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Basic of Service BusinessLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: HL00CA48


4 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Mari Karjalainen, Tradenomikoulutus
  • Tomi Hiltunen, Restonomikoulutus


The object of the course
The object of the course is to become familiar with the service business and provide capabilities for expert duties in service companies.

Business competence: The student has a broad understanding of the business (marketing, services, management, finances, law, etc.).
Learning to learn: The student assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
Sustainable development: The student is able to use information related to their field in finding and implementing sustainable solutions and operating models.

Learning outcomes
You become familiar with service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You know the basic concepts related to service business. You understand the general characteristics of service quality and marketing . You can apply your knowledge in analysing services and improving customer satisfaction while taking into consideration the opportunities provided by digitalisation and demands placed by sustainable development.

During the course you famliarize yourself with service related theories and apply them in practical examples.

You are able to work in a goal-oriented way in a group, present and report the results of your work in accordance with the Jamk guidelines, and reflect upon your own development.


Service company's operational environment
Service business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Service quality
Marketing of services
Digitality of services
Sustainable development issues in service



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You recognize operational environments and business models of a service company. You are familiar with the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You work in different problem solving situations independently and according to given instructions. You evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement in your own expertise but with limitations.Your text is unstructured and there repeatedly occur some language and style errors and there are some deficits complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You understand operational environments and business models of a service company. You can describe the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications.
You can work in a group and present your point of view. You can to certain degree evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement. Your text is somewhat unstructured and there occur different language and style errors. There are some deficits complying Jamk reporting instructions

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You can apply the principles of operational environment and the business models of a service company. You understand the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You can work in a goal oriented manner in a group, present your point of view and give grounds to it.
You can analyse your expertise and improvement points. Your text is structured and there occurs occasional language and style errors. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You can analyse and combine your knowledge and form a holistic view from the topics of the course.. You manage the practical skills you need to work independently and in groups. You can organise the work and take responsibility from tasks. Your take responsibility of the group's actions. You can analyse your expertise in different sectors reflectively and show your improvement. Your text is structured, fluent and mainly error-free. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can assess the business, processes and results of a service organisation. You master both the main concepts of service business as well as the practical skills in order to work independently and in a group. You can work in co- operation, organise the work and take responsibility for the group tasks and problem solving. You take responsibility for the development of the group. You reflect the development of your competences critically, and diversely. You write logical, professional, almost error-free text showing critical thinking. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Mari Karjalainen
  • HTL24SB
    Tradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, päivätoteutus


The object of the course
The object of the course is to become familiar with the service business and provide capabilities for expert duties in service companies.

Business competence: The student has a broad understanding of the business (marketing, services, management, finances, law, etc.).
Learning to learn: The student assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
Sustainable development: The student is able to use information related to their field in finding and implementing sustainable solutions and operating models.

Learning outcomes
You become familiar with service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You know the basic concepts related to service business. You understand the general characteristics of service quality and marketing . You can apply your knowledge in analysing services and improving customer satisfaction while taking into consideration the opportunities provided by digitalisation and demands placed by sustainable development.

During the course you famliarize yourself with service related theories and apply them in practical examples.

You are able to work in a goal-oriented way in a group, present and report the results of your work in accordance with the Jamk guidelines, and reflect upon your own development.


Service company's operational environment
Service business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Service quality
Marketing of services
Digitality of services
Sustainable development issues in service

Time and location

Contact teaching.

Learning materials and recommended literature

- Viita E. Jylhä R. 2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen. Menestyvän yritystoiminnan perusta. Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy.
- Grönroos, C. 2009. Palvelujen johtaminen ja markkinointi. Helsinki : WSOYpro.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work / pari work

Practical training and working life connections

On the course there may be guest lecturers or other visitors from work life

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exams will be held during three last lecture weeks.

International connections


Alternative completion methods

Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience
Recognition of informal learning

More information in the degree regulations and the study guide.

Student workload

The course load is 4 ECTS, which translates to 108 hours of work. This work consists of:
- Contact lessons 6 h
- Group work 30 h
- Individual work 42 h

Content scheduling

The course is divided to two kinds of contact teaching:

- Lectures, where each content of the course is learned theoretically
- Workshops, where theory is applied to real world scenarios and assignments

Preliminary programme
w 2 lecture
w 3 lecture
w 4 lecture
w 5 lecture
w 6 workshop
w 7 no lectures, working in groups
w 8 lecture
w 9 no lectures, holidays
w 10 lecture
w 11 lecture + workshop
w 12 no lectures working in groups
w 13 Mystery shopping presentations
w 14 Mystery shopping presentations
w 15 workshop
w 16 exam
w 17 no lectures nor exam
w 18 exam
w 19 exam

Further information for students

Open university places 5 (included max-amount of participants)
Open university Gradia places 5 (included in the max-amount of participants)
The attendance will be checked three weeks after the start of the implementation. During this time, the student must demonstrate their activity by joining the group required for group work in the Moodle workspace. Otherwise, the student's registration in Peppi will be rejected.

Feedback on the group work will be given during the course. Self- and peer evaluation, as well as the exam at the end of the course.
Group work 40 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5
Exam 60 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5

AI applications can be used in the implementation to assist, for example, in topic selection and brainstorming key themes, planning the structure of the work, and designing and brainstorming information retrieval. If you utilize AI in learning tasks, its use must be described, for instance, in the introduction chapter. Specify which AI applications (e.g., ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, DeepL, Grammarly) you are using and how they have been applied (e.g., assisting in information retrieval, brainstorming, language checking, translating, visualizing). If you reference the AI application as a software or a conversation you’ve had with the AI application, use Jamk's reporting guidelines.

Plagiarism and AI detection are used in all assessed course work. Any use of AI should be referenced and cited accordingly.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize operational environments and business models of a service company. You are familiar with the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You work in different problem solving situations independently and according to given instructions. You evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement in your own expertise but with limitations.Your text is unstructured and there repeatedly occur some language and style errors and there are some deficits complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You understand operational environments and business models of a service company. You can describe the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications.
You can work in a group and present your point of view. You can to certain degree evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement. Your text is somewhat unstructured and there occur different language and style errors. There are some deficits complying Jamk reporting instructions

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can apply the principles of operational environment and the business models of a service company. You understand the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You can work in a goal oriented manner in a group, present your point of view and give grounds to it.
You can analyse your expertise and improvement points. Your text is structured and there occurs occasional language and style errors. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You can analyse and combine your knowledge and form a holistic view from the topics of the course.. You manage the practical skills you need to work independently and in groups. You can organise the work and take responsibility from tasks. Your take responsibility of the group's actions. You can analyse your expertise in different sectors reflectively and show your improvement. Your text is structured, fluent and mainly error-free. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can assess the business, processes and results of a service organisation. You master both the main concepts of service business as well as the practical skills in order to work independently and in a group. You can work in co- operation, organise the work and take responsibility for the group tasks and problem solving. You take responsibility for the development of the group. You reflect the development of your competences critically, and diversely. You write logical, professional, almost error-free text showing critical thinking. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.




18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Mari Karjalainen
  • ZJAHTL24S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, AMK-väylät, liiketalous päivätoteutus
  • HTL24SC
    Tradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, päivätoteutus


The object of the course
The object of the course is to become familiar with the service business and provide capabilities for expert duties in service companies.

Business competence: The student has a broad understanding of the business (marketing, services, management, finances, law, etc.).
Learning to learn: The student assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
Sustainable development: The student is able to use information related to their field in finding and implementing sustainable solutions and operating models.

Learning outcomes
You become familiar with service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You know the basic concepts related to service business. You understand the general characteristics of service quality and marketing . You can apply your knowledge in analysing services and improving customer satisfaction while taking into consideration the opportunities provided by digitalisation and demands placed by sustainable development.

During the course you famliarize yourself with service related theories and apply them in practical examples.

You are able to work in a goal-oriented way in a group, present and report the results of your work in accordance with the Jamk guidelines, and reflect upon your own development.


Service company's operational environment
Service business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Service quality
Marketing of services
Digitality of services
Sustainable development issues in service

Time and location

Contact teaching.

Learning materials and recommended literature

- Viita E. Jylhä R. 2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen. Menestyvän yritystoiminnan perusta. Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy.
- Grönroos, C. 2009. Palvelujen johtaminen ja markkinointi. Helsinki : WSOYpro.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work / pari work

Practical training and working life connections

On the course there may be guest lecturers or other visitors from work life

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exams will be held during three last lecture weeks.

International connections


Alternative completion methods

Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience
Recognition of informal learning

More information in the degree regulations and the study guide.

Student workload

The course load is 4 ECTS, which translates to 108 hours of work. This work consists of:
- Contact lessons 6 h
- Group work 30 h
- Individual work 42 h

Content scheduling

The course is divided to two kinds of contact teaching:

- Lectures, where each content of the course is learned theoretically
- Workshops, where theory is applied to real world scenarios and assignmentsPreliminary programme
w 2 lecture
w 3 lecture
w 4 lecture
w 5 lecture
w 6 workshop
w 7 no lectures, working in groups
w 8 lecture
w 9 no lectures, holidays
w 10 lecture
w 11 lecture + workshop
w 12 no lectures working in groups
w 13 Mystery shopping presentations
w 14 Mystery shopping presentations
w 15 workshop
w 16 exam
w 17 no lectures nor exam
w 18 exam
w 19 exam

Further information for students

Open university places 5 (included max-amount of participants)

The attendance will be checked three weeks after the start of the implementation. During this time, the student must demonstrate their activity by joining the group required for group work in the Moodle workspace. Otherwise, the student's registration in Peppi will be rejected.

Feedback on the group work will be given during the course. Self- and peer evaluation, as well as the exam at the end of the course.
Group work 40 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5
Exam 60 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5

AI applications can be used in the implementation to assist, for example, in topic selection and brainstorming key themes, planning the structure of the work, and designing and brainstorming information retrieval. If you utilize AI in learning tasks, its use must be described, for instance, in the introduction chapter. Specify which AI applications (e.g., ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, DeepL, Grammarly) you are using and how they have been applied (e.g., assisting in information retrieval, brainstorming, language checking, translating, visualizing). If you reference the AI application as a software or a conversation you’ve had with the AI application, use Jamk's reporting guidelines.

Plagiarism and AI detection are used in all assessed course work. Any use of AI should be referenced and cited accordingly.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize operational environments and business models of a service company. You are familiar with the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You work in different problem solving situations independently and according to given instructions. You evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement in your own expertise but with limitations.Your text is unstructured and there repeatedly occur some language and style errors and there are some deficits complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You understand operational environments and business models of a service company. You can describe the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications.
You can work in a group and present your point of view. You can to certain degree evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement. Your text is somewhat unstructured and there occur different language and style errors. There are some deficits complying Jamk reporting instructions

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can apply the principles of operational environment and the business models of a service company. You understand the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You can work in a goal oriented manner in a group, present your point of view and give grounds to it.
You can analyse your expertise and improvement points. Your text is structured and there occurs occasional language and style errors. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You can analyse and combine your knowledge and form a holistic view from the topics of the course.. You manage the practical skills you need to work independently and in groups. You can organise the work and take responsibility from tasks. Your take responsibility of the group's actions. You can analyse your expertise in different sectors reflectively and show your improvement. Your text is structured, fluent and mainly error-free. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can assess the business, processes and results of a service organisation. You master both the main concepts of service business as well as the practical skills in order to work independently and in a group. You can work in co- operation, organise the work and take responsibility for the group tasks and problem solving. You take responsibility for the development of the group. You reflect the development of your competences critically, and diversely. You write logical, professional, almost error-free text showing critical thinking. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.




18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Mari Karjalainen
  • ZJAHTL24S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, AMK-väylät, liiketalous päivätoteutus
  • HTL24SA
    Tradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, päivätoteutus


The object of the course
The object of the course is to become familiar with the service business and provide capabilities for expert duties in service companies.

Business competence: The student has a broad understanding of the business (marketing, services, management, finances, law, etc.).
Learning to learn: The student assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
Sustainable development: The student is able to use information related to their field in finding and implementing sustainable solutions and operating models.

Learning outcomes
You become familiar with service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You know the basic concepts related to service business. You understand the general characteristics of service quality and marketing . You can apply your knowledge in analysing services and improving customer satisfaction while taking into consideration the opportunities provided by digitalisation and demands placed by sustainable development.

During the course you famliarize yourself with service related theories and apply them in practical examples.

You are able to work in a goal-oriented way in a group, present and report the results of your work in accordance with the Jamk guidelines, and reflect upon your own development.


Service company's operational environment
Service business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Service quality
Marketing of services
Digitality of services
Sustainable development issues in service

Time and location

Contact teaching.

Learning materials and recommended literature

- Viita E. Jylhä R. 2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen. Menestyvän yritystoiminnan perusta. Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy.
- Grönroos, C. 2009. Palvelujen johtaminen ja markkinointi. Helsinki : WSOYpro.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work / pari work

Practical training and working life connections

On the course there may be guest lecturers or other visitors from work life

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exams will be held during three last lecture weeks.

International connections


Alternative completion methods

Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience
Recognition of informal learning

More information in the degree regulations and the study guide.

Student workload

The course load is 4 ECTS, which translates to 108 hours of work. This work consists of:
- Contact lessons 6 h
- Group work 30 h
- Individual work 42 h

Content scheduling

The course is divided to two kinds of contact teaching:

- Lectures, where each content of the course is learned theoretically
- Workshops, where theory is applied to real world scenarios and assignments
Preliminary programme
w 2 lecture
w 3 lecture
w 4 lecture
w 5 lecture
w 6 workshop
w 7 no lectures, working in groups
w 8 lecture
w 9 no lectures, holidays
w 10 lecture
w 11 lecture + workshop
w 12 no lectures working in groups
w 13 Mystery shopping presentations
w 14 Mystery shopping presentations
w 15 workshop
w 16 exam
w 17 no lectures nor exam
w 18 exam
w 19 exam

Further information for students

Open university places 5 (included max-amount of participants)
The attendance will be checked three weeks after the start of the implementation. During this time, the student must demonstrate their activity by joining the group required for group work in the Moodle workspace. Otherwise, the student's registration in Peppi will be rejected

Feedback on the group work will be given during the course. Self- and peer evaluation, as well as the exam at the end of the course.
Group work 40 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5
Exam 60 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5

AI applications can be used in the implementation to assist, for example, in topic selection and brainstorming key themes, planning the structure of the work, and designing and brainstorming information retrieval. If you utilize AI in learning tasks, its use must be described, for instance, in the introduction chapter. Specify which AI applications (e.g., ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, DeepL, Grammarly) you are using and how they have been applied (e.g., assisting in information retrieval, brainstorming, language checking, translating, visualizing). If you reference the AI application as a software or a conversation you’ve had with the AI application, use Jamk's reporting guidelines."

Plagiarism and AI detection are used in all assessed course work. Any use of AI should be referenced and cited accordingly.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize operational environments and business models of a service company. You are familiar with the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You work in different problem solving situations independently and according to given instructions. You evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement in your own expertise but with limitations.Your text is unstructured and there repeatedly occur some language and style errors and there are some deficits complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You understand operational environments and business models of a service company. You can describe the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications.
You can work in a group and present your point of view. You can to certain degree evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement. Your text is somewhat unstructured and there occur different language and style errors. There are some deficits complying Jamk reporting instructions

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can apply the principles of operational environment and the business models of a service company. You understand the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You can work in a goal oriented manner in a group, present your point of view and give grounds to it.
You can analyse your expertise and improvement points. Your text is structured and there occurs occasional language and style errors. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You can analyse and combine your knowledge and form a holistic view from the topics of the course.. You manage the practical skills you need to work independently and in groups. You can organise the work and take responsibility from tasks. Your take responsibility of the group's actions. You can analyse your expertise in different sectors reflectively and show your improvement. Your text is structured, fluent and mainly error-free. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can assess the business, processes and results of a service organisation. You master both the main concepts of service business as well as the practical skills in order to work independently and in a group. You can work in co- operation, organise the work and take responsibility for the group tasks and problem solving. You take responsibility for the development of the group. You reflect the development of your competences critically, and diversely. You write logical, professional, almost error-free text showing critical thinking. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.




01.08.2024 - 24.08.2024


13.01.2025 - 18.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Tero Lehtinen
Teacher in charge

Tero Lehtinen

  • ZJAHTA24S1
    Avoin AMK, AMK-väylät, Tiimiakatemia
  • HTA24S1
    Tiimiakatemia (AMK)


The object of the course
The object of the course is to become familiar with the service business and provide capabilities for expert duties in service companies.

Business competence: The student has a broad understanding of the business (marketing, services, management, finances, law, etc.).
Learning to learn: The student assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
Sustainable development: The student is able to use information related to their field in finding and implementing sustainable solutions and operating models.

Learning outcomes
You become familiar with service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You know the basic concepts related to service business. You understand the general characteristics of service quality and marketing . You can apply your knowledge in analysing services and improving customer satisfaction while taking into consideration the opportunities provided by digitalisation and demands placed by sustainable development.

During the course you famliarize yourself with service related theories and apply them in practical examples.

You are able to work in a goal-oriented way in a group, present and report the results of your work in accordance with the Jamk guidelines, and reflect upon your own development.


Service company's operational environment
Service business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Service quality
Marketing of services
Digitality of services
Sustainable development issues in service

Time and location

Contact teaching.

Learning materials and recommended literature

- Viita E. Jylhä R. 2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen. Menestyvän yritystoiminnan perusta. Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy.
- Grönroos, C. 2009. Palvelujen johtaminen ja markkinointi. Helsinki : WSOYpro.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work / pari work

Practical training and working life connections

On the course there may be guest lecturers or other visitors from work life

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exams will be held during three last lecture weeks.

International connections


Alternative completion methods

Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience
Recognition of informal learning

More information in the degree regulations and the study guide.

Student workload

The course load is 4 ECTS, which translates to 108 hours of work. This work consists of:
- Contact lessons 6 h
- Group work 30 h
- Individual work 42 h

Content scheduling

The course is divided to two kinds of contact teaching:

- Lectures, where each content of the course is learned theoretically
- Workshops, where theory is applied to real world scenarios and assignments

Further information for students

Open university places 5 (included max-amount of participants)

Feedback on the group work will be given during the course. Self- and peer evaluation, as well as the exam at the end of the course.
Group work 40 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5
Exam 60 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5
Plagiarism and AI detection are used in all assessed course work. Any use of AI should be referenced and cited accordingly.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize operational environments and business models of a service company. You are familiar with the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You work in different problem solving situations independently and according to given instructions. You evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement in your own expertise but with limitations.Your text is unstructured and there repeatedly occur some language and style errors and there are some deficits complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You understand operational environments and business models of a service company. You can describe the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications.
You can work in a group and present your point of view. You can to certain degree evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement. Your text is somewhat unstructured and there occur different language and style errors. There are some deficits complying Jamk reporting instructions

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can apply the principles of operational environment and the business models of a service company. You understand the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You can work in a goal oriented manner in a group, present your point of view and give grounds to it.
You can analyse your expertise and improvement points. Your text is structured and there occurs occasional language and style errors. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You can analyse and combine your knowledge and form a holistic view from the topics of the course.. You manage the practical skills you need to work independently and in groups. You can organise the work and take responsibility from tasks. Your take responsibility of the group's actions. You can analyse your expertise in different sectors reflectively and show your improvement. Your text is structured, fluent and mainly error-free. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can assess the business, processes and results of a service organisation. You master both the main concepts of service business as well as the practical skills in order to work independently and in a group. You can work in co- operation, organise the work and take responsibility for the group tasks and problem solving. You take responsibility for the development of the group. You reflect the development of your competences critically, and diversely. You write logical, professional, almost error-free text showing critical thinking. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.




26.08.2024 - 23.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Online learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Mari Karjalainen
    Avoin AMK, LIKE, AMK-polut, liiketalous, mara-ala, monimuotototeutus


The object of the course
The object of the course is to become familiar with the service business and provide capabilities for expert duties in service companies.

Business competence: The student has a broad understanding of the business (marketing, services, management, finances, law, etc.).
Learning to learn: The student assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
Sustainable development: The student is able to use information related to their field in finding and implementing sustainable solutions and operating models.

Learning outcomes
You become familiar with service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You know the basic concepts related to service business. You understand the general characteristics of service quality and marketing . You can apply your knowledge in analysing services and improving customer satisfaction while taking into consideration the opportunities provided by digitalisation and demands placed by sustainable development.

During the course you famliarize yourself with service related theories and apply them in practical examples.

You are able to work in a goal-oriented way in a group, present and report the results of your work in accordance with the Jamk guidelines, and reflect upon your own development.


Service company's operational environment
Service business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Service quality
Marketing of services
Digitality of services
Sustainable development issues in service

Time and location

Contact teaching.

Learning materials and recommended literature

- Viita E. Jylhä R. 2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen. Menestyvän yritystoiminnan perusta. Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy.
- Grönroos, C. 2009. Palvelujen johtaminen ja markkinointi. Helsinki : WSOYpro.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work / pari work

Practical training and working life connections

On the course there may be guest lecturers or other visitors from work life

Exam dates and retake possibilities

Exams will be held during three last lecture weeks.

International connections


Alternative completion methods

Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience
Recognition of informal learning

More information in the degree regulations and the study guide.

Student workload

The course load is 4 ECTS, which translates to 108 hours of work. This work consists of:
- Contact lessons 6 h
- Group work 30 h
- Individual work 42 h

Content scheduling

The course is divided to three kinds of teaching:

- Lectures, where each content of the course is learned theoretically including group working to apply the theory
- Videolectures with individual work
35 webinar
36 webinar
37 webinar
38 webinar
39 webinar
41 webinar
43 webinar
44 webinar
46 webinar (presentations)
47 webinar (presentations)
48 exam
49 exam
50 exam

Further information for students

Open university places 5 (included max-amount of participants)

Feedback on the group work will be given during the course. Self- and peer evaluation, as well as the exam at the end of the course.
Group work 40 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5
Exam 60 % or the grade, grading scale 1-5

The attendance will be checked three weeks after the start of the implementation. During this time, the student must demonstrate their activity by joining the group required for group work in the Moodle workspace. Otherwise, the student's registration in Peppi will be rejected.

AI applications can be used in the implementation to assist, for example, in topic selection and brainstorming key themes, planning the structure of the work, and designing and brainstorming information retrieval. If you utilize AI in learning tasks, its use must be described, for instance, in the introduction chapter. Specify which AI applications (e.g., ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, DeepL, Grammarly) you are using and how they have been applied (e.g., assisting in information retrieval, brainstorming, language checking, translating, visualizing). If you reference the AI application as a software or a conversation you’ve had with the AI application, use Jamk's reporting guidelines.

Plagiarism and AI detection are used in all assessed course work. Any use of AI should be referenced and cited accordingly.

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize operational environments and business models of a service company. You are familiar with the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You work in different problem solving situations independently and according to given instructions. You evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement in your own expertise but with limitations.Your text is unstructured and there repeatedly occur some language and style errors and there are some deficits complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You understand operational environments and business models of a service company. You can describe the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications.
You can work in a group and present your point of view. You can to certain degree evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement. Your text is somewhat unstructured and there occur different language and style errors. There are some deficits complying Jamk reporting instructions

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can apply the principles of operational environment and the business models of a service company. You understand the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You can work in a goal oriented manner in a group, present your point of view and give grounds to it.
You can analyse your expertise and improvement points. Your text is structured and there occurs occasional language and style errors. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You can analyse and combine your knowledge and form a holistic view from the topics of the course.. You manage the practical skills you need to work independently and in groups. You can organise the work and take responsibility from tasks. Your take responsibility of the group's actions. You can analyse your expertise in different sectors reflectively and show your improvement. Your text is structured, fluent and mainly error-free. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can assess the business, processes and results of a service organisation. You master both the main concepts of service business as well as the practical skills in order to work independently and in a group. You can work in co- operation, organise the work and take responsibility for the group tasks and problem solving. You take responsibility for the development of the group. You reflect the development of your competences critically, and diversely. You write logical, professional, almost error-free text showing critical thinking. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.




01.08.2024 - 22.08.2024


26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery



School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Tomi Hiltunen
  • MPT24S1
    Palveluliiketoiminnan tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • ZJAMPT24S1
    Avoin AMK, marata, AMK-väylät, palveluliiketoiminta, päivätoteutus


The object of the course
The object of the course is to become familiar with the service business and provide capabilities for expert duties in service companies.

Business competence: The student has a broad understanding of the business (marketing, services, management, finances, law, etc.).
Learning to learn: The student assesses and develops their competence and learning methods in different learning environments.
Sustainable development: The student is able to use information related to their field in finding and implementing sustainable solutions and operating models.

Learning outcomes
You become familiar with service business' operational environment, business models and forms. You know the basic concepts related to service business. You understand the general characteristics of service quality and marketing . You can apply your knowledge in analysing services and improving customer satisfaction while taking into consideration the opportunities provided by digitalisation and demands placed by sustainable development.

During the course you famliarize yourself with service related theories and apply them in practical examples.

You are able to work in a goal-oriented way in a group, present and report the results of your work in accordance with the Jamk guidelines, and reflect upon your own development.


Service company's operational environment
Service business' business models and forms
Characteristics of service
Service quality
Marketing of services
Digitality of services
Sustainable development issues in service

Time and location

Contact teaching.

Learning materials and recommended literature

- Viita E. Jylhä R. 2013. Liiketoimintaosaaminen. Menestyvän yritystoiminnan perusta. Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy.
- Grönroos, C. 2009. Palvelujen johtaminen ja markkinointi. Helsinki : WSOYpro.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group work / pari work, project work.

Practical training and working life connections

On the course there may be guest lecturers or other visitors from work life

Exam dates and retake possibilities


International connections


Alternative completion methods

Hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen ja sisällyttäminen)
Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen
Työn opinnollistaminen
Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät tutkintosäännöstä ja opinto-oppaasta

Student workload

The course load is 4 ECTS, which translates to 108 hours of work. This work consists of:
- Lectures 20 h
- Demos 20 h
- Guidance of reporting 8 h
- Reporting and reading materials 60 h

Content scheduling

The course is divided to two kinds of contact teaching:

- Lectures, where each content of the course is learned theoretically
- Demos, where theory is applied to real world scenarios and assignments

Further information for students

avoin amk 15 (sis. max-määrään)

Evaluation scale


Evaluation criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Sufficient 1
You recognize operational environments and business models of a service company. You are familiar with the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You work in different problem solving situations independently and according to given instructions. You evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement in your own expertise but with limitations.Your text is unstructured and there repeatedly occur some language and style errors and there are some deficits complying with JAMK reporting instructions.

Satisfactory 2
You understand operational environments and business models of a service company. You can describe the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications.
You can work in a group and present your point of view. You can to certain degree evaluate and recognise the objects of improvement. Your text is somewhat unstructured and there occur different language and style errors. There are some deficits complying Jamk reporting instructions

Evaluation criteria, good (3-4)

Good 3
You can apply the principles of operational environment and the business models of a service company. You understand the concepts of service and sustainable development and their practical implications. You can work in a goal oriented manner in a group, present your point of view and give grounds to it.
You can analyse your expertise and improvement points. Your text is structured and there occurs occasional language and style errors. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Very good 4
You can analyse and combine your knowledge and form a holistic view from the topics of the course.. You manage the practical skills you need to work independently and in groups. You can organise the work and take responsibility from tasks. Your take responsibility of the group's actions. You can analyse your expertise in different sectors reflectively and show your improvement. Your text is structured, fluent and mainly error-free. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

Evaluation criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can assess the business, processes and results of a service organisation. You master both the main concepts of service business as well as the practical skills in order to work independently and in a group. You can work in co- operation, organise the work and take responsibility for the group tasks and problem solving. You take responsibility for the development of the group. You reflect the development of your competences critically, and diversely. You write logical, professional, almost error-free text showing critical thinking. You follow Jamk reporting instructions.

