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Physical Activity Counselling to an Active LifestyleLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: FT00CJ92


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Maija Jylhä


Aim of the course

The aim of the course is to examine physical activity counselling as a health promotion service and to understand its significance and impact in different working and operating environments. The course will also help you understand factors that affect motivation in physical activity.

Course competences:

Professional interaction
Professional and interprofessional action

Intended learning outcome of the course:

You are able to establish a reciprocal and listening interactive relationship while taking the client's needs into account, both face-to-face and in distance work. You know how to deliver individual physical activity counselling, accounting for factors that affect behavioural changes. You know how to work in a person centred manner and promote the health and well-being of individuals and groups, stressing the importance of physical activity and exercise. You can use your professional core competence and guide the client in the service chain of physical activity counselling and, if necessary, direct the client to another suitable professional.


Promoting physical activity and providing physical activity counselling as part of comprehensive lifestyle counselling.
A high-quality process and evaluation of physical activity counselling.
Service chains of physical activity counselling and a multiprofessional work approach.
National recommendations and other guidelines for physical activity counselling.
Motivational factors that affect physical activity.
Physical activity counselling and motivation in physical activity in different operating environments and for different age and target groups.
Supporting motivation and behavioural change.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can to deliver individual physical activity counselling that takes the client into consideration, accounting for factors that affect behavioural changes. You know how to work in a person centred manner and promote the health and well-being of individuals and groups, stressing the importance of physical activity and exercise. You can use your professional core competence and guide the client in the service chain of physical activity counselling and, if necessary, direct the client to another suitable professional.