care of The Family Practice
Gynaecological Nursing Practice
Digital Security and Cyber Threats in the Health Sector
Elective Studies
Let´s talk about children method in co-operation with families
Sexuality of the elderly
Breastfeeding guidance
Sexual Health Promotion
Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
Prevention of Domestic Violence
Human trafficking as a phenomenon and how to identify it

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

ZZ00CB57 Me as a Student in Higher Education 2
ZZ00CB58 Information Seeking and Reporting 1
ZZ00CB59 Career Planning and Working Life Skills 2
ZZ00CB60 ICT Skills 3

(Choose all)

ZZ00CD00 English for Working Life 4
ZZ00CD01 Swedish for Working Life 4
ZZ00CD02 Working Life Communication 3

(Choose all)

ZZ00CD13 Basics of Sustainable Development 1
ZZ00CK91 InnoFlash 2
ZZ00CK90 Entrepreneurship 3
ZZ00CQ03 Theory of Project Management 2

(Choose all)

ZZ00CK89 Research and Development 5
ZZ00BL91 Bachelor's Thesis, Planning 3
ZZ00BL97 Bachelor's Thesis, Thesis Writing 2
ZZ00BL92 Bachelor's Thesis, Implementation 6
ZZ00BL93 Bachelor's Thesis, Reporting and Assessment 4
ZZOA0220 Maturity Test, Bachelor's Degree 0

(Choose all)

SA00CG22 Pharmacology 5
SA00CG23 Anatomy & Physiology 5
SA00CG24 Medical studies 5

(Choose all)

SA00CG25 Evidence based nursing 4
SA00CG26 Health promotion ang guidance 3
SA00CG27 Basics of nursing 3
SA00CG28 Pharmacotherapy 3
SA00CG29 Cultural Nursing 3
SW00CG30 Basics of nursing practice 9

(Choose all)

SA00CG31 Basics of medical nursing 4
SA00CG32 Clinical medical nursing and palliative care 6
SW00CG33 Medical nursing practice 9
SA00CG34 Gerontological nursing and gerontechnology 4

(Choose all)

SA00CG36 Mental health and addiction nursing 5
SW00CG37 Mental health and addiction nursing practice 9

(Choose all)

SA00CG38 Maternity and women´s nursing 4
SA00CG39 Pediatric and adolescent nursing 5
SW00CG40 Pediatric and adolescent nursing practice 7
SLSSW201 Maternity care Practice 6
SLSSW202 Gynaecological nursing in Surgical Practice 6
SL00CP08 Hoitotyön harjoittelu kätilöopiskelijoille 4

(Choose all)

SA00CG41 Acute nursing 2
SA00CG42 Perioperative nursing 4
SW00CG43 Perioperative nursing practice 6
SA00CG44 Clinical Examinations and Assessment of Care 3

(Choose all)

SL00CQ26 Antenatal Care of Mother and Family 5
SLSS2011 Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth 5
SLSS2012 Postnatal Care of The Family and Promotion of Early Attachment 5
SL00CO55 Gynaecological Nursing and Sexual Health Promotion 3
SLSS2014 Medical Aspects of Midwifery 5

(Choose all)

SLSS2016 Development in Midwifery 5
SL00CO56 Professional Growth in Midwifery 3
SA00CG46 Working Life Skills and Team Leadership 3

(Choose all)

SLSSW203 Antenatal Care of Mother and Family Practice 22
SLSSW204 Care of the Mother and Family During Childbirth Practice 26
SLSSW205 Postnatal Care of The Family Practice 6
SLSSW206 Gynaecological Nursing Practice 6

(Choose ects: 5)

SZ00BB55 Digital Security and Cyber Threats in the Health Sector 5
SHZE1500 Elective Studies 5 - 10
SZ00CL29 Let´s talk about children method in co-operation with families 3 - 5
SZ00CM35 Sexuality of the elderly 5
SZ00CL36 Breastfeeding guidance 1.5
SZ00CL39 Sexual Health Promotion 5
SZ00CM36 Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing 5
SZ00CL51 Prevention of Domestic Violence 5
SZ00CL91 Human trafficking as a phenomenon and how to identify it 1
Student wellbeing in studies and at work (For Bachelor's Student)
0 - 57
SZZZ1910 Student´s wellbeing and life skills 2
ZS00CJ12 Life Balance 5
BI00BB51 Writing for studies 2
BI00BB52 Study techniques 2
BI00BB50 Refreshing language skills 1
ZZ00CM49 Mentoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM06 Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZ00BM07 Multiform tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM05 Degree Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZW00BM04 Exchange Student Tutoring 3 - 5
ZZAJ0100 Active in Student Associations 5 - 15
ZZ00BP80 Boost your career! Career planning and working life skills 2
Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)
0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5

(Choose 0)


(Choose 0)