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Sexual Health PromotionLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SZ00CL39


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Riina Sahlman


Purpose of the course

After attending this course, you will have the skills to promote the sexual health of individuals and communities.

Competence goal of the course

After attending the course, you will understand the meaning of sexuality and its diversity in different stages of a person's life, as well as sexual health and its promotion as part of the overall well-being of a person and the community. You know how to bring up sexuality with clients.

You know sexual rights. You can examine the values and attitudes related to sexuality and understand their importance in the realization of sexual rights on an individual, community and societal level.


Dimensions of sexuality
Sexual health and sexual rights
Values and attitudes related to sexuality
Sexuality in different stages of life
Diversity of sexuality and gender
Reproductive health
Bringing out the sexuality and models of bringing out
Sexual violence and sexual crime legislation

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can justify the importance of sexuality and its diversity in the life stages of individuals, as well as sexual health and its promotion as part of the well-being of individuals and communities. You know the models of bringing out the sexuality.

You demonstrate that you are able to reflect on both your own and society's values and attitudes related to sexuality, as well as their effects on the realization of sexual rights from the perspectives of the individual, the community and society.


18.11.2024 - 06.01.2025


10.03.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Riina Sahlman
  • Heidi Pasonen
Teacher in charge

Elina Tiainen

  • ZJA25KS
    Avoin AMK, sote


Purpose of the course

After attending this course, you will have the skills to promote the sexual health of individuals and communities.

Competence goal of the course

After attending the course, you will understand the meaning of sexuality and its diversity in different stages of a person's life, as well as sexual health and its promotion as part of the overall well-being of a person and the community. You know how to bring up sexuality with clients.

You know sexual rights. You can examine the values and attitudes related to sexuality and understand their importance in the realization of sexual rights on an individual, community and societal level.


Dimensions of sexuality
Sexual health and sexual rights
Values and attitudes related to sexuality
Sexuality in different stages of life
Diversity of sexuality and gender
Reproductive health
Bringing out the sexuality and models of bringing out
Sexual violence and sexual crime legislation

Time and location

The course has a preliminary assignment. Return of the preliminary assignment before the first webinar.

The course has 4 webinars, where attendance is mandatory.

Between each webinar there are returnable learning tasks.

Before the last webinar, you must pass the online test.

In the last webinar, the group assignments will be presented and after that the portfolio will be returned.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ryttyläinen, K. & Valkama, S. 2020. Seksuaalisuus hoitotyössä. Edita. Soveltuvin osin.
Lajunen, K., Andell, M. & Ylenius-Lehtonen, M. 2019. Tunne- ja turvataitoja lapsille. THL. Soveltuvin osin.
Klemetti, R. & Raussi-Lehto, E. 2013. Edistä, ehkäise, vaikuta - Seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden toimintaohjelma 2014-2020. THL. Soveltuvin osin.
WHO, Euroopan aluetoimisto ja BZgA. 2010. Seksuaalikasvatuksen standardit Euroopassa: Suuntaviivat poliittisille päätäjille, opetus- ja terveydenhoitoalan viranomaisille ja asiantuntijoille. THL. Soveltuvin osin.

Teaching methods

Contact teaching:
E-learning: flipped-learning, independent studying of the material, online lectures, online discussions and tests, exercises and learning tasks, course portfolio

Alternative completion methods

Webinaareissa on läsnäolovelvollisuus. Webinaareista ei tule tallenteita.

Student workload

Online lectures 16h, course portfolio 40h, group assignment 11h, online discussions and tests 17h, independent studying and independed assignments 50h.

Further information for students

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the course objectives and assessment criteria.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the importance of sexuality and its diversity in the life stages of individuals, as well as sexual health and its promotion as part of the well-being of individuals and communities. You know the models of bringing out the sexuality.

You demonstrate that you are able to reflect on both your own and society's values and attitudes related to sexuality, as well as their effects on the realization of sexual rights from the perspectives of the individual, the community and society.


01.08.2024 - 01.09.2024


16.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Riina Sahlman
  • Heidi Pasonen
Teacher in charge

Elina Tiainen

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sairaanhoitaja monimuoto, Lähihoitajasta sairaanhoitajaksi


Purpose of the course

After attending this course, you will have the skills to promote the sexual health of individuals and communities.

Competence goal of the course

After attending the course, you will understand the meaning of sexuality and its diversity in different stages of a person's life, as well as sexual health and its promotion as part of the overall well-being of a person and the community. You know how to bring up sexuality with clients.

You know sexual rights. You can examine the values and attitudes related to sexuality and understand their importance in the realization of sexual rights on an individual, community and societal level.


Dimensions of sexuality
Sexual health and sexual rights
Values and attitudes related to sexuality
Sexuality in different stages of life
Diversity of sexuality and gender
Reproductive health
Bringing out the sexuality and models of bringing out
Sexual violence and sexual crime legislation

Time and location

The course has a preliminary assignment. Return of the preliminary assignment before the first webinar.

The course has 4 webinars, where attendance is mandatory.

Between each webinar there are returnable learning tasks.

Before the last webinar, you must pass the online test.

In the last webinar, the group assignments will be presented and after that the portfolio will be returned.

Learning materials and recommended literature

Ryttyläinen, K. & Valkama, S. 2020. Seksuaalisuus hoitotyössä. Edita. Soveltuvin osin.
Lajunen, K., Andell, M. & Ylenius-Lehtonen, M. 2019. Tunne- ja turvataitoja lapsille. THL. Soveltuvin osin.
Klemetti, R. & Raussi-Lehto, E. 2013. Edistä, ehkäise, vaikuta - Seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden toimintaohjelma 2014-2020. THL. Soveltuvin osin.
WHO, Euroopan aluetoimisto ja BZgA. 2010. Seksuaalikasvatuksen standardit Euroopassa: Suuntaviivat poliittisille päätäjille, opetus- ja terveydenhoitoalan viranomaisille ja asiantuntijoille. THL. Soveltuvin osin.

Teaching methods

Contact teaching:
E-learning: flipped-learning, independent studying of the material, online lectures, online discussions and tests, exercises and learning tasks, course portfolio

Alternative completion methods

Webinaareissa on läsnäolovelvollisuus. Webinaareista ei tule tallenteita.

Student workload

Online lectures 16h, course portfolio 40h, group assignment 11h, online discussions and tests 17h, independent studying and independed assignments 50h.

Further information for students

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the course objectives and assessment criteria.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

You can justify the importance of sexuality and its diversity in the life stages of individuals, as well as sexual health and its promotion as part of the well-being of individuals and communities. You know the models of bringing out the sexuality.

You demonstrate that you are able to reflect on both your own and society's values and attitudes related to sexuality, as well as their effects on the realization of sexual rights from the perspectives of the individual, the community and society.