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trainingLaajuus (30 cr)

Code: MZ00CL28


30 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Sari-Maarit Peltola


You will grown into a responsible expert with internal entrepreneurship. You are able to describe the principles and methods of management in your internship placement company. You work during your internship with responsible way accordingly your career plan. You identify the operational development areas of your internship. You know your own professional strengths and areas for development and set goals for developing your own competence before and after the internship.


Reflection of own competence and professional development. Goals for practical training and career development. International opportunities in the field. Setting the goals for the development of his/her competence in line with the career plan. Small development project during the practical training. Practical training agreement and report.


It is recommended that the training be carried out at the end of the studies.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Arviointi on osaamistavoitteisiin pohjautuva, laadullista ja siinä opiskelijan itsearvioinnilla on tärkeä rooli. Oppimistulokset arvioidaan suhteessa opintojakson osaamistavoitteisiin.


01.08.2024 - 31.07.2028


26.08.2024 - 31.07.2028

Number of ECTS credits allocated

30 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Sari-Maarit Peltola
  • MPT24S1
    Palveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


You will grown into a responsible expert with internal entrepreneurship. You are able to describe the principles and methods of management in your internship placement company. You work during your internship with responsible way accordingly your career plan. You identify the operational development areas of your internship. You know your own professional strengths and areas for development and set goals for developing your own competence before and after the internship.


Reflection of own competence and professional development. Goals for practical training and career development. International opportunities in the field. Setting the goals for the development of his/her competence in line with the career plan. Small development project during the practical training. Practical training agreement and report.

Teaching methods

Practical Training info and Practical Training Seminars.
Assignments and learning at workplace.
Guidance during practical training and employer's feedback.

Practical training and working life connections

Harjoittelu toteutetaan työelämäyhteistyössä

International connections

Information on the international possibilities for practical training and the grant application process are introduced at the Practical Training Info. The info is compulsory for all.

Alternative completion methods

See Study Guide on recognition on prior learning (

If you have previous work experience from the tourism and hospitality field that meets the learning goals of PT1, you can apply for accreditation via the Recognition of informal Learning process. You can discuss this possibility with your Career Tutor during your Personal Learning Plan discussions. You can find the instructions and the form in the Study Guide. Choose the form Recognition of Prior Learning.

Student workload

The course work equals to 810 h of student work as follows:
Participation at Info sessions and the application process for the placement (20 h)
Actual practical training (750 h)
Meeting/discussion with PT coordinator during traineeship (1 h)
Practical training diary and report (20 h)
Practical training seminar (19 h)

Content scheduling

Practical training info session in November
Practical training abroad info session in February
Practical training is completed before studies end.

Further information for students

Self-evaluation: evaluating and analysing own skills and their development in the practical training seminar and in the practical training diary and practical training plan.

Practical training coordinator's feedback during the PT

Continuous feedback and final evaluation at the workplace from the PT supervisor

See more information about practical training from Moodle: The access code is harjoittelurestonomi.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, pass/failed

Arviointi on osaamistavoitteisiin pohjautuva, laadullista ja siinä opiskelijan itsearvioinnilla on tärkeä rooli. Oppimistulokset arvioidaan suhteessa opintojakson osaamistavoitteisiin.


It is recommended that the training be carried out at the end of the studies.