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Activity based group workLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: ST00CK33


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Jaana Ritsilä


The aim of the course:
The aim of the course is learning the basics of planning and completing a goal-oriented group process that supports the client’s participation and resources with client groups of health care and social services.

Learning to learn (common for all)
Rehabilitation counselling and guidance (rehabilitation counsellors)
Client work competence (social services)
Therapeutic relationship and interprofessionality(occupational therapists)
Clinical reasoning and occupational therapy process enabling participation(occupational therapists)

Learning outcomes:
You are able to evaluate and develop ways of learning in different operating environments. You are able to take responsibility for the group's learning and for sharing what has been learned. You know how to reflect on your personal competence related to guiding a group. You know some key starting points and principles of guiding and putting together a group, implementation and evaluation as well as the group’s developmental stages in the rehabilitation sector and social services. You are able to use occupational and creative methods in goal-oriented group activities and justify their significance. You master the basics of a group-based and goal-oriented interactive and cooperative relationship that supports the client’s participation and resources. You know how to work in dialogical interaction as a group leader and partner.


The core content of the course comprises the key principles and practices of putting groups together, planning, implementation and evaluation as well as the group process. Interaction and learning in a group. Students try out in practice group exercises relying on occupational and creative methods and learn about their significance in strengthening clients’ participation and agency.


You know how to act professionally, comprehensibly and dialogically in interactive situations with clients, their networks of family and friends, and other professionals in different operating environments. You are able to justify the significance of person-centered and client-centric work in case management.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You are able to describe the key principles and practices of putting goal-oriented groups together, planning, implementation and evaluation as well as the group process. You know how you can support a group’s interaction and learning as the leader. You are able to give examples and describe your personal experiences of using creative activities. You are able to justify the significance of occupational and creative methods in supporting the client’s resources and rehabilitation.