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Methods of guidanceLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SK00CI76


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Anne Koivisto


The aim of the course is learning about guidance and case management process based on the general operating model of rehabilitation. On this course students familiarise themselves with the implementation and methods of guidance that supports the individual’s participation and resources and with structured recording as part of it.

Course competences:

Operating in a workplace
Rehabilitation counselling and guidance

Intended learning outcome:

Operating in a workplace: You know how to communicate and interact professionally in the case management process. You are able to draw on the possibilities created by technology and digitalisation in the case management process.

Ethics: You are able to reflect on your work in keeping with the principles and values of professional ethics and recognise your responsibility as a counselling professional, also in situations involving conflicting values. You are able to take into consideration the realisation of sensitivity, diversity and accessibility in case management.

Case management and methods in rehabilitation: You know how to support an individual and their network in a person-centered manner in the change taking place during the rehabilitation process. You understand the significance of the individual’s personal responsibility and encouraging them to accept this responsibility in rehabilitation.


The key content of the course comprises learning about the case management process based on the general operating model of rehabilitation. You will learn about case management and its methods in different environments, including sosiodynamic counselling, digitalisation and structured recording in case management. You will reflect on the professional ethics of case management as well as the realisation of a person-centered and resource-based approach in the case management process.


You are able to take others into consideration in encounters and interactive situations as well as promote the realisation of equity in them. You know how to work constructively in case management.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 = You are able to describe the process of case management. You are able to describe the ways and methods of guidance in different environments. You are able to explain what sociodynamic counselling is and what digitalisation means in guidance. You are able to describe the basic principles of structured recording. You recognise perspectives of professional ethics associated with guidance. You are able to describe the realisation of a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.

2 = You are able to define the process of case management. You are able to explain and give examples of the ways and methods of guidance in different environments. You are able to define what sociodynamic counselling is and what digitalisation means in guidance. You are able to explain the principles of structured recording. You are able to interpret perspectives of professional ethics associated with guidance and the realisation of a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 = You are able to explain how the case management process progresses. You are able to explain how the ways and methods of guidance are applied in different environments. You are able to apply the methods of digital and sociodynamic counselling in guidance. You are able to explain how structured recording is carried out in guidance. You are able to resolve issues related to professional ethics and a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.

4 = You are able to explain and justify how the case management process progresses. You are able to justify and compare the ways and methods of guidance in different environments. You are able to analyse the use of sociodynamic counselling and digital methods in guidance. You are able to justify the significance of structured recording in guidance. You are able to analyse issues related to professional ethics and a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 = You are able to plan the progress of the case management process. You are able to plan and develop the ways and methods of guidance in different environments. You are able to analyse and develop the use of sociodynamic counselling and digital methods in guidance. You are able to justify the significance of structured recording in guidance convincingly. You are able to analyse extensively issues related to professional ethics and a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


10.03.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Sanna Harjula
  • Anne Koivisto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • SKO24SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
  • ZJA25KS
    Avoin AMK, sote


The aim of the course is learning about guidance and case management process based on the general operating model of rehabilitation. On this course students familiarise themselves with the implementation and methods of guidance that supports the individual’s participation and resources and with structured recording as part of it.

Course competences:

Operating in a workplace
Rehabilitation counselling and guidance

Intended learning outcome:

Operating in a workplace: You know how to communicate and interact professionally in the case management process. You are able to draw on the possibilities created by technology and digitalisation in the case management process.

Ethics: You are able to reflect on your work in keeping with the principles and values of professional ethics and recognise your responsibility as a counselling professional, also in situations involving conflicting values. You are able to take into consideration the realisation of sensitivity, diversity and accessibility in case management.

Case management and methods in rehabilitation: You know how to support an individual and their network in a person-centered manner in the change taking place during the rehabilitation process. You understand the significance of the individual’s personal responsibility and encouraging them to accept this responsibility in rehabilitation.


The key content of the course comprises learning about the case management process based on the general operating model of rehabilitation. You will learn about case management and its methods in different environments, including sosiodynamic counselling, digitalisation and structured recording in case management. You will reflect on the professional ethics of case management as well as the realisation of a person-centered and resource-based approach in the case management process.

Learning materials and recommended literature

978-952-345-663-1 EPUB Vehviläinen, Sanna. 2020. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
952-451-091-X Onnismaa, Jussi. 2004. Ohjaus ammattina ja tieteenalana. 3, Ohjaustyön välineet. Jyväskylä: PS-kustannus.
978-952-360-264-9 Autti-Rämö, I., Mikkelsson, M. & Lappalainen Tiina. 2022. Kuntoutumisen prosessi. Teoksessa Kuntoutuminen. Toim. I. Autti-Rämö, A.-L. Salminen, M. Rajavaara, S. Melkas & A.-M. Aalto. E-kirja Kustannus Oy Duodecim 2022. [2., uudistettu painos]
978-952-345-531-3 EPUB Mönkkönen, K. 2018. Vuorovaikutus asiakastyössä. Asiakkaan kohtaaminen sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. Tallinna: Gaudeamus. E-kirja.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson aikataulutettu opetus toteutuu verkko-opintoina (webinaareina).

Valmistautumis- ja harjoitustehtävinä etsit tietoa ja teet testejä ja pieniä tehtäviä Moodlessa itsenäisesti.
Paritehtävänä videoit yhden ohjausmenetelmän demonstraation. Videot vertaisarvioidaan ja ne reflektoidaan webinaarissa ohjaustyön menetelmien taustateorioihin peilaten.
Opetus- ja oppimismenetelminä sovelletaan yhteistoiminnallista oppimista opettajien ohjauksessa. Opintojaksolla tuotetaan yhteistoiminnallisesti menetelmäpankki ohjaustyön tueksi.

Webinaareissa saat ohjausta ja tukea opintojaksolla työskentelyyn ja etenemiseen. Opettajat lähettävät myös ohjausviestejä Moodle-työtilan kautta. Tarvittaessa voit olla opettajiin yhteydessä myös sähköpostitse.

Practical training and working life connections

Paritehtävän voi toteuttaa myös harjoittelupaikassa.

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Tentti viikolla 17
1. uusinta viikolla 18
2. uusinta viikolla 19

Alternative completion methods

Vaihtoehtoisena suoritustapana voit videoida ohjausmenetelmän käytön myös esim. työpaikalla tai harrastuksissa. Huomaa, että sinun on huolehdittava tässä tapauksessa asianmukaisista kuvausluvista tarvittaessa.

Student workload

Orientoituminen opintojaksoon, 3h
Oppimateriaaleihin perehtyminen, 42h
Oppimistehtävien tekeminen (sisältäen tiedonhaun), 74h
Opetukseen ja ohjaukseen osallistuminen, 14h
Vertais- ja itsearvioinnit, 2h

Yhteensä 135h

Further information for students

Opintojakson arvosana muodostuu tentin ja paritehtävän keskiarvosta. Lisäksi opintojakson hyväksytty suorittaminen edellyttää harjoitustehtävien tekemistä hyväksytysti sekä läsnäoloa webinaareissa tai perustellusta syystä poissaolojen korvaamista erillisellä tehtävällä.

Avoin amk: 2 joustavan väylän paikkaa

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

1 = You are able to describe the process of case management. You are able to describe the ways and methods of guidance in different environments. You are able to explain what sociodynamic counselling is and what digitalisation means in guidance. You are able to describe the basic principles of structured recording. You recognise perspectives of professional ethics associated with guidance. You are able to describe the realisation of a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.

2 = You are able to define the process of case management. You are able to explain and give examples of the ways and methods of guidance in different environments. You are able to define what sociodynamic counselling is and what digitalisation means in guidance. You are able to explain the principles of structured recording. You are able to interpret perspectives of professional ethics associated with guidance and the realisation of a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

3 = You are able to explain how the case management process progresses. You are able to explain how the ways and methods of guidance are applied in different environments. You are able to apply the methods of digital and sociodynamic counselling in guidance. You are able to explain how structured recording is carried out in guidance. You are able to resolve issues related to professional ethics and a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.

4 = You are able to explain and justify how the case management process progresses. You are able to justify and compare the ways and methods of guidance in different environments. You are able to analyse the use of sociodynamic counselling and digital methods in guidance. You are able to justify the significance of structured recording in guidance. You are able to analyse issues related to professional ethics and a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

5 = You are able to plan the progress of the case management process. You are able to plan and develop the ways and methods of guidance in different environments. You are able to analyse and develop the use of sociodynamic counselling and digital methods in guidance. You are able to justify the significance of structured recording in guidance convincingly. You are able to analyse extensively issues related to professional ethics and a person-centered and resource-based approach in guidance.


You are able to take others into consideration in encounters and interactive situations as well as promote the realisation of equity in them. You know how to work constructively in case management.