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Early Childhood EducationLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: SOSS2022


4 op

Responsible person

  • Timo Hintikka


– You know the laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education.
– You know the factors affecting the early childhood education basic mission and the formation of the operating culture.
– You recognise the factors affecting children’s well-being, learning and safety in early childhood education.
– You are able to implement media education and make use of technology in early childhood education work.
– You have the capability to implement emotional and safety skills education while providing support to the child.
– You know the basics of supporting the well-being and health of children.
– You are familiar with the most common childhood illnesses and their treatments.


Laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education
Children’s well-being, health, learning and safety in the early childhood education environment
Media and technology education
Emotional and safety skills education
Most common childhood illnesses and their prevention and treatment


The student knows the services provided for children and families with children. The student recognises the basics of the care, growth, development and learning of a child under school age.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate (1) You partially know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Satisfactory (2) You mainly know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of media education and supporting emotional skills. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3) You know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material.

Very good (4) You know and understand the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material and original thought.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You know and master the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education and their characteristics. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles and different methods of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of versatile source material and critical original thought.


Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lajunen, K., Andell, M., Ylenius-Lehtonen, M & Ojanen, S. 2019. Tunne- ja turvataitoja lapsille – Tunne- ja turvataitokasvatuksen oppimateriaali
Children's Rights Agreement
Material in eLeraning Environment
Opetushallitus 2018. Early Childhood Education Plan
Law of Early Childhood Education 540/2018

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).


01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 27.10.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

50 % Face-to-face, 50 % Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anniina Berg
  • Timo Hintikka
  • Heidi Pasonen
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka

  • SOS23SM2
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SOS23SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • ZJA24SS
    Avoin AMK, sote
    Avoin AMK, sote, sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot


– You know the laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education.
– You know the factors affecting the early childhood education basic mission and the formation of the operating culture.
– You recognise the factors affecting children’s well-being, learning and safety in early childhood education.
– You are able to implement media education and make use of technology in early childhood education work.
– You have the capability to implement emotional and safety skills education while providing support to the child.
– You know the basics of supporting the well-being and health of children.
– You are familiar with the most common childhood illnesses and their treatments.


Laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education
Children’s well-being, health, learning and safety in the early childhood education environment
Media and technology education
Emotional and safety skills education
Most common childhood illnesses and their prevention and treatment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lajunen, K., Andell, M., Ylenius-Lehtonen, M & Ojanen, S. 2019. Tunne- ja turvataitoja lapsille – Tunne- ja turvataitokasvatuksen oppimateriaali
Children's Rights Agreement
Material in eLeraning Environment
Opetushallitus 2022. Early Childhood Education Plan
Law of Early Childhood Education 540/2018

Teaching methods

Lähi- ja verkko-opetus

Tekoälyn käyttö on sallittua tällä opintojaksolla opiskelun ja tehtävien tukena, mutta se pitää kertoa tehtävien yhteydessä ja noudattaa JAMKin ja Arenen linjauksia.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Oppimistehtävvien palautuspäivät löytyvät Moodlesta syyskuun 2024 alussa.
Palautuspäivät sijoittuvat syys-marraskuulle

International connections

Opetuksen lähteinä hyödynnetty kansainvälisiä lähteitä tai tutkimuksia suomalaisten lähteiden ja tutkimusten tukena.

Alternative completion methods

Opintojakso on hyväksiluettavissa aiemmilla korkeakoulutasoisilla vähintään 5op laajuisilla opinnoilla, jotka vastaavat opintojakson sisältöjä.
Opintojaksosta voi saada osittaisen hyväksiluvun muilla aiemmin suoritetuilla opinnoilla, jotka kohdentuvat opintojakson sisältöihin (sovittava opettajien kanssa)
Opintojaksosta ei voi saada hyväksilukua pelkällä työkokemuksella.

Student workload

4op = 108h, josta
lähi- tai webinaariopetusta 18h
Ryhmätehtävät 40h
Yksilötehtävät ja -työskentely 50h

Content scheduling

Opetukset webinaareina ja lähitoteutuksena kampusalueella syys-marraskuussa 2024. Tehtävien tekeminen syys-marraskuuna aikana.

Further information for students

Avoin amk: 5 paikkaa (lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointi)
Avoin amk: 5 paikkaa (sosionomin täydentävät vaka-opinnot-kokonaisuus)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate (1) You partially know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Satisfactory (2) You mainly know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of media education and supporting emotional skills. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3) You know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material.

Very good (4) You know and understand the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material and original thought.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You know and master the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education and their characteristics. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles and different methods of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of versatile source material and critical original thought.


The student knows the services provided for children and families with children. The student recognises the basics of the care, growth, development and learning of a child under school age.

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).


07.09.2023 - 15.09.2023


07.09.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

25 % Face-to-face, 75 % Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anniina Berg
  • Timo Hintikka
  • Heidi Pasonen
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi, monimuoto, Lastenhoitajasta sosionomiksi


– You know the laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education.
– You know the factors affecting the early childhood education basic mission and the formation of the operating culture.
– You recognise the factors affecting children’s well-being, learning and safety in early childhood education.
– You are able to implement media education and make use of technology in early childhood education work.
– You have the capability to implement emotional and safety skills education while providing support to the child.
– You know the basics of supporting the well-being and health of children.
– You are familiar with the most common childhood illnesses and their treatments.


Laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education
Children’s well-being, health, learning and safety in the early childhood education environment
Media and technology education
Emotional and safety skills education
Most common childhood illnesses and their prevention and treatment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lajunen, K., Andell, M., Ylenius-Lehtonen, M & Ojanen, S. 2019. Tunne- ja turvataitoja lapsille – Tunne- ja turvataitokasvatuksen oppimateriaali
Lasten oikeuksien sopimus
Opetushallitus 2018. Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet
Varhaiskasvatuslaki 540/2018

Teaching methods

Lähi- ja etäopetus

Further information for students

Tämä toteutus on tarkoitettu SOTEn Avoimen AMKin lastenhoitajasta sosionomiksi polun erillisryhmälle ZJASOS23SML (30 opiskelijaa).

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate (1) You partially know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Satisfactory (2) You mainly know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of media education and supporting emotional skills. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3) You know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material.

Very good (4) You know and understand the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material and original thought.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You know and master the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education and their characteristics. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles and different methods of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of versatile source material and critical original thought.


The student knows the services provided for children and families with children. The student recognises the basics of the care, growth, development and learning of a child under school age.

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 29.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

25 % Face-to-face, 75 % Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anniina Berg
  • Timo Hintikka
  • Heidi Pasonen
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka

    Avoin AMK, sote, sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot
    Avoin AMK, sote, Sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot
  • SOS22SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


– You know the laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education.
– You know the factors affecting the early childhood education basic mission and the formation of the operating culture.
– You recognise the factors affecting children’s well-being, learning and safety in early childhood education.
– You are able to implement media education and make use of technology in early childhood education work.
– You have the capability to implement emotional and safety skills education while providing support to the child.
– You know the basics of supporting the well-being and health of children.
– You are familiar with the most common childhood illnesses and their treatments.


Laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education
Children’s well-being, health, learning and safety in the early childhood education environment
Media and technology education
Emotional and safety skills education
Most common childhood illnesses and their prevention and treatment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lajunen, K., Andell, M., Ylenius-Lehtonen, M & Ojanen, S. 2019. Tunne- ja turvataitoja lapsille – Tunne- ja turvataitokasvatuksen oppimateriaali
Lasten oikeuksien sopimus
Opetushallitus 2018. Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet
Varhaiskasvatuslaki 540/2018

Teaching methods

Lähi- ja verkko-opetus

Further information for students

Avoin AMK 10 (Sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate (1) You partially know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Satisfactory (2) You mainly know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of media education and supporting emotional skills. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3) You know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material.

Very good (4) You know and understand the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material and original thought.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You know and master the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education and their characteristics. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles and different methods of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of versatile source material and critical original thought.


The student knows the services provided for children and families with children. The student recognises the basics of the care, growth, development and learning of a child under school age.

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anniina Berg
  • Timo Hintikka
  • Heidi Pasonen
Teacher in charge

Timo Hintikka

  • SOS21SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote,Sosionomin täydentävät varhaiskasvatuksen opinnot


– You know the laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education.
– You know the factors affecting the early childhood education basic mission and the formation of the operating culture.
– You recognise the factors affecting children’s well-being, learning and safety in early childhood education.
– You are able to implement media education and make use of technology in early childhood education work.
– You have the capability to implement emotional and safety skills education while providing support to the child.
– You know the basics of supporting the well-being and health of children.
– You are familiar with the most common childhood illnesses and their treatments.


Laws and documentation governing early childhood education and the different forms of early childhood education
Children’s well-being, health, learning and safety in the early childhood education environment
Media and technology education
Emotional and safety skills education
Most common childhood illnesses and their prevention and treatment

Learning materials and recommended literature

Kosola, S, Moisala, M, & Ruokoniemi, P (toim.) 2019. Lapset, nuoret ja älylaitteet - Taiten tasapainoon.
Lajunen, K., Andell, M., Ylenius-Lehtonen, M & Ojanen, S. 2019. Tunne- ja turvataitoja lapsille – Tunne- ja turvataitokasvatuksen oppimateriaali
Lasten oikeuksien sopimus
Materiaali verkko-oppimisympäristössä
Opetushallitus 2022. Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet
Varhaiskasvatuslaki 540/2018

Teaching methods


Student workload

Webinaarit 18t, verkko-opiskelu ja oppimistehtävät 117t.

Further information for students

Avoin AMK, Sosionomin täydentävät opinnot 10
Campus Online 8

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Adequate (1) You partially know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Satisfactory (2) You mainly know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise some forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of media education and supporting emotional skills. In written assignments, you describe the phenomena of the subject matter without substantiating them and use little source material.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good (3) You know the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You recognise some central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material.

Very good (4) You know and understand the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of source material and original thought.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) You know and master the principles, laws and documentation governing early childhood education work. You recognise different forms of early childhood education and their characteristics. You know the factors affecting children’s well-being, health, learning and safety. You master the central principles and different methods of supporting media education, emotional skills and emotional education. In written assignments, you demonstrate an ability to describe and substantiate various subject area phenomena by making use of versatile source material and critical original thought.


The student knows the services provided for children and families with children. The student recognises the basics of the care, growth, development and learning of a child under school age.

Further information

This course is part of the qualification of early childhood education and social pedagogy (total 60 cr).