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Professional Development in Occupational TherapyLaajuus (8 cr)

Code: ST00CP69


8 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Tanja Hilli-Harju


Aim of the course:
The course runs alongside professional practice I-IV in occupational therapy and aims to develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practice, to reflect on one's own work and to analyse real client situations.

Expertise in theoretical basis of rehabilitation and occupational therapy
Therapeutic relationship and interprofessionality
Clinical reasoning and occupational therapy process enabling participation
Rensponsibility and occupational justice
Advocacy and promotion of occupational therapy services

Learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, you will be able to apply occupational therapy theory and research knowledge to practice in relation to client encounter, the occupational therapy process, assessment, enabling occupation, interventions and service development. You will examine authentic client situations. You will be able to reflect on and analyse your own work as an occupational therapist and as a member of a working community. You will reflect on your own professional development, your own strengths and areas for development.


The main focus of the course is to reflect on the theory of occupational therapy and its application in practice, to reflect on one's own practice and development of expertise, and to analyse real client situations.


Before starting the course, you should have a basic knowledge of the theoretical foundations of occupational therapy and the therapeutic process.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You will be able to apply occupational therapy theory and research to practice in relation to client encounter, the occupational therapy process, assessment, facilitation and interventions, advocacy and service development. You will demonstrate professional judgement and conscious therapeutic use of self in your practice. You will be able to examine authentic case situations analytically in collaboration with the teacher and other students. You will be able to reflect and analyse your own practice as an occupational therapist and as a member of a working community. Reflect on your own professional development and be able to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Further information

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